高中英语 Period5 Cultural Corner;Module File(Module5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges) 教案 外研版必修4_第1页
高中英语 Period5 Cultural Corner;Module File(Module5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges) 教案 外研版必修4_第2页
高中英语 Period5 Cultural Corner;Module File(Module5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges) 教案 外研版必修4_第3页
高中英语 Period5 Cultural Corner;Module File(Module5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges) 教案 外研版必修4_第4页
高中英语 Period5 Cultural Corner;Module File(Module5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges) 教案 外研版必修4_第5页
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专心 爱心 用心1 PeriodPeriod 5 5 CulturalCultural CornerCorner ModuleModule FileFile TheThe GeneralGeneral IdeaIdea ofof ThisThis PeriodPeriod In this part we will enjoy a story of a tourist who will send himself a postcard wherever he goes This passage can be used as an extensive reading material After leading in the students may read through the text to get the main idea of the passage and the answers to the questions Five questions are designed And show them on the screen In this text there are some useful expressions just as mentioned in Everyday English such as rip off be around get a kick out of The students can get their meanings in the context At last imagine you are visiting a country and write a short postcard to yourself like Mr McCorquodale Module File is a summary of what the students have learned in this module Give the students some time to check whether they have mastered knowledge in this module If time permits the teacher may have a short revision of the words expressions Language Points grammar and other points Teaching Important Points Make sure the students know the main idea of the passage in cultural corner Teaching Difficult Points Try to write a postcard to yourself Teaching Methods Fast reading and revision Teaching Aids Multimedia a blackboard 使 陷入 使处于 某种状态 It is now being sent to his home by train 现在正用火车把它运往他家 This noise will send me mad 这吵声会使我发疯 send for 派人去请 send in 使递送 使陷入 send up 使上升 使升高 send out 发出 放出 send away 让走开 send after 派人去追 高考真题及讲解 1 2006 福建高考 27 If it were not for the fact that she sing I would invite her to the party A couldn t B shouldn t C can t D might not 答案答案 C 解析解析 fact 后接 that 引导的同位语从句 用于对其作进一步的解释 她不会唱歌是一 个事实 所以要用陈述语气 can t 意为 不会 表示不具备某种能力 2 2006 北京高考 25 What s the name Khulaifi I spell that for you A Shall B Would C Can D Might 答案答案 A 解析解析 shall 用于第一 三人称 构成疑问句 意为 吗 好吗 叫 好吗 是 专心 爱心 用心5 不是想 用于征求对方的同意或意见 would 用于第二人称 表示 愿意 can 用于 征得对方的同意 意为 可以 可能 might 用于征得对方的同意 意为 可以 用于疑问 句和建议时比 may 更委婉和礼貌 3 2006 全国高考 24 There s no light on they be at home A can t B mustn t C needn t D shouldn t 答案答案 A 解析解析 can t 动词原形 表示对现在情况的猜测或判断 意为 不可能 根据所 提供的情景 There s no light on 可判断出他们不可能在家 mustn t 后接动词原形表 示 禁止 不准 不用于表示猜测 推测或判断 needn t 意为 没必要 表示没有必 要做某事 shouldn t 意为 不应该 表示不应该做 4 2006 江西高考 24 The weather turned out to be fine yesterday I the trouble to carry my umbrella with me A should have taken B could have taken C needn t have taken D mustn t have taken 答案答案 C 解析解析 句意是 天气转晴了 所以就不用带伞了 needn t have taken 是 不必要 的 意思 故选 C should have taken 是 本来应该做而没做 的意思 could have taken 是 可能 mustn t have taken 无此种表达法 都与题意不符 5 2006 天津高考 11 We have proved great adventurers but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years A needn t B may not C shouldn t D mustn t 答案答案 B 解析解析 may not have 动词 ed 形式 意为 不可能 用于对过去或已经发 生的事进行猜测 needn t have 动词 ed 形式 表示 不需要 表示过去不需要做 某事 shouldn t have 动词 ed 形式 表示本来不应该做而做了某事 mustn t 不与 have 动词 ed 形式连用 只与动词原形连用 表示 禁止 不要 6 2006 江苏高考 21 I think I ll give Bob a ring You You haven t been in touch with him for ages A will B may C have to D should 答案答案 D 解析解析 should 意为 应该 多表示某事宜做 应当做或必须做 强调主观方面 用得多 一些 根据所提供的情景 You haven t been in touch with him for ages 可判断出由 于多年没有联系 应该给 Bob 打电话 will 意为 将 may 意为 可以 have to 意为 不得不 表示因客观原因不得不做某事 7 2006 全国高考 7 We forgot to bring our tickets but please let us enter A do you B can we C will you D shall we 答案答案 C 解析解析 祈使句的反意疑问句分为两种 当祈使句中含有 let s 时 用 shall we 当不含 有 let s 时 要用 will you 因为这个句子中不含有 let s 所以要用 will you 8 2006 湖北高考 31 fired your health care and other benefits 专心 爱心 用心6 will not be immediately cut off A Would you be B Should you be C Could you be D Might you be 答案答案 B 解析解析 这道题是虚拟条件句的倒装 虚拟条件句的从句部分含有 were should 或 had 时 可省略 if 再把 were should 或 had 移到从句的句首 进行倒装 意思是 即使你被解 雇了 医疗保障和其他福利也不会受到影响 9 2006 山东高考 30 May I smoke here If you choose a seat in the smoking section A should B could C may D must 答案答案 D 解析解析 本题要根据前后句的关系来判断 问句 我能在这里抽烟吗 如果你一定要 抽 应该坐在抽烟区 must 在这里表示主观原因 should 是 应该 的意思 could 表示 可能 may 是 可以 的意思 10 2006 浙江高考 19 Could I have a word with you mum Oh dear if you A can B must C may D should 答案答案 B 解析解析 must 表示一定要 主观愿意 can 表示有能力 may 表示可能 should 表示应该 由于是想和妈妈说话 所以用 must 11 2006 广东高考 22 Must he come to sign this paper himself Yes he A need B must C may D will 答案答案 B 解析解析 must 引导的一般疑问句 答复如果是肯定的 用 must 如果是否定的 用 needn t 12 2006 四川高考 32 Is Jack on duty today It be him It s his turn tomorrow A mustn t B won t C can t D needn t 答案答案 C 解析 解析 can t 表猜测 意为 不可能 根据所提供的情景 It s his turn tomorrow 可判断出 Jack 明天值日 所以今天不可能是 Jack 值日 needn t 表示 不必 won t 表 示 将来不会 mustn t 表示 必须不 禁止 13 2006 安徽高考 31 Never in my wildest dreams these people are living in such poor conditions A I could imagine B could I imagine C I couldn t imagine D couldn t I imagine 答案答案 B 解析解析 以 never 开头的句子要进行倒装 即把情态动词放在主语前 never 意为 从来 没有 一点也不 只用于肯定句 不用于否定句 所以选项 D 是错误 14 2006 湖南高考 32 Some aspects of a pilot s job be boring and pilots often work at inconvenient hours 专心 爱心 用心7 A can have to B may can C have to may D ought to must 答案答案 A 解析解析 can 表示可能性 意为 可能 表示飞行员的工作在一些方面可能是枯燥乏味的 have to 意为 不得不 表示由于受客观条件的限制不得不做某事 表示飞行员不得不在 不方便的时间进行工作 15 2005 全国高考 Tom you leave all your clothes on the floor like this A wouldn t B mustn t C needn t D may not 答案答案 B 解析解析 由题干设置的语境可知该句为含有主语的祈使句 全文使用了命令的口吻 故须用 mustn t 表示 一定不要 AnswersAnswers toto WorkbookWorkbook ExercisesExercises GrammarGrammar 1 1 1 should 2 can t have to 3 had to 4 will 5 couldn t 6 won t 2 2 1 You can t smoke in here 2 You have to wait here 3 You can cross the road here 4 Foreigners must show their passports 5 Children could play on the deck 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 2 You can picnic here 3 You mustn t aren t allowed to take photographs 4 You must keep your dog on a lead You mustn t let your dog run free 5 You can cross 6 You can t mustn t aren t allowed to eat or drink VocabularyVocabulary 5 5 1 steep 2 high 3 deep narrow 4 flat fertile 5 remote fertile flat 6 6 1 hilly 2 coastal 3 snowy 4 steeply 5 remoteness 6 hidden 7 7 1 peaceful 2 fertile 3 remote 4 peaks 5 slopes 6 lake 7 scenery ReadingReading 1111 1 A cruise on a traditional felucca Because they only carry ten people and it s the best way to see the river 2 Disadvantages no cabins no showers 1212 1 There are no cabins on a felucca 2 They booked their four day trip from Aswan to Luxor 3 They stayed in a hotel in Aswan 4 The writer didn t swim in the Nile because it was dirty 5 They visited a market on the second day 6 You can take photographs of animals but you mustn t take photographs of 专心 爱心 用心8 people without asking them for permission 7 They only visited so


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