



初三英语第一轮复习 八(上)Unit 7Unit 8I.词组:1.make a banana milk shake制作香蕉奶昔 2.peel three apples削三个苹果 3.cut up切碎 4.put in into把放进 5.pourinto把倒入 6.turn on turn down the blender打开关上搅拌器 7.a cup of yogurt一杯酸奶 8.two teaspoons of honey两勺蜂蜜9.mixall up把都搅拌起来 10.boil the noodles煮面 11.add salt to给加盐12.put the butter on a slice of bread把一片面包抹上黄油 13.chicken slices=slices of chicken鸡肉片 14.puton the top把放在上面 15.a recipe for 的食谱 16. green onion葱 17.roll the pancake卷起薄饼 18.need to do需要做1. hang out with friends 和朋友闲逛 2. buy a souvenir 买纪念物 3. get his autograph 得到他的签名 4. win a prize 获奖 5. have a great time on the school trip 在校游中玩得开心 6. watch a dolphin show 看海豚表演 7. at the end of the day 在一天结束时 8. take the subway back to school 乘地铁返回学校 9. sleep late 睡得晚 10. go for a drive 开车去兜风 11. on my first day off 在我第一个休息日 12. put some of his old things out in the yard 把他的一些旧东西放进院子里 13. in my opinion 依我的观点 14. win first prize in yesterdays singing competition 在昨天的唱歌比赛中获得第一名 15. have a yard sale 庭院出售 * Notice1 turn on / off / down / up Its ones turn to do sth2 cut down / cut up3 疑问词 how many / how muchII.句子:1.How do you make fruit salad? 你怎样制作水果沙拉?2.I need three oranges . 我需要三个橘子。How many oranges do you need?你需要多少橘子? 3.I need two bowls of orange . 我需要两碗橘汁。How many bowls of orange do you need? 你需要多少碗橘汁?How much orange do you need ?你需要多少橘汁? 1.-Were there any sharks at the aquarium? -No, there werent any sharks. 水族馆里有鲨鱼吗?没有。2. -Did she take any photos? -Yes, she did. 她照相了吗?是的。 3. What else did you do on your last school trip?=What other things did you do on your last school trip? 上一个校游日你还作了什么?4. We didnt go to the zoo last Sunday. We went to the park.上个周日我们没有去动物园,我们去了公园。 5. The students watched a movie about dolphins. 学生们看了一部关于海豚的电影。6. Class 9 had a great time on the trip. 九班的学生们在校游中过得很愉快。7. What was your last day off like? =How was your last day off?你的上个休息日怎么样?(be like)9. However, no one came to the sale because the weather was so bad. 然而,没有人来买东西因为天气是如此糟糕。10. Luckily, we brought our umbrellas and raincoats, so we didnt get wet. 幸运的是,我们带了伞和雨衣,所以我们没有淋湿。II 基础练习用所给单词的适当形式填空1. How_ watermelons do we need? ( much )2. We still need ten _. ( orange )3. Would you cut up some_ for me? ( tomato )4. Ten minutes for you to make your favorite_( sandwich )5. Our teachers are _to us. (friend )6. What would you like _ ( drink ), tea or coffee?7. Why _ you _ ( not stay ) at home? Its so cold outside.8. Are you _ ( good ) than Jim at speaking English?9. Thanks for _ ( have ) us to your party.10. _ ( not drink ) too much milk when you are hungry. be clean visit sound win buy see take get live1I help my father _ the car.2I went to the museum and _ some souvenirs.3There _ an old temple(庙)at the foot of the mountain before.4Last week I _ my aunts house .5We _ some really clever kids when we were in their school.6I think it _ very interesting.7He _ in California and worked as an actor.8After that, they _ the bus back home.9Who _ the first prize? Toky did.10Tina _ Deans autograph and read it.句型转换1.The boy needs one cup of milk. (划线提问)_ _ _ of milk _ the boy _ ?2.Theyd like some chicken. (否定句, 划线提问)They _ like _ chicken._ _ chicken _ they like?3 How much is the book? How much _ the book _? _ the _ of the book?4 You mustnt eat too much.(祈使句) _ eat too much.5 I make a banana shake like this.(划线) _ _ you _ a banana shake?6 I met him on my way to school. (否定) I _ _ him on my way to school.8 Are there any seals here? (用last year 改写) _ _any seals here?9He felt tired just now. (划线) _ _ he _ just now?10He watched TV last night. (划线) _ _ he _ last night? _ _ he _TV?中考链接 take get run write have On my last day off I _ a bus to the park with my best friend. We saw many beautiful flowers and grass everywhere. There were many people in it. Suddenly we saw a group of people under the tree. Some of them were shouting. My friends and I were surprised. We _ there and found a famous actor. He _something. Some of fans _ his autograph. He also sung a song for us. We _ fun that day. 1.Id like some coffee _ sugar in it. A. with B. over C. about D. for2. Can you help me _ up the


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