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洛杉矶英语作文 篇一 英语作文有关咨询的 你好你好 请请接收我最真接收我最真诚诚的祝愿的祝愿 能能够进够进入某某大学入某某大学说说明你在学明你在学业业上的成上的成 就已就已经经很好了很好了 我的老我的老师师和他的家人最近要去洛杉和他的家人最近要去洛杉矶矶 但是他但是他们对们对洛杉洛杉矶矶都不熟悉都不熟悉 希希 望你能帮助他望你能帮助他们们 我把他我把他们们要咨要咨询询的的问题问题提前告提前告诉诉你你 你先看看你先看看 到到时时候直接告候直接告诉诉他他们们就就 行了行了 问题问题如下如下 1 到哪之后住房到哪之后住房问题问题怎么解决怎么解决 是提前是提前预预定好呢定好呢 还还是到哪再是到哪再订订呢呢 2 哪的吃的大概是什么哪的吃的大概是什么 需要在国内需要在国内带带一些一些东东西西吗吗 怕到哪之后不怕到哪之后不习惯习惯 3 在洛杉在洛杉矶矶参参观观完几个著名景点大概需要多完几个著名景点大概需要多长时间长时间 消消费费是多少是多少 address date dear cousin hello please accept my most sincere wishes and you are able to enter the university of california which shows that you are very good in academic achievement my teacher and her family will go to los angeles recently but they are not familiar with in los angeles you can help them when they are in there i tell you to consult a problem that they have in advance you see first then tell them directly the problem is as follows 1 how to solve the problem of house which is booked well in advance or to order again 2 what were probably the first to eat which need to take some things at home they are afraid that not used to 3 how long they spend when they visit a few famous scenic spot in los angeles and how much probably is the consumption thats the problem they may need to solve well thousands of words i can only congratulations on your own satisfaction got into the school for our dreams and efforts to fight it i will go to see your summer vacation you must pay attention to your body best wishes to you name 篇二 英语文章 1 confidence 自信自信 2 oxford university 牛津大学牛津大学 3 bringing it all back home满载满载而而归归 4 the smile 微笑微笑 5 to win at marriage learn to lose赢赢得美得美满满婚姻婚姻 要学会要学会认输认输 6 china gets wired中国中国进进入网入网络络化化时时代代 7 and now extreme recruiting招聘招聘竞竞争白争白热热化化 8 afraid of your computer克服畏克服畏难难心理心理 熟熟练练使用使用电脑电脑 9 simplify your life简简化你的生活化你的生活 10 a chance of a lifetime 生命的机遇生命的机遇 11 thief小小偷偷 12 优优秀的秀的标标准准 13 生活充生活充满选择满选择 14 另一种另一种爱爱 15 足球知足球知识识知多少 知多少 16 intel 的的 ceo 17 纽约时报纽约时报的的ceo 18 苹果公司的苹果公司的ceo 19 panic on the highway山路山路历险记历险记 20 paradox of our times 我我们这们这个个时时代的代的尴尴尬尬 21 the rich get richer faster than ever富翁比以往更快地富翁比以往更快地变变富富 22 my irreplaceable treasure 人生珍品人生珍品 23 investing in vices 道德与投道德与投资资 24 my greatest olympic prize 我最珍我最珍贵贵的奥林匹克的奥林匹克奖奖 25 a damaged man has the last word on diana 受受伤伤保保镖对镖对戴安娜作戴安娜作结语结语 26 star wars returns to the screens 星球大星球大战战重返重返银银幕幕 27 words of wisdom for the modern age 现现代智代智语语 28 hunger 饥饿饥饿 29 every breath you take 注意你的每次呼吸注意你的每次呼吸 30 my most unforgettable character我最我最难难忘的人忘的人 31 爱爱要怎么要怎么说说出口出口 32 the love letter 迟迟到的情到的情书书 33 面面试试中常被中常被问问及的及的问题问题 34 caught in the web of the internet 沉湎因特网沉湎因特网 35 suns hidden twin stalks planet earth 太阳太阳隐隐藏着的小兄弟威藏着的小兄弟威胁胁着地球着地球 36 the new generation in japan 日本的新一代日本的新一代 37 beyond fear超越恐惧超越恐惧 38 how to be a leader如何做一个成功的如何做一个成功的领导领导者者 39 aspirin 阿司匹林阿司匹林 40 the power of beauty 美的力量美的力量 41 graves on the web 网网络络墓园墓园 42 shrek the ogre the ugliest movie star ever史上最丑史上最丑电电影明星怪物史瑞克影明星怪物史瑞克 43 virtuoso vanessa mae 音音乐乐大大师师 陈陈美美 44 deadly dolphins 致命的海豚致命的海豚 45 martian garden 火星菜园火星菜园 46 welcome to our bank开开门门揖盗揖盗实为监实为监守自盗守自盗 47 two loaves of bread 两条面包两条面包 48 application and perseverance give results勤勤奋奋有恒有恒结硕结硕果果 49 my brain is better than yours我的我的脑脑筋比你好筋比你好 50 change your bad habits to good 改掉坏毛病改掉坏毛病 养成好养成好习惯习惯 51 how to be generous 论论慷慨慷慨 53 when cool goes cold酷酷变变冷的冷的时时候候 54 ten great myths of physical fitness 保持身体健康的十大保持身体健康的十大误误区区 55 abraham lincoln didnt quit 永不退永不退缩缩的林肯的林肯总统总统 56 the good news and the bad美美专专家家谈电脑谈电脑千年千年难题带难题带来的好消息与坏消息来的好消息与坏消息 57 boisterous booming beijing 欣欣向荣的北京欣欣向荣的北京 58 how a simple idea became a huge business 我怎我怎样样白手起家白手起家 59 who are the happiest people 谁谁是世界上最幸福的人是世界上最幸福的人 60 the hand手手 61 eyeball id眼球身份眼球身份证证 62 health fitness美国人的健康与健美感美国人的健康与健美感 63 friendship美式友美式友谊谊 64 love美式美式爱爱情情 65 the american way marriage 美国人的婚姻方式美国人的婚姻方式 66 moral issues 美式道德美式道德 67 pets美国美国宠宠物物 68 travel美国旅游美国旅游风风尚尚 69 raising children 美式教养美式教养观观 70 american food美国食物美国食物 71 growing old美国老年人美国老年人 72 home美国人的家美国人的家 73 racial issues 美国种族美国种族问题问题 74 law and order 美国的法律与秩序美国的法律与秩序 75 human rights美国人美国人对对人人权权的看法的看法 76 music美国人的音美国人的音乐爱乐爱好好 77 elections 美国的美国的选举选举 78 family美国家庭美国家庭 79 driving 美国人的开美国人的开车习惯车习惯 80 helping others 美国方式 帮助他人美国方式 帮助他人 81 government美国政府美国政府 82 sports美式运美式运动动 83 christmas 圣圣诞节诞节 84 time 美国人的美国人的时间观时间观 85 grooming and personal hygiene美国人的美国人的仪仪容整容整洁洁与个人与个人卫卫生生 86 customer service美式美式顾顾客服客服务务 87 cooking美式烹美式烹饪饪 88 language美国美国语语言言 89 greetings美国人的美国人的问问候方式候方式 90 informal language美美语语中的非正式用中的非正式用语语 91 names titles美式的名字与称美式的名字与称谓谓 92 goodbye to the bulls别别了 公牛了 公牛 93 the crash of 99 1999年会出年会出现经济现经济衰退衰退吗吗 confidence 自信自信 some people are born with the belief that they are masters of their own lives others feel they are at the mercy of fate new research shows that part of those feelings are in the genes psychologists have long known that people confident in their ability to control their destinies are more likely to adjust well to growing old than those who feel that they drift on the currents of fate two researchers who questioned hundreds of swedish twins report that such confidence or lark of it is partly genetic and partly drawn from experience they also found that the belief in blind luck a conviction that coincidence plays a big role in life is something learned in life and has nothing to do with heredity the research was conducted at the karolinska institute better known as the body that annually awards the nobel prize for medicine by nancy pedersen of the institute and margaret gatz a professor of psychology at the university of southern california in los angeles their results were recently published in the united states in the journal of gerontology people who are confident of their ability to control their lives have an internal locus of control and have a better chance of being well adjusted in their old age said pedersen an external locus of control believing that outside forces determine the course of life has been linked to depression in latter years she said we are trying to understand what makes people different what makes some people age gracefully and others have a more difficult time she said the study showed that while people have an inborn predilection toward independence and self confidence about 70 percent of this personality trait is affected by a persons environment and lifetime experiences pedersens studies with various collaborators probe the aging process by comparing sets of twins both identical and fraternal many of whom were separated at an early age the subjects were drawn from a roster first compiled about 30 years ago registering all twins born in sweden since 1886 the complete list which was extended in 1971 has 95 000 sets of twins 有些人天生相信他有些人天生相信他们们是自我生命的主宰 其他人是自我生命的主宰 其他人则觉则觉得他得他们们受到命运受到命运 的支配 的支配 一一项项新的研究新的研究发现这发现这些感些感觉觉部份来自基因 部份来自基因 心理学家早就知道有信心掌握自己命运的人比那些心理学家早就知道有信心掌握自己命运的人比那些觉觉得自己是受命运得自己是受命运 摆摆布的人更能适布的人更能适应应老化 老化 两位研究学家在两位研究学家在询问询问了好几百了好几百对对瑞典的双胞胎后瑞典的双胞胎后报报告告说说 这这种信心 种信心 或是信心的缺乏 一部份是与基因有关 另一部份或是信心的缺乏 一部份是与基因有关 另一部份则则是来自是来自经验经验的累的累 积积 他他们们同同时发现时发现 相信盲目运气的人 相信盲目运气的人 认为认为巧合在生命中扮演一个很重要的角色巧合在生命中扮演一个很重要的角色 是在生活是在生活过过程中学程中学习习而来的 与而来的 与遗传遗传毫无关系 毫无关系 这项这项研究是在卡洛林司卡机构里研究是在卡洛林司卡机构里进进行的 行的 这这个机构亦是每年个机构亦是每年颁赠诺贝颁赠诺贝 尔尔医学医学奖奖的的团团体 体 该该研究是由此机构的南研究是由此机构的南 她她说说 我我们们想了解人与人之想了解人与人之间间相异的原因是什么 是什么原因使有相异的原因是什么 是什么原因使有 些人安然悠哉地步入晚年 而有些人些人安然悠哉地步入晚年 而有些人则则比比较较困困难难 这项这项研究研究显显示 有人能示 有人能够拥够拥有天生的自信与独立 而百分之七十有有天生的自信与独立 而百分之七十有这这 种个性的人 会受到种个性的人 会受到环环境与一生的境与一生的经验经验所影响 所影响 皮德森的研究 囊括了皮德森的研究 囊括了许许多不同的研究学者 从事双胞胎的比多不同的研究学者 从事双胞胎的比较较 并 并 探探讨讨老化的老化的过过程 程 这这些同卵及异卵双胞胎有些同卵及异卵双胞胎有许许多都在很小的多都在很小的时时候就分候就分 开了 开了 研究研究对对象是由一本三十年前象是由一本三十年前编编纂的名册所抽出 纂的名册所抽出 这这本名册登本名册登记记有自一有自一 八八六年以降 所有在瑞典出生的双胞胎 八八六年以降 所有在瑞典出生的双胞胎 这这份完整的名份完整的名单单 直延直延续续到一九七一年 共行几万五千到一九七一年 共行几万五千对对双胞胎 双胞胎 oxford university 牛津大学牛津大学 oxford university once famously claimed to have been founded by alfred the great in the 9th century but in fact the university as we know it today began to take shape in the 12th century when english scholars were exiled from paris university and began to congregate at oxford s abbeys and priories which were buy then already established centers of learning today 39 independent self governing colleges are related to the university in a type of federal system each is governed by a head of house and a number of fellows who are academics specializing in a wide variety of disciplines most of whom also hold university posts across both the arts and the sciences oxford research consistently ranks top both nationally and internationally as well as being in the forefront of scientific medical and technological achievement the university has strong links with research institutions and industrial concerns both in the united kingdom and overseas the university is income from externally funded research grants and contracts in 1996 7 totaled over 107 million the university s great age also allows its teaching staff and research students to draw on a heritage of magnificent library and museum collections students working for higher degrees are an important and valued part of oxford university they 篇三 英文短文 带翻译 在中西部一个大城市的交通法庭里 一位年在中西部一个大城市的交通法庭里 一位年轻轻女士被女士被带带到法官面前 到法官面前 她由于开她由于开车闯红车闯红灯被开了灯被开了罚单罚单 女士向法官解 女士向法官解释释 她是一名学校老 她是一名学校老师师 请请求法官求法官马马上上处处理她的案子 以便可以赶回去上理她的案子 以便可以赶回去上课课 法官眼中 法官眼中闪过闪过 一一丝丝狡黠 狡黠 说说道 道 你是学校的老你是学校的老师师 对吗对吗 女士 我女士 我马马上要上要实现实现我我 毕毕生的愿望了 在那生的愿望了 在那张张桌子旁坐下 写桌子旁坐下 写 我开我开车闯车闯了了红红灯灯 500遍 遍 in the traffic court of a large mid western city a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red light she explained to his honor that she was a school teacher and requested an immediate disposal of her case in order that she might hasten on to her classes a wild gleam came into the judges eye you are a school teacher eh said he madam i shall realize my lifelong ambition sit down at that table and write i went through a red light five hundred times 一个男孩一个男孩说说她的母她的母亲亲 妈妈妈妈 上帝是男人 上帝是男人还还是女人 是女人 妈妈认为这妈妈认为这一段一段时间时间 说说 好吧 儿子 上帝是男人和女人 好吧 儿子 上帝是男人和女人 儿子是混乱的 所以他儿子是混乱的 所以他问问 上帝是黑人上帝是黑人还还是白人 是白人 这这位母位母亲亲回答回答说说 上帝是黑色和白色 上帝是黑色和白色 亲爱亲爱的 的 他的儿子 他的儿子 还还好奇好奇说说 一段 一段时间时间后 后 上帝是同性恋或直 上帝是同性恋或直 妈妈妈妈 这这位母位母亲亲 变变得有点儿担心 回答 得有点儿担心 回答 孩子 上帝是男人也是女人 孩子 上帝是男人也是女人 儿子想想 他的儿子想想 他的脸脸亮起来亮起来时时 他 他认为认为他他终终于回答他的于回答他的问题问题 上帝是上帝是 迈迈克克尔尔杰克杰克逊逊 a boy says to her mother mom is god a man or woman the mom thinks a while and says well son god is both man and woman the son is confused so he asks is god black or white the mother replies god is both black and white honey the son still curious says after a while is god gay or straight mommy the mother getting a little worried answers son god is both gay and straight the son thinks about it and his face lights up when he thinks he finally has answered his question is god michael jackson to rise early 论论早起早起 i do not know the reason why some people want to get up late they will never have the opportunity to enjoy the fresh air and calmness of the morning this is indeed a quite regrettable thing to rise early is a good habit which we should develop why because the best time when we can pursue our studies is in the morning in addition early rising is also good to our health i hope that everybody our knows the reason why we must rise early 我不知道某些人要晚起的理由 他我不知道某些人要晚起的理由 他们们永不会有机会来享受早晨的新永不会有机会来享受早晨的新鲜鲜 空气和宁静 空气和宁静 这这真是一件真是一件发发令人令人遗遗憾的事情 憾的事情 早起是我早起是我们应该们应该养成的一种良好养成的一种良好习惯习惯 为为什么什么 因因为为早晨是我早晨是我们们从事从事 学学业业的大好的大好时间时间 再者 早起 再者 早起对对我我们们健康也有益健康也有益处处 我希望每个人 我希望每个人应应 该该知道我知道我们们必必须须早起的理由 早起的理由 道歉信道歉信 亲爱亲爱的亨利 的亨利 很很对对不起 你的随身听被不起 你的随身听被损损坏 由于我的粗心大意 坏 由于我的粗心大意 这这在在课课堂堂汤汤姆早上借你的随身听 放在桌上一听完广播 我姆早上借你的随身听 放在桌上一听完广播 我们们相互追相互追 逐并具有休会期逐并具有休会期间间的的乐乐趣 本人在桌子掀翻在不知不趣 本人在桌子掀翻在不知不觉觉你的随身听 你的随身听 并没有工作了 并没有工作了 现现在的第一件事我必在的第一件事我必须须做的是午餐后写信做的是午餐后写信给给你表示你表示 深深的深深的遗遗憾 我希望你能原憾 我希望你能原谅谅我的粗心大意我 我的粗心大意我 我想更我想更换换或支付你的价或支付你的价值值 请请你告你告诉诉我 你更喜我 你更喜欢欢 此致此致 褐色褐色 letter of apology dear hey i am terribly sorry that your walkman was damaged owing to my carelessness this morning in the classroom tom borrowed your walkman and put il on the desk after listening to the radio we were chasing each other and having fun during the break i knocked your walkman off the desk without noticing it and it didnt work any more now the first thing i hasten to do after lunch is to write to you to express my deep regret i hope you will excuse me for my carelessness i want to replace it or pay you its value will you please tell me which you prefer yours truly brown my cat i have a cat named mimi its hair is as white as snow i often play games with it it amuses me a lot and i treat it as a little friend every morning i would say goodbye to it before i go to school and mimi would wave its front legs to me it brings me a lot of pleasure but it takes time and costs money to keep the cat my parents and i spend much time taking care of it feeding it and cleaning it we have to clean the house from time to time or the cat will make them dirty and smelly 我的猫我的猫 我有一只猫 名叫咪咪 它的毛像雪一我有一只猫 名叫咪咪 它的毛像雪一样样白 我白 我经经常和它一起玩 它常和它一起玩 它 使我很开心 我也把它当小朋友一使我很开心 我也把它当小朋友一样对样对待 每天早上 我去上学之前待 每天早上 我去上学之前 都会跟它都会跟它说说再再见见 它也人向我晃晃前爪 它 它也人向我晃晃前爪 它给给我我带带来了很多快来了很多快乐乐 但 但 是 养猫是要花是 养猫是要花费时间费时间和金和金钱钱的 我父母和我花的 我父母和我花费费很多很多时间时间照看它 照看它 喂它喂它饭饭 给给它洗澡 我它洗澡 我们们得得经经常打常打扫扫房房间间 否 否则则 猫就会把屋子弄得 猫就会把屋子弄得 又又脏脏又又难闻难闻 today i want to introduce a famous basketball player to you he is one of the best basketball players after michael jordan maybe he is the best he has four final champitons of nba he has got mvp for all star game for season and for playoff final match till now he is always playing for the same team the team is los angeles lakers now you know who he is yes the hero is kobe bryant after you know more about him you will find he is not only a perfect player but also a man of great honor thank you 今天我想介今天我想介绍绍一位一位篮篮球运球运动员给动员给大家 他是大家 他是乔乔丹之后最好的球丹之后最好的球员员之一之一 或 或许许是最好的之一 他是最好的之一 他夺夺得得过过4次次nba总总冠冠军军 当 当选过选过全明星全明星赛赛 常常规赛规赛 季后 季后赛总赛总决决赛赛的的mvp 目前 目前为为止 他只止 他只为为一支球一支球队队效力 那效力 那 就是洛杉就是洛杉矶矶湖人 湖人 现现在你在你们们知道他是知道他是谁谁了吧 了吧 对对 他就是科比布莱恩 他就是科比布莱恩 特 当你更多的了解他之后 你会特 当你更多的了解他之后 你会发现发现他不他不仅仅是一个完美的球是一个完美的球员员 更 更 是一个是一个值值得尊敬的人 得尊敬的人 谢谢谢谢大家 大家 china has been a powerful country for the most part of the past three thousand years china is now rising again why is that so surprising to people history is the best evidence the rise of china is just a matter of when not if plus do you want 100 jeans do you want 200 shoes do you want 3000 computers if the answers are no you d better thank china and appreciate the benefits that it brings to your daily life 中国在中国在过过去去3000年年历历史中大部分史中大部分时间时间当中都是个当中都是个强强大的国家 中国大的国家 中国 现现在再次崛起 在再次崛起 为为什么人什么人们们会感到如此奇怪 会感到如此奇怪 历历史是最好的史是最好的证证明 中明 中 国崛起只是个国崛起只是个时间问题时间问题 而不是是否能崛起的而不是是否能崛起的问题问题 另外 你希望 另外 你希望卖卖100美元一条的牛仔美元一条的牛仔裤裤 200美元一双鞋 美元一双鞋 3000美元的美元的电脑吗电脑吗 如果不愿意 你必 如果不愿意 你必须须要感要感谢谢中中 国 感国 感谢谢中国中国为为你日常生活做出的你日常生活做出的贡贡献献 it is very sunny today the sky is blue and clean there are some blue clouds in the sky they look like white sheep how beautiful many students are playing on the playground the sun is shining brightly the air is very fresh some birds are singing in the trees what a happy day sorry first there is one word that is on the lips of americans day and night sorry one time as i was walking on the street a young man ran by hurriedly brushing against my handbag even as he continued on his way he turned back and said sorry to me even in a rush he didnt forget to apologize one day after i bought a mango the salesman was giving me the change but i wasnt ready for it and a coin dropped to the ground im sorry he said while bending down to pick it up i was puzzled why would he apologize when it was my fault another time i stepped on a mans foot in an escalator at the same time we both said sorry i thought it interesting was it really necessary for him to apologize later on an american friend explained to me that according to the american mentality the ology if you go to the movies and the tickets happen to be sold out the ticket seller will say sorry the t


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