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海啸应急处理程序海啸应急处理程序 TsunamiTsunami ActionAction PlanPlan 海啸海啸TsunamiTsunami 目的 为了采取预防措施保护海啸来临时对酒店的损害和避免员工及客人受到伤害 在紧急 事件中明确责任及职责特制定本程序 Purpose To make it clear the responsibility during emergency to avoid causing devastating property damage and loss of life 说明说明 IlluminationIllumination 1 海啸是一种具有强大破坏力 灾难性的海浪 通常由震源在海底下 50 千米以内 里氏 震级 6 5 以上的海底地震引起 水下或沿岸山崩以及火山爆发也可能引起海啸 在一次震动 之后 震荡波在海面上以不断扩大的圆圈 传播到很远的距离 A Tsunami is a strong destructive and devastating waves It is often caused by the earthquake the magnitude should be 6 5 and above happened beneath the seabed 50 kilometres The phenomenon we call tsunami is a series of large waves of extremely long wavelength and period usually generated by a violent impulsive undersea disturbance or activity near the coast or in the ocean When a sudden displacement of a large volume of water occurs or if the sea floor is suddenly elevate or subside by an earthquake big tsunami waves can be created by the forces of gravity 2 海啸在外海时由于水深 波浪起伏较小 不易引起注意 但到达岸边浅水区时 巨大的 能量使波浪骤然升高 形成内含极大能量 高达十几米甚至数十米的 水墙 冲上陆地后 所向披靡 往往造成对生命和财产的严重摧残 It s hard for us to detect the Tsunami when it s far from us But when it reaches a low sea area it can become huge waves which have great energy and become a more than ten meters high water wall which rushes into land and destroys lives and property 3 海啸发生有两种形式 一是滨海 岛屿或海湾的海水反常退潮或河流没水 而后海水突 然席卷而来 冲向陆地 二是海水陡涨 突然形成几十米高的水墙 伴随隆隆巨响涌向滨海 陆地 而后海水又骤然退去 There are two forms of Tsunami In the first form the sea water line ebbs abnormality and water is drawn from rivers then the sea water suddenly rushes back onto the shoreline In the second form the sea water rises up quickly and forms a more than ten meters high water wall and travel inland for miles 海啸警报海啸警报 TsunamiTsunami AlarmAlarm 1 由当地政府通过传播媒介 广播和电视发出 The alarm is issued by local government and by broadcasts on TV and radio 2 地面出现强烈震动和海上出现巨浪 A violent quake is felt or huge waves appears near the shoreline 有时警报不准确或发出太晚 Sometimes the alarm is incorrect or issued too late 海啸发生时应对措施海啸发生时应对措施 ActionsActions whichwhich shouldshould bebe takentaken whenwhen therethere isis a a TsunamiTsunami 保持头脑清醒 选择正确的逃生方法 Keep calm Choose a safe way to evacuate 一 如果海啸预警响起 应采取以下行动 If the Tsunami alarm rings please take the following actions 1 迅速向酒店消防中心报警 Call the hotel ECC chemical reagent overflows and prevent explosions and fire 3 检查供电 供水 供气系统是否正常 Check whether the power supply system water supply system and the gas supply system is in order or not 4 迅速恢复未破坏区域的正常经营 Resume the normal operations of the unattacked areas 媒体采访媒体采访 Media interview 所有有关灾难的信息员工无权接受采访及透露任何消息 必要时由酒店公关部出面协调和 解答 Hotel TMs have no right to disclose any information about the disaster If necessary hotel Marcom Department will take charge of coordinating and answering the questions from outside media 紧急情况供应品紧急情况供应品 EmergencyEmergency SupplySupply 水水 WaterWater 计划每天为每人准备 2000 毫升水 2000ml water for each person per day 在塑料容器中贮水 Store water in plastic containers 避免使用易腐烂或易破裂的容器 Avoid to use unclean or easily broken containers 不可中断水的供应 一个人一天至少要喝 1600 毫升水 Continuous water supply Each person should drink at least 1600ml water per day 食物食物 FoodsFoods 储存至少可供三天使用的非腐烂性食物 Store enough putrescible foods which can last at least three days 选择不需要在冰箱存放 烹调或准备的可压缩 重量较轻的食物 建议建议 ChooseChoose thethe foodsfoods whichwhich dodo notnot needneed toto bebe refrigerated refrigerated suggestsuggest 准备罐装的肉 水果和蔬菜 Prepare canned meat fruit and vegetable 罐装果汁 牛奶 汤 如果是粉状 贮存同水隔离 Canned juice milk and soup if it s the powdered foods please keep away from water 原材料 糖 盐 Seasoning sugar and salt 高能量食物 花生酱 果冻饼干 坚果和健康食品 High energy foods peanut butter jelly biscuits nuts and healthy foods 缓解压力的食物 饼干 硬糖和加糖谷类食品 Foods that can release stress such as biscuit sugar and cereal foods with sugar 维他命 Vitamins 容器 Containers 储存易搬运的物品 Store the easy taken items 急救箱急救箱 FirstFirst aidaid boxesboxes 消毒粘性绷带 Flexible fabric bandages 2 英寸和 4 英寸消毒纱布 Sterile gauze 2 inch and 4 inch 医用胶布 Medical plasters 三角绷带 Arms slings 2 英寸和 4 英寸消毒卷式绷带 Roller bandages 2 inch and 4 inch 剪刀 Scissors 镊子 Forceps 湿毛巾 Wet towels 杀菌剂 Germicide Disinfectant 体温计 Thermometers 凡士林油 Petroleum jelly 安全别针 Safety pins 清洁剂 Cleanser 橡胶手套 Rubber gloves 阿斯匹林 非阿斯匹林解热镇痛药 Aspirin Painkillers 治疗腹泻药物 Medicine for diarrhoea 抗酸剂 Antacid 医药用便携式冰箱 Medical portable icebox refirdgerator 备品和工具备品和工具 SpareSpare ItemsItems andand toolstools 收音机 Radios 备用电池 Spare batteries 非电动开罐器 Non electrical can openers 工具刀 Implemental knives 手电筒 Flashlights 光棒 Light sticks 反光胶带 Reflector tape 扩音器 Loudspeakers 氧气罐 Oxygen tanks 清理流血工具箱 First aid boxes 手机和充电器 Cell phones and chargers 双频对讲机和充电器 Two way Walkie talkies 换气设备 Exchange gas equipments 钥匙 万能 Master Keys 灭火器 Fire extinguishers 便携式发电机 Portable generators 可伸缩绳索 Extension rope 照相机或摄影机 Cameras or video cameras 办公用品 Office items 日志记录本 Notebooks 纸张和铅笔 Papers and pencils 输送管带 Conveyer belt 绳子 Ropes 软管塞 Bottle corks 存放在防水容器中的火柴 Matches that saved in waterproof containers 针线 Sewing Kits 煤气 水的切断扳手 Spanners for cutting Coal gas water supplys 哨子 Whistles 塑料布 Plastic clothes 卫生设施卫生设施 SanitationSanitation equipmentequipment 卫生纸 毛巾 Toilet paper towels 肥皂和液体清洁剂 Soaps and liquid cleanser 妇女用品 Ladies sanitary items 个人化妆用品 Individual make up items 消毒剂 Disinfectant 紧急情况联络号码紧急情况联络号码 EmergencyEmergency ContactContact listlist 一般联络部门一般联络部门 GeneralGeneral contactcontact departmentsdepartments 联系人联系人 ContactContact personperson联系号码联系号码 ContactContact No No 消防消防 FireFire 警察机关警察机关 PolicePolice stationstation 救护车救护车 AmbulanceAmbulance 医院医院 HospitalsHospitals 避难所避难所 RefugeRefuge 红十字会红十字会 RedRed CrossCross 煤气公司煤气公司 GasGas CompanyCompany 供电公司供电公司 PowerPower supplysupply Com Com 自来水公司自来水公司 WaterWater supplysupply Com Com 电信公司电信公司 ElecomElecom 电梯修理公司电梯修理公司 ElevatorElevator companycompany 航线航线 AirportAirport companycompany 紧急情况紧急情况 EmergencyEmergency ContactsContacts listlist 姓名姓名 联系联系 ContactContact personperson电话号码电话号码 ContactContact No No 紧急情况指挥中心紧急情况指挥中心 EmergencyEmergency controlcontrol centrecentre 酒店


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