英语人教版三年级下册Unit1ALets talk,look and say.doc_第1页
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英语人教版三年级下册Unit1ALets talk,look and say.doc_第3页




PEP三年级下册 Unit1 Welcome back to school! A Lets talk Look and say一、Teaching contents:教学内容 A. Lets talk Look and say二、Teaching aims and demands:教学目标1. Knowledge aims(知识目标):(1) Read the new dialogue fluently. (2) Be able to say the sentence pattern: Im from the UK./ Shandong.(3) Be able to use the sentence patterns to make a new dialogue .2. Ability aims(能力目标):To use the sentence patterns to talk about where you come from.3. Mood aims(情感目标):We should know: No matter the age, no matter where you come from. We are all friends.三、Main points and difficulties:重难点1. Read the new dialogue fluently.2. To use the sentence patterns in daily life correctly.四、Teaching aids:教具学具: CAI, headwears .五、Teaching methods:教法学法listening, speaking, reading, acting.六、Teaching procedures:教学步骤Step 1 Warm-up/Revision (复习热身)1. Greeting: Oral English practice.2. Enjoy a chant.3. Go to Miss Whites class, say “hello” to our old friends: Chen Jie, Mike, John, Wu Yi fan, and Sarah.Step 2 Presentation(新课呈现)1. Show two new friends: Amy and Zhang Peng. Then teach the new sentence: We have two new friends today.2. Teacher takes out a headwear of Amy. Then act as Amy, and introduce: Hi, Im Amy. Im from the UK.Then ask students to act as Amy to practice the sentence patterns.3. Go to Miss Whites class. Watch and answer: Where is Zhang Peng from?4. Act as Zhang Peng, and introduce: Hi, Im Zhang Peng. Im from Shandong.Step 3 Practice(巩固练习)1. Watch and repeat.2. Read in roles. 3. Play a game: Pass the ball. Welcome to Miss Whites class. Introduce the old friends to Amy and Zhang Peng.Step 4 Production(拓展延伸)1. Costume party. (化妆舞会) Our friends will hold a costume party. Miss White want to invent us to the party. Do you want to go?Then show the roles and make a dialogue:A:Hello! B:Hi! A:Im Xi Yangyang. Im from China. B:Im Superman. Im from the USA.A:Nice to meet you .B:Nice to meet you, too!2. Enjoy some pictures, and good to know: Every country is beautiful . No matter the age, no matter where you come from, we are friends. The world is a big family!七、Homework:家庭作业 1. You must : Read the dialogue three times. 2. If you can : Know a country


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