



新人教版-英语-必修一- Unit 5 Nelson Mandelamodern hero 教案设计-A sample plan for Warming up and ReadingNo1 High School of Ruijin Xiao Cong教师:江西瑞金一中 肖聪 年级:高一课题名称:新人教版-英语-必修一Unit 5 Nelson Mandelamodern hero教学内容:Warming up and Reading一教材分析: 本节课的教学内容是必修一第五单元的Warming-up和Reading,以Reading为主。本课例是高一第五单元的Warming up 和Reading 部分。 热身部分列出了一些形容词,要求学生从中选择一些来描述伟人,引导学生思考伟人应具有的品格,这样的安排既突出了本单元的主题伟人的品格,又体现了本单元的功能项目发表意见与评论。 阅读课文的主要内容是围绕当代英雄南非前总统曼德拉展开的。课文借穷苦的黑人工人Elias的口吻讲述了南非黑人所受到的不公正待遇以及他们争取种族平等的斗争情况,介绍了19521963年期间的曼德拉,从侧面向学生展示了他的高贵品质。这样的写法有别于惯常所采用的平铺直叙,虽然只反映出曼德拉的一个侧面,但读起来却更亲切感人,引人入胜,还留给学生更多的思考空间。 本篇阅读课文围绕“ Nelson Mandela-a modern hero 为话题,目的在于使学生了解一个伟人应具备怎样的品质,要求学生掌握阅读方法和技巧,在有限的时间里最大限度地获取信息,让学生尝试“ 自主学习、主动思考、乐于协作”。二 教案设计Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:1. Get the students to learn to learn the following words to describe a person: kind, brave, determined, diligent, wise, friendly, warm, hard-working, strong-minded, generous, cheerful;2. Get the students to know the qualities of a great person;3. Get the students to learn about Nelson Mandela.Ability aims:1. Develop the students reading ability and let them learn different reading skills;2. Get the students to learn to grasp the main idea of a text or a passage.Emotional aims:1. Enable the students to know about some great people and learn their noble qualities.2. Get the students to learn from Nelson Mandela to develop their moral qualityTeaching important points:Get the students to know about the qualities a great person should haveEnable the students to learn about Nelson Mandela;Get the students to learn different reading skills.Teaching difficult points:Develop the students reading ability;Enable the students to grasp the main idea of a text and learn how to describe a person;Enable the students to be clear about the structure of a passage.Teaching methods:1. 演示法:把制作的课件、图片、视频等显示给学生看,激发学生的学习兴趣,并从中体会相关的文化背景,体会语言的魅力,达到更好理解课文的目的;2. 任务驱动教学法:Task-based teaching and learning将所要学会的阅读技能设计在一个接一个的阅读任务中,学生通过完成阅读任务训练阅读能力;3. Cooperative learning:合作学习Teaching aids: 1. The multimedia and the Internet;2. Other normal teaching tools.Teaching procedures:教学过程Step1: Lead-in:导入Step2: warming-up: 热身Step3:Pre-reading: 读前Step4:Reading: 阅读Step5: After-reading: 读后Step6: Consolidation: 巩固Step7: Homework: 作业Step8: Enjoyment: 欣赏Step1: Lead inLet the students enjoy a song “Hero”, showing a MV and the lyrics on the screen, make the students enjoy the words:Theres a hero If you look inside your heart You dont have to be afraid Of what you are Theres an answer If you reach into your soul And the sorrow that you know Will melt away And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And youll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you Then ask the students to discuss the question “Who is hero?” Step2: Warming up: Guessing Game First, show some sentences describing some famous or great people to ask the students to guess who they are. Second, play a game. Show them some pictures of persond and adjectives to describe these persons, asking a student from each group to guess who they are while others in groups are describing the persons. Third, discuss some questions in groups, showing the following questions: Are famous people also great people? Are great people also famous people? The result of the discussion: Great people are important in a long history; famous people are important in a certain time.Step3: Pre-reading1. Let the students enjoy video about how Nelson Mandela spent his life in Robben Island and make the students enjoy and learn the poet:Out of the might that covers me,Black as the pit from pole to pole,I thank whatever gods may be,For my unconquerable soul.In the fell clutch of circumstance,I have not winced nor cried aloud.Under the bludgeonings of fate,My head is bloody,but unbowed.Beyond this place of wrath and tears,Looms but the horrors of the shade,And yet the menace of the years,Finds ,and shall finds,me unafraid.It matters not how strait the gate,How charged with punishment the scroll,I am my master of my fate,I am the captain of my soul.Then ask the students the question: what qualities should a great person have?2. Show some brief information about Nelson Mandela.Step4: Reading1. Ask the students to read the title of the passage and ask them to guess the relationship between Elias and Nelson Mandela.(Answer: Friends)2. Fast reading: Task1: Listen to the tape and try to get the general idea of the text.Task2: ask the students to read the passage as quickly as they can and find out how to divide the passage into two parts and get main idea of each part:Part 1: Paragraph(1-2) the life of Eliaslife before he met Nelson Mandela. Part 2: Paragraph (3-5) the life of Eliaslife after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.Task3: Matching the main idea of each paragraph.3. Careful reading: Give the students five minutes, ask them to read the text carefully to locate particular information and then finish the following tasks:Task1: Finish Exercise1 on P35Task2: Do the exercise on the screen: ask the students to read the first part and find the information about Elias:1940_1946_1948_1952_1963_(Answers:1940 He was born .1946 He began school. 1948 He left school. 1952 He was 12.He met Nelson Mandela. 1963:Elias helped Mandela blow up some government buildings.)Step5: After-reading: Task1:DiscussionQuestion1: What can we learn from Nelson Mandela?Question2: How to be a great person?Task2: Read and recite “were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government. We chose to attack the laws. We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful; when this was not allowedonly then did we decide to answer violence with violence.”Step6: Consolidation: summary.Show a short passage on the screen and ask the students to fill in the blanks:Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa. He _all his life to making black and white people _. In 1952, he _a law office to offer _ to the poor black people on their _ problems. Elias was helped by him when he was _ and then he became more _ about his life. Later when Mandela organized the ANC _ he joined it as soon as possible and fought together for the equal rights. They first broke the law in a _ way. Only when that was not allowed _decide to answer violence with_._, Elias didnt like violence, but he was happy to help _ some of the government buildings because of their dream.(Answers: devoted; equal; set up; guidance; legal; in trouble; hopeful; Youth League; peaceful; did they; violence; As a matter of fact; blow up)Step7: Homework1. Find out useful words and expressions in the text;2. A writing task:Try to retell Elias story, using the following words:Before meeting Mandela: born, began school, leave got a job, worried about, out of work;After meeting Mandela: get, stay, joined the ANC Youth League, blow up, put in prison happy, realize the dream.Step8: Enjoy a video about a song “Glories Days” by Huang Jia Ju, telling them that the song was written for Nelson Mandela. 欣赏黄家驹的“光辉岁月”这首歌,告诉学生这首歌是黄家驹在1993年曼德拉活得诺贝尔和平奖时所写,从歌词和画面中感受到世界人民对曼德拉的敬意。三 教学反思(一):教学成功之处:1. 教学环节,学习任务的设计环环相扣,贴近学情。 课堂导入自然新颖,以一首“Hero” 的MV 开始引入本单元话题: 曼德拉一个当代英雄,引导学生欣赏期中的歌词 “So when you feel like hope is gone ,look inside you and be strong,and youll finally see the truth , that a hero lies in you.”,也自然地引出一个问题 “Who is the hero in your mind”, 以此来活跃学生的思维,带着这样的思考进入到下一个教学环节。 课文阅读分成三部分:读前,阅读,读后。读前两个活动: 一是观看曼德拉在罗本岛的牢狱生活的一段视频,引导学生理解并体会曼德拉的两句话:Im the master of my fate; Im the captain of my soul. 在欣赏的过程中去体验学习曼德拉在困境中依然坚定自己的信念,坚持自己的梦想,不屈不挠的精神。二是展示曼德拉的信息,让学生进一步了解曼德拉。课文阅读设计了两个过程:一时略读,二是细读。略读设计了三个学习任务:文章大意,文章结构,各段大意。三个任务层层递进,逐步展开。细读设计了两个学习任务:判断正误(既课本P35练习)和时间事件连线。这两个任务设计都是训练学生在有限时间里最大限度获取和处理信息的阅读微技能。读后也设计了两个任务:一是


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