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第 1 页 共 20 页 江苏省中考英语二模试卷江苏省中考英语二模试卷 A A 卷卷 一 一 单选题单选题 共共 3030 题 共题 共 6060 分分 1 2 分 2016 黔东南 Jim has useful book book is very interesting A the A B an A C a The D an The 2 2 分 The work is not easy so she can t do it A her B you C yourself D herself 3 2 分 2020 七下 We go to school Monday Friday A on to B in to C to in D from to 4 2 分 We all know that the Moon around the Earth A is going to travel B has travelled C travels D travelled 第 2 页 共 20 页 5 2 分 This magazine out the morning of March 1st A came in B came on C was come in D was come on 6 2 分 2019 九上 顺德月考 In my opinion friends are books you don t need a lot of them and just a few good friends who can always stand with you are enough A about B like C over D among 7 2 分 2019 九下 龙湖开学考 Did Carmen go to the party yesterday evening Yes But she until the end of the party A didn t show up B turned up C turned on D showed up 8 2 分 It is August 1st A What was the date B When is today C What s the date today 第 3 页 共 20 页 D What day is it today 9 2 分 2018 八上 东莞月考 This Unit has new words so it is very difficult for me A few B little C much D many 10 2 分 Have you got information on the Internet A a B any C several D many 11 2 分 useful advice he has given us A What a B What C How D What an 12 2 分 You ll do much better in your exam you re more careful with your spelling A if B although C unless D whether 第 4 页 共 20 页 13 2 分 We don t have vegetables Let s buy A any any B any some C a little any D a little some 14 2 分 It s to finish the work in such a short time It s too difficult A different B important C impossible D necessary 15 2 分 Look a backpack Do you know A whose is it B who s it is C whose it is D whose it was 16 2 分 We knew little about Shu How Lin a basketball player from New York Knicks we watched the basketball matches in NBA A until B if C when 第 5 页 共 20 页 D because 17 2 分 My father the Party 党 since we came here A has been a member of B joined C has joined D join 18 2 分 2017 重庆 It s reported that Ke Jie by AlphaGo in May 2017 A beat B beats C was beaten D will be beaten 19 2 分 Would Daniel like swimming this afternoon A go B goes C going D to go 20 2 分 2017 八下 安庆竞赛 Our English teacher said she speak three languages A could B can C will D is going to 第 6 页 共 20 页 21 2 分 Bob is very shy and he has trouble in front of the classl A speak B speaking C to speak D spoke 22 2 分 2016 八上 山西月考 I want to go to sleep Could I the TV Of course you can A turn on B turn off C turn up 23 2 分 I haven t been to an aquarium A So have I B So I have C Neither have I D Neither I have 24 2 分 2018 七上 东莞月考 What her phone It s 885 4768 A is number B is numbers C is name D is color 第 7 页 共 20 页 25 2 分 They work very A good B well C nice D hardly 26 2 分 The following is Linda s school report She is the fifth in her class And the total scores 总成绩 of the fourth one and the sixth one are 416 and 397 Then Linda s physics and chemistry may be SubjectEnglishMathChinesePhysics and chemistry Score11499102 A 81 B 92 C 105 27 2 分 2017 七上 南宁月考 Excuse me you Mr Green Yes My name Jack Green A Are am B Is am C Is are D Are is 28 2 分 I hear that Lisa borrows money from you again Is that true Yes I don t want to lend money to her She is always short of money A After all B In addition 第 8 页 共 20 页 C To be honest 29 2 分 The Great Wall is wall in the world There are many stories about it A long B longer C the longest D the long 30 2 分 2016 九下 鼓楼期中 Excuse me sir Please don t take photos in the museum Look at the sign I m sorry I didn t notice it just now A B C D 二 二 完型填空完型填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 6 6 分分 31 6 分 Choose the best answer and complete the passage It s very interesting to study names of different countries Chinese names are different1foreign names Once an English lady came to2me When I was introduced to her she said Glad to meet you Miss Ping Then she gave me her name card with three words on it Betty J 第 9 页 共 20 页 Black So I said Thank you Miss Betty We looked at each other and laughed heartily Later I found that the English people3their family names last and the given names first while their middle names were not used very much I explained to her that the Chinese put family names first the given names last so she should4call me Miss Ping She asked if we Chinese had a middle name I told her we didn t 5people may often find three words on a Chinese name card In this case the family name still comes first the other words after it was a two word given name It is quite usual in China My sister is Li Xiaofang She has two words in her given name instead of just one6 mine 1 A with B from C for D in 2 A find B look at C visit D ask 3 A put B placed C took D brought 4 第 10 页 共 20 页 A often B always C seldom D never 5 A But B Or C When D And 6 A as B to C on D in 三 三 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 3 3 题 共题 共 3030 分分 32 10 分 阅读短文 根据短文内容判断正 正确 误 错误 I take an after school Spanish class once a week One day when the class was over there weren t any buses going to my house and my parents couldn t pick me up So I had to walk home myself It was a long walk but I enjoyed it The wind was blowing 吹拂 gently And I saw birds flying and trees changing color A few times I saw something special like a small snake near the sidewalk 人行道 and two cars very close to crashing 撞车 Later I got used to 习惯 the distance It became a part of my daily life like getting dressed 第 11 页 共 20 页 People always think walking long distances is unimaginable 难以想象的 Cars keep us from nature But I really enjoy my walk home from school 1 The writer takes an after school Spanish class every day 2 The writer s parents asked him to walk home 3 The writer didn t enjoy the long walk 4 The writer loves being close to nature 5 The writer sees a car accident on his way home 33 10 分 We wanted to study how students at our school spend money In order to study this we made some questions to ask our classmates First we asked our classmates how much money they spent in one month Then we asked how much money they spent on things like drinks music books movies computer games and other things Our math teacher helped us make a graph of our classmates answers Then we thought it would be interesting to compare these answers with our classmates expenses from last year We used their answers to make another graph for their expenses last year Looking at the two graphs it is easy to compare the expenses for the two years Some of their expenses increased but others decreased This was a very interesting project for us 注 graph 图表 expense 消耗 消费 第 12 页 共 20 页 1 What did the students spend most of their money on A Books B Movies C Drinks and snacks D Computer games 2 Which expense of the students stayed the same A CDs B Phone costs C Others D Transportation 3 What does the word decrease mean A 减少 第 13 页 共 20 页 B 变化 C 增加 D 删除 4 What did the students spend the same money on last year A Books Others B CDs Movies C Movies Books D all the above 5 Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the graph A Students spent the least money on e mail and phone costs this year B Students spent the same money on movies and transportation this year C The expenses on e mails and phones increased from 10 to 16 this year D The expenses on others decreased from 9 to 4 this year 34 10 分 第 14 页 共 20 页 注 courtesy 礼貌 audience 观众 1 How many days will the show be on A For 10 days B For 12 days C For 15 days D For 18 days 2 How long does each show last A Half an hour B One hour C One hour and a half D Two hours 第 15 页 共 20 页 3 If a family of four go to the theatre in the evening they have to pay at least dollars for the tickets A 85 B 100 C 120 D 140 4 are not allowed to enter the theatre A Latecomers B Adults without children C School students D Kids below three years old 5 What information CANNOT be found in the advertisement A The name of the show B The name of the director C The telephone number D The name of the theatre 四 四 语法填空语法填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 35 1 分 2016 八上 句容期末 Daniel always have pity on those people who lose their families in disasters 五 五 阅读短文 回答问题阅读短文 回答问题 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 第 16 页 共 20 页 36 5 分 To let 出租 Small apartment for students to rent 850 a month TelTo let 2 bedroom house Call Mr Tong at noon 66285669 To let 3 bedroom house Call Mr Tong at noon 66285666 Wanted Fully furnished house for family of three 88384558 Wanted Looking for a quiet single room under 300 per month Please call Bob at1 Peter and his friend want to rent a small apartment under 900 yuan per month 2 Jenny wants to rent a 3 bedroom house 3 Mr Smith wants to rent a quiet single room 4 Mr Black wants to find a fully furnish house 5 Diana and her family want to rent a 2 bedroom house What telephone number should they each dial 拨打 Mr Smith Peter Jenny Diana Mr Black AB 66285669 C 88384558 DE 66285666 六 六 书面表达书面表达 共共 2 2 题 共题 共 1010 分分 37 5 分 书面表达 第 17 页 共 20 页 根据下面表格提示的要点 以 My Good Friend 为题 用英文写一篇短文介绍米莉的基本情况 词数 60 左右 姓名 Millie 国籍美国 性别女年龄 14 学校南京第一中学班级 6 年级 7 最喜欢的学科数学 英语 爱好 唱歌 打排球 看电 视


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