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s Research process1. Clearly define the clients problem the overall objective or purpose for doing the research and obtain the clients agreement to the definition.2. Define the research problem- the over tasks of the researchProblem:Management decision problemMarketing research problem3. Do some preliminary research or at least some preliminary thinking to improve your understanding of the situation4. Write the reseach objectives 按调研功能分: Exploratory research-Designed to throw light on a problem or the situation around itu Secondary data The sources of secondary data-inernal p118 4.1 & external p119 4.2 Descriptive research - Designed to provide a description of the situationI,Cross-sectional research Where information is collected once only from a sample of a populatio Typical market research survey, e.g. advertising recall surveyII,Longitudinal research-(panel & tracking)s Where the same sample is measured two or more times over a period-e.g. employee opinion surveysIII,Survey Research where information is gathered by communicating with respondents through interviews or survey forms: e.g. brand purchase preference IV,Observational Research where all types of information is gathered without communication with the respondent: e.g. people meters, traffic counters, bar code scanners, observing people Causal research- experimental research( types p69)Designed to investigate the cause and effect relationship between two variables Omnibus research (不重要)按预测性质分:u Qualitative research (定性研究) focus grounp;depth interviewu Quantitative research(定量研究)QualitativeQuantitativeMuch probingLittle probingUsed for exploratoryUsed to obtain descriiptive dataSmall sampleLarge sampleLarge data from respondentsSmall data from respondentsFlexibleFormal, inflexible-focus group-depth interview-Survey-Observational5. Decide how to the data will be collected,choose an appropriate sampling method and design the sample and the other necessary components The main survey data collection methods(p260 7.10)1. face to face.Door to door(in-home)Central locationExecutive interview2. by telephoneCATICATS3. self-administeredMailed outHard-copySent/returned by faxOn internetCAPI Samples Process:Define the population - Take a sample or a census? Use a probability sample or a non-probability sample Select the sampling methods When is it better to use a census?1,the population is small2,the research finding would be seriously distorted if some elements of the population were excluded.if that occurred, the cost of making a sampling error would be very high.s Benefits of a sample over a census(p272 8.2)1.Costs less2.Takes less time3.Data are sometimes wanted quickly4.Fewer mistakes are likely5.A more detailed study is possible6.The elements may be destroyed by the 7.research process.s The types of sample p274 8.3 ProbabilitySimple random sample ; systematic sample ; stratified sample ; cluster sample(single stage&multi-stage)Non-probabilityconvenience sample ; judgment sample ; quota sample ; snowball sample Questionaire问卷的目标问题必须准确全面反映所需信息; 受访者能够理解并愿意回答问题;问卷应尽量便利调查过程的实施;问卷设计要将回答者误差降至最低 。 问题设计形式6. Collect the data 7. Analyse and interpret the data8. Write the reportl Proposal1. Cover pageThe name of the clientThe name and address of the research companyThe title of the projectThe date2. Introduction3. List of the main issues4. Research objectives5. Definition if the respondents6. Data collection method that is recommended7. Size of the sample8. Sample location9. Recommended sampling method10. Timeframe for the project11. Fee quotation12. The researchers credentials13. The expected outcome or benefit to the clientl Report1. Cover page2. Table of contents3. Introduction4. Executive summary Executive summary is included for the benefit of the reader who have no need for,or interest in,the detailed findings and explanations5. Research objectives6. Research designThe survey population,the methods used for interviewing and the data collection,the da


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