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阅读理解高分攻略一阅读理解的能力要求:1.能根据上下文和构词法推断,理解生词的词义。2.能理解段落中各句子的逻辑关系。3.能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发 生和可能的结局。4.能读懂常见题材的阅读材料。5.能根据不同的阅读目的的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息。6.除教材外,课外阅读量应累计在15万以上(上海要求更高一些,30万词以上).所谓阅读理解能力是指视读能力,理解能力和对所读材料的评价能力。二中考英语阅读理解命题透视。 (一)中考阅读理解的考查方式 1. 四大题型(1) 细节理解题 主要测试考生是否读懂了文章所描述的内容, 即平时我们所说的 “W” ( who, what where ,when,why. Which) 和 “H” ( how ) 问题。有时出题者为了增加试题的难度, 会将试题理解部分与原句进行转化。(2) 主旨大意题要求在理解全文后归纳短文大意, 概括中心思想或选择短文的标题。命题方式常为 find out main point / main idea / best title 等, 这些内容大多数都隐含在文章中。 不少文章一开头便展示出文章的意或主题 。 尤其是新闻报道类文章, 在文章的段落中则往往由开头的一句充当主题句, 来概括该短文的中心思想。但是有的文章没有主题句, 如大部分记叙文, 在这中情况下, 就需要考生通过分析全文, 区分文章的主要信息与次要信息, 进而总结归纳出文章的大意或中心思想。 (3) 推理判断题主要测试考生利用文章所给的信息进行推理判断的能力。一般是根据文章的有关事实,对作者意图,态度以及作者言外之意,进行符合逻辑的推理判断。它要求纵观全文,在汇集全文提供的各项信息的 ,基础上,进行正确的逻辑推理:推理作者的意向;推理人物的动机,目的,性格等特征;推理事件的前因后果;推理语言中的语态,语气等。解答这类题一定要以全文所叙述的事实为依据,一层层剖析,一步步推导,仔细体会其因果关系和事情发展的始末, 依据作者的思路来进行推理, 千万不能脱离原文内容, 依据自己的意愿乱推理。(3) 词义推断题主要测试考生是否理解了文章的词义,一般情况下, 正确答案就是对所询问的词,词组或句子的复述或解释。考生要利用上下文的关联性来确定其确切含义。此外,作者通常运用下定义,解释,举例,同义词,反义词等来说明其一词或词组的意义,有时考生也可以凭常识来判断。 2. 具体形式(1) 根据所读文章内容判断正误。(2) 根据所读文章内容选择正确答案。 (二) 中考阅读理解命题特点。 试题的选材贴近考生的生活,时代气息浓郁。所选文章的体裁多样化。记叙文,说议论文,应用文,对话,图表 广告,小品等。1. 题材具有广泛性。 涉及日常生活,社会,政治, 经济,文化,科技,地理,历史,人物传记,风土人情,实用文体等。2. 题量大,分值高。3. 试题难度适中,符合大多数考生英语水平。三 中考阅读理解解题策略及方法。1. 细节理解题。一般针对某个特定的细节而提出,属浅层理解,通过通读全文可以直接找出答题依据。设题方式 (1) 单词替换。 (2)颠倒因果 (3) 扩大范围 (4) 常识判断解题秘诀 (回扣原文)(1) 注意五个 “W” 一个 “H”.(2) 根据设题顺序回扣原文所在语句,比较信息,如数字,日期,时间等。(3) 根据题干的关键词或其同义词回扣原文。(4) 回扣原文中的难句定位,一般难句都是出题点,这是应注意文中的同位语,破折号,括号,省略号等。2. 词义推理题。词义推理题主要考查文章中出现的词,词组的意义或句子的含义。设题方式(1) the word “.” In the passage probably means_.(2) The word “.”is closed in meaning to_.(3) “.” could best be replaced by which of the following ?(4) In the story the underlined word “” means_(5) Here “it” means _(6) The expression/phrase “” means_(7) The underlined word “it” in the passage refers to_.解题秘诀 (通过词根词缀词缀推测生词的含义。通过上下文推测生词的含义。)3.推理判断题这类题主要针对短文的结论,隐含意义,作者的倾向,文章的论调,写作思路及目的等方面,要求考生在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的判断和推理。 设题方式 多角度设置干扰项(1) 只是原文的简单复述,而非推断出来的结论,把直接表达当做间接推理。(2) 看似从原文推断出来的结论,然而实际上与原文不符。(3) 根据考生已有的常识是正确的,但是却不是基于文章,一切以文章为准。 常见的设问形式:(1) we can infer from the passage that_(2) We can guess the writer of the letter may be _(3) From the letter were learned that its very_(4) From the story we can guess _(5) What would be happy if_(6) How did the writer feel (7) The writer believes that_(8) The writer suggests that_ (9)which of following is true ?解题秘诀 (依据原文认真比较选项。) 绝大多数推理题是原文意思的同一表达,正确答案与原文之间没有任何推理关系。(1) 做题时可以寻找四个选项中三错一对的关系。(2) 如果四个选项中有两个或两个以上的选项都是成立的推理,则选与原文最接近的答案。4.主旨大意题这类题是指那些针对文章的主要内容,主题,标题或写作目的所设的问题。设题方式(1) Whats the passage mainly about ?(2) Whats the main idea of this passage ?(3) Whats the topic of this article ?(4) Whats the best title for this passage ?(5) The purpose of this passage is to _(6) The article has been written to explain_(7) We can learn from_(8)We can infer _ from this passage .解题秘诀 (抓主题句) 在议论文或说明文中,文章的主题句通常出现在首段或末段。记叙文通常在文章的首末两段流露出作者的看法或情感。选文章标题时既要排除过于具体或断章取义以偏盖全的标题。又要排除范围太大的标题。如果文章有几个观点,务必牢记作者的观点才是全文的中心。 阅读理解解题方法:方法1.顺序法。即先看文章,然后看试题,再回到文章查找有关信息。该法适合于解题时间充足,文章篇幅较长,需要获取的信息较多或需要对全篇进行整体理解的场合。阅读时一般采取快速阅读法,注意关键词句和段落,找准主线,掌握大意,并能记住主要细节的分布点。方法2.逆向法。即先看试题,了解试题题干以及各个选项所包含的信息,然后有针对地对文章进行扫读,对相关信息进行快速定位,再将相关信息进行整合,分析,对比。 有根据地排除干扰项,选出正确答案。该法有较大的针对性和准确性。适合于时间较紧,文章篇幅不长,需要获取信息不多,试题与文章联系紧密,不需要做深层次的理解in关系。3.标注法。即在通读短文和试题后,标注中心句并与试题有关的词,句,段标注相应的题号。该法具有很大的针对性和稳妥性,便于对照分析和复查验证。有些学生在阅读时喜欢在不认识的单词以及不理解的句子,段落下面划线或打上标记,这是一个不好的习惯,应以摒弃。 示例1 It was midday when I got the call that my grandfather was not well and he was quickly getting worse. Mr. family did not know how long he would stay in the world . I knew I had to get to the hospital, I pictured him before I got to tell him how much he meant to me. Trying to fight back the tears, I wanted to stay calm when I saw him. When I got to the hospital, I hurriedly looked for his hospital room .I found him in a semi-conscious state . On my knees, I said softly, “hello, Grand.” Still felling shy, I decided not to leave his bedside without letting him know. While I asked about how he was , he told me, “I will be fine , Henry .” although we both knew that wasnt true . Then he asked me with a smile how I was doing . Hearing what my grandpa said , I was much moved . I made the decision that I had to show my gratitude for him. As I found all the courage I had .I hold his hand tightly. I cried out , “Grandpa, I just want to let you know that yet I just want to make sure .” By this time, the tears were rolling down my face . All those years of love that I had shut and not let him know, became free. Smile , he said, “I know . Thank you for telling me that . All I have on this planet is my family and my love for them . If there is anything I could ask of you . I want you to be good to your family: your mother , your father, and your brother . Thats all I want of you.” What I learned that day changed my whole life. From then on, I began telling people how much I love them , care for them, and respect them ,I get in touch with , for example, my babysitter, my barber, to show my appreciation . I go down into the city once a week and serve pizza to homeless , I wake up every morning and list evening Im thankful to in my life .a) The author got the news of Grandpas illness_ A. in the morning B. at noon C. in the evening D. at midnight2.The author didnt tell Grandpa his love because _ to say love to Grandpa before . A. he was too shy B. he was too frightened C. he was too busy D. he had no chances3.The underlined word “gratitude” means_ in Chinese . A. 兴奋 B.惊讶 C.害怕 D。感激4.The writer wrote this passage to tell readers mainly about_A.how to think highly of others B.how to help others get out of trouble C. how to get in touch with others D. how to share feeling with others 5. The story develops with the changes of_ A. the writers life B. Grandpas feeling C. the authors emotion D. Grandpas illness 示例2 In the US, the flu kills 20,000 people every year . Most of them are children and people. The flu is going by coughing, sneezing, or only talking . when it happens to you , you will feel tired, have a high fever, cough quite often and your throat will be sore . For most adults, the treatment is just to wait it out .stay at home to have a good rest, drink lots of water and take some medicine and so on . The flu usually can go away in two weeks . But for the old and young , its much harder to be well because they are too weak to fight against the disease. Flu season in the US is usually from December to March . So youd better stay away from people who are having the flu . However, the best way is to do more exercises and keep fit .1. Which may NOT be the symptom of catching the flu ? A.You cough seriously B. You have a fever C. Your throat is sore D. You want to eat more food2. The Chinese meaning of “treatment” is _A. 治疗 B。待遇 C.礼貌 D。药物3.Which one of the following people can be well in two weeks after getting the flu ? A. a man of seventy years old B. a baby of three months oldC. a girl ten years old D. a man of thirty years old 4. In which month , you may catch the flu easily in the US ? A. In August B. In November C. In January D. In May 5.Which is right according to the passage ? A. The flu kills 20,000 people every year in the world . B. You may catch the flu because of touching someone who has it . C. The flu is a terrible disease and it can kill people easily . D. The best way of being away from the flu is to be far from people with it. 示例3 Forty years ago , I was in grade One . One day , I was asked to go to the principals office.(校长办公室) I was really nervous . When I pushed the heavy door open. I found my parents were sitting in the office, too. My father walked to me , with some of my drawings in his hand. “ Why do you only use a black crayon(蜡笔) when you draw ? he asked . I said nothing. “ show me to your desk ,” said my father . So we returned to my classroom . My father pulled out my crayon box. There was only one black crayon in it . “ Where are the rest of your crayons?” I quietly explained that I would given all other crayon to my friends. I shared my things with others as my parents had taught me . Then I looked at my father , then at the principalboth their faces were red . Years later, I learned that my fathers face was red because of anger and the principal was red because he was embarrassed. When the principal saw all my pictures , he thought that I had a deep emotion problem . So he called my parents in to discussion “ my problem” In fact, I was too shy to ask for my “shared” crayon back. I didnt stand up for myself! That night, my father told me about the difference between sharing and giving. He also gave me a new box of crayons. He said, “These crayons are for you . I dont want you to share or give these crayons to anyone else .”1. At the beginning of the text, the father won
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