2020年初中英语牛津版(深圳·广州)八年级下册期末模拟试卷(2)(II )卷_第1页
2020年初中英语牛津版(深圳·广州)八年级下册期末模拟试卷(2)(II )卷_第2页
2020年初中英语牛津版(深圳·广州)八年级下册期末模拟试卷(2)(II )卷_第3页
2020年初中英语牛津版(深圳·广州)八年级下册期末模拟试卷(2)(II )卷_第4页
2020年初中英语牛津版(深圳·广州)八年级下册期末模拟试卷(2)(II )卷_第5页
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第 1 页 共 20 页 20202020 年初中英语牛津版 深圳年初中英语牛津版 深圳 广州 八年级下册期末模拟试卷 广州 八年级下册期末模拟试卷 2 2 IIII 卷 卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 单选题单选题 共共 2020 题 共题 共 4040 分分 1 2 分 The local guide spoke she could to make the visitors understand her A as clear as B as clearly as C so clear as D so clearly as 2 2 分 The trip to the World Park almost two hours and it was A spent bored B took boring C cost boring D paid bored 3 2 分 What do you think of pandas They are cute but animals A shy B smart C friendly D interesting 4 2 分 Mary serious but in fact she is very funny 第 2 页 共 20 页 A does B seems C looks like D sees 5 2 分 He an English club last year and has improved his English a lot A protected B produced C joined D received 6 2 分 I will certainly go to your birthday party this evening A perhaps B hardly C surely 7 2 分 If the customer rings up for me again please the call to the sales department A run through B look through C go through D put through 8 2 分 Thank you for me the good news 新闻 A talking with B telling about C speaking on 第 3 页 共 20 页 D saying about 9 2 分 The game is at 10 00 Don t be Jane OK Ms Smith A tidy B welcome C late D fine 10 2 分 If you something it means that you move it higher A notice B accept C raise 11 2 分 Please look after your and keep A health health B healthy healthy C health healthy D healthy health 12 2 分 You can call me 256 4382 A in B is C at D of 13 2 分 Why not your teacher for help when you can t finish it by yourself 第 4 页 共 20 页 A ask write B to ask writing C ask writing D asking write 14 2 分 What did our science teacher say just now He asked us more attention the lab clean A to pay to keep B to pay to keeping C pay to keeping D pay to keep 15 2 分 He refused my book so I was very angry A return B returning C to return D returned 16 2 分 When is the time to visit Brazil In August and September I think Not too cold not too hot A hottest B hotter C best D better 17 2 分 How rice there in the bag 第 5 页 共 20 页 A many are B many is C much are D much is 18 2 分 Don t be so narrow minded Helping others means yourself If you are kind to someone he will someday repay you A to help B helping C helped D helps 19 2 分 How much do you spend the new boots They me 50 yuan A buying cost B to buy pay C buying spend 20 2 分 一 is the mountain in the village 一 It s about 2 000 meters high A How wide B How old C How long D How high 第 6 页 共 20 页 二 二 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 21 10 分 根据短文理解 从 A B C D 四个选项中选择最佳答案填空 After Columbus discovered the New Continent 新大陆 and 1 back to his motherland Spain he was warmly 2 But not everyone felt 3 at Columbus Success Some people thought Columbus was only a 4 and what he had done could be done by any other seaman One day at a dinner some self important men did what they could to 5 Columbus unhappy saying that he had only done the 6 thing in the world Hearing this instead of jumping up angrily Columbus took an 7 from a dish and asked Look here gentlemen is there anyone here who can make this egg stand upright They tried one by one but none could Then the egg 8 back to Columbus He broke it a little put the egg on the table and it stood upright What can be easier than this gentlemen he said Now you will say it s so 9 that everybody can do it Of course because I have shown you now They looked at each other and talked 10 1 A took B gave C got 2 A surprised B welcomed C attracted 3 A glad B angry C sad 4 第 7 页 共 20 页 A fireman B businessman C seaman 5 A show B help C make 6 A worst B hardest C easiest 7 A egg B apple C orange 8 A called B looked C came 9 A difficult B easy 第 8 页 共 20 页 C happy 10 A loudly B angrily C surprisingly 三 三 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 4 4 题 共题 共 3030 分分 22 10 分 根据短文理解 选择正确答案 I was the typical I can t child whatever my mother told or asked me to do was immediately followed by my cry I can t As a result very few tasks or goals that I set out to achieve were ever completed One evening my mother called me into the family room I want you to read this article Mother began It s about Marlo Thomas She tells how a simple poem that she was forced to learn by her father changed her life She went from saying I can t to I can According to this article she was able to reorganize her life and her career by learning the principles 原则 in the poem I took the small magazine from Mother and looked down at the pages There was Marlo my idol Beside her photo was the poem my mother had spoken of a simple poem entitled I Can I want you to memorize that poem Mother said firmly Mama I belly acheD I can t learn that poem It s too long It s not too tong and you can learn it 1 want you to know it perfectly by this time tomorrow said my mother Unwillingly I went back to my bedroom with the magazine With a heavy heart Ithrew myself into the bed and began my task Can t is a word that is the enemy to ambition I began I repeated the line I repeated it again and again An enemy ambush to shatter your will I continued the process until I proudly recited the poem the following evening It has now become my principle Marlo 1 homas did not know me but her story forever changed my life 第 9 页 共 20 页 Saying I can helped me to get through the worst moments of my life Saying I can encouraged me to complete things I would have otherwise seen as out of my reach A simple poem learned at seven is a poem that will support me to seventy seven maybe even longer 1 One evening my mother asked me to A read an article B meet Marlo C write a poem D take photos 2 The underlined part I belly ached in Paragraph 3 probably means A I was hungry B I was relaxed C I felt unhappy D I ate too much 3 On the following evening I A repeated the lines on TV B read more stories about Marlo C proudly recited the poem D had a long talk with my mother 4 What can we learn from the passage A Marlo is very popular among teenagers B I become interested in poems all my life C Marlo always encourages me to work harD D Saying I can has helped me get over difficulties 第 10 页 共 20 页 23 0 分 阅读短文 根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词 You may think that English dictionaries have been used for many many centuries The spelling of English has always been a problem but it was more of a problem in the days before a dictionary In those days people spelt words in different ways which you might find interesting But it made reading English much more difficult So dictionaries were invented to encourage everybody to spell the same In fact an English dictionary like the kind you use today wasn t made until the time of the Qing Dynasty The largest dictionary in the world is the Oxford English Dictionary or OED for short The idea for this dictionary came from an important meeting in Britain in 1857 Twenty two years later Oxford University asked James Murray to be the editor of its new dictionary Murray had not been to college At the age of fourteen he left his village school in Scotland and taught himself while working in a bank Later he became a great teacher After Oxford gave him the job Murray had a place built in the garden behind his house to do his work Part of it was one metre underground In winter he had to wear a heavy coat and put his feet in a box to keep warm Every morning Murray got out of bed at five o clock and worked several hours before breakfast Often he would work by candle light into the evening Murray hoped to finish the new dictionary in ten years But after five years he was still adding words for the letter A Then others went to work with Murray and his two daughters were among them He worked on the dictionary until he was very old Forty four years later in 1928 other editors finished it It had more than 15 000 words in twelve books And you thought your English dictionary was big Notes on James Murray s life Murray s early life Born in Scotland He left school at 14 and became a worker later a great teacher Murray s work on OED He became the editor of OED in the year His working were bad he worked in a part underground place in the garden his house 第 11 页 共 20 页 in winter it was terribly cold there he often worked by candle light into the evening The time he spent on OED was much than expected Later others and his two daughters him Other information OED was finished in the year 1928 It had over 15 000 in twelve books It is the dictionary in the world Thanks to it people can in the same way For Murray working on a dictionary wasn t only a it was a wonderful journey 24 10 分 阅读理解 If you cannot travel around the world why not travel on the Internet GeoGuessr is a new online travel game The game is easy to play but nearly impossible to win The new online game challenges your geography skills How to play the game When you think you know where the photo was taken click on the Google map to place your marker Click on the Make A Guess button on the bottom of the map A new image will appear showing the distance between the area you chose and the actual location GeoGuessr will tell how many kilometers away you were and how many points you earned You get five chances to guess the location After the fifth one you see a map showing your guesses the correct location and the number of points you earned Helpful hints 提示 Here are a few tips to help you identify what part of the planet you are seeing 第 12 页 共 20 页 look around and see if you can find any words on signs to show the local language For example if both French and English are on signs Canada might be a good guess Make a note of whether the cars drive on the right or the left side of the road If cars are driving on the left that narrows your guesses The more you play the game the better you will get at geography 1 GeoGuessr is a new online game which challenges your skills A math B language C science D geography 2 You can have chances to guess the location you see A three B four C five D six 3 If you see both French and English on signs you may be in A America B Japan C France D Canada 4 What s the best title for the passage A A new online game B How to travel around the world 第 13 页 共 20 页 C How to play the game D How to guess the game 25 10 分 阅读材料 从 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳答案 Different countries have different customs When you travel to other countries please follow their customs just as the saying goes People often forget to tip 给小费 when they travel to the United States It is usual to tip porters who help carry your bags taxi drivers and waiters Waiters want to get a 15 tip on the cost of your meal Taxi drivers expect about the same In England make sure to stand in line even if there are only two of you It s important It s a good idea to talk about the weather It s a favorite subject of conversation with English people In Spain it s a good idea to have a light meal in the afternoon if someone invites you for dinner People have dinner very late and restaurants do not open until after 9 p m In Arab countries men kiss one another on the cheek Your host may welcome you with a kiss on both cheeks Itis polite for you to do the same In Japan people usually give personal or business cards to each other when they meet for the first time When a person gives you a card don t put it into your pocket right away The person expects you to read it Don t forget to be careful of your body language to express something in talking A kind of body language man be acceptable in one culture but impolite in another 1 When you travel to the USA you don t need to tip A waiters B porters C taxi drivers D actors 2 The missing sentence in the first paragraph should be 第 14 页 共 20 页 A He who laughs last laughs best B Love me love my dog C Where there is a will there is a way D When in Rome do as the Romans do 3 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage A In Spain people usually have a big dinner in the afternoon B In Arab countries men kiss one another on the cheek C In Japan you should not read the business card as soon as you get it D In England it s not polite to talk about the weather 4 The best title of the passage is A Body Language B Advice to International Travelers C How to Tip D When to Have Dinner 四 四 单词拼写 词汇运用 单词拼写 词汇运用 共共 2 2 题 共题 共 8 8 分分 26 4 分 Lost in Thailand is a new movie 导演 by Xu Zheng which attracted a lot of attention 27 4 分 1 My brother got marry last week 2 I d like to recommend this educate magazines to all the teachers 3 When I heard the bad news I couldn t help cry 4 Some wild animals look fierce 凶猛的 but they are harm 第 15 页 共 20 页 5 Buy the books now before they sell out 6 Lily read a lot of books recently 7 This CD can help you learn English by test your knowledge of English grammar 8 Many stude


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