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2019年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题C卷一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)下列字母含有相同音素的选项是_. A . H J KB . F G LC . A B CD . Q U V2. (2分)Its very hot in the room. Why not _ the air conditioner(空调)?A . turn onB . turn offC . to turn onD . to turn off3. (2分)Anita spoke _ quietly that I could hardly hear her. A . tooB . suchC . soD . very4. (2分)_ that there is another football match on the air this evening.A . It saysB . It was saidC . It is saidD . What was said5. (2分) Jim went swimming with his parents yesterday afternoon. _.A . So Mary didB . So Mary doesC . So Mary wasD . So did Mary6. (2分)Lets join_the game, it seems very interesting. A . onB . forC . inD . of7. (2分)His success on science _ working hard. A . dependsB . depends onC . depends inD . depends with8. (2分) we work at English,the better grades we will get( )A . HarderB . The hardestC . HardestD . The harder9. (2分)- What club do you want to join?- I want to join the story _ club.A . tellB . toldC . telling10. (2分) Lily, could you please pass me the _? I want to cut the apple. Sure, here you are.A . penB . pencilC . bookD . knife二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Little Bob was born in a poor village in New York. His father has been ill for a long time and cannot do any 1at all. Bobs mother is very busy with the housework 2working. Bob understands how hard his mother works, and he always helps her3some housework. 4he does too much housework, his mother is still very strict with him. There are some family rules for Bob.He must5his things in his room and keep them tidy. If he makes them dirty, he must clean them up 6. He is allowed to keep a parrot, a cat and a dog, but he must feed them often and give them water 7every day. After school, he is allowed to play with his pets for a short time. 8his clothes, he isnt allowed to choose his own clothes. On school nights, he cant go out 9and only on weekends, he is allowed to watch TV.Sometimes Bob hates the rules so much that he wants to break them, but he thinks the rules his mother has made are 10him, so he faithfully obeys them.(1)A . homework B . housework C . thing (2)A . except B . beside C . besides (3)A . with B . of C . for (4)A . If B . Unless C . Though (5)A . look for B . look after C . look at (6)A . quick B . quickly C . more quickly (7)A . by himself B . by herself C . by themselves (8)A . As if B . For C . As for (9)A . lonely B . aloud C . alone (10)A . good for B . good to C . harm for 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)12. (10分) Two old men lived in a room on the third floor of an old peoples home. Both men were very old and badly ill, and they spent 24 hours a day in bed in the room.Luckily, one of the old men had his bed by the window, and every day he spent hours telling his friend far from the window what he could see through the window. He told him about the traffic going by, the children playing in the park opposite, and the birds flying in trees. The old man far from the window got a lot of pleasure from hearing about the world outside, but after a time he began to get rather unhappy. How nice it would be, he thought, if he had the bed by the window and could see everything for him, instead of just hearing about it.One night, the man by the window called to his friend, “Quick! Pull the alarm by your bed. I dont think I can get through the night!” But his friends, expecting an empty bed by the window, did nothing-he just closed his eyes and went back to sleep.The next morning, the nurse found the man dead in his bed by the window.The old man was very excited as they moved him into the empty bed by the window. He sat up in bed, pulled back the curtain, looked out - and saw only a wall.(1)Who do you think was kind in the story?A . The old man by the window.B . The old man far from the window.C . Both of the men.D . Neither of the men.(2)The old man didnt pull the alarm by the bed because _.A . he was too weak to do itB . he had fallen into a deep sleepC . he didnt hear what the other man asked to doD . he wanted to move to the bed by the window(3)The old man by the window thought _that night when he asked his friend for help.A . he wouldnt dieB . he would dieC . he couldnt sleepD . he could sleep(4)In fact, there was _ outside the window.A . a gardenB . a parkC . a wallD . a picture(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the story?A . The two old men werent badly ill.B . The living old man knew the truth.C . The nurse didnt look after the old man carefully.D . The old man by the window could see a lot through the window.13. (10分) My name is Tom. My best friends are John and Ann. John lives near my house and we are in the same class. Hes tall and thin, he has blonde hair and blue eyes. He is polite and very clever. He is very good at math and sometimes helps me with my homework sometimes. He usually wears jeans and a blue T-shirt. We three often play basketball in a nearby park.My friend Ann studies at another school.Shes short and slim(苗条的) with straight brown hair and brown eyes. Shes a little bit shy. We all have Kong fu lessons every Tuesday and Friday afternoon. We love Kung fu very much. Ann is really good at Kung fu. We call her the “Kong fu girl”. Sometimes she practices Kung fu with us. She loves wearing a Tshirts and a hat. The three of us have great fun together.(1)What does John look like?A . He is shortB . He is fatC . He is tall and thinD . He has brown eyes(2)What do three children do together?A . Play footballB . Play basketballC . Have English lessonsD . Watch movies.(3)Who is good at math?A . AnnB . TomC . JohnD . All of them(4)When do they have Kung fu lessons?A . Every MondayB . Every Tuesday afternoon.C . Every Saturday afternoon.D . Every day(5)Which of the following is NOT true?A . Ann is a little bit shy.B . John usually wears jeans and a T-shirt.C . They call Ann the “kung fu girl”.D . Tom dislikes kung fu at all.14. (10分)阅读理解Look at the picture. Who is the girl? She is my friend. Her name is Alice Black. She is an English girl.Alice has a big family. Her grandparents have two daughters and one son her father. Alice lives with her grandparents, parents, two brothers and one sister. Alice has two dogs Bobby and Tony. Bobby is black and Tony is white. Alice likes them very much. Alice is a middle school student. She has a good friend at school. Her name is Helen. They are cousins, too.(1)_ is the girls last name. A . WhiteB . BrownC . BlackD . Green(2)Alices grandparents have _ children (孩子). A . twoB . threeC . fourD . five(3)第二段中划线单词them指代的是“_”。 A . her dogsB . her familyC . her friendsD . her brothers(4)Helen is Alices _. A . auntB . sisterC . teacherD . cousin(5)Which is TRUE(正确的)according to the passage? A . Alice is in China.B . Alice has two aunts.C . Alice has no sister.D . Bobby is a white dog.四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共30分)15. (25分)任务型阅读We can see many people riding shared bikes in China now.Bike-sharing helps people to borrow a bike from one place and return it at another place easily.This kind of bike has GPS or Bluetooth on it. You must have a smart phone if you want to use it. First, you have to download (下载) an APP on your smart phone. Then what you need to do is to find a nearest bike through the APP, scan (扫描) the QR code on the bike and you will get the bike.Then you can enjoy your trip. Whats more, you can easily find one and dont have to worry about where to park it. Every hour you ride, you need to pay only one yuan. It doesnt cost so much, does it?Science changes our lifestyles. Bike sharing makes our life easier. And we also hope that people can not only enjoy it but also put it to good use.回答下面5个问题,每题答案不超过5个词。(1)What can you see many people riding in China now according to the passage? (2)What must you have if you want to use the shared bikes? (3)What NEEDNT you worry about after using the bike? (4)How much should you pay if you use the bike for two hours? (5)How does bike sharing change our life? 16. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空.每词仅用一次(每空一词)。thirsty her grape since produce(1)How sweet these _ taste! (2)Drink whenever you feel _ during exercise. (3)Thats not Marys son. _has a round face. (4)Tea is _ in many different areas in China. (5)Weve been friends _ we were at school together. 五、 句型转换 (共5题;共11分)17. (3分)The girl took some photos at the school gate. (改为否定句)The girl_photos at the school gate.18. (2分)Jerry jumps farthest in our group. (保持句意基本不变) Jerry jumps _ than anyone _ in our group.19. (2分)My father went to Japan. (改为一般疑问句) _your father _to Japan?20. (2分)Sonia takes a taxi to school e


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