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七年级同步辅导教案重点句型/词组:(第十二单元)(十三周)Unit 121. be late for class:上课迟到2. listen to music:听音乐3. have to :不得不4. what else:别的什么5. sports shoes:运动鞋6. go out:出去7. after school/class:放学/下课以后8. Whats up?:什么事?10. I dont, either.:我也不11. on school nights:在学生有课的晚上12. Childrens Palace:少年宫13. school/family rules:校/家规14. make dinner:做饭15. wear a uniform:穿制服16. gym class:体育课18. wash the clothes:洗衣服重点:一般过去时语法点:12肯定的祈使句:(1) 实义动词原形+其他;(2) be动词原形+形容词+其他;(3) Let sb do sth. 否定的祈使句:(1) Dont+实义动词+原形;(2) Dont be+形容词+其他;(3) Dont let sb do sth(4) No+Ving.练:(1) My mother said to me, “Tom, _ in bed.”A. not read B. doesnt read C. dont read D. didnt read(2) Dont _ (fight). = No _ (fight).2. 不要迟到:Dont arrive late. = Dont be late. (arrive = be)上课/上学不要迟到:Dont arrive (be) late for class/school.3. 主语省略(无主语):Dont arrive late for class.主语不省略(有主语):We cant arrive ;ate for class.4. 在学校我们必须穿校服:We have to wear uniforms at school.句型:不得不/必须做某事:have to do sth 否定:不必做某事:dont have to do sth穿校服:单数:wear a uniform 复数:wear uniforms练:(1) I cant stop smoking, doctor. For your health, Im afraid you _.A. can B. may C. must D. have to5. 在我家里有太多的规矩:I have too many rules in my house.词组:太多:too many6. 我从来没有任何快乐:I never have any fun.(never译为“从来没有”,表示否定,否定句中表示“任何,一些”,用any)7. 不要大声说话:Dont talk loudly.请大声说:Speak loudly, please.8. 他擅长于唱歌:He is good at singing.句型:擅长于做某事:be good at doing sth9. 表示“地点”的词组:(1) 在教室里:in the classroom 在课堂上:in class(2) 在走廊上:in the hallways 在学校里:at school = in school10. 表示“时间”的词组:(1) 下课后:after class 放学后:after school(2) 在上学的白天/晚上:on school days/nights 比较:at night(3) 到晚上10点钟之前:by 10 oclock p.m.11. (1) with 和; 如:He lives in Beijing with my parents. (不能用and)(2) with 戴着; 如:Do you know the fat man with a hat? (不能用wears)(3) with 有着; 如:Its an old house with a beautiful garden. (不能用has)教学步骤:1. 重点单词、词组讲解回顾,复习重点语法知识、 2. 听写3.试卷练习及分析4.答疑四年级同步辅导教案第十二周:Unit5: How much is it?(B)重点单词: how much big small long short apple banana Pear orange watermelon are they 重点句型:1. How much is it?2. How much are those big shoes?3. Can I help you?4. Its colourful.5. I want a pair of sneakers/slippers/boots/sandals6. Put on7. I will take it.8. Its very pretty.教学步骤:1. 重点单词、词组讲解回顾,复习重点语法知识、 2. 听写3.试卷练习及分析4.答疑七年级同步辅导教案重点句型/词组:(第十一单元)Unit 111. talk/game/spors show:谈话/游戏/体育节目2. soap opera:肥皂剧;连续剧3. situation comedy/sitcom:情景喜剧4. dont mind/like:不介意/喜欢5. cant stand:不能容忍6. think of:认为 7. agree with sb.:同意某人意见8. in fact:事实上;实际上9. a thirteen-year-old boy:一个13岁的男孩10. sports shows:体育节目 11. Animal World:动物世界12. Tell it like it is!:实话实说13. Culture China:中国文化14. Chinese cooking:中国烹饪15. key ring:钥匙链16. ask sb. about sth:问某人关于某事17. colorful clothes:颜色鲜艳的衣服18. English Today:今日英语19. Sports News:运动新闻20. enjoy nice words about my looks:喜欢赞美自己的话21. school magazine:校刊重点:一般过去时教学步骤:1. 重点单词、词组讲解回顾,复习重点语法知识、 2. 听写3.试卷练习及分析4.答疑四年级同步辅导教案第十一周:Unit5: How much is it?重点单词: how much big small long short apple banana Pear orange watermelon are they 重点句型:9. How much is it?10. How much are those big shoes?11. Can I help you?12. Its colourful.13. I want a pair of sneakers/slippers/boots/sandals14. Put on15. I will take it.16. Its very pretty.教学步骤:1. 重点单词、词组讲解回顾,复习重点语法知识、 2. 听写3.试卷练习及分析4.答疑七年级同步辅导教案重点句型/词组:(第十单元)Unit 101. visit sb:拜访某人2. summer camp:夏令营3. visit museum:参观博物馆4. on vacation:度假5. great weather:好天气6. all day/night/year:整天/夜/年7. have great fun playing:玩得高兴8. be crowded:拥挤9. find sb. doing sth.:发现某人正在做某事10. be lost:迷路11. help sb.do sth.:帮助某人做某事12. make sb. do sth.:使某人做某事13. be tired:疲倦14. decide to do sth.:决定做某事15. the Great Wall:长城重点:一般过去时教学步骤:1. 重点单词、词组讲解回顾,复习重点语法知识、 2. 听写3.试卷练习及分析4.答疑四年级同步辅导教案第十周:Unit4: Its warm today(B)重点单词: warm cold cool today jeans pants socks shoes Lets=let us play football snowy sunny 重点句型:1. Its rainy/windy/sunny/snowy/cloudy.2. Its cold/warm/hot/cool.3. This is the weather report.4. Whats the weather like in XXX.5. Can I wear my new shirt today?6. Yes, you can./ No, you cant.教学步骤:1. 重点单词、词组讲解回顾,复习重点语法知识、 2. 听写3.试卷练习及分析4.答疑七年级同步辅导教案重点句型/词组:(第九单元)1. do ones homework:做家庭作业2. play soccer:踢足球3. clean ones room:打扫某人的房间4. go to the beach:去海滩5. play tennis:打网球6. go to the movies:去看电影7. last weekend:上周末 8. do some reading:阅读9. practice English:练习英语10. study for the match test:为数学考试准备11. last week :上周12. on Saturday morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night:在星期六的早晨/下午/晚上/深夜13. an interesting talk show:一个有趣的谈话节目14. go for a walk:去散步15. a nice day:晴朗的一天16. play with:与一起玩17. a busy weekend:一个繁忙的周末18. look for:寻找19. watch a movie:看电影20. Its time to do sth.:是做某事的时候了教学步骤:1. 重点单词、词组讲解回顾,复习重点语法知识、 2. 听写3.试卷练习及分析4.答疑四年级同步辅导教案第十周:Unit4: Its warm today重点单词: warm cold cool today jeans pants socks shoes Lets=let us play football snowy sunny 重点句型:7. Its rainy/windy/sunny/snowy/cloudy.8. Its cold/warm/hot/cool.9. This is the weather report.10. Whats the weather like in XXX.11. Can I wear my new shirt today?12. Yes, you can./ No, you cant.教学步骤:1. 重点单词、词组讲解回顾,复习重点语法知识、 2. 听写3.试卷练习及分析4.答疑七年级同步辅导教案重点句型/词组:(第八单元)1. what kind of:哪一种2. would like sth.:想要某东西3. a small/medium/large bowl of noodles:小/中/大碗的面条4. orange juice: 桔子汁5. green tea:绿茶6. a dumpling house/House of dumplings:一家饺子店7. phone number:电话号码8. tomato soup:西红柿汤9.beef and tomato noodles10.what size bowl of noodles11.a large bowl of noodles12.ice cream13.Can I help you?14.chicken and cabbage noodles15.mutton and potato noodles16.tomato and egg noodles17.beef and carrot noodles18.House of Dumplings19.Dessert House20.RMB教学步骤:1. 重点单词、词组讲解回顾,复习重点语法知识、 2. 听写3.试卷练习及分析4.答疑四年级同步辅导教案第九周:(unit3)重点单词:jacket shirt skirt dress T-shirt red blue yellow green White no not colour 重点句型:1. Is this your jacket?2. No, its Johns.3. These are his pants.4. Whose cap is it?5. I like the white sweater with the green skirt.6. What color is it?7. Where are my socks/jeans/shoes/pants/? 教学步骤:1. 重点单词、词组讲解回顾,复习重点语法知识、 2. 听写3.试卷练习及分析4.答疑七年级同步辅导教案重点句型/词组:(unit7)1. short/curly/long/straight hair:短/卷/长/直发2. medium height/build:中等高度/身材3. look like:看起来象4. the captain of the basketball team:篮球队队长5. be a little bit quiet:有点儿少言寡语6. stop doing sth.:停止做某事7. like playing chess:喜欢下棋8. wear glasses:戴眼镜9. a pop singer:一个流行歌手10. a new look:一个新的形象11. black/brow/blonde hair:黑色/棕色/金黄色的头发12. last month:上个月13. a woman with long black hair:一个有着长长金发的妇女 教学步骤:1. 重点单词、词组讲解回顾,复习重点语法知识、 2. 听写3.试卷练习及分析4.答疑四年级同步辅导教案第八周:(unit2)重点单词:one two three four five six seven eight Nine ten what time its=it is oclock math Chinese English P.E. music for class 重点句型:1. Its X oclock. Its time for.2. Its time to watch TV.3. What time is it?4. Its time to get up.5. Hurry up!6. Its time to go to bed.7. Its time for English class.8. Im ready.9. Im late for school. 教学步骤:1. 重点单词、词组讲解回顾,复习重点语法知识、 2. 听写3.试卷练习及分析4.答疑七年级同步辅导教案重点句型/词组:(unit6)1. Hows the weather in Yunnan today?= Whats the weather like in Yunnan today? :今天云南的天气怎么样? 2. cook dinner/supper:做晚饭3. play computer games玩电脑游戏4. Hows it going? :你怎么样?(两人见面时)5. pretty good:相当好6. fine/nice weather好天气:7. in the rain:在雨中8. a windy night:一个有风的晚上9. Around The World


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