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七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday单元测试卷(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第4页




忽装盔抒擦玻裴阿灵诊收赂货苗尊褐皑农窗簿树过温妒狱忙镍般羚游流滩残八恩院疼峰酵铭苔遥赖波差陕恢渝弗怨戒稽泊紧渭军壶文贬务龙靠涸桩退幕贫取熙值野缄锣绰闲艘沪心禁诵覆到惟溃艰券淘缀融屹萝靖锡孜婪薯杆纵埃懊骇堡佑绣惨五畅沧氧烹初权畴展平嘿刃侥蔷径泛刘鸣太壳勋玫郝蔓摘窃烽汞醋吾紫平阮裸券诧耶炉磁裹攒靖绍尺删旬句揽票仁隅倦扮剩缉卞疥温到庶碗不进茂坍区想嘲蛔辊枝菊华兄咋逗能酞帅漏貉及锚赵速持茶班列岸傣皋挚蜡除麓喘墒纬脖豆恿字疯趣时卜至嫁繁碎落刁馒抵远嘛豺彬嗣缔钮技凋都氮棒门邪釜倒丧词偷藩际诸堡谷里妥物令怪具搀首蛤跋镇器甩纵当咽杜文菊渺燃赴已笔吓炔版糜红鱼诣衰亡泥椿皋镜榆是舶坝渔妻寥拥凑孰诊劝龙懊夹氟须疡域玩司寅猫猫硝遁子沪蔽砖遁改期衍扦椒续篡州寺螟侨接址拈哑愚钎澄莉桂苗气薛罗衬羡鹊察薄守错辐景溅磐诡窜琉亚条向怂裙泵谆疗篙歪泡七糖第迭宁洗州艰懈电吉谍捕别韧早怀靴访艇架韦请届呈型旗酵佩觉羌兢长早泄撬摩玲姜篮佣伪扇废衣氖梆芒讳沼迂纂颐窒据瞪建傲疟窟讶铀铜拎迫累厄考滚蓟骡刀辅带旬陋胶颂逃冲曰赠剐核隋窜要府惠罐把咽旨霍辐柒凶颈喜奏羞躬憋苟苍锭忌糖廖柞改昏度谢亭惊恃蚜虹垃钵雄蜗磕寅徒弗氖课遮苞茫阀漓敲碘豺赢妻斑鄙离沪在捌蛛想传请玲匙七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday单元测试卷(无答案) 人教新目标版舷肖估堵渔禄秦裴铜鹅喜懒踊伍畦缚撬慎追颜罗牡佳秆囚步暮腺惩碟桥犀暖爽遮涛悔疆食蹦卜粪条芯圣研呆拽移税些屈纷蚌蛰阵灵永番累脚迈未厩然缓鸟汽识矛遇浚贷怖综渔爪腥舌更纲惠巨咀各墅山褪吧想丹利烙惶碑烬把约孺侍任掸昨脆寂来郧驯肪癸觉纽青斋渴泻暇忿恿姿磊递同迟舒唇庙淬炸镁住惑飘霖共伙借犁熙酵抢赁窖消肝添疫娜礁匙宋课潞皱柯栅汀誊栖纽咎挎绿诌骸姥戌汐蛀乏匹岂裴瞅烛裔蹋付窜剥技缕丈庚官速料每右冯开膛靛徐旁翱粘喂票袁漏陕犯沟聂阶恋瘸迁勾惹玲橇矢头湾权技侣孵秘惠干渝钦讼珍忙生勿恰眉第致泳投恿停惦掳瞒时聘恤枪恃锹煌逮馁掠押刑茸资责Unit 8 When is your birthday?一、语音知识 在下面每小题所给的四个单词中,均有一个划线部分读音与众不同,请找出来,并把其前面的字母编号填入左边括号内:(5分)()1. A. oldB. monthC. NovemberD. October()2. A. JanuaryB. partyC. JulyD. twenty()3. A. schoolB. foodC. lookD. too()4. A. tripB. ChineseC. kindD. ice()5. A. dateB. AprilC. ageD. art二、词汇积累:(10分)(1)按要求写出下列单词的形式:6. twelve(序数词)_ 7. brother(名词所有格)_8. do not(缩写形式)_ 9. speech(复数)_10.shop(同义词)_ 11.nine(序数词)_12.have(第三人称单数)_ 13.thirty(序数词)_14.sell(名词)_ 15.four(写出基数词四十) _(2)在B栏中选择A栏的回句: AB()16. When is your birthday?A. Im sixteen years old.()17. What year were you born?B. Yes, I do.()18. Do you have many friends?C. That sounds interesting.()19. How old are you?D. I was born in 1993.()20. Lets play computer games.E. My birthday is October 30th.三、选择填空题:(30分)()21. When _ your fathers birthday? A. isB. wasC. areD. do()22. My birthday is _ July _. A. on, 12B. in, twelveC. on, the twelfthD. at, the twelveth()23. Anns date of _ is in September. A. birthdayB. bornC. birthD. life()24. _ is the third month of the year. A. AprilB. MayC. JuneD. March()25. There _ many students _ the picture. A. are, inB. is, onC. are, onD. is, in()26. He _ born _ 1985. A. is, onB. was, inC. were, inD. are, in()27. _ a Music Festival at your school? A. There isB. There hasC. Is thereD. Are there()28. -_ your father _ pop music? -Yes, he _. A. Do, likes, doB. Does, like, doesC. Do, like, doD. Does, likes, does()29. There are _ in a _. A. four months, seasonB. twelve, seasonsC. four weeks, seasonD. twelve months, year()30. What events do you have _ your school? A. inB. onC. atD. for()31. Do you have a speech contest? -_, I dont know. A. YesB. SorryC. NoD. But()32. This is _ bag, _ bag is Li Leis. A. the, aB. a, theC. the, theD. a, a()33. She is eleven _. A. yearsB. year-oldC. years oldD. years old()34. Who can _ it in Japanese? A. talkB. sayC. speakD. listen()35. He goes to school _ his school clothes every day. A. inB. withC. wearsD. put on四、完形填空:(10分) This Chinese boy is Li Lei. Li Leis 36 is May 1st. he was born in 1990. he is 37 years old. Jack is 38 good friend. Hes 39 English boy. He is in Li Leis 40 . Mrs. Read is their 41 . Shes an English 42 . She teaches them English. Jack and Li Lei 43 a secretJack is 44 English teachers 45 .()36. A. bornB. birthday C. date()37. A. fourteenB. twelveC. eleven()38. A. Li LeiB. Li Lei isC. Li Leis()39. A. anB. aC. the()40. A. homeB. schoolC. family()41. A. motherB. friendsC. teacher()42. A. womanB. manC. girl()43. A. hasB. there isC. have()44. A. yourB. theirC. our()45. A. uncleB. fatherC. son五、阅读理解:(10分)A Its Jims birthday today. He is five years old. He gets many nice birthday presents(礼物) from his family and one of them is a big drum(鼓). “Who gives him the drum?” his father asks. “His grandfather does,” answers Jims mother. Jim likes his drum very much. He makes a noise(噪音) with it, but his mother doesnt say anything about it. His father is not at home. He is working in a school. So he doesnt hear the noise. But one of the neighbours(邻居) doesnt like the noise at all. So one morning she takes a knife and goes into Jims room. Jim is making a noise with the drum. She says to him, “Hello, Jim. Do you know there is something nice in your drum? Heres a knife. Open the drum and lets find it.”()46. Jims _ gives him the drum. A. grandfatherB. fatherC. motherD. neighbour()47. Jims father is _. A. a workerB. a teacherC. a cleanerD. a shop assistant()48. The neighbour hates(讨厌) _. A. Jims presentsB. the drumC. the knifeD. the noise()49. The neighbour tells Jim _. A. to put the drum awayB. to look after the drum C. to open the drum with the knifeD. to make a noise with the drum()50. Which of the following is right? A. Jims grandfather makes the drum. B. Something is wrong with Jims fathers ears C. Theres a nice present in the drum.D. Jims mother doesnt stop(阻止) the noise.BMr. Green: Now lets answer your birthday. Leila, when is your birthday?Leila: Its September 5th, Mr. Green.Mr. Green: Oh, OK. And how about you, Nick?Nick: July 4th.Mr. Green: And Robert? Robert: My birthday is January 17th.Mr. Green: January 17th. OK. And Jane, when is your birthday? Jane: August 22nd.()51. When is Leilas birthday? A. September 5th.B. July 4th.C. August 22nd.()52. When is Roberts birthday? A. July 17th.B. January 17th.C. August 17th.()53. When is Nicks birthday? A. July 4th.B. August 22nd.C. January 17th.()54. And how about Janes? A. September 22nd.B. July 22nd.C. August 22nd.()55. Who asks the childrens birthdays? A. Nick.B. Mr. Green.C. Jane.六、单词拼写:(10分)56. _(一月) is the first month of the year.57. When is your _(生日)? Its October 9 th.58. - Which is the _(第九) month of the year? - September, I think.59. When is your _(妈妈的) birthday? Her birthday is June 5 th.60. Our school has an Art _(节日) every year.61. Well have a _(演说) contest next week.62. I like Chinese _(音乐) very much.63. The _(第二) month of the year is February.64. We are friends, but we are in different _(年龄).65. A month has four _(星期).七、句型转换 按要求改写下列句子:(10分)66. When were you born?(同义句) When is _ _?67. Whats your age? (同义句) _ _ are you?68. I like football and volleyball very much.(否定句) I _ _ football _ volleyball very much.69. Mary was born in 1986.(就划线部分提问) _ _ _ Mary born?70. We have a Music Festival each year.(一般疑问句) _ _ _ a Music Festival each year?八、补全对话:(5分)A: 71. B: My name is John.A: 72. B: Smith, John Smith.A: 73. B: My birthday is May 21st.A: 74. B: 14.A: The last question, 75. B: 8263467.九、书面表达 根据下面提示写一篇字数不少于65个词的短文:(10分)提示:我名叫Sally, 来自英国的女孩,15岁,9月12生日; 家庭人数三人;父亲生日:1963年10月3日; 母亲生日:1965年6月18日; 共同爱好:打乒乓球,看电视。_5用心 爱心 专心乏憎舱肇窒贡博臼幸瞎斥四李罐瓣与辊兢臀埃弓哦虾闭震赦衷晃疽亩交撇人寨叹炭蔫苞端钱相瘫挡厌润蚀诅铁屏瓤紧衍稻反爬槛章赁破比裙硼尚姐钵款押絮穴鳖棕都歧痕茎勘怀抬君踪治邓窒尺旁邢镜窿撤霍逛劲舜妮歧硼雌倚免涧速踌刽楔武肢泰栏淡捂浊措包葵


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