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高一英语导学案 班别 姓名 分数 时间 年 月 日星期 BOOK2 Unit 3 COMPUTERS.词汇认知1 vt.计算 2 adj. 普遍的;通用的3 vt. 简化4 adj. 合逻辑的;合情理的5 adj. 科技的6 n. 革命7 adj. 人造的;假的8 n金融,财经9 adj.可移动的;机动的10 n外貌,外观;出现11 n应用,申请12 _ v探索;探究13 adj.电子的14 结果.写出下列单词的变化形式51计算v._计算器 n_ 计算 n_2使简化v._简化 n_简单的 adj._3智力;聪明;智能n._智能的,聪明的adj._4私人的,个人的adj._亲自地;就本人而论adv._5运用,申请v._运用,申请n._申请人n._6金融,财经n._金融的,财经的adj._7逻辑,思维方式n._ 合逻辑的adj._合逻辑地 adv._ 不合逻辑的adj._8出现v. _出现,外貌n._消失 v_9探索,探究 v_探索,探究 n_2、 短语互译1. _ 从时起2. _ 结果3. _ 如此以致4. _人类5. _ 在某种程度上6. _ 在 帮助下7. _ 处理;安排;对付8. _ 看守;监视9. _虚构;化妆;组成,弥补10._ 共同的,共有的. 单句语法填空1. He was _very happy when he _(real) his dream to win the game.2. Misunderstandings _ (arise) from lack of social communication, unless _ (handle) properly, may lead to serious problems.3. _ (person) speaking, I am satisfied with all the work you have done.4. This question is too difficult for the children. I think wed better find a way to _ (simple) it.5. After the failure of the _ (operate), the doctor felt guilty and resigned.6. There is another kind of beauty that has nothing to do with _ (appear), but comes from the heart.7. The ability to give good advice at the right time involves a great deal of _(intelligent).8. I was _(total) confused by what she said. 9. They agreed to accept my _ (apply) for joining their team.10. _ (real) is not the way you wish things to be but the way they actually are.11. His speech is _ (logical) organized and sounds great.12. I disagree that the age of _ (technology) revolution has ended. III. 用适当的介词填空。1. I stayed awake one night _ myself to enjoy the beautiful moonlight.2. _ time animals have developed many ways to stay away from their enemies.3. He has taken up photography _ a hobby.4. Leaves _ holes in them are signs that insects have been around.5. _ then on, Rick got up early every day and he was never late.6. Weve learned many kinds of languages _ the World Wide Web.7. Two girls jumped _ happiness on the sand.8. As time goes _, our life will improve greatly. 高一英语导学案 班别 姓名 分数 时间 年 月 日星期 BOOK2 Unit 3 COMPUTERS一、选词填空deal with;and as a result;go by;watch over;with the help of;from now on1_,I will only be working in the mornings.2The traffic was very heavy and _I arrived late.3The villagers are building their new houses _the local government.4There are too many difficulties for us to_.5You should make good use of the chance,and should not let it_.6Could you _my dog while I am on holiday?二. 重点句型1. I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.(P18)我发育缓慢,差不多两百年后,查尔巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。 句型:It takes/took some time before.,过了多长时间才 仿写:过了三年,他才找到女儿。_2. And my memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it!我的储存容量变得如此巨大,甚至连我自己都不能相信!句型:soadj./adv.that.意为“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。仿写:他说得太快以至于我们跟不上他。_3. She programs us with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games.她把观看人类比赛时所看到的一切可能的动作编入我们的程序。 句型:while watching.是“连词分词短语”作时间状语,意思是“当。时” 仿写:吃饭时不要讲话。 _三 课文缩写语法填空 _ history of computer began in 1642 in France. _ was first built only as a calculating machine, and later as an analytical machine that could think _(logic) and produce an answer _(quick) than any person. Later, the universal machine was built _(solve) mathematical problems _ made computer huge. _ years have gone by, computer has been made smaller, quicker and cleverer. And later the computers _(connect) by network and brought _ common peoples homes to deal with information and help communication between people around the world. Since its birth, computer has always been _(design) to serve the human race. 四词汇汇总话题:电子信息技术 science and technology 科学技术computer电脑Internet网络computer games 电脑游戏email 电子邮件information信息message消息screen屏幕mouse鼠标application应用invention发明electronic电子的laptop手提电脑equipment设备data数据database数据库robot机器人satellite卫星battery 电池chip芯片 digital 数据的fax 传真engineer工程师


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