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土木工程的发展现状与未来发展趋势The present situation and the future development tendency of the development of civil engineering土木工程学院 土木9班 李佳祥摘要现代土木工程发展现状可以从以下几个方面论述:土木工程材料,功能要求多样化,城市建设立体化,交通工程快速化,工程设施大型化,随着科技的迅猛发展,土木也面临着各种挑战与机遇,因此,为了跟上时代的步伐,土木工程未来发展趋势也将从几个方面进行:重大工程项目奖陆续兴起;土木工程将向太空、海洋、荒漠开拓;工程材料向轻质,高强,多功能化发展;设计方法精确化,设计工作自动化;信息和智能化技术全面引入土木工程,还有土木工程的可持续发展等等。abstract the current situation of the development of modern civil engineering can be discussed from the following aspects: civil engineering materials, functional requirement diversification, three-dimensional urban construction, traffic engineering, rapidness, large-scale engineering facilities, with the rapid development of science and technology, civil is faced with various challenges and opportunities, therefore, in order to keep up with the pace of The Times, the future development trend of civil engineering, will from several aspects: major engineering project prize gradually rise; Civil engineering will be into space, sea, desert development; Engineering materials to lightweight, high strength, multi-functional development; Design method of high-precision, automated design work; Information and intelligent technology comprehensive introduction of civil engineering, and the sustainable development of civil engineering and so on.关键词土木工程材料 发展趋势 多功能 可持续发展 智能化 立体化key words development trend of civil engineering materials Multi-functional intelligent three-dimensional sustainable development一、 目前土木工程的发展现状First, the present situation of civil engineering1、在土木工程材料方面,从早期使用的砖、瓦、砂、石、灰、木材到近代使用钢材,水泥,混凝土,直到现代的高强度混凝土(高强度就是增加混凝土的密实性,最常用的方法就是用极细的活性颗粒渗入混凝土,使它们在水泥浆中的细微孔隙中水化,减少和填充混凝土的毛细孔,达到增密和增强的作用。)、高性能混凝土(超高的强度、低渗透性、良好的结构性能、优越的耐久性、可观的经济效益、环保性,有关常规的混凝土物理,力学性能指标亦要根据不同的使用要求而有所提高或改善。)、纤维混凝土(在混凝土加入合成材料纤维丝成钢纤维,是由纤维和水泥基料,如水泥石,砂浆成混凝土,组合的复合材料的统称),纤维混凝土能增强塑性混凝土的抗拉能力,显著降低其塑性流动和收缩微裂纹。这种减少或消除塑性裂纹使混凝土获得其最佳的长期整体性。这些纤维呈各向均匀地分布于整个混凝土,使混凝土得到辅助的加强,以防止收缩裂缝。在随处都有纤维的混凝土中,亦可最大限度地减少在受力状态下混凝土可能出现裂缝的宽度和长度。In terms of civil engineering materials, from the early use of brick, tile, sand, stone, wood, ash and modern to use steel, cement, concrete, until the modern high strength concrete (high strength is to increase the compactness of concrete, the activity of the most commonly used method is to use very fine particles penetrate into concrete, and make them in tiny pore in the cement hydration, reduce the wool stoma and filling concrete, to increase and enhance the role of.) , high performance concrete (ultra high strength, low permeability, good structural performance, superior durability, considerable economic benefit, environmental protection, the conventional concrete physical and mechanical performance index is also according to different application requirements and improve or improve.) , fiber reinforced concrete (synthetic fibers to produce fiber in concrete, is made up of fiber and cement binders, debris such as water, mortar into concrete, the combination of the composites is a general designation), fiber reinforced concrete can enhance plastic concrete tensile ability, significantly reduce the plastic flow and shrink tiny crack. To reduce or eliminate the plastic concrete cracks get the best long-term integrity. These fibers were to evenly distributed in the concrete, the concrete for the strengthening of auxiliary, in order to prevent shrinkage crack. In fiber concrete are everywhere, also can minimize the stress state of concrete may crack width and length.绿色建材(绿色建材指在原料采取、产品制造、使用或者再循环以及废料处理等环节中对地球环境负荷最少和有利于人类健康的材料。绿色建材的基本特征是:建材生产尽量少用天然资源,大量使用尾矿、废渣、垃圾等废弃物;采用低能耗,无污染环境的生产技术。)其成果有以粉煤灰、空心砖、以磷石膏,脱硫石膏等等。Green building materials, green building materials in raw materials, product manufacture, use or recycling and waste disposal in the earths environment load at least and material is conducive to human health. The basic characteristics of green building materials are: building materials production as far as possible use of natural resources, extensive use of tailings, slag, garbage and other wastes; with low energy consumption, pollution-free production technology environment.) The results with fly ash, hollow brick, with phosphogypsum, desulfurization gypsum, etc.2、除了在材料方面要求更高以外,在土木工程功能方面要求更加多样化,城市建设更加立体化,像城市为了解决交通方面问题,光靠传统的地面交通已经无能为力,于是一方面修建地下交通网,另一方面又修建高架公路网或轨道交通,随着地下铁道的兴建,地下商业街、地下停车场、地下仓库、地下工厂、地下旅馆等也陆续发展起来。而高架道路的造价比地下铁道要经济得多,因而大中城市纷纷建设高架公路、高架轨道交通。高架道路与城市立交桥的兴建不仅缓解了城市交通问题,而且还为城市的面积增添了风采。现代化城市建设在地面、空中、地下同时展开,形成了立体化发展的局面。In addition to the more demanding in terms of material, in the aspect of civil engineering function requires more diversified, more three-dimensional urban construction, like the city in order to solve the traffic problems, on the ground of the traditional traffic has been powerless, and so on the one hand, to build underground transportation network, building of road or rail transit again on the other hand, with the construction of the underground railroad, the underground mall, underground parking, underground warehouse, factory, underground hotel etc were established. And elevated road cost much more than the underground economy, and large and medium-sized cities have elevated road and elevated rail transit construction. Elevated road and the construction of the city overpass not only alleviate the urban traffic problem, but also added style for the area of the city. Modern urban construction at the same time in the air, ground and underground, formed the situation of the development of three-dimensional.3、同时工程设施大型化,即为了满足能源、交通、环保、及大众公共活动的需要,许多大型的土木工在第二次世界打大战以后陆续建成并投入使用。(如在拱桥方面,南斯拉夫克二号混凝土拱桥跨度达390m,中国黄河的江界河混凝土拱桥跨度330m,在隧道方面,近代开凿了许多穿过大山或越过大江、海峡的通道。在高层建筑方面有上海金茂大厦,上海环球金融中心大厦,还有海上采油平台,核电站等。总之在现代土木工程中,我国近20年来取得了举世瞩目成就,虽然只是开始,但是随着祖国科技的不断发展,在未来土木方面将会越走越远。Large-scale engineering facilities, at the same time, in order to meet the energy, transportation, environmental protection, and the needs of the mass public activities, many large soil carpenter in the second world war are built and put into use in the future. (e.g., in terms of the arch, Yugoslavia, concrete arch bridge span of 390 m 2, Chinas Yellow River forms a natural boundary concrete arch bridge span 330 m, in tunnel, modern digging through the mountains, or across the river, the strait channel. In high-rise building Shanghai jinmao tower, Shanghai world financial center building, and offshore oil platforms, power plant, etc. In short in the modern civil engineering, has made remarkable achievements in the past 20 years in our country, although only the beginning, but with the continuous development of science and technology of the motherland, civil aspects in the future will be more walk more far.二、土木工程未来发展趋势the civil engineering development trend in the future随着世界的变革与科技的不断发展,土木工程也面临着重大挑战,如世界正经历工业革命以来又一次重大变革,这便是信息(包括计算机、通信、网络等)工业的迅猛发展,可以预计人类的生产、生活方式将会发生重大变化。还有航空航天事业的发展,地球人口激增,资源短缺,人类生存受到威胁,生态环境受到严重破坏。因此为了人类能有一个舒适的生存环境,适应世界的潮流与发展,土木工程在未来发展趋势将从以下方面进行:1、重大工程项目将陆续兴建。Major projects will be built在高速公路方面;了解决城市土地供求矛盾,城市建设将向高、深方向发展。同时不仅要筑路,且有多座大桥或隧道要建设;在港口工程方面,在中国加入WTO以后港口的发展带来了极大的机遇与空间,也带来了巨大的压力与挑战。中国港口成为世界集装箱运输港口中发展最快、建设规模最大的港口群,港口码头专业化、大型化,航道深水化的发展更加迅猛,促使我国大力开辟深水航道和开挖深水港池,大量建设深水泊位,结合港口疏浚吹填造陆,使软基加固技术得到发展,码头结构向构件大型化,结构简单化方向发展,码头装卸设备向大型化,高效率和专业化方向发展,电子计算机和其他先进技术在港口勘测,设计、施工和经营管理等方面日益广泛应用,在波浪预报、波浪理论和不规则波浪作用力的研究,泥沙淤积研究及模型试验,防波堤人工块体的研究等方面,都将大力发展。2、土木工程项目将向太空、海洋、荒漠地开拓。Civil engineering projects will develop into space, oceans, desertification现在陆地上土地太少,首先想到可向海洋发展。向海洋开拓从近代已经开始。为了防止噪声对居民的影响,也为了节约用地,许多机场已经开始填海造地。从航空母舰和大型运输船的建造得到启发,人们以设想建立海上浮动城市,对于荒漠,可以设想在沙漠地下找水,然后从南极将巨大的冰山拖入沙漠地区,还有海水淡化,至于到太空上发展乃人类一直的梦想,如设想利用生物工程,将制氧微生物及低等植物移向火星等等。工程材料向轻质、高强、多功能化方向发展。如传统材料的改性,化学合成材料的应用(如门窗,管材、装饰材料,今后的发展方向是向大面积围护材料及结构骨架材料发展)。还有设计方法精确化,设计工作自动化,由于快速计算机的出现,使这一计算机得以实现。比如海上取油平台、核电站、摩天大楼、地下过海隧道等巨型工程,有了计算机的帮助,便可合理的进行数值分析和安全评估。数值计算机的进步使过去不能计算的带有盲目性的估计可以变成较精确的分析。例如,土木工程中由于各个杆件分析分析到整体分析;工程项目结构的定性分析到施工阶段的全过程仿真分析;工程结构中在灾害荷载作用下的全过程非线性分析;与时间有关的长时间徐变分析和瞬间的冲击分析等。The progress of numerical computer made in the past cannot estimate can be calculated with blindness becomes more precise analysis. Because each bar in civil engineering, for example, analysis to the overall analysis; Qualitative analysis to the construction stage of project structure during the process of simulation analysis; The whole process of engineering structures under the loads of disasters nonlinear analysis; Time dependent creep analysis for a long time and the moment of impact analysis, etc.3、信息和智能化技术全面引入土木工程。Comprehensive introduction of civil engineering information and intelligent technology如(1)信息化施工The informationization construction(即在施工过程中所涉及的各部分各阶段广泛应用计算机信息技术,对工期、人力、材料、机械、资金、进度等信息进行收集、存储、处理和交流,并加以科学地综合利用,为施工管理及时、准确地提供决策依据。(2)智能化建筑,Intelligent building即一方面在房屋中设备用先进的计算机系统监测与控制,并可通过自动化或人工干预来保证设备运行的安全、可靠、高效。另方面是安装队居住者的自动服务系统,对于办公室来说,智能化要求配备办公自动化设备,快速通信设备,楼宇自动管理和控制设备。(3)智能化交通Intelligent transportation(先进的交通管理系统,交通信息服务系统,车辆控制系统,车辆调度系统,公共交通系统等。)它应具有信息收集,快速处理,优化决策,大型可视化系统等功能。(4)土木工程分析的仿真系统Civil engineering analysis of the simulation system(计算机仿真技术


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