四川省2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(25) Module 1 British and American English 外研版必修5_第1页
四川省2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(25) Module 1 British and American English 外研版必修5_第2页
四川省2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(25) Module 1 British and American English 外研版必修5_第3页
四川省2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(25) Module 1 British and American English 外研版必修5_第4页
四川省2013届高考英语一轮复习课时作业(25) Module 1 British and American English 外研版必修5_第5页
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1 课时作业课时作业 二十五二十五 必修必修 5 5 ModuleModule 1 1 BritishBritish andand AmericanAmerican English English 限时 35 分钟 单项填空 1 If Newton lived today he would be surprised by what in science and technology A had discovered B had been discovered C has discovered D has been discovered 2 Britain in with many other industrialized countries has experienced major changes over the last 100 years A fact B competition C same D common 3 This house doesn t our previous one but it s cheaper A go with B compare to C compare with D compete against 4 Hong Kong is often the Pearl in the East A known for B referred to as C referring to D knowing as 5 The hall had no spare seats left last night the performance achieved a great success A Immediately B Fortunately C Surprisingly D Obviously 6 The tower on the top of the hill the beauty of the lake A adds up to B adds to C adds up D adds 7 I thought I was going to fail the exam but I succeeded A first of all B in all C at all D after all 8 It makes no to me whether he goes to the city or not Anyhow I will go A thing B difference C matter D affair 9 In the botanic garden we can find a n of plants that range from tall trees to small flowers A species B group C amount D variety 10 Hi Tom Have you ordered yet A No I don t like it B Yes I m being served C I have no idea D I make myself at home 完形填空 When I was a young child my parents often told me that it was time that 2 taught a man everything I didn t understand and wondered why 11 had such a big influence 12 a person I thought I could grow up quickly to find it out as an adult But now 13 I come to knock at the door of adulthood I feel 14 to express my own 15 on this saying I know that I m just a high school student with very 16 experiences There are still many things 17 me in the future yet I would like to express myself in a childish voice I once read this sentence To make this world a happy place to live in you d better 18 yourself and your heart instead of the whole world I was shocked It made me think about life 19 There are so many things around us that 20 our will We can t force life to 21 our wishes The earth won t stop turning no matter whether we 22 it or not What we can do is just to make ourselves 23 the world I think we should learn to accept 24 life gives us no matter whether it s the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall and try to be happy Deeply moved by the pop song Grandmother by Jay Chou I always try to 25 every pleasant thing in my life but now I see I don t catch most of the pleasant moments It is more 26 that they slip by and leave you feeling 27 I realize that I m not just living 28 myself and that there are the others around me I should think of They all pay attention to my growing up even if it s just a little progress Everyone has his or her own attitude towards life 29 or negative It doesn t matter I think There is one 30 that should be obeyed and that s to make this world better 11 A man B time C thing D parent 12 A about B with C on D in 13 A before B after C as D when 14 A anxious B worried C tired D glad 15 A beliefs B opinions C confidences D expressions 16 A a few B little C few D a little 17 A waiting for B sticking with C depending on D doing with 18 A ask B change C exchange D force 19 A myself B itself C oneself D themselves 20 A go with B go along C go ahead D go against 21 A realize B care C watch D follow 22 A receive B accept C refuse D approve 23 A change B suit C beat D match 24 A what B whatever 3 C which D why 25 A miss B catch C escape D lose 26 A probably B likely C possibly D unlikely 27 A regretful B awful C successful D terrible 28 A for B by C on D with 29 A wrong B false C positive D true 30 A point B rule C thing D word 阅读理解 Think of some of your favorite singers When you listen they can make you happy or sad peaceful or angry They can make you relax or want to get up and dance Gifted singers have the power to affect us in many ways emotionally physically and mentally But becoming a great singer isn t as easy as listening to one It takes practice devotion and strong lungs Just ask the well known American opera 歌剧 star Carol Vaness At the Metropolitan Opera in New York City where she often sings Carol s voice must be loud enough to be heard by four thousand people It must reach every person in the theater without a microphone even when she s singing softly The reason Carol can project her voice that far is the way she breathes When you breathe it s like a swimmer taking a deep breath before going underwater Carol explains You have to take a lot of air into your lungs According to Carol the main difference between pop singing and opera is how you breathe how much air you take in and how you control it coming out Regular singing is more like speaking and it s a lot softer When I sing for children they re often surprised by how the vibrations strike their ears like waves on a beach Carol says In opera the air doesn t just go out of your mouth it vibrates in your chest the way a guitar vibrates when it s played Ever since she started piano lessons at the age of ten Carol has loved music As she got older she decided to become a music teacher When she went to college she took singing lessons as part of her studies Her voice teacher discovered that nineteen year old Carol had an exceptionally beautiful soprano voice the highest singing voice for women Carol decided to make opera her goal not only because she loved to sing but also because she loved the drama Opera is a play in which the characters sing the words instead of speaking them The stories of opera can be tragic or comical They can be personal stories about two people falling in love or grand stories about kings and queens who lived long ago As the characters in an opera sing the emotions 情感 expressed by words and music come to life Today Carol performs throughout the United States and Europe and she has sung for almost twenty years But she has never forgotten where she started singing in the first palace Put your heart into your singing and enjoy it says Carol because singing is a great joy That s why I sing In fact that s why everybody sings 4 31 According to the passage the Metropolitan Opera in New York City A is a five story building B can seat 4 000 people C has no microphones in it D can project the singer s voice 32 What is the best title for this passage A Opera Singing and Pop Singing B The Way An Opera Star Sings C An Opera Star D Singing without A Microphone 33 Which statement is TRUE A A pop singer s lungs are usually stronger than those of an opera singer s B The author has the idea that opera singing is more like speaking C A pop singer takes in much more air than an opera singer when singing D An opera singer breathes differently from a pop singer when singing 34 From the passage you can conclude all the following EXCEPT that A Carol once learned to play the piano B Carol worked as a music teacher C Carol has been singing opera for 20 years or so D Carol is popular with Americans and Europeans 补全对话 根据对话内容 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 选项中有两项多余 选项 M Mary have you ever been to the Great Wall W No actually I ve never been there 35 M Would you like to go to the Great Wall W 36 I ve been waiting for it so long M All right We ll go by bus Can you get ready by seven thirty W That s OK I ll try to make it Do you think I should ask the hotel to pack me a lunch M 37 There s a very good restaurant nearby Oh it is likely to be windy on the wall at this time of year W 38 Shall I take a coat with me M Yes you d better take a coat or a sweater W You are careful 39 M No I ve got a digital camera I ll take it then Well I ll be off now I ve got to see about the arrangements W OK See you then A No I think there s no need B Sorry but I am terribly busy C Yes I m glad to I think that s a good idea D Shall I bring a camera with me E But I ve heard much about it F Is that so G I don t think so 5 课时作业 二十五 1 D 本题考查动词的时态和语态 根据时间状语 today 可判断要用现在完成时 表示已经完成的动作或存在的状态 再根据 what 与 discover 的关系可确定用被动语态 If Newton lived today 是虚拟语气 意为 如果牛顿活到今天 在科技方面的发现指的 是现在的发现 2 D 本题考查固定搭配 in common with 和 一样 3 C go with 与 相配 compare with 在此处指 两者值得相比 compare to 指 把 比作 没有 compete against 这样的搭配形式 D 若改为 compete with 也可以 4 B 本题考查动词短语辨析 refer to A as B 意为 称 A 为 B 句意为 香港通 常被称为 东方之珠 5 D 本题考查副词辨析 由 大厅没有一个空座 可知 显然 obviously 这次演出 大获成功 immediately 意为 立刻 fortunately 意为 幸运地 surprisingly 意为 惊奇地 6 B 本题考查 add 的搭配 add up to 总计 add to 增加 增添 add 补充说 add up 合计 只有 B 符合句意 7 D 本题考查 all 短语辨析 after all 毕竟 终究 first of all 首先 第一 in all 总共 总计 at all 常与 not 连用 表示 一点也不 8 B 本题考查固定搭配 从后句看 此句要表示 他去不去那座城市对我来说无所 谓 故选 B make no difference 没有区别 没有影响 9 D a variety of 各种各样的 10 B 考查交际用语 根据语境 您点餐了吗 显然 C 项和 D 项不符合题意 而 A 项 不 我不喜欢 与题意也不符 故答案为 B 本文中的 我 在一句话中学会了生活 懂得了生活 学会了适应社会 许多时 候我们还是要改变自己来适应这个世界 而不是改变世界来适应自己 11 B 文章第一句父母说是时间教会一个人一切 故作者不明白 时间 对一个人会 有如此大的影响 12 C 考查固定短语 have a an influence on sb sth 对 有 影响 作用 13 A 后文作者说还是中学生 故此句应表明作者尚未成年 即在 扣开成年的门之 前 14 A 根据语境比较四个选项的意思 不难看出答案 anxious 渴望的 worried 焦 虑的 tired 疲倦的 glad 高兴的 此处作者讲现在不到成年就急于表达自己的思想 本 题易误选 B D 15 B 此句是说作者想要表达自己的观点 it was time that taught a man everything belief 信息 信心 信仰 confidence 信心 expression 表达 表情 16 C 因空格后是可数名词 首先排除 B 和 D 作者是个中学生不可能阅历丰富 a few 表肯定 有一些 故排除 本题易误选 B 17 A 作者是一个中学生 人生路长 所以 将来还有许多事情等着自己 去做 stick with 忠心于 depend on 依靠 依赖 do with 处理 均不符合题意 18 B 联系上下文 要使这个世界成为快乐的生活场所 你不可能改变整个世界 只 有改变自己 改变自己的内心 使自己适应社会 ask exchange 和 force 均与文意不符 19 B 联系上下文可看出是 想到生活本身


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