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四六级作文模板范文四六级作文模板范文 A 正反观点对比题目近年来正反观点对比型作文出现频率较高 以 历年评卷的经验 建议以三段式来论述 要求论点突出 论据有理 论述有力 第一段提出论点 一般只写三句 第一句When it es to when askedabout争论焦点people s opinionsabout itvary fromperson toperson 第二句Some peopletend to正方观点that seemsa monourrence in our lives 第三句Others hold the opinionthat反方观点 第二段要想得高分 主体段应该按小型议论 文的结构写 1 主体段的开头部分 一般用三句来阐明正方观点第一句It iswidely knownfor sometime thata greatmany peopleconsider正方观点 第二句One reason they illustrateis that 理由一 第三句The otherreason theyhold is that 理由二 2 主体段中间部分一般也用三句话来阐明反方观点第 一句However Others mayhave aquite differentview onthis heatedissue 第二句They maintainsuch anidea because理由一 第三句They alsoproclaim 宣布 声明 that理由二 3 主体段的结尾部分一般 用四句话 分配如下第一句From whathas beendiscussed above it isobvious thateach onehas itsown impartial 公平的 不偏不倚的 standpoint 立场 观点 第二 句On onehand 进一步阐述正方观点 第三句At theother endof thescale 进一步阐述反方观点 第四句Only in this waycan weconsider everyaspects of the problem question objectively 客观的 第三段结尾段须阐述我的观点 通常写三句 第一句Through theabove analysis I approveof the latter former opinionto someextent 第二句Personally it istrue that the positiveaspects the latteroverweigh 胜过 the negativeones the former 第三句We may safely reasonably arrive at draw the conclusion that个人看法的总结 全文的结论 Directions For thispart you areallowed thirtyminutes towrite aposition onthe topic Spring FestivalGala onCCTV Y oushould write at least120words andbase yourposition onthe outline given inChinese below 1 许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会 2 但有些 人提出取消春节晚会 3 我的看法 Spring FestivalGala onCCTV Whenitesto whetherto maintain the spring festival gala people s opinionabout itvary fromperson toperson Some peopletend tosupport thatspring festival gala onCCTV isneeded bymost peoplethat seemsa monourrence in our lives Others holdthe opinionthat the spring festivalgala should be canceled It iswidely knownfor sometime thata greatmany peopleconsider thespring festivalgala as a yearlyfeast from whichthey canenjoy wonderfulperformances andmusic One reasonthey thinkis thatfamily memberscan gettogether toshare thehappy hour The otherreasontheyhold is that it is achance for them tosee famousactors However others mayhave aquite differentview They maintainsuch anidea becausethe galaconsumes agreat dealof money They alsoproclaim thatit isa wasteof timefor theactors toprepare From whathas beendiscussed above it isobvious thateach onehas itsown impartialstandpoint On onehand thespringfestivalgala is anentertainment formost peopleto enjoyand alsoa platformfor theactors topresent theirabilities At theother endof thescale they shouldreduce thebudget forit andthe moneysaved fromit should be usedto improvepoor people s livingcondition Only inthis waycan weconsider everyaspects of the questionobjectively Through theabove analysis I approveof the former opinionto someextent Personally itistrue that the positiveaspects overweighthe negativeones We mayreasonably drawtheconclusionthatthespringfestivalgalaisneeded afterall B 现象作文针对社会热点问题 与大学生学习生活密切相 关的话题 设计以下套话 来体会英语句型多变的改法 第一段现象 原因 措施列出现象 只写两句 第一句With therapid development of modernindustry society economy more andmore peopleare concernedabout the problem phenomenon of现象 第二句How tosolve the problem hasbee ahot issueamong manypeople 第二段阐述理由 只写四句 第一句It seemsto me I think that thereare severalreasons explaining主题 第二句One ofthe main reasons is that理由一 第三句What s more another majorfactor is that理由二 第四句Considering that asaresult阐述导致的结果 第三段陈述解决方法 只写四句 第一句People havefigured outmany effective measures tosolve thisproblem 第二句One ofthe idealways of问题is that解决方法一 第三句Another wayof itis that解决方法二 第四句Confronted with the problem we shouldtake aseries ofmeasures to cope withthe situation so that inthis way we can suessfully solve the problem 活学活用高分范文Directions For thispart you areallowed thirtyminutes towrite aposition onthe topic Cheating inExams Y oushould write at least120words andbase yourposition onthe outline given inChinese below 1 学生作弊现象越来越严重 2 作弊的原因 3 如何杜绝作弊 Cheating inExams With the developmentof modernsociety more andmore peopleare concernedabout theproblem manystudents cheatin exams For ohing some studentscopy theanswers fromothers For another some evenask ringers 发出铃声的东西 for help How tosolve theproblem hasbee ahot issueamong manypeople It seemsto methat thereare severalreasons explainingthe cheating in exams One ofthe mainreasons is that somestudents justplay timeaway andwant topass theexams withoutefforts What s more some areunder greatpressure fromparents andthey fearto failin theexams As aresult some evencheat toget highscores andscholarships People havefigured outmany effective measures tosolve thisproblem One ofthe idealways of cheatinginexams is that studentsare thevictims 受害者 ofcheatingand harmsshouldbeexplained to them Another wayof itisthatpunishment orpenalty 处罚 罚款 shouldbegiven tothose whohave beenfound cheating Confronted withtheproblemwe shouldtake aseries ofeffectivemeasurestocopewiththesituationsothatinthiswaywe cansuessfullysolvetheproblem C 我的观点 My Viewon Recently theproblem of争论焦点has been brought intofocus brought topublic attention What amazesus mostisthat表现较为典型的一个方面 Because ithas asignificant roleinourdaily life we canaordingly 因此 从而 see that总结句 引出话题 Many remarkable 不平常的 显著的 reasons contributeto争论焦点 As anillustration 说明 例证 例子 the mainreason isthat理由一 What s more to giveanother reasonisthat理由二 With theresult esthe evidencethat讲述导致的结果 From apersonal perspective 观点 看法 I believethat我的看法 First of all 个人看法依据一 Furthermore moreover 个人看法依据二 Trad itionally when takeninto theentire considerationin aspecified 明确说明的 详细指明的 relation or form 个人结论或文章结论 Directions For thispart you areallowed thirtyminutes towriteaposition onthe topic My Viewon FakeDiplomas Y oushould writeat least120words andbase yourposition onthe outline given inChinese below 1 近年来 假文凭普遍存在 对社会和个人造成 极大伤害 2 假文凭出现的原因 3 我的观点 My Viewon FakeDiplomas Recently theproblemofaserious epidemicof fake diplomas insome bigcities hasbeenbroughtinto publicattention What amazesus mostisthatemployers payhigh salaries but donot getreal talents atthesame timepeople whohave genuine diplomas cannot getany advantagein job hunting Because ithas asignificant roleinourdaily life we cansee thatmore andmore peoplehave beenencouraged tocheat insteadof acquiringa degreehonestly Many remarkablereasons contributetotheappearance anddevelopmentoffakediplomas As anillustration themainreasonisthatthe demandermay geta desiredjob withit What s more to giveanother reasonisthatthe suppliercan makeprofit soeasily Withtheresult esthe evidencethat fakediplomas producelots ofbad effects From apersonal perspective I believethat wemust bat 同 斗争 the epidemic First ofall we shouldstop puttingeven moreemphasis onthe academicachievement ofjob orpromotion candidates 候选人 投考者 Furthermore effectivemeasuressupp orted byadvanced ITtechnology shouldbe introducedand takento helpemployers distinguishgenuinediplomasfrom fakeones Traditionally when takeninto theentire considerationin aspecified relationorform once thedemand disappears the supplywill begone too D 选择型 A orB 第一段提出A B两方观点 可写四句 第一句There isa heateddebate over争论焦点that as far as it goes 就现状来说 第二句However people s opinionsare stilldivided onthis point 第三句Many peoplefirmly assert 断言 声称 that观点A 第四句On thecontrary others think formulate inthe mind suppose that观点B 第二段分别阐述A B各观点的理由 可写四句 第一句Those whohold bear maintain grasp thefirst opinionsuggest propose express that观点A的理由 第二句They soundlyargue put forthreasons forthat进一步阐述观点A的理由 第三句However others reflect consider weigh inthe mind with thoroughness and care 仔细考量在头脑中彻底且仔细地加以权衡 that观点B的理由 第四句Aording to in aordanceto in aordancewith in agreementwith in pliancewith in linewith in pursuanceoftheabove analysis进一步阐述观点B的理由 第三段阐述我的观点及理由 可 写四句 第一句Considering all these mentionedabove I prefer我的选择A或B 第二句In thefirst instance 首先 起初 I chooseit asmore desirable as havingmore valuebecause选择理由一 第三句Moreover to parefavorably with 与 相比较好 the former I leanto itfor thereason that选择理由二 第四句Judging fromall theevidence available I willchoose个人选择because this choice fits my personality and my life long belief 活学活用高分范文 1999年6月真题 Directions For thispart you areallowed thirtyminutes towriteaposition onthe topic Reading Selectivelyor Extensively Y oushould writeat least120words andbase yourposition onthe outline given inChinese below 1 有人认为读书要有选择 2 有人认为应当博览 群书 3 我的看法Reading Selectivelyor Extensively There isa heateddebate overreading thatasfarasitgoes However people s opinionsare stilldivided onthis point Many peoplefirmly assertthat we should readextensively On thecontrary ot


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