福建省厦门大学附属实验中学2011-2012学年七年级英语下学期期中质量检测试题 人教新目标版_第1页
福建省厦门大学附属实验中学2011-2012学年七年级英语下学期期中质量检测试题 人教新目标版_第2页
福建省厦门大学附属实验中学2011-2012学年七年级英语下学期期中质量检测试题 人教新目标版_第3页
福建省厦门大学附属实验中学2011-2012学年七年级英语下学期期中质量检测试题 人教新目标版_第4页
福建省厦门大学附属实验中学2011-2012学年七年级英语下学期期中质量检测试题 人教新目标版_第5页
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用心 爱心 专心1 20112011 20122012 学年第二学期厦门大学附属实验中学期中质量检测学年第二学期厦门大学附属实验中学期中质量检测 七年级英语试题卷七年级英语试题卷 120 分钟 第一部分 听力 20 分 听句子 选择正确图片 每个句子读一遍 5 分 1 A B C 2 A B C 3 学校 年级 班级 姓名 学号 用心 爱心 专心2 A B C 4 A B C 5 A B C 听对话 选择正确答案 每段对话读两遍 5 分 6 What s Jim doing A He is watching TV at home B He is making cards at home C He is watching TV at his friend s home 7 Where is Jane now 用心 爱心 专心3 A She is in the library B She is in the computer room C She is in the classroom 8 What is Tom doing now A He is working B He is walking C He is cleaning his bedroom 9 How long can the woman keep the book A Two weeks B A week C Three weeks 10 What is Jane looking for A Her picture B Her purse C Her photo 听对话 选择正确答案 每段对话读两遍 5 分 11 Where does the woman want to go A Hotel B Hospital C Bookstore 12 Where is Tom s home A Behind the post office B In front of the post office C Between the school and the shop 13 Where are they talking A At home B In the classroom C In the library 14 What are they talking about A People B Cars C Traffic accidents 15 Who will go to the supermarket A The man B The woman C Both the man and the woman 听短文 判断正 T 误 F 短文读两遍 5 分 16 Li Ying and Wang Tao are not in the same class 17 Li Ying doesn t like English 18 Wang Tao likes art 19 Wang Tao thinks math is very boring 20 Li Ying helps Wang Tao with his English 第二部分 英语知识运用 55 分 单项选择 15 分 1 Jack loves best He often borrows books from the library A readB to readsC readingD reads 2 Are there boats in the river Yes there are A muchB someC anyD little 3 Look the children in the gym A is dancingB are dancingC danceD to dance 用心 爱心 专心4 4 How long can I the VCD A week A borrowB seeC buyD keep 5 There is a soccer game Class One and Class Two on the playground at 5 00 this afternoon A ofB bothC betweenD on 6 Tom often TV on Saturday evenings but now he is stories A watches readingB watching reads C looks readingD watches looking 7 The boy likes playing basketball very much A aB anC theD 8 does he meet his friends a month A How often TwiceB How long Twice C When TwoD What time Two 9 I want something about your school life in Japan A knowB to knowC knowsD knowing 10 I study English art history and some subjects A anotherB othersC the otherD other 11 There a stone horse and several chairs on the second floor of this building A amB isC areD be 12 Kangkang how many apples are there the tree Too many A inB onC nearD under 13 Where is Xuzhou Let s the map of China A have a look B have a look atC look D see 14 There s with my computer It doesn t work A anything wrongB wrong anything C wrong somethingD something wrong 15 Go straight and you will see the school your left A atB onC inD for 情景交际 10 分 根据对话的情景 从方框中选择适当的句子填在画线处 使对话完整通顺 其中有两项 是多余的 A Excuse me 16 B Go down this street turn right and walk on until you get to the end 17 It s between the post office and the food shop 用心 爱心 专心5 A 18 B It s about seven kilometres from here 19 A Which bus do I need to take B First you need to take bus No 651 then you should change to the No 426 bus at Yongding Bridge 20 A Thank you very much B You are welcome A How far is it from here B How long will it take C It will take you there D Could you tell me the way to the People s Hospital E You d better take a bus F You can see the hospital G You can ask the policeman B 根据对话情景 在画线处填上适当的单词 使对话完整通顺 A Hello B Hello 21 is Bob May I speak to Peter please A Speaking B Hi Peter Can you help me A Certainly 22 the matter B There s something 23 with my model ship Can you mend 修理 it A I ll do my best 尽力而为 But I am busy today What 24 Sunday morning B Sorry I can t hear you The line is bad A How about half 25 eight on Sunday morning B OK Thanks a lot See you then A See you 21 22 23 24 25 完形填空 10 分 Every year many people get hurt or die in traffic accidents People make traffic 26 for some reason so we must obey them Different countries have different traffic rules In China all the cars and buses keep on the 27 of the road 28 we cross the road we must 29 and look at both sides first left then right But in England the traffic is on the left When you cross the road you should look 30 first or you may be in an accident People have to obey many traffic rules You must walk 31 the sidewalk If you like riding a bike don t ride in the middle of the road 32 run through red traffic lights 闯红灯 When you ride a bike with a friend 33 look around and talk When you drive you must not drive too fast and you 用心 爱心 专心6 should pay attention to 注意 the traffic 34 For example 例如 when you see you mustn t make a U turn It s good 35 children and old people to cross the road Remember to 记住 think about others 26 A carsB rulesC policemanD maps 27 A middleB leftC rightD back 28 A AfterB BeforeC BecauseD So 29 A stopB runC walkD listen 30 A leftB rightC trafficD buildings 31 A atB toC onD for 32 A andB butC soD or 33 A notB don tC isn tD aren t 34 A signB mapC ticketD meaning 35 A helpB helpingC to helpD helpful 阅读理解 20 分 A Mrs King is a doctor from the U A S She is now in China She works in a Children s Hospital in Beijing She is also learning Chinese medicine 医术 there She likes Chinese medicine very much She loves working for children She works hard in the day and reads English books on 关于 Chinese medicine at night She learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends Now she can speak some Chinese She can read some Chinese books too Her husband Mr King is a teacher He teaches English in a junior high school in Beijing He works hard too He works from Monday to Friday He teaches three classes every day Sometimes on Saturdays and Sundays he teaches other English classes He wants to make more money 挣更多钱 36 Mrs King works in a A shopB junior high school in Beijing C hospital in BeijingD hospital in America 37 Both of the Kings A live in AmericaB live in Shanghai C work hardD work every day 38 Mr King works A in a junior high school in Beijing B in a Children s Hospital in Beijing C in a junior high school in America D in a Children s Hospital in America 39 Mrs King learns Chinese from A her teacherB the books C the doctorsD the Chinese doctors and her Chinese 用心 爱心 专心7 friends 40 Which of the following sentences is NOT true A Mrs King can speak English and Chinese B Mrs King knows nothing 一点儿也不懂 about Chinese medicine C Mrs King is from America D Mr King sometimes teaches other English classes on weekends B New York 纽约 London Paris 巴黎 and other big cities are good places to live in There are a lot of interesting things to see and to do You can go to see different kinds of museums plays 戏剧 and movies You can also buy things from all over the world But there are serious problems in big cities too It s expensive 昂贵的 to live there And there are many people in big cities Every year many people move to the cities to find jobs 工作 to study at schools and to receive good medical care 接受良好的医疗服务 But sometimes these people can t find work or good places to live in Also it is hard to keep cities clean and safe 安全 的 Some people like living in big cities But before they move to a big city they should think about the problems of living there 41 In big cities people can A go to see different kinds of museums B see all kinds of plays and movies C buy things from all over the world D A B and C 42 Which of the following sentences is right A In cities people can easily 容易地 find good places to live in B Big cities are not clean and safe enough C People can always find work in a big city D All the people like living in big cities 43 In this passage 短文 the writer thinks it s right for people A to move to big cities B not to live in big cities C to move to big cities without 不用 thinking about any problems D not to move to big cities before they think about the problems of living there 44 This passage doesn t tell us that A Paris is a good place for people to live in B big cities have many serious problems C big cities are better than 比 small cities D people can receive good medical care in big cities 45 Which is the best title 题目 for the passage 用心 爱心 专心8 A Big Cities B Interesting Things in Big Cities C Good Schools in Big Cities C This is a street crossing There are red and green lights at each corner Drivers must watch the lights carefully When there is a green light the cars may go When there is a red light the cars must stop They must wait until the red light changes to green Then they can go on Sometimes the cars want to make a right turn or a left turn They can make a right turn when the light is green or red But they must wait until the green light is shining if they want to turn left Some people are color blind 色盲 They can not tell the difference between the red and green lights These people must not drive or there will be accidents We must keep our streets safe 46 Drivers must watch carefully at each corner A green lightsB red lights C both green lights and red lightsD orange lights 47 When there is a red light A the cars must stopB the cars may go on C the cars may make a left turn D the cars may take a right or left turn 48 Cars can make a right turn when A there is a red lightB there is a green light C there is a red or green light D there is no light 49 Color blind people may have accidents because A they can t see cars B they can t see the lights C they can t tell the difference between the red and green lights D they can t hear cars 50 According to 根据 the passage must not drive A young peopleB women C color blind peopleD old men D For Rent A big apartment for a family of three people 650 a month Call Mr Zhang Tel 010 8838 7166 用心 爱心 专心9 Wanted Looking for a quiet single room under 120 per month Please call Harry at 138 7682 5856 Lost ID card Name Dick NumberPlease call 010 8433 9211 Found A red bag with some books Come to Room 402 in the evening or call White at 010 6378 3021 51 Please call to rent a three bedroom apartment A 010 8838 7166B 138 7682 5856 C 010 8433 9211D 010 6378 3021 52 You can rent your single room to for 120 per month A DickB HarryC WhiteD Mr Zhang 53 If you find an ID card you can call at 010 8433 9211 A WhiteB HarryC DickD Mr Zhang 54 If you can t find your bag you can to get it back in the evening A call 010 8433 9211B go to Room 402 C call HarryD go to look for a single room 55 You want to rent a big apartment for your family for three months You must take out A 1950B 1950C 650D 650 第三部分 写作 25 分 词汇部分 根据句意 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 10 分 56 Lucy is draw pictures 57 Thank you for return the books on time 58 How do America students usually go to school Well they usually walk or take a yellow school bus to school 59 You can only turn when you see the sign 60 Be care The traffic is heavy 用心 爱心 专心10 61 There is a computer on the two floor 62 Do you like live there 63 The early bird catch the worm 64 Many students often go to school by bike but some students also walk school


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