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2013 年九年级英语八校联考测试卷 Units1 7 学校 班级 姓名 学号 得分 1 听力测试 25 分 1 How does Mary often go to school A By bus B By bike C On foot 2 Who was going to hold a party A Marcia B Lana C Jim 3 What is Carl going to do tonight A To go to a fashion show B To have a football match C To stay at home 4 When did the accident happen A Yesterday morning B Yesterday afternoon C Yesterday evening 5 What s their flight number A 415 B 407 C 405 B 请听下面 3 段对话和 2 段独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 从题中所给 的 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 每段对话或独白读两遍 请听第 1 段对话 回答第 6 至 7 小题 6 What did Eric do on Saturday A He cleans his room at home B He had his hair cut in the barber shop C He helped his brother in the barber shop 7 When did Eric do his homework A On Saturday evening B On Sunday morning C On Sunday evening 请听第 2 段对话 回答第 8 至 10 小题 8 Where s Peter A In Paris B In Tokyo C In Beijing 9 How s the weather in Beijing A Sunny B Windy C Cold 10 When is Sandra s father going to Paris on business A Tomorrow B Next week C Next month 请听第 3 段对话 回答第 11 至 13 小题 11 Why does the man choose to travel by air A Because it s more comfortable B Because it s much safer C Because it s much faster 12 How many times has the woman traveled by air A Never B Once C Twice 13 Where will the speakers buy tickets A At the airport B On the phone C On the Internet 请听第 1 段独白 回答第 14 至 16 小题 14 Why is Henry always busy on weekends A Because he has a lot of homework to do B Because he is asked to learn extra skills C Because he helps his mom to do the housework 15 How did Henry go to his uncle s A By train B By bike C On foot 16 When will the concert be on A Next Friday B Next Saturday C Next Sunday 17 What kind of school is it A A language school B A sport school C A music school 18 When do lessons start in the morning A At 8 30 B At 8 00 C At 7 30 19 How soon will the students take the exam A In a week B In three weeks C In four weeks 20 Where is the school A In China B In the USA C In Canada C 请听下面一段短文 根据短文内容完成 5 个句子 每个句子一空 每个空 格不超过 3 个单词 短文读两遍 21 On the bus some people don t look at the old by with their eyes closed 22 Some people on the bus turn their to look out of the windows 23 When the bus driver asks people to some people just sit on the seats 24 We should be to help the person who needs help on the bus 25 On the bus we should give our seats to the people with 二 单项选择 15 分 26 Can you tell me your of success There s no easy way to learn English well Just study hard A duty B trouble C secret D rule 27 We got to hear the news just now A excited excited B excited exciting C exciting exciting D exciting excited 28 reading aloud to practice English Good idea A How about B Why not C How D When 29 I m sorry to trouble you Daniel A You re welcome B It doesn t matter C That s right D My pleasure 30 Jim has made many friends since he to China A came B comes C has come D will come 31 Which sweater do you prefer the yellow one or the pink one I like a light blue one A Either B Both C Any D Neither 32 The mountain was steep few people in our city reached the top A so as B so that C as as D too to 33 What is a writing brush do you know It s used writing and drawing A with B to C for D by 34 I really don t know about it A what to do B how to do C to do what D how can I do 35 There is a ticket on the floor is it yours Oh yes it s mine Let me for you A to pick up it B to pick it up C pick up it D pick it up 36 Look at that toy car It looks like a real one but it s A taller B easier C smaller D heavier 37 They have to for about four years A go away B be away C leave D come 38 It me a whole day to paint my room green A took B spent C paid D cost 39 Would you mind visiting Hawaii It s a fascinating place A It s terrible B Of course not C You re kidding D Never mind 40 Mary prefers movies is moving A when B which C where D who 三 完形填空 25 分 A 阅读下列短文 掌握其大意 然后从 A B C D 四个选项中选出可 以填入空白处的最佳选项 15 分 People are often killed when they 41 the road Most of these people are old people and children Old people are often killed because they can not see 42 hear very well Children are often killed because they are not 43 They forget to look and listen 44 they cross the road A car truck or bus can not stop very 45 If the car is going very fast it will travel 46 meters before it stops People don t always understand this They think a car can stop 47 a few meters The faster a car 48 the longer it takes to 49 It is very 50 for a person to know how fast a car is traveling The 51 safe way to cross the road is to look both ways right and left Then 52 the road is clear it is safe to cross The right way to cross the road 53 to walk quickly It is not 54 to run across the road If people run across the road they may fall 55 41 A over B across C cross D through 42 A and B but C both D or 43 A care B careful C strong D healthy 44 A before B after C since D for 45 A shortly B early C quickly D slowly 46 A much B more C many D a lot 47 A during B among C between D in 48 A traveling B is traveling C travel D is to travel 49 A fly B go C stop D move 50 A easy B difficult C busy D move 51 A few B only C often D always 52 A if B before C which D what 53 A is B has C are D have 54 A hard B danger C safe D dangerous 55 A down B to C up D under B 先阅读短文 掌握其大意 然后从方框中所给的词或词组中选出最恰当 的 10 个 并用适当形式填空 每个词或词组只能用一次 10 分 telephone for lose so strong clever somebody good happy outside everybody cold Mrs Andrews had a young cat and it was the cat s first winter One evening it was quite 56 then it began to snow heavily Mrs Andrews looked 57 it everywhere and shouted its name but she did not find it 58 she telephone the police and said I have 59 a small black cat Has 60 found one No madam said the policeman at the other end But cats are really very 61 animals They sometimes live for days in the snow and when it melts 融化 or somebody finds them they are quite 62 Mrs Andrews felt 63 when she heard this And she said Our cat is very 64 She almost talks The policeman was getting tired Well then he said Why don t you put your 65 down Maybe she is trying to telephone you now 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 四 阅读理解 40 分 A 请阅读下面短文 根据短文内容从每题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳 选项 A Culinary art You can train your kids as young as seven years old to cook and bake The Center for Culinary Arts Young Chef Boot Camp provides classes that teach kids to cook and bake By taking the classes kids will learn why healthy eating and cooking are necessary Classes will be given from October 13 to 18 3 00pm 5 00pm Public speaking Not everyone is good at public speaking This might be a reason for you to start your kide learning it when they re young Speech and Etiquette Classes for Kids will be given at Wilma Cruz Tapalla s Institute of Speech and Etiquette from October 10 to 16 3 00pm 6 00pm Learning a new language Teaching children to learn a new language is becoming more popular these days Pocketful of Kids offers courses on languages like Chinese Japanese and French in October Each course has 10 lessons and each lesson lasts for 2 hours 10 00pm 12 00 noon Book making If your child is shy book making might be something that will bring him out of his shell Adarna House has a book making course that is for kids aged 6 to 11 The classes will be given at the Filipinas Heritage Library from October 12 to 16 9 00am 12 00 noon 66 By studying culinary arts kids can learn the following EXCEPT A how to cook B how to bake C the advantages of home cooking D the importance of healthy eating 67 If Tim wants to learn French he can go to A Wilma Cruz Tapalla s Institute fo Speech and Etiquette B The Center for Culinary Arts Young Chef Boot Camp C Pocketful of Kids D Adarna House 68 Which of the following takes the most time to study A Culinary arts B Public speaking C Book making D Learning a new language B In 1996 Subaru sailed alone across the Pacific ocean Many other people did this before Subaru but he was special At age 14 he was the youngest person to sail across the Pacific by himself Subaru left Tokyo on July 22 1996 In the boat he had food and water for a two month trip He also had a radio and other modern machines for sailing The beginning of the trip went very well Subaru often talked to his parents by radio He didn t have any problems with his boat Then on August 11 the engine 发 动机 in his boat stopped Suddenly Subaru was without electricity 电 This made it difficult to go on with his trip Then five days later his radio stopped Now he wasn t able to communicate with anyone And he was still 2 770 miles away from San Francisco By the end of August many people believed that Subaru was lost No one was able to communicate with him by radio His parents expected him to arrive in San Francisco on September 3 but he didn t Then on September 13 Subaru sailed into San Francisco After 55 days in his boat his trip was finally over Many people believe that Subaru was too young to sail alone They say that parents shouldn t allow children to make such dangerous trips However Subaru s parents say that children should have such experiences 69 Subaru s trip was special because he A was strong and braveB had a long trip C was very young and sailed aloneD didn t have a radio 70 At the beginning of the trip Subaru didn t A sail alone B have electricity C have any problemsD eat well 71 During his trip Subaru wasn t able to communicate with people for A five daysB a week C about a month D about two months 72 Subaru s parents think that the sailing is A safeB exciting C interestingD rewarding C Oxfam Trail walker has been one of Hong Kong s biggest fund raising 筹款 events since 1981 It was known as Trail walker before It is organized by Oxfam Hong Kong to raise money for helping poor people in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia and Africa Trail walker is held in November every year People over eighteen can group themselves into a team of four people and join this walk Oxfam Trail walker is a hard hike because you have to finish walking 100 kilometers in 48 hours It means you may have to walk two days and nights without sleep The trail walkers have to walk through eight country parks and over twenty hills and mountains It is an excellent chance for people to learn team spirit All the team members must plan everything together before the event They need to walk together to finish the hike because only the team s finishing time will be recorded It is necessary for them to support and help each other both before and during the event You should plan what you are going to carry during the walk You cannot carry everything with you so it is useful to have support teams to bring you food and drinks Warm and dry clothes are also necessary to keep you comfortable during the walk Each team must raise at least HK 6 000 The money is used to help poor people and to support development projects Why not try your best to help people in need This will be an experience you will never forget 73 Why do people organize Oxfam Trail walker A To raise money for helping poor peopleB To support and help each other C To learn team spiritD To keep people healthy 74 Who can join Oxfam Trail walker A All people B People over 18 years old C People in Hong Kong D Record the team s finishing time 75 What do support teams do for trail walkers A Bring them food drinks and clothes B Raise at least HK 6 000 C Plan everything together D Record the team s finishing time 76 Which of the following is true according to the passage A Trail walker is held in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia and Africa every year B Trail walker have to finish walking over 100 kilometers in 48 hours C It is necessary for trail walkers to bring food and drinks by themselves D Trail walkers have to walk through eight country parks and more than twenty hills and mountains D In the Caucasus Mountains nearly 50 out of every 100 000 people live to celebrate their 100th birthday and many don t stop at 100 In American only 3 people in 100 000 reach 100 But these old people aren t alone The people who live high in the Himalaya Mountains and the Andes Mountains seem to share the secret of long life too First of all hard physical 体力的 work is a way of life for all of these long lived people They begin their long days of physical work as children and never seem to stop For example Mr Rustam is 142 years of age He has experienced several wars His wife is 116 years old They have been married for 90 year Mr Rustam doesn t want to stop his work as a farmer Why What else would I do He asks Oh he has slowed down a bit Now he might work for 6 hours in the field instead of 10 Another factor 因素 that may contribute to the good health of these people is their isolation Most of them are kept off the modern world Inherited 遗传的 factors also help Most of the longest lived people had parents and grandparents who also reached very old ages So good family genes 基 因 may be one factor in living longer Finally although these three groups don t eat exactly the same food they eat little animal meat Their diets are full of fresh fruits vegetables nuts grains cheese and milk They never eat more food than body need 77 How many factors are mentioned that may contribute to the good health of these long lived people A Two B Three C Four D Five 78 Which of the following contributes to the good health of all these long lived people A Fresh air in the mountains B Hard physical work C Good family genes D The same food 79 What does the word isolation mean in Chinese A 自我封闭B 与世隔绝 C 独立D 淡泊 80 What would be the best title 标题 for the passage A Good HealthB The Old People in the Mountains C Long lived PeopleD The Secret of Long Life B 请阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 根据短文内容从下面的方框内的七个选项 中 选出五个还原到文中 是短文意思通顺 结构完整 每题 2 分 Your habits will decide whether you are succes


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