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写人的词汇写人的词汇 optimistic 乐观 independent 独立的 out going 外向的 active 活泼的 able 有才干的 能干的 adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的 活跃的 aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的 aspiring 有志气的 有抱负的 audacious 大胆的 有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的 有才能的 careful 办理仔细的 candid 正直的 competent 能胜任的 constructive 建设性的 cooperative 有合作精神的 creative 富创造力的 dedicated 有奉献精神的 dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的 有策略的 disciplined 守纪律的 dutiful 尽职的 well educated 受过良好教育的 efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的 expressivity 善于表达 faithful 守信的 忠诚的 frank 直率的 真诚的 generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的 humorous 有幽默 impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的 motivated 目的明确的 intelligent 理解力强的 learned 精通某门学问的 logical 条理分明的 methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的 objective 客观的 precise 一丝不苟的 punctual 严守时刻的 realistic 实事求是的 responsible 负责的 sensible 明白事理的 porting 光明正大的 steady 踏实的 systematic 有系统的 purposeful 意志坚强的 sweet tempered 性情温和的 temperate 稳健的 tireless 孜孜不倦的 Personality 性格 education 学历 educational history 学历 educational background 教育程度 curriculum 课程 major 主修 minor 副修 educational highlights 课程重点部分 curriculum included 课程包括 specialized courses 专门课程 courses taken 所学课程 special training 特别训练 social practice 社会实践 part time jobs 业余工作 summer jobs 暑期工作 vacation jobs 假期工作 refresher course 进修课程 extracurricular activities 课外活动 physical activities 体育活动 recreational activities 娱乐活动 academic activities 学术活动 social activities 社会活动 rewards 奖励 scholarship 奖学金 excellent League member 优秀团员 excellent leader 优秀干部 student council 学生会 off job training 脱产培训 in job training 在职培训 educational system 学制 academic year 学年 semester 学期 美 term 学期 英 supervisor 论文导师 pass 及格 fail 不及格 marks 分数 examination 考试 degree 学位 post doctorate 博士后 doctor Ph D 博士 master 硕士 bachelor 学士 graduate student 研究生 abroad student 留学生 undergraduate 大学肆业生 government supported student 公费生 commoner 自费生 extern 走读生 intern 实习生 prize fellow 奖学金生 boarder 寄宿生 graduate 毕业生 guest student 旁听生 英 auditor 旁听生 美 day student 走读生 有关自然灾害的词汇有关自然灾害的词汇 flooding 洪水 mudslide 泥石流 typhoon 台风 death toll 死亡人数 level flatten 夷为平地 distribute food 发放食品 stricken area 受灾地区 knock out the bridges 破坏桥梁 sever segments of roads 切断路段 storm ravaged area 风暴袭击的地区 jammed 困住的 earth movers 推土机 storefronts 店面房 water logged 积水的 被水泡了的 staples 常用品 wreak havoc 造成破坏 take refuge 避难 shelter 避难所 disaster relief work 救灾工作 at the soonest 最快 alleviate 减轻 tropical storm 热带风暴 maximum sustained wind 最大持续风力 evolve into 逐渐发展成 hurricane 飓风 cyclone 龙卷风 whirlwind 旋风 blizzard 暴风雪 hinder 阻碍 a state of emergency 紧急状态 treacherous 危险的 dense fog 浓雾 torrential rain downpour 大雨 rugged terrain 崎岖地带 raging river 湍急的河流 washed out roads 被洪水冲毁的道路 make landfall 登陆 写作集锦 1 能源危机 energy crisis 2 民族自豪感 national pride 3 经济和技术的进一步发展 further advances in economy and technology 4 设法对付压力 manage one s stress 5 非常流行 be very prevalent 6 采取行动 take action measures 7 保持积极的态度 keep a positive attitude 8 实现诺言 keep one s promise 9 电脑天才 a computer genius 10 电脑盲 a computer illiterate 11 取得非凡的进步 make remarkable progress 12 生物遗传 biological inheritance 13 在 方面起着重要 积极的 消极的 作用 play a significant positive negative role in 14 按时 be punctual 15 保持乐观 坚定 悲观 的态度 maintain an optimistic a firm a pessimistic attitude 16 热爱和平 love peace 17 因为 on account of 18 缺乏生活经历 lack life experience 19 人工智能 artificial intelligence 20 对他人有耐心 be patient with others 21 忍受痛苦 be patient of pains 22 适应新生活 adapt oneself to the new life 23 抓住机会 grasp the chance 24 对 有很大好处 坏处 do great good harm to 25 假冒商品 fake commodities 26 盗版书 pirated books 27 从长远来看 in the long run 28 扰乱公平竞争的市场 upset the fairly competitive market 29 有能力的公民 competent citizens 30 获得真正的快乐 attain real happiness 31 在 花费大量的时间 devote much time to doing 32 相反 on the contrary 33 迷信 be superstitious 34 充分利用时间 make full use of one s time 35 不顾风险 regardless of risks 38 性别歧视 gender discrimination 39 做一项试验 conduct an experiment 40 把理论应用于实践 apply theories to practice 41 跨国公司的兴起 the rise of multinational corporations 42 在 方面落后 lag behind in 43 想做 feel like doing 44 自食其力 earn one s living 45 核武器 nuclear weapons 46 认为 理所当然 take for granted 47 不遗余力 spare no efforts 48 在激烈的竞争中占上风 get the upper hand in the fierce competition 49 来自各行各业的人们 people from all walks of life 51 通才教育 a broad education 52 明辨是非 distinguish right from wrong 53 正在发展 in full swing 56 面临挑战 be confronted with challenges 57 把 因素考虑进去 take into account consideration 58 重视 attach great significance to 59 对 不可或缺 be indispensable to 60 缩小差别 narrow the gap 61 加快发展 accelerate the development 62 充分发挥潜力 bring one s potential into full play 64 消除饥饿和暴力 eliminate hunger and violence 65 享受更美好的生活 enjoy a higher standard of living 66 自然资源 natural resources 67 展望更加光明的未来 look forward to a much brighter future 二 经典句型 一 起笔句型 1 When it comes to science the overwhelming majority of people hold an optimistic view They regard it as our servant But others argue that the opposite is true They treat it as a monster There is probable some truth on both sides but as far as I am concerned I believe that 2 There is a general debate over the phenomenon of students doing a part time job Those who advocate it claim that the experience does great good to these students But people who object to it on the other hand hold the view that 3 It s widely held that the rise in teenage smoking is the inevitable result of economic development But it s not a satisfactory explanation Personally speaking I think the primary cause is that 4 In recent years there has been a dramatic steady increase decrease in the number of PCs in China which has drawn aroused public attention concern 5 In the past few years China has witnessed seen a sharp rise fall in the number of PCs It is well known that the number has increased jumped decreased dropped by 20 percent compared with 10 years ago A couple of factors can account for the phenomenon 二 用于承接转折句型 1 There are a number of reasons for my choice For one thing On one hand for another on the other hand 2 A good case in point is 4 There is no denying that everything has two sides But when we weigh this measure s advantages against its disadvantages we can see easily that its advantages outweigh its disadvantages So I m for it 6 Thanks to Owing to Due to As a result of Because of 7 Knowledge is power Such is the remark made by Bacon This remark has been shared by more and more people 8 Let me cite another example to prove my opinion 9 It may seem reasonable for people to draw such a conclusion but they fail to take into account the fact that 10 As a result it may give rise to other problems 11 For all In spite of Despite its demerits it still has striking merits So although some people are against it I won t change my mind I am in favor of it 12 Etiquette is to society what apparel is to the individual Forest is to our earth what lungs are to our body 三 用于文章结尾句型 1 Taking into account all these factors we may reasonably draw the conclusion that 2 In summary In brief In a word In conclusion All in all we d better 3 No doubt it s high time that we took immediate action 4 It is necessary that effective measures should be taken to bring the current phenomenon to an end 三 智慧谚语 2 Never take anything for granted 3 Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance 4 Birds of a feather flock together 5 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy 6 Misfortunes never come alone 7 When in Rome do as the Romans do 8 We eat to live but not live to eat 9 Better late than never 10 One man no man 11 He laughs best who laughs last 12 Waste not want not 13 Honesty is the best policy 15 Look before you leap 16 No news is good news 18 The early bird catches the worm 19 Never trouble troubles until troubles trouble you 20 Call a spade a spade 21 No pains no gains 23 Out of sight out of mind 24 Like father like son 26 A stitch in time saves nine 27 Great minds think alike 28 Strike while the iron is hot 29 Spare the rod spoil the child 30 Opportunity seldom knocks twice 31 Example is better than precept 32 Let bygones be bygones 四 名人名言 1 If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain 2 The first wealth is health Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803 1882 3 Every why has its wherefore William Shakespeare 1564 1616 4 Advice is least heeded when most needed Anonymous 5 A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty Winston Churchill 1874 1965 6 A man who has no imagination has no wings 7 It s much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others 8 Death is more universal than life everyone dies but not everyone lives 9 Love makes the world go round Charles Dickens 1812 1870 10 Love conquers all things let us too surrender to love 11 Time is like water in a sponge When you squeeze water will ooze out Lu Xun 12 Write it in your heart that every day is the best day of the year Emerson 13 He who


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