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第 1 页 共 16 页 沪教版沪教版 20202020 年九年级英语中考模拟试卷 二 年九年级英语中考模拟试卷 二 B B 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 单选题单选题 共共 1515 题 共题 共 3030 分分 1 2 分 2018 根河模拟 Would you mind lending me your iPad A Good idea B I think so C Yes I would D Not at all 2 2 分 2016 八上 通化期末 She often helps her mother with some at home A homework B housework C homeworks D houseworks 3 2 分 You can t wear shoes inside this place It A doesn t allow B isn t allowed C hasn t allowed D wasn t allowed 4 2 分 Don t waste your time You should your work A hang out B look for 第 2 页 共 16 页 C concentrate on D go by 5 2 分 2017 泰安 It is accepted by everyone that knowledge is the most valuable for human beings A standard B treasure C invention D instruction 6 2 分 2019 海陵模拟 Could you tell me It is more than a month since it was open to the visitors A how soon the 2019 Taizhou International Tourism Festival will begin B how long the 2019 Taizhou International Tourism Festival has been open C when the 2019 Taizhou International Tourism Festival would begin D where was the 2019 Taizhou International Tourism Festival held 7 2 分 My old neighbour Charles felt after his children moved out A lonely B safely C angrily D happily 8 2 分 I used to play with my friends after school A at last B get used to 第 3 页 共 16 页 C often in the past 9 2 分 You needn t finish the work today A don t have to B can t C mustn t 10 2 分 More actions to protect environment in the following years A are going to take B are taken C are taking D are going to be taken 11 2 分 Barbara where do you work I work for a company sells cars A which B where C what D who 12 2 分 2017 七下 漳州期中 The sign means No parking A B C 第 4 页 共 16 页 13 2 分 2017 八上 西宁月考 We must cut the tomatoes and then put them the blender A down at B down into C up into D up at 14 2 分 2018 七上 杭州期中 Jack It s late Oh no I can t find my bag A You re right B Thank you C Excuse me D Come on 15 2 分 2019 咸宁 The year 2019 marks the 70th anniversary 周年 of the founding of the People s Republic of China As we know We have made great achievements in many fields A many hands make light work B money isn t everything C well begun is half done D something is better than nothing 二 二 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 16 10 分 Jane is a good English teacher in M T School The students like her and her 1 very much Now summer is coming The weather is very 2 The students are often sleepy 困 倦的 and don t like to listen to 3 classes 第 5 页 共 16 页 4can I make the students listen to my classes Jane asks herself One day she 5some riddles 谜语 in a book It can be a 6way The students may like to answer riddles Jane thinks Next afternoon she asks a riddle 7 class It has got two hands and a face 8 no feet What is it The students are happy about the riddle One of the students 9 and says It s a clock 时钟 Yes you re 10 Jane says She s happy that the students are not sleepy now 1 A family B classes C name D parents 2 A cool B cold C warm D hot 3 A his B her C its D our 第 6 页 共 16 页 4 A What B who C Where D How 5 A reads B writes C matches D practices 6 A bad B good C last D large 7 A at B on C in D under 8 A and 第 7 页 共 16 页 B but C so D or 9 A looks at B sits down C listens to D stands up 10 A right B fine C fat D sorry 三 三 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 3 3 题 共题 共 2424 分分 17 8 分 2017 七下 柯桥期中 从每小题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项 B Welcome to Sunshine Zoo Panda Lingling It s lovely It s not from Africa It s white and black It likes bamboo There aren t many of them in China now Everyone loves it very much Penguin Dada and Didi They are from the Antarctica It s always very cold there They can walk on the ice and swim in the sea They eat fish Children like them a lot Kangaroo 袋鼠 Xiaotiao It s from Australia It has very strong legs It can jump high It s very good at looking after 照顾 its baby A mother has a pouch in front Ticket 第 8 页 共 16 页 Price 1 grown ups 成人 10 2 Children over 12 5 3 Children under 12 Free Opening time 9 00am 4 00pm Tips Please keep the zoo clean Don t touch or go near the animals Don t give food to them 1 Lingling likes A bamboo B fish C fruit D meat 2 The underlined word pouch means A 钱包 B 育儿袋 C 爪子 D 婴儿 3 Mr King goes to the zoo with his 8 year old son How much are the tickets A 5 B 10 C 15 D 25 4 What can people do in the zoo A Touch the elephants B Give food to the tigers 第 9 页 共 16 页 C Keep the zoo clean D Go near the animals 18 10 分 Mr Black comes from New York in America 美国 He teaches 教 English in No 3 Middle School 中学 He likes his work 工作 very much He often says Chinese people are very friendly 友好 He has two daughters 女儿 They are Lily and Lucy They are twins 双胞胎 They are in the same school They study 汉语 Chinese very hard 努力 The teachers and students all 都 like 喜欢 them They have a lot of Chinese friends 阅读短文 判断正 T 误 F 1 Mr Black is from New York 2 Mr Black teaches 教 English in No 5 Middle School 3 Lily and Lucy are twins 4 Lily and Lucy are in different schools 5 Lily and Lucy have a lot of Chinese friends 19 6 分 If you have no special plans for your holidays why not spend your time helping others Don t believe those people who say that young people today often think only of themselves It s not true at all More and more young people in the USA volunteer to spend their school holidays working for others And they don t do it for money Here are some of their stories Alice 17 第 10 页 共 16 页 I m going to help the Forest Center build new hiking paths in the mountains It s going to be great fun I ll spend the whole summer living in a forest and breathing the clean mountain air I m going to sleep under the moon and stars It will be a nice sport and I ll be able to do something good at the same time Jason 18 This summer I m going to volunteer with Special House Program They build good less expensive houses and sell them to families that are not very rich They ll teach me what to do so I ll help people and also have a chance to learn how to build houses Trish 16 I m going to teach children who have trouble in reading I ll work for a program called Reading for Life Every day I m going to help them choose and read books that they like I want to be a teacher and I love children and reading so this is going to be a great experience for me 1 What does Alice plan to work for others in summer A To sleep under the moon and stars B To breathe the clean mountain air C To help build hiking paths in the mountains D To spend the whole summer living in a forest 2 The writer s idea in this passage is A school students should do some hiking in summer B it s good to do something good for others in vacation C helping children to choose and read books is a good way D breathing clean mountain air is good for health 第 11 页 共 16 页 3 Which is the most possible title 标题 for this passage A Reading for Life B A Special House Program C The Forest Centre D Young American Volunteers 四 四 用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的正确形式填空 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 20 1 分 2019 七上 雅安期中 Frank is this your hat Yes and that bag is my too 21 1 分 We shouldn t put too much salt in the soup 22 1 分 2017 七下 威海期中 Age is a person problem in the West Don t talk about it 23 1 分 Please write careful 24 1 分 2019 九上 兴化月考 What difficulty will you have reply to the letter 五 五 用单词的正确形式完成句子用单词的正确形式完成句子 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 25 1 分 Mary didn t hear the bell she was listening to music because because of 六 六 语法填空语法填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 26 10 分 2017 七下 浙江期中 阅读下面的短文 在空白处填入一个恰当的词 或填入括号中所给单 词的正确形式 每空不多于 3 个单词 This is Jimmy my best friend Jimmy is excellent dog two big ears and a black nose Every day Jimmy loves get up very early When I go to school I usually leave Jimmy to my grandmother My school is far away from my home I come back home late When I arrive at my grandma home Jimmy happy waits for me in front of the house At eight o clock it s time for us take a short break When I play piano 第 12 页 共 16 页 he likes lie beside me I love Jimmy because we usually enjoy us together 七 七 任务型阅读任务型阅读 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 27 5 分 2019 八上 江山期中 阅读以下短文 在表格中填入适当的单词 A good book can help you learn more things than you can learn in class If you want to get into a good reading habit 习惯 here are a few ways Plan your time You should give yourself at least thirty minutes for reading every day When time is set nothing can change it Always carry a book Wherever you go take a book with you When you leave the house make sure that you always carry a good book as well as your school things Find a quiet place Find a place in your home where you can read a book quietly and no one will trouble you There should be no television computer music or even noisy family members around you Some to Have a Good Reading Habit your timeYou should read for at least an hour every day Always take a bookMake sure a always stays with you wherever you go Find a quiet placeFind a place without television computer music or even noisy around you 八 八 阅读短文 回答问题阅读短文 回答问题 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 28 5 分 Tom Hello Li Lei This is Tom Li Lei Hi Tom Where are you 第 13 页 共 16 页 Tom I m in Toronto I m studying here Li Lei That s great How s is it going Tom Not bad How about you Li Lei Pretty good How s the weather there Tom It s cold It s snowing outside Li Lei Snowing Hainan is sunny and hot Tom What are you doing Li Lei I m helping my mom clean the room Tom Oh


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