



南通市2017届高三第一次调研测试参考答案英 语参考答案:15 CBACB 610 BACBB1115 ACCAB1620 BAABC2125 BBCCD 2630 ABBCA 3135 ABDDA3640 BADDB 4145 CDCAB 4650 BDCAD 5155 BCADC5660 DACBB 6165 DCDBC 6670 ADBCA71. decreasing/ reduced/ decreased/ replaced 72. early 73. confuse 74. truth 75. happiness 76. literary 77. involved 78. similar/ common 79. understand 80. places/ positions/ shoesOne possible version 1:While it is common for a parent to post childrens photos nowadays, people take different attitudes toward it. Some think its beneficial while others are anxious about it. In my opinion, posting childrens photos online is beneficial for people and makes a child better known. As a result, he is likely to have more chances to be successful in the future. It will also be easier for parents to communicate with other friends, for they have more to share with each other. Besides, its a way to strengthen an online social circle and connect with people we dont know before.Although there may be some disadvantages that come with posting childrens photos, its not necessary to be too cautious about it. We should have confidence in our society because we wont throw away the apple because of the core. One possible version2:While its common for a parent to post childrens photos nowadays, people take different attitudes toward it. Some think its beneficial while others are anxious about it.In my opinion, it is not always the smartest or safest thing to do so. What parents view as delightful photos may be interpreted differently by others and give a false image of what the child is really like. Besides, there is a growing crime called “digital kidnapping” in which individuals or companies steal childrens images and use them in advertisements or other commercial activities. Apart from the obvious dangers of identity theft, it can result in them being re-shared and altered by other online users without permission, which may end up damaging their school status or future career prospects. In short, although sharing childrens photos online does have advantages, parents should be cautious about it.听力材料:Text 1M: Have you seen my blue sports shirt?W: I think its still in the washing machine. Youll probably have to keep wearing that green shirt until the wash is done. Sorry about that.Text 2W: Hey kids! What are you doing in my yard?M: Im sorry. We were playing baseball, and our ball is in your yard. W: I see. You are lucky. My dog wasnt in the yard. Next time, just knock on the door, OK?Text 3W: Id like to withdraw 100 dollars from my savings account. I need to pay my gas bill.M: Could you tell me your account number and last name?W: My last name is Hu, and my account number is written on the back of this envelope.Text 4 W: What seems to be the problem?M: My throat hurts, and I cant stop coughing.W: It sounds like youve caught a cold. Heres a prescription for some medicine. You should stay home and rest. Make sure you drink plenty of water.Text 5M: I meant to turn in my homework, but I left it on my desk at home. Ill have to bring it to class tomorrow.W: Are you serious? Not again!Text 6M: Im so excited about this trip. We havent had a vacation for several months.W: I know. This is going to be a great week. I have always wanted to see Disneyland. M: And I want to revisit the Oriental Pearl Tower and go to my Shanghai University class reunion. What time is our flight?W: Its in a few hours. We should really be on the way to the airport already. What time is our car supposed to arrive?M: How would I know? I thought you ordered a taxi. W: Oh, no! Well never get a taxi at this time of day. Lets see if our neighbors can give us a ride.Text 7 W: What are you doing? You look like youre trying to make a wall out of these books!M: Im getting ready for a job interview. I want to know everything I can before my interview on Friday.W: Why dont you just look up “Bank of China” on the Internet?M: Ive already spent all day yesterday doing that. But I realized that I need to know more about banking, so Im spending my Sunday reading up.W: Surely you can find more information about bank loan officers on the web.M: Everyone is going to use the Internet to prepare. I think if I read a lot, Ill do better in the interview. I want to know more than the other applicants.Text 8M: May I help you find something?W: Im not sure about this red dress. I am going to my high school reunion this summer, and I want something to make me look young and successful.M: I think this black dress will be perfect. Its quite beautiful, and the color suits you well. W: That is nice, but Im afraid its out of my price range.M: Perhaps youd like to try something from this corner of the store. All the dresses on this shelf are on sale.W: Wow! Sixty percent off the original price! That seems too good to be true.M: Were making room for the summer collection. Thats why you can get such a good deal. I think this blue dress would be perfect for your reunion.W: I do like it. I dont have time to try it on, though. Can I buy it now and then just return it later if I dont like it?M: Im sorry, but Im afraid our sale items cannot be returned. W: I think Ill just buy it anyway. If its too small, Ive still got two months to lose weight. Im sure I can fit into it.Text 9M: Id like to send this package to Canada. Do you think it will arrive before the weekend?W: Not by regular mail. If youre willing to pay for express shipping, it will definitely get there before Saturday. Lets see how much it weighs.M: Its mostly books, so its quite heavy.W: Yes, its over five pounds. The express shipping rate will be about thirty dollars. M: Thirty dollars?! Im afraid thats more than I planned for. But I have to get these books to my sister before her classes start next week. W: Well, its only Tuesday, so you could send them First Class. That would only cost you ten dollars, and the package should arrive in three to five business days.M: But in that case, they might not arrive until next week, right?W: Im afraid thats a possibility. With First Class mail, we can only guarantee delivery by next Tuesday.M: Well, I guess Ill have to pay for the overnight shipping and hope my sister pays me back.W: OK. You said this mostly contains books. Any batteries, liquids, or explosives in the package?M: Of course not.W: Good. Your total comes to twenty-nine dollars and fifty cents. Your tracking number is on the receipt.Text 10 Welcome to Freshman Orientation Week. We have some fun activities planned for you, and we also want to make sure we answer all your questions. More than anything, we want you to make friends, enjoy yourself, and become part of the Smith University family. Youve all received a backpack with some free school supplies. Did you notice that the backpacks come in six different colors? Thats because youll be divided into six different teams. Look for the flag that matches your backpack color. If you have an orange backpack, you should go stand under the orange flag. For those with blue backpacks, youll want to join the blue team. We also have yellow, red, green, and black teams. We want you to mix with other new students and find new friends. Today, your team will take part in a race to find seven different university services on campus. You should find all the places on the list. Make sure you take a picture of yourself at each place, and come back here when youre done. The first team to finish will win free gift cards to the university bookstore. Now that youre in your groups, we have a few more instructions. Choose one person to be your leader and another to be your photographer. And remember that even if you dont finish the whole list, be back here the university cafeteria by twelve oclock. Now, lets start our race. Ready? On your marks, get set go!南通市2017届高三第一次调研测试书面表达评分说明1本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。(参见附录)2评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言(内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性)初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。(如果没有使用较复杂的句子结构,评分时将分数降低1个档次)。3词数少于130或多于170的,从总分中减去2分。4文章应分为三大部分:1)上文概要;2)陈述观点; 3) 用23个理由或论据支撑观点。缺少其中一部分,文章为三档及以下。5遗漏支撑三大部分主要内容的细节(如:两到三个理由或论据),每处扣2分。


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