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17级英语题库一、 单项选择( ) 1. How _people are there in your family? A. much B. many C. few D. little( ) 2. My father is a professor, he is strict _ us . Thank you so much. A. to B. for C. with D. as( ) 3. I had an _ to go to New York and study. A. chance B. meeting C. birthday D. opportunity( ) 4. We are very appreciative_ their support. A. in B. for C. with D. as( ) 5. It is important to keep the kitchen _. A. cleaning B. cleaned C. clean D. to clean( ) 6. Dont _ what you have.A. take for granted B. to take for granted C. taking for granted D. taken for granted( ) #7.My room has a queen size bed, a nightstand, two_.dressers B. dresses C. dressing D. dress( ) 8. Its a pity _ we cant go. Athat Bwhat Cthis Dif( ) 9. I am not _ today. A.myself B.yourself C.himself D.herself ( ) 10. My mind _ blank during the English exam. A. go B. went C. gose D. going ( ) 11. I did very _ on that test, so I think I couldnt pass the test. A. poor B. poorly C. good D. well( ) 12.I think _someone forgot sweep the floor. A.thatB./C.where D.both A and B( ) 13. It is strange _ he should have gone away without telling us. A. that B. whether C. when D. what( ) 14. What happened? You look so pale. I failed _ my English exam.A. with B. on C. in D. for( ) 15. I doubt _ he will succeed. A. ifB. whether C. what D. both A and B( ) *16. Do you know where _ now? A. he livesB. does he live C. he livedD. did he live( ) 17. I play _ football on Sunday afternoon. A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 18. Do you often _ on line?A. fishing B. go chatting C. swimming D. shopping( ) 19. Everybody shouldt get _ in the cyber space.A. lost B. losts C. to lost D. losting ( ) 20. Peter is a total internet junkie, and he _ chats on line. A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. often( ) *21. The question is _ we will have our sports meet next week. A. what B. if C. when D. whether( ) 22.Itissnowingheavily,_wehavetostayathome. A.but B.or C.so D.for( ) *23. Cyber love is a _sword. A.double-edged B.doubles-edged C.doubled-edged D.doubling-edged( ) 24. The online chatting is different _ the face-to-face communication. A. with B. from C. in D. of( ) #25. The reason why he failed is _ he was too carelessA. because B. that C. for D. because of( ) 26. The problem is _we can get to take the place of Ted. A.who B.what C.that D.which( ) 27. Would you like _ to our party? A. coming B. come C. to come D. comes( ) #28. She looked _ she were ten years younger. A. thatB. like C. as D. as though( ) 29. I am sorry to have kept you _A. waitingB. wait C. waited D. to wait( ) #30.The girl _ an English song in the next room is Toms sister. A. sang B. is singing C. who is singing D. was singing ( ) 31. Why dont you _ and try again? A.hanging up B.hang up C.to hang up D.hangsup( ) 32.When you hear the phone ringing, _ the phone and greet the caller. A. pick out B. pick up C. pick off D. pick on( ) 33.-I hope that Tom wont play football tomorrow-Yes. I _ A. hope it B. hope that, tooC. hope, too D. hope so,too ( ) 34. Heoftenborrowsmoney_hisfathertobuyCDs.A.to B.from C.with D.on( ) 35.There_somewaterintheglass.A.is B.has C.are D.have( ) 36. Youlookverycooltoday,Amy._. A.Oh,Idontlookit B.Thankyou C.No.Iamnotcoolatall D.Thesameyou ( ) *37. The fact _ he was successful proves his ability. A. thatB. what C. which D. why( ) 38. -Do you suppose he is going to attend the meeting-I suppose _A.not B. it C. that D. too ( ) 39. _doyoutakeyourdogforawalkeveryday? Once. A.Howoften B.Howmanytimes C.Howlong D.Howmuch( ) 40. Can you tell me _ about Dr. Miller? Yes. He is a philosophy professor. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing( ) 41. -I would like to request a morning call service.-Well, at _ time do you want me to call you up, sir?A.what B. how C. that D. where ( ) 42. What do you think of the baseball match? _. A. It was very exciting B. I didnt hear of itC. Our team lost the match D. Our team was a good one( ) 43. Hi, Kate. You look tired. Whats the matter? I _ well last night. A. didnt sleep B. dont sleep C. havent slept D. wont sleep ( ) 44. - How long does it take to get to the railway station?-About 40 minutes. _ in pleaseA.Help B.Open C.Turn D.Hop ( ) 45. The meeting didnt start _ everyone was there. A. becauseB. until C. whyD. if( ) 46.Weshouldprotecttheanimals_danger.A.on B.in C.of D.at( ) 47. Betty,youdontlookwell.Whatswrong? Ihaveafever. _.Youdbettergotoseeadoctor.A.Imsorrytohearthat B.Oh,mine C.Itsalllight D.Youlookbad( ) 48. The teacher asked us to read the text and _.A.we did so B. so did we C. so we did D such we did ( ) 49. Only by practicing a few hours every day _ be able to master the languageA. you can B. can you C. you will D. will you ( ) 50. There _ a dog and two cats in this house. A. are B. is C. be D. am( )51. Thankyou_. A.tosendmethephotos B.tosendmethephotoes C.forsendingmethephotoes D.forsendingmethephotos( ) 52.Idonthaveasoccerball.ButmyfriendPeterhas_.A.otherB.itC.oneD.a( ) 53. _ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once a month. A. ItB. As C. That D. What ( ) 54. _ they may not succeed, they will try their best. A. ThoughB. When C. Because D. Unless( ) *55. If you dont go, neither _ A. shall I B. do I C. I do D. I shall ( ) 56. Canyouplaywithyo-yo,Jim? Yes,I_.Itseasy. A.mustB.needC.canD.may( ) 57. Youridea_agoodone. A.listens B.hears C.sounds D.listensto( ) 58. -I like football. I dont like volleybal-_A. So do I B. Neither do I C. So it is with me D. So is it with me( ) *59. Willyougotovisitthescientistthiseveningortomorrowevening?Imafraid_timeisOK.A.bothB.someC.neither D.all( ) 60. He was _ tired _ he went to bed at 9:00 p.m. A. too; toB. enough; to C. such; thatD. so; that( ) 61. He didnt go to work _ the heavy rain. A. because B. because of C. so D. since( ) 62. I like _ football best. A. playing B. play C. played D. to play( ) 63. Mr. White can always make us relaxed. He is _ teacher I have ever met. A. the most humorous B. most humorousC. the more humorous D. a humorous( ) 64. Tom will call me as soon as he _ Shanghai. A. arrivesB. will reach C. arrives inD. get to( ) 65. _.I will not buy it.A Much as do I like it B. As much I like itC. Much as I like it D. As I like it much( ) 66. His plan is such a good one _ we all agree to accept it. A. so B. and C. thatD. as( ) 67. _, I will help you with your work. A. If I am possibleB. If it possible C. If possibleD. Possible( ) 68. Are you a teacher?No, but I _. I worked in a middle school for three years. A. amB. will C. doD. was( ) 69. I want my hair _. A. perm B. permed C. perms D. perming( ) 70. _ me and Ill show you where the library is. A. Behind B. Follow C. Know D. Catch( ) *71. Not until I began to work _ how much time I had wasted. A. didnt I realize B. did I realize C. I didnt realize D. I realized( ) 72. Id like to eat out, but on the other _, I should try to save money. A. head B. leg C. hand D. foot( ) *73. Little _ when I took the trip where it would lead me.A. have I known B. had I known C. do I know D. did I know ( ) 74. Jennyis_oldnow. A.fiveyearB.fiveyears C.fifthyearD.fifthyears( ) 75. Mysister_more beautiful. A.wanttobeB.wantstobeC.wantbeD.wantsbe( ) 76. Didyouenjoy_inSanyalastweekend? Yes,Ihadagoodtimethere.A.you B.yourself C.yours D.yourselves( ) 77. All of them decided _ to America during the vacation. A. traveling B. traveled C. to travel D. travels( ) *78. This is a red pen, and I have three other blue _. A. ones B. one C. thatD. those( ) 79. I know the mayor really well. _, I had dinner with her last week. A. On fact B. In fact C. In the fact D. On the fact( ) 80. When in Rome, do as the _ do. A. Rome B. Roman C. Romans D. Romes二、填空1. Welcome _ (to/too) my home .2. I am good at _ (playing/play) football, so is my elder brother.3. Jack is 25 _ (year/years) old.4. It is important _ (to/for) speak English out of class.5. I failed _ (in/to) the exam.6. Mike _ (failed/fail) in the math exam in 2014.7. Welcome _ (to/at) my home.8. Practice _ (makes/make) perfect.9. Do you often go _ (chatting/chating) in No. 2 Middle School.10. I like _ (voice chat/Voice Chat) with Wechat. 11. Many students like chatting with _ (QQ/QQS) .12. Dave is busy _ (learning/to learn) English on the internet.13. May I _ (speak/to speak) to Miss Anna Li?14. This _ (is/are) Mr. White speaking.15. _ (Hold/hold) the line, please.16. I am afraid that Mr. Smith _ (is/be) out.17. I quarrelled _ (to/with) my roommate.18. How many _ (people/person) are there in your family?19. Animal is the _ (classmate/friend) of human.20. May I _ (speak/to speak) to Miss Anna Li?21. Everyone _ (want/wants) to be beautiful.22. I like playing _ (不填/the) football best.23. This _ (is/are) Mr. White speaking.24. What courses do you major_ (in/on)?25. Where _(are/do) you heading, sir?26. We all like chatting with_ (QQ/QQs).27. I have many _ (net pals/net pal) all over the world.28. We can make _ (friends/a friend) in the cyber space.29. Id like to_(book/booing) a room.30. In Rome do as _ (Romans/Romen)do.31. _ (Hold/hold) the line, please.32. He _ (is/be) out.33. I am sorry, but I cant_ (follow/followed) you.34. The number _ (is/are) busy now.35.Maybe I could get together _ (with/for) my friends that night36.We have _ (anything/everything) ready for you。37.Harry is _ (go/going) to make the experiment and he want me to do it,too。39.38.Its _ (good/best) for the environment。39.How long _ (do/does) it take to get the railway station40.Keep the cell phone _ (as/for)as far away from your body is possible。41.Do you have any pictures _ (of/and) your family in your wallet42.There is a match _ (between/among) Rockets and Lakers tonight。43. _ (May/Might) Jane have a successful operation.44.People are more likely to stop and talk _ (with/for) you when you are walking a dog.45.Take a look at _ (everything/something) and figure out what is best for you.46.I am good _ (at/on) playing football so is my brother。47.Boys and girls,lets begin _ (our/my) class48.I stayed _ (up/in) until the 3 AM studying for an exam49.You are not _ (who/where) I used to know。50. _ (Make/Believe) sure that the caller can hear you.三、连线1. How many people are there in your family? A.我会做家务。2. What does your sister do? B.欢迎来我家。3. My little brother likes singing. C.你家有几口人?4. Welcome to my home. D.你的姐姐是做什么工作的?5. I can do housework. 、 E.我的弟弟喜欢唱歌。6. What housework do you like best? A.他正在洗衣服。7. I like cooking most. B.杰克20岁了。8. He likes cleaning dishes. C.你最喜欢做什么家务?9. He is washing clothes. D.他喜欢洗盘子。10. Jack is twenty years old. E.我最喜欢做饭。11. I failed in the exam. A. Id like to.12. What courses do you major in? B. Chinese is my favorite.13. Would you like to come to our party? C. nine.14. Which course do you like best? D. Im sorry to hear that.15. How many courses do you have? E. English, Chinese and Math. 16. You look so pale. A. 熟能生巧。17. Dont worry about it. B.你看起来脸色很苍白。18#Practice makes perfect. C.你太好了。19 #Thats very nice of you. D.我会借给你一些书。20. I will lend you some books. E.别担心。21. You look unhappy. A.发生什么事了?22. I made a mistake. B.我喜欢什么?23. What happened? C.你看起来不高兴。24. # He will have to take a make-up exam. D.我犯了一个错误。25. What do I love? E.他必须参加一次补考。26. Choose the right major. A.我不知道他们在找什么。27. What am I good at? B.我非常喜欢画画。28. I like drawing very much. C.你知道他现在住哪吗?29. I dont know what they are looking for. D.我擅长什么?30. Do you know where he lives now? E.选择合适的专业。31. I beg your pardon?A.我和我的室友吵架了。32. You must have the wrong number. B.请再说一遍好吗?33. The number is busy now. C.你的新室友怎么样?34. I quarreled with my roommate. D.你一定打错电话了。35. How is your new roommate? E.您拨打的电话正忙。36. Animal is the friend of human. A.这不是你的错。37. I am thinking of getting a pet. B.你想要什么样的宠物?38. What kind of pet do you want? C.动物是人类的朋友。39. Im an animal rights activist. D. 我是一个动物权利活动家40. It is not your fault. E.我正在考虑要一只宠物。41. I want to dye my hair. A. Italian team.42. What ball games do you like? B. Because he is so handsome.43. Which team do you like best? C. What color would you dye it?44. Who is your favorite player? D. Michael Jordan.45. Why do you like Yao Ming? E. I like playing football.46 # Where are you heading, sir? A.到那需要多长时间?47. Can you go faster? B.有什么能帮到您?48. How long does it take to get there? C.有折扣吗?49# What can I do for you? D.去哪里,先生?50. Is there a discount? E.你能快一点吗?四、补全对话1.选择合适的句子补全对话。A.I really wish he hadnt.B.Im an animal rights activist in fact.C.My granny says its the skin of a Siberian tiger.D.My parents think its a souvenir from their ancestor. E.Unfortunately there are only a few hundred alive now.A:Mary, is the tiger skin in your house real?B:Yeah, thats real. 1 .A:Oh! The Siberian tigers are the largest living felids! 2 .B:I know. My great-grandfather was a hunter and he hunted it. 3 . A:Well, its not your fault. Im sure you dont like to hurt animals.B:No, Jack, I dont. I love animals. 4 .A:Why do you still keep that skin in your house?A:I cant help it. 5 .2.选择合适的句子补全对话。A.They live in a villageB.Did you have a good timeC.I m very sorryD.Why did you call meE.Would you like to go with meA:Hi, Lin Tao! I called you yesterday morning, but you were not in.B: 1 I went to see my grandparents with my father and mother.A: Dont your grandparents live with you?B:No. 2 Its not far from here.A: A village? Is it beautiful?B: Yeah, its very beautiful. Theres a river around it. Trees and flowers are everywhere. And my grandparents have a big farm.A: Great! Whats on the farm?B: Orange trees. Grandpa wants me to go back to pick oranges this autumn. Well, 3 ?A:Id love to


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