



开心学英语六年级第二学期 U1 U4 单元测试题 学校 班别 姓名 学号 题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二总分 得分 时间 45 分钟 总分 100 分 听力部分 40 分 1 听录音 选出你所听到的选项 10 分 1 A cross B across C clock 2 A glue B glass C gloves 3 A press B Presents C practice 4 A carton B cards C can 5 A tea B pea C meat 6 A a box of chocolates B a pair of sunglasses C a can of cola 7 A turn left B turn right C turn over 8 A NABC B MABC C NMBC 9 A I was happy B I was scared C I was tired 10 A Why is she upset B Why is she scared C Why is she excited 2 听问句 选答语 10 分 1 A He bought a pair of sunglass B It s two yuan C Yes he did 2 A It s nice B It s across from the park C It s OK 3 A It s Friday B It s great C It s three yuan 4 A Because I watched TV B I m tired C I eat dinner at six 5 A Yes they are B Yes there is C Yes there are 6 A It was ten yuan B It s ten yuan C They were ten yuan 7 A By bus B Twice a week C Two 8 A Go straight B It s next to the park C It s a park 9 A At the toy store B At the bookstore C At the grocery store 10 A Because she got a kitten B He watched TV C He got a poor grade 3 听短文 判断对错 对的打 错的打 5 分 1 A new store opened last month 2 Tony Jenny and Gogo were at the candy store 3 Tony was happy because he got a kitten 4 Jenny was excited because she got a puppy 5 Gogo was scared because he heard a noise 4 听录音 完成短文 每空一词 5 分 Go straight to the light Turn left at the Cross the The history museum is the shopping mall 5 听录音 写上所缺的单词 完成句子 5 分 1 I bought a of milk yesterday 2 This pair of sunglasses was than that pair 3 Turn at the corner 4 Go to the bus stop 5 You look today 笔试部分 60 分 6 选出画线部分发音不同的选项 5 分 1 A look B cool C book 2 A right B find C kitten 3 A late B grass C grade 4 A upset B press C because 5 A yellow B town C clown 7 选择题 15 分 1 is the grocery store It s from the park A What cross B Where cross C Where across 2 I was tired yesterday I m happy today A Because B When C But 3 Don t up late A stayed B stay C stays 4 She saw a balck and white snake and she was A tired B scared C happy 5 Go to the train station A straight B next C cross 6 My bag is very heavy so I m very A tired B sad C excited 7 Stop The traffic light is A green B red C blue 8 My father is because he got a new car A excited B upset C sad 9 We re going to a pet store A finding B found C find 10 I can see three in front of the house A kitten B kittens C dog 11 Where did you that hat I it at the shopping mall A buy bought B buy buy C bought bought 12 Look at those shoes I bought at the supermarket A it B them C they 13 Let s to the park A going B went C go 14 My brother runs than me A fast B faster C the fastest 15 A new store last weeekend A opened B is opened C opens 八 根据句意及中文提示 完成句子 使句子通顺 5 分 1 Did you buy 一盒巧克力 2 An 大象 has two big ears and a long nose 3 Why was your brother excited 因为 he got a new car 4 I like 喝牛奶 5 Hello I m Gogo 你的名字 please 9 翻译句子 10 分 1 他可以在哪里买一条面包 2 请问 电影院在哪里 3 她很害怕 因为她看见一只大老虎 4 你为什么考的不好 因为我没有做作业 5 直走到交通灯 在转角处向右拐 10 利用下列词语根据上下文补全对话 5 分 Where s from pair do buy A Where did you last night B I went to the shopping mall A the shopping mall B It s across the park A Then what did you B A of sunglasses I m excited because it s cool 11 阅读短文 回答问题 10 分 A 5 分 Last Saturday I went to the shopping mall with Ben He is my good friend I bought a loaf of bread and a can of cola The loaf of bread was cheap It was two yuan But that can of cola was expensive It was four yuan Ben likes milk He bought two cartons of milk They were ten yuan 判断对错 对的写 T 错的写 F 1 I went shopping with my brother 2 The loaf of bread was cheaper than that can of cola 3 I like milk 4 Ben bought two cartons of milk 5 A carton of milk is five yuan B 5 分 It s time to go home now I am on a bus on a rainy day and a woman with a dog gets on the bus It s a big dog and its feet are not clean I don t want the dog to sit near me But the woman says to the conductor Oh I pay for my dog Can he sit here like the other people The conductor looks at the dog and says Yes but he must not put his feet on the chair 选择正确的答案 1 I am going now A on a rainy day B snowy C sunny 2 What do I see A A bus B A conductor C A woman with a big dog 3 I don t want the dog to sit near me Because A the dog is big B the dog isn t clean C the dog is not mine 4 Does the writer like the dog A Yes he does B No he doesn t C I think so 5 The meaning of the conductor s words is A the dog s feet are like the other people B the dog must like a man C the dog must not sit on the chair 12 小写作 10 分 要求 1 条理清楚 意思连贯 语句通顺 标点正确 书写清晰 规范 2 内


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