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仁爱版八年级上学期期末英语测试卷 说明 考试时间 80 分钟 满分 120 分 请把答案写在答题卷上 听力部分 25 分 一 听句子 选出与句子内容相符的图画 有一幅是多余的 每个句子读两遍 5 分 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 二 听句子 选择正确的应答语 每个句子读两遍 5 分 6 A Yes they are B No it isn t C That s OK 7 A No I don t B Thank you C Not at all 8 A Congratulations B Best wishes C Good luck 9 A I think he is 25 B I think he is great C I think he is in China 10 A Don t thank me B Never mind C I m glad you like it 三 听对话 选择正确的答案 每段对话读两遍 5 分 11 Who does Ann often go shopping with A Her mother B Her friends C Nobody 12 Where did the dialog 对话 happen A At home B At school C At the doctor s 13 How can the man learn to play the piano A He can teach himself B He can learn from his teacher C He can join a club 14 Which coat does Mrs Green prefer A The red one B The yellow one C The orange one 15 What will the woman have to do next A She ll stay in hospital for some time B She ll go home at once and have a good meal C She ll take some medicine and have a good rest 四 听短文 根据短文内容 判断下列句子正 T 误 F 短文读两遍 5 分 16 A man is standing by the road and eating an apple 17 The policeman and the man are both fat 18 The policeman can t catch the man 19 The man is a bad man 20 The policeman runs after the man again because he wants to get thinner 五 听短文 根据短文内容 完成下列表格 每空一词 短文读两遍 5 分 AgeMary is 21 GradeShe is in Grade 22 PreferShe prefers 23 WhyIt can bring a lot 24 and make her 25 笔试部分 95 分 六 单项选择 15 分 26 Would you mind a favor Not at all A doing meB do IC doing myD to do me 27 I can t go to school today I have a headache A That s OK B It doesn t matter C I hope not D I m sorry to hear that 28 Mr Black used to a teacher But now he is a writer A B isC beD being 29 I am quite busy I don t know I will have time or not tonight A ifB weatherC whetherD when 30 You smoke when you see the sign A mustB shouldC mustn tD needn t 31 funny story It makes us laugh again and again A What anB What aC HowD What 32 May I your sport shoes Sure but you couldn t them to others A lend lendB borrow borrowC lend borrowD borrow lend 33 After a long hiking the boy was tired to walk A tooB toC soD very 34 Hello May I speak to Jane A I am Jane B Yes you may C Hold the line please D Who are you 35 I like noodles I think they are one of foods in China A popularB more popularC most popularD the most popular 36 Dictionaries are important to us students When we meet a new word we can in them A look it upB look up itC look for itD look them up 37 It isn t a football is it It is a basketball A Yes it is B No it isn t C Yes it isn t D No it is 38 Usually when we see our teachers come into the classroom we all stop and get ready for class A talkB to talkC talkingD to talking 39 The farmers on the farm when a UFO flew over their heads A workedB workC are workingD were working 40 We should protect the forest because animals live in it A thousand ofB thousands ofC two thousands ofD two thousand of 七 完形填空 10 分 I have a good friend His name is Tom He is a nice boy but he eats too 41 and doesn t like sports He has a big 42 every evening He has four eggs 43 of bread and butter and 44 big glasses of milk for it 45 lunch he 46 two hamburgers a lot of French fries of chicken He 47 a lot of cola or soda too For dinner he likes beef and salad He 48 eats beef chicken hamburgers and eggs He also likes ice cream cola and soda Too much food is not 49 for health So Tom is very 50 41 A many B much C little 42 A supper B dinner C lunch 43 A lots B lot C many 44 A a B any C two 45 A On B At C For 46 A have B eats C eat 47 A drinks B drink C have 48 A often B never C seldom 49 A bad B good C well 50 A thin B health C fat 八 阅读理解 30 分 A You Are What You Eat Keeping beter eating habits can help you reduce 减少 disease A healthy eating plan means choosing the right food to eat and preparing foods in a healthy way Do you often change your toothbrush Maybe you think it is not necessary A study shows old toothbrushes bring disease You should often change your toothbrush Exercise Swimming running skating skiing dancing walking and some other activities can help you keep healthy You should exercise at least three times a week and for twenty minutes or more each time Do it Plan Out Your Life You should have breakfast before you go to school Have a proper 合适的 meal for lunch Follow a health diet 51 What s the passage mainly about A Healthy food B Healthy lifestyle 生活方式 C Healthy sports 52 What s the best title 标题 for the second paragraph A Man s Disease B Disease C Watch the Toothbrush 53 You should exercise at least a week A an hour B twenty minutes C half an hour 54 From the passage we know can help us keep healthy A proper diet B sleep and exercise C proper diet and exercise 55 What does a healthy eating plan mean A Choosing the right foods B Cooking the foods in a healthy way C Both A and B B There are forty students in Class 2 Grade 8 The following table shows what the students were doing at 8 30 on Saturday evening 30 20 15 10 25 Watch TVLearn EnglishPlay footballDo one s homeworkPlay computer games 根据短文和表格所提供的信息 选择正确的答案 56 Six students were A watching TVB learning English C playing football 57 students were learning English A FourB SixC Eight 58 A quarter of students were interested in A footballB computer gamesC English 59 The table shows that the fewest students A were doing their homeworkB were playing football C were playing computer games 60 The number of the students who were watching TV was A the smallest of allB the largest of all C as large as the other four C Dear Tony Thank you for your last letter You asked me about my hobby Well I enjoy doing many things when I am free I like drawing very much My mother taught me to draw when I was four years old I like drawing animals such as pandas dogs cats elephants and so on I took part in a drawing competition last term and got second place And my father bought me a bike to encourage 鼓励 me You like sports a lot And I am fond of sports too I often watch all kinds of games of TV My favorite player is Yao Ming He plays basketball very well and he gives money to the poor children in China and in American as well He is a great player I would like to learn from him and help more people in the future My winter holidays will begin next week Would you like to come to Shanghai for a holiday I believe you can enjoy yourself in Shanghai Best wishes Yours Wang Wen 根据以上内容 判断下列句子正 T 误 F 61 Tony likes drawing animals a lot 62 Wang Wen s mother taught Wang Wen to draw when she was five 63 Both Tony and Wang Wen like sports 64 Wang Wen wants to help more people in the future 65 Tony would like to come to Shanghai for the summeer holidays 九 完成句子 20 分 A 词汇 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 5 分 66 I will s you a postcard as a present to you on your birthday 67 Do you m my opening the window You d better not 68 Will you be f tomorrow I ll take you to see a film Of course 69 Andy is very c and she answer the difficult question 70 There are four s in a year And I like spring best B 根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子 10 分 71 我的爷爷过去经常生病 现在由于锻炼非常健康 My grandfather be ill but now he is quite healthy because of exercise 72 那个男孩很聪明 他每天自学法语 The boy is very clever He French every day 73 动植物需要充足的水分 没有水它们不能生存 Plants and animals need water and they can t live without it 74 对不起 我把你错当成你弟弟了 I am very sorry that I you your brother 75 孩子们正盼望着春节的来临 The children are to the Spring Festival C 情景交际 5 分 从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话 其中有一项是多余的 A I am making a model robot B Who are you C Yes I do D What can robots do then E Do you think that robots can do better than humans F Who is this A Hello May I speak to Maria please B This is Maria speaking 76 A This is Michael Maria could you practice the violin with me B Sorry I can t 77 A Do you like robots B 78 It s one of the most important inventions of the 20th century A They are great 79 B They can do many things They may take the place of humans in some work situations A That sounds good 80 B Yes I think so A Oh I see 76 77 78 79 80 十 综合填空 5 分 阅读短文 用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空 每词限用一次 way look difficult into fact can t and important with tool There are robots all around us Some do very 81 work like flying a plane or driving subway trains 82 some do simple work People put information 83 the robots to tell them what to do Robots are like people in two 84 They work and they have senses 感觉 They are very 85 in factories They can do dangerous work that people 86 do In our daily life they are useful 87 People hope that robots can help them 88 housework It becomes true now Usually we think robots must 89 like a real person but in 90 most of time they re machines 机器 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 十一 书面表达 15 分 请你根据下面表格中的提示 写一篇关于爱好的文章 In the pastNowReason Play computer gamesplay basketball listen to the music be bad for eyes make new friends help relax 要求 1 文章要体现表格中的所有提示 可适当发挥 2 词数不少于 60 词 2008 2009 学年第一学期期末考试 八年级仁爱版英语答题卷 考试时间 80 分钟 满分 120 分 听力部分笔试部分合计 题号 一二三四五六七八九十 十 一 得分 注意 请把答案写到对应的位置上 否则无效 听力部分听力部分 一 每小题 1 分 共 5 分 题号12345 答案 二 每小题 1 分 共 5 分 题号678910 答案 三 每小题 1 分 共 5 分 题号1112131415 答案 四 每小题 1 分 共 5 分 题号1617181920 答案 五 每小题 1 分 共 5 分 21 22 23 24 25 笔试部分笔试部分 六 每小题 1 分 共 15 分 题号262728293031323334353637383940 答案 得分评卷人 得分评卷人 得分评卷人 得分评卷人 得分评卷人 得分评卷人 七 每小题 1 分 共 10 分 题号41424344454647484950 答案 八 每小题 2 分 共 30 分 题号515253545556575859606162636465 答案 九 66 70 76 80 每小题 1 分 71 75 每小题 2 分 共 20 分 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 题号7677787980 答案 十 5 分 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 十一 15 分 得分评卷人 得分评卷人 得分评卷人 得分评卷人 得分评卷人 2008 2009 学年第一学期期末考试 八年级仁爱英语试题听力材料 一 听句子 选择与句子内容相符的图画 有一幅是多余的 每个句子读两遍 1 Running is a good way to keep fit 2 Mike often plays football after class 3 It is bad to throw litter about 4 I m interested in playing the violin 5 He was watching TV at three o clock yesterday 二 听句子 选择正确的应答语 每个句子读两遍 6 What beautiful stamps 7 Oh you speak English very well 8 Our teacher says we did a good job 9 How do you like Yao Ming 10 Thank you for your lovely Christmas card 三 听对话 选择正确的答案 每段对话读两遍 11 M Ann do you often go shopping with your mother W Never I often go with my friends 12 M What s the matter with my back doctor It s so sore W Don t work too long and try to rest often 13 M Oh it s so hard to play the piano I can t teach myself W Don t give up You can have piano lessons in a club 14 M Excuse me Mrs Green Which coat do you like better the yellow one or the red one W I think the red one is much better 15 M What s your trouble madam W I have a bad headache and a cough I feel terrible M How long have you been like this W Since yesterday M Oh just a little cold Don t worry Nothing serious You d better stay in bed Take this medicine and you ll be all right soon 四 听短文 根据短文内容 判断下列句子正 T 误 F 短文读两遍 A man is sitting by the road and eating an apple A fat policeman comes to him The man gets up at once and runs down the road The policeman runs after him The man runs very fast but the policeman runs faster After a few minutes the policeman catches him What are you doing asks the policeman You must be a bad man if you run when you see a policeman No no says the man I m just too fat The doctor says I must always run after eating I see says the policeman You are running to get thinner Then the fat policeman runs after the man again 五 听短文 根据短文内容 完成下列表格 每空一词 短文读两遍 I m Mary I am from New York I m fifteen I m in Grade eight I like sports very much I like skating playing volleyball playing tennis going swimming going cycling and so on But I prefer skating Skating is very interesting It can bring a lot of fun and make me strong I joined a skating club la


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