



二人自我介绍英语对话关于自我介绍的二人英语对话一A:Its very kind of you to show me around.谢谢你带我参观。B:Not at all. What would you like to see first?不客气。你想先看什么?A:I really dont know.我真的不知道。B:Lets walk around the lake first, shall we?让我们现在湖边转转,好吗?A:Yes, that would be lovely.好的,那太棒了。B:Have you been here before?你以前来过这里吗?A:No, its the first time Ive been here.没有,这是我第一次来这里。B:I will take you to Li River after walking around here.在这散步后我将带你去漓江。A:Thats wonderful! I have heard the scene of Li River is beautiful!好极了!我听说漓江的风景很美丽。B:Yes, youll be in a different world there.是的,在那里你将看到一个不同的世界。关于自我介绍的二人英语对话二A:Hello!你好。B:Oh, hi!哦,你好。A:Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tom.请允许我介绍一下自己,我叫汤姆。B:Pleased to meet you. My name is Alice. Did you just move in ne*t door?很高兴见到你,我叫爱丽斯。你刚搬进隔壁吗?A:Yes, I did. Have you lived here long?是的,你住在这里很久了吗?B:Me? I guess so. Ive lived here for about si* years now. Have you lived in America very long?我吗?我想是的,到现在有六年了,你住在美国很久了吗?A:No, not really. When I left Vietnam, I came to America and I lived with a cousin in Dallas for two years. Where do you work, Alice?不是很久,我离开越南后就来到了美国,和一个表兄在达拉斯住了两年。爱丽斯,你在哪里工作?B:I teach mathematics at a college. What do you do?我在一所大学教数学,你是做什么工作的?A:I am an accountant at a company.我是一家公司的会计。B:Well, Tom. Its good to meet you. I have to go now. I am teaching a class this evening, and I need to get to the college.哦,汤姆,很高兴见到你,我不得不走了。我今晚有课,我得赶紧去学校。A:Its nice meeting you too, Alice.我也很高兴见到你,爱丽斯。B:See you around!改天见!A:Goodbye, Alice.再见,爱丽斯!关于自我介绍的二人英语对话三A:Hi, Im Jake. Im new to the choir. Whats your name?你好,我是杰克,我是合唱团的新成员,你叫什么名字?B:Hello, there, my name is Tonia.很高兴认识你,我叫谭雅。A:Do you sing alto?你是唱女低音吗?B:Actually, I can do both soprano and alto but the director asked me to sing alto for the ne*t perforAce. What about you.事实上,我可以唱女低音,也可以唱女高音,不过指挥要我下次表演唱女低音,你呢?A:Looks like we both float back and forth. Im baritone.我和你一样可以唱高音和低音。我是唱男中音。B:Our bass section is really good. Youre going to love singing with them.我们的男低音很棒,你会喜欢和他们一起合唱的。A:I heard them warming up earlier. Youre right.我刚刚听到他们在练习发声


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