



Unit 3 易错知识点练习一、单项选择( ) 1. _ do you like the Summer Palace?Its so beautiful, I like it very much.AHow BWhat CWhere ( )2. Do you know _ a wonderful football match and two basketball matches on July 15th?Yeah. I am going to watch them on that day. A.there will be B.there will have C.there are D.there have( )3. I always_some notes in class and go over them after class.A. make B. makes C. am making( ) 4.If you like_a boat on a lake, enjoy your holiday here.Arow Browing Care rowing( )5._you not feeling well these days? A. Do B. Can C.Are ( )6. Are you sure this is a photo _,the famous comedy actress?-It surprised you,didnt it?But she was once really thinAJia Ling BJia Lings Cof Jia Ling Dof Jia Lings( )7. Whose hot dog is this, Hobo?Its _ .A. her B. Eddies C.Eddies( )8. _ ?He enjoys watching Evening News.A. Whats your father likeB. What does your father look likeC. What does your father like( )9. Mr Li enjoys playing golf.OK, _ .A. Lets take him to the library.B. What about taking him to the sports field?C. Why not have a party?( )10.The exchange students from England_coming to Sunshine Town.A. will B. are C.is二、根据句意及首字母提示填空1. Is there anything in the fridge? No, theres n_.2. He is a student from the USA, he is an e _ student.3. A friend of m _ is a doctor. 4. Mr. Smith t_ us maths in Sunshine School.5. I buy many p_ for my parents when I go home.6. Lets go to our local t to enjoy Beijing opera.7. You can go to Tiananmen Square by u because its fast and cheap. 8. Unluckily, I m the last train to Beijing.9. In the restaurant, you can o any food you like.10. The fish s good.三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. Miss Yang may go to the library _(borrow) books.2. Listen carefully. Someone _(cry) over there.3. Mr Smith enjoys _(eat) vegetable soup.4. On _(she) way home, Ann met a friend of hers.5. She wants _(be) a good teacher when she grows up.四、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。shop minute jog teacher quite1._ every day is very important for the old.2. It takes only 40_by underground.3. At weekends I like to go_ with my mum4. When Mum is sleeping, I walk into the room_.5. She is a famous teacher, she often _me how to dance. ,五、按要求完成句子1. The shopping mall are close to the post office.(改为同义句)The shopping mall the post office.2. He spends half an hour going to school by bus everyday.(改为同义句)It half an hour to school by bus everyday. 3. You can find many wonderful presents for your friends in the shopping mall.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ for your friends in the shopping mall?4. Why dont you go shopping with me this afternoon? (改为同义句)_ _ go shopping with me this afternoon?5. Jacks new house is near my old school. (改为同义句)Jacks new house is _ _ my old school.六、根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 我认为这是个适合居住的好地方。_2. 你可以为你的家人买很多礼物。_3. 爸爸打算本周日开车带我们去购物。_4. 那些交换留学生的家乡在哪里?_5. 课桌旁的那个笔袋是Amy的。_参考答案一、AAABC BCCBB二、1. nothing 2. exchange 3. mine 4. teaches 5. presents 6. theatre 7. underground 8. missed 9. order 10. smells三、1. to borrow 2. is crying 3. eating 4. her 5. to be四、1. Jogging 2. minutes 3. shopping 4. quietly 5. teaches五、1. is; not; far; from 2. takes; him; to; go 3. What; can; you; find 4. Why not 5. close to 六、1. I think its a good place to live.2. You can buy many presents for you famil


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