



精品文档 1欢迎下载 PEPPEP 英语五年级第二单元测试题英语五年级第二单元测试题 姓名 姓名 分数 分数 一 根据图片写出相对应的单词或短语 一 根据图片写出相对应的单词或短语 1010 分 分 二 英汉互译二 英汉互译 10 10 分分 1 1 春天春天 6 always 6 always 2 2 季节季节 7 windy 7 windy 3 3 放风筝放风筝 8 sunny 8 sunny 4 4 哪一个哪一个 9 9 snow snow 5 5 因为因为 10 why 10 why 三 单项选择 三 单项选择 3030 分 分 1 1 youryour favouritefavourite season season A A WhatWhat s s B B WhatWhat C C WhoWho s s D D WhenWhen 2 2 BearsBears cancan a a longlong timetime winter winter A A sleep forsleep for B B swim inswim in C C sleep sleep inin D D swim forswim for 3 3 dodo youyou dodo morningmorning exercises exercises Because Because itit s s goodgood forfor mymy health health A A HowHow B B WhenWhen C C WhatWhat D D WhyWhy 4 4 I I dondon t t likelike winter winter ItIt s s tootoo A A coolcool B B coldcold C C hothot D D warmwarm 5 5 I I likelike toto inin summer summer A A goinggoing swimmingswimming B B swimswim C C swimmingswimming D D gogo swimswim 6 6 WeWe cancan ice creamice cream inin summer summer A A eatingeating B B eatseats C C eateat D D toto eateat 7 7 I I usuallyusually plantplant inin spring spring A A treetree B B a a treestrees C C treestrees D D somesome treetree 8 8 I I likelike fallfall A A goodgood B B wellwell C C nicenice D D best best 9 9 I I dondon t t likelike winterwinter mymy daddad doesndoesn t t likelike itit A tooA too B B eithereither C C twotwo D D toto 10 I 10 I oftenoften flyfly kiteskites mymy friends friends A andA and B B toto C C withwith D D forfor 11 11 WhatWhat youyou likelike toto do do A A wouldwould B B amam C C dodo D D areare 12 12 WinterWinter isis coldcold forfor A A wewe B B I I C C mymy D D meme 13 13 HowHow manymany areare therethere inin a a year year A A seasonsseasons B B yearsyears C C dayday D D weekweek 14 14 WhatWhat s s thethe weatherweather likelike winter winter A A onon B B atat C C inin D D underunder 精品文档 2欢迎下载 15 15 WhenWhen itit s s winterwinter inin China China itit s s inin Australia Australia A A coldcold B B summersummer C C fallfall D D coolcool 四 情景反应 选择正确的选项完成对话 把其编号填在横线上 四 情景反应 选择正确的选项完成对话 把其编号填在横线上 1010 分 分 A A I I likelike winterwinter best best B B winterwinter isis whitewhite andand beautiful beautiful C C WhichWhich seasonseason dodo youyou likelike best best D D HowHow areare you you E E Why Why F F HowHow aboutabout you you G G I I dondon t t likelike winter winter Mike Mike Hi Hi Sarah Sarah Sarah Sarah I I likelike winterwinter best best Mike Mike Sarah Sarah BecauseBecause Mike Mike I I likelike summersummer best best 五 根据中文 补充句子 五 根据中文 补充句子 1010 分 分 1 1 WeWe cancan inin 我们可以在春天植树 我们可以在春天植树 2 2 I I cancan swimswim 我可以在湖里游泳 我可以在湖里游泳 3 3 TheThe boysboys often often snowsnow inin winter winter 男孩们经常在冬天玩雪 男孩们经常在冬天玩雪 4 4 dodo youyou fall fall 你为什么喜欢秋天 你为什么喜欢秋天 5 What5 What s s your season your season 你最喜欢的季节是什么 你最喜欢的季节是什么 六 连词成句 六 连词成句 1010 分 分 1 1 do do season season which which best best you you likelike 2 2 is is summer summer my my favourite favourite seasonseason 3 3 skate skate can can in in I I winter winter in in BeijingBeijing 4 4 and and is is sunny sunny hot hot it it alwaysalways 5 5 flyfly kites kites I I inin can can becausebecause springspring 七 交际配伍 从七 交际配伍 从 栏中选出栏中选出 栏正确的答语 栏正确的答语 1010 分 分 1 1 WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo onon thethe weekend weekend A A I I playplay sportssports atat 5 00p m 5 00p m 2 2 WhatWhat s s thethe weatherweather likelike inin summer summer B B I I likelike summersummer best best 3 3 WhichWhich seasonseason dodo youyou likelike best best C C SometimesSometimes I I visitvisit mymy grandparents grandparents 4 4 WhenWhen dodo youyou playplay sports sports D D ItIt s s sunnysunny andand hot hot 5 5 WhenWhen isis thethe bestbest timetime toto gogo toto beijing beijing E E Fall Fall 八 阅读短文 判断对错八 阅读短文 判断对错 对的写对的写 T T 错的写错的写 F 10F 10 分分 I I amam Tim Tim ThereThere rere fourfour peoplepeople inin mymy family family MyMy father father mymy mothermother andand twotwo boys boys MyMy fatherfather likeslikes fallfall bestbest becausebecause hehe cancan drawdraw manymany beautifulbeautiful thingsthings inin fall fall HeHe s s anan artist artist MyMy mothermother likeslikes winter winter SheShe s s a a nurse nurse MyMy brotherbrother likeslikes summersummer best best I I likelike summersummer too too BecauseBecause hehe cancan eateat ice creamice cream andand I I cancan gogo swimmingswimming withwith mymy friendsfriends inin summer summer 1 1 TimTim hashas a a sister sister 2 2 TimTim s s fatherfather likeslikes summersummer bestbest becausebecause hehe cancan drawdraw manymany beautifulbeautiful things things 3 3 TimTim s s mothermother isis anan artist artist 4 4 TimTim likes


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