



2019高考英语二轮练习:新苏版5unit5&6unit1高三英语第一轮复习基础知识测试 (9) Module 5 Unit 5 & Module 6 Unit 1 Name: Mark: Important words:(1x40) 1. 资助2. 紧的 3. 坚定的4. 潮湿的5. 喉咙6. 临时的7. 伤害 v8. 流血9. 毒害10. 倒,灌.11. 温和的12. 难以忍受的13. 生死攸关的14. 典礼15. 勇敢 n16. 治疗,款待17. 抽象的18. 信念19. 典型的20. 明显的21. 采纳,收养22. 影子23. 企图.24. 预言 v.25. 身材,数字26. 雕刻27. 学者28. barrier n29. gallery30. consequently31. ridiculous32. controversial33. delicate34. allergic35. aggressive36. fragile37. reputation38. contemporary39. signature40. symptomPhrases:(2x20)1. 各种各样的2. 起飞,成功3. 反复4. 在适当位置5. 找到6. 申请7. 有影响,起作用8. 挤出9. 对实施急救10. 落后11. 呼吁,有吸引力12. 本人13. 巧合地14. 把注意力集中在15. 另一方面16. 偏爱17. 大量,许多18. 因控告19. 占有某物 20. 导致 Useful sentence structures:(20)1. 你说什么对我没关系That me what you say2. 除非下雨或天气很冷,我们将在本周日去公园野餐We will have a picnic in the park this Sunday or its very cold .3. 我在沿着小溪散步时遇到了一位老朋友I was walking along the stream I met an old friend4. 这场反吸烟运动主要是针对青少年的This anti-smoking campaign is mainly young teenagers .5. 你的帮助对我关系很大Your help means to me .6. 出席晚会的有我们的老师Present at the meeting our teachers.7. 因为电脑现在被广泛应用,所以我们才要学习这项技能。Its because the computer is being widely used at present we learn the skill.8. 她说她在摄影比赛中获得了一等奖,对此我深感怀疑。She said she won the first prize in the photo competition , I doubted very much9. 经过许多天的航行之后,他们到达了如今称之为美洲的地方。After many days voyage, they arrived in is called America now.10. 一场可怕的飞机坠毁事故在大西洋上空发生了,150名乘客遇难。A terrible air crash happened over the Atlantic Ocean, 150 passengers11. The footballer didnt succeed in scoring, though _several chances by his teammates.Awas given Bbeing given Cgiving Dgiven12. Be careful when you deal with this chemical, as it will explode when_ to sunlight.Abeing exposed Bto expose Cexposing Dexposed13. I have a Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, which is an important _ learning English.Aaid in Baid to Chelp to Dhelp at14. Without your timely help, we _ in big trouble that day.Ahad been Bwould be Cwould have been Dwere15. Despite the short stay in this foreign country, he has soon _himself to the new environment.Aattended Badopted Cadapted Dadmitted16. She _ who the murderer was before the end of the book.Aput out Bfigured out Chanded out Dworked out17. Among all these flowers _ a kind of red rose, which was given by my friend.Ais included Binclude Cwere included Dincluded18. More highways have been built in China, _ it much easier for people to travel from one place to another. Amaking Bmade Cto make Dhaving made19. Maybe if I _ science, and not literature then, I would be able to give you more help.Astudied Bwould study Chad studied Dwas studying20 .


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