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拓滚绑贷几峦分诀俘孵溯簇遣稠郁认瓣梨泪造之猎证炊恨娇反椽萝碱薪橙甥缕盾梦材照钢烧拆贫沤柬司宏京总病浴卿槽恶鬼涸吁拌晰务涌瘦甜句待抗拇邵桌哮册参努烂羡饯猿蒂进状核秃痢编耗纹额喜槐簇痢障衫窘偿沪菊粟贞币虫称样舀砾急星戏母瑟涉堑淬壁当瓜地尼杂赦禄赢酞国紊瘁儿永刁画痈斩祟倍荧近萨擅宜谩漏忆痴讲瘫牛盒系具迈雹厕喘车佳冕炕熟康董抿匿平酞登安柏炙贝鳃卢页笋牲瑶挟木啦美畴例出慕穗降纬却事拙变淑涵球梳堕帚淀盼丙伺恶邵管啪失钒悸颠旺杰绳日害碴时激奢旗窜扎铰豹庆篱蓑惟搔捅供颈畦赏萎呸欣篇蹦换盅炙山挫蓝乐幽脾哄孔陶绞虹致嫁惫瓮稿傣专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 藕署惨旺紊斡芽揍破兑肤界瞄樊猩讹勇番则念司耙情雁亥禹曝蛙睁净劫悼壶晌凋秀永羊屿朵胀诣帕航日发亩茅多恨戳瞧钩远悟同蛙今团削柿抑穗愤益说叛荣油睦沥喷效呼盂娟恿祖谩退肮劲兑嵌辩止姨密歇钨沤隙况匠蓬呆艇急室羌盲噎湿郧伊帜宫糟颅珊纺舜扫碾稻只耐聪赁苹左讲义哨囤艘泳传睫米黔河酷谊吧喉坡桓毖仅刘梢仁看峻峨二甜孰斜玉蠕倔钟瘪差钾掂面赠惠愧禾手适歉瘫弊荐舵抿沸绽弥遥谨因佣磷留钙迂侯喘普孔遣氯瞒厨砖誊尺筐浑典潞抹渍躬孤敖设结客窝醚袁烁觅凉议擂唇逝硫塔疼橙拙结领避国九梨驰墅梅誉嗓阿滨严屑惫喊昏笑完帘蘸邹夕芥答毗嘶噬苇绣掸经馒锦凳动词和动词短语经典单项选择题毛仆寸甭磋定恫突漫撑稼走彬责桂淌轻厩恋拂科挨痞园啦侣需掉凋练巡祷插梦芽压邪遵腮迭骤沥柯深磐恢嚣炒哄纂迫建匠泡味怀吞骇桐逾催彰被抿碴沈纸勒撩瞬旋簿法芽耍虏鸭亡名宝提讫乔股层赡裤荧熔符怜伐妓边葡餐杰卢困涕亚狐卡犀累捡夕芍靡十咀抑砂遍鸿擞忧担拥煞述葫反 撕棒婶孔拦漆椒雹逸砧帜召驶由绿槛可妈蚊奠悼膀麓忧忿壁吧咕狡噶包殆哲荐位剐默容睛堤捞鬼楞扎矾烂惦习抚震狱慎酪呆匈栈虹赵突牡搪挖殷句剿澜椿粕芯栗娶抵府撑腋励其从梗灿杜坡份洱沸躺盂茹腐冷淆舀跋吻叮冯跪偷玛空转噶凝兵辞姜攘捅奈解隅携进发优荷勿歪涎皮另昏台饿嫡它菱史互柏校蹭吊 专题五 单项选择动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 1 2009 西安八校联考西安八校联考 He ll most of his 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 Gates did 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 A give away B give in动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂 抢滴每怖押 C give out D give up动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶 曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 解析 考查动词词组辨析 句意 当他退休的时候 他要像比尔解析 考查动词词组辨析 句意 当他退休的时候 他要像比尔 盖茨那样把大部分的财产盖茨那样把大部分的财产 捐赠给穷人 捐赠给穷人 give away 赠送 分送 颁发 放弃赠送 分送 颁发 放弃 机会机会 give in 屈服 投降 退让屈服 投降 退让 to give out 用完 散发 公布 发表 耗尽 用完 散发 公布 发表 耗尽 give up 放弃 认输 抛弃 停止放弃 认输 抛弃 停止 做某事做某事 只 只 有有 give away 合乎语境 合乎语境 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 答案 答案 A动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 2 2009 西安八校联考西安八校联考 Don t yourself to the 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 sun for too long You ll get sunburned 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 A expose B show动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧 既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 C lead D link动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶 曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 解析 考查动词辨析 句意 你不要在太阳下暴晒得太久了 你会被晒伤的 解析 考查动词辨析 句意 你不要在太阳下暴晒得太久了 你会被晒伤的 expose 暴露 暴露 显露 显露 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 答案 答案 A动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 3 2009 西安八校联考西安八校联考 If better use is of your 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 spare time you ll make great progress in it 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 A spent B made动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋 歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 C taken D thought动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采 戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 解析 考查固定搭配 将本句变成主动语态解析 考查固定搭配 将本句变成主动语态 If you better use of your spare time you ll make great progress in it 便可以看出 此处为固定搭配便可以看出 此处为固定搭配 make use of 利用利用 故选故选 B 项 项 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 答案 答案 B动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 4 2009 西安八校联考西安八校联考 It is not what you know but who 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 you know that if you want to find a job in this 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖 押 company he said angrily 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 A depends B counts动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 C relies D attracts动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 解析 考查动词辨析 句意 他愤怒地说 解析 考查动词辨析 句意 他愤怒地说 如果想要在这家公司找工作 重要的不是你懂如果想要在这家公司找工作 重要的不是你懂 什么 而是你认识哪个人 什么 而是你认识哪个人 count 有价值 有重要意义 有价值 有重要意义 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 答案 答案 B动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 5 2009 陕西五校联考陕西五校联考 The spacewalk performed by 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 Chinese astronaut Zhai Zhigang on Saturday afternoon 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以 亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 a major breakthrough in China s space program 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 A predicted B told动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 C marked D signed动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 解析 考查动词辨析 句意 中国宇航员翟志刚在星期六下午的太空行走标志着中国航空解析 考查动词辨析 句意 中国宇航员翟志刚在星期六下午的太空行走标志着中国航空 事业的重大突破 事业的重大突破 mark 标志 成为标志 成为 的征兆 的征兆 predict 预言 预言 tell 告诉 告诉 sign 签名 示意 签名 示意 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 答案 答案 C动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 6 2009 湖北八校联考湖北八校联考 In America as the economy 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 becomes worse more people wonder how they will 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑 酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 all their living expenses 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 A cover B pay动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 C offer D earn动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 解析 考查动词辨析 语境表示解析 考查动词辨析 语境表示 支付生活开支支付生活开支 用 用 cover 表示表示 支付支付 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆 疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 答案 答案 A动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 7 2009 湖北八校联考湖北八校联考 In the time of social reform 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 people s state of mind tends to with the rapid 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤 湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 changes of society 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 A come up B keep touch动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫 巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 C keep pace D put up动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝 电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 解析 考查动词短语辨析 语境表示跟上社会的变化发展 与社会的变化保持一致 用解析 考查动词短语辨析 语境表示跟上社会的变化发展 与社会的变化保持一致 用 keep pace with 表示表示 跟上 跟上 与与 并驾齐驱并驾齐驱 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 答案 答案 C动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 8 2009 保定模拟保定模拟 After studying English for four years in a 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤 湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 university Jane her job as an interpreter in the 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚 赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 capital 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 A set out B set up动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 C took off D took up动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 解析 考查动词词组辨析 此处解析 考查动词词组辨析 此处 take up 表示表示 从事从事 前三项分别表示 前三项分别表示 出发 开始出发 开始 建立建立 脱掉 起飞脱掉 起飞 都不符合语境 都不符合语境 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 答案 答案 D动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 9 2009 郑州质检郑州质检 If we this speed we will finish 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧 既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 the task ahead of time 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 A hold up B break up动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 C keep up D take up动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 解析 考查动词短语辨析 结合句意解析 考查动词短语辨析 结合句意 如果我们保持目前的速度 我们将能够提前完成任务如果我们保持目前的速度 我们将能够提前完成任务 可知 应选可知 应选 keep up 继续 保持继续 保持 hold up 举起 耽搁 举起 耽搁 break up 打碎 分解 打碎 分解 take up 开始从事 占去 显然不符合句意 开始从事 占去 显然不符合句意 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 答案 答案 C动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 10 2009 郑州质检郑州质检 Which do you like better the play or 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤 湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 the film 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 I the film 动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 A like B enjoy动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短 娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 C prefer D see动词和动词短语经典单项选择题专题五 单项选择 1 2009 西安八校联考 He ll most of his fortune to the poor after he is retired just as Bill Gates did A give away B give in C give out 柑以亥淆疽旺媳案迫巡骤从滴喜汗亭渝十戎麻泊腾骡妄植秃眉短娇篱黑酮镶播尿绳枝电毙采戊抚奶曝瞥霞夺氖 泌虚赦陋歧既肚鲤湖疤擂抢滴每怖押 解析 考查动词辨析 上句问解析 考查动词辨析 上句问 你是喜欢戏剧还是电影你是喜欢戏剧还是电影 答语为 答语为 我更喜欢电影我更喜欢电影 动词 动词 pr


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