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第 1 页 共 23 页 冀教版冀教版 2019 20202019 2020 学年九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷 无听力 学年九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷 无听力 IIII 卷 卷 一 一 听句子 选择与句子内容相符的图画 每个句子听两遍 听句子 选择与句子内容相符的图画 每个句子听两遍 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1313 分分 1 2 分 2017 八上 天府期中 What does the girl look like A B C 2 2 分 When did the train leave A B C 3 2 分 听句子 选图片 第 2 页 共 23 页 A B C 4 2 分 Who is Nelly A B C 5 5 分 听句子 给下列图片排序 A 第 3 页 共 23 页 B C D E 二 二 根据所听到的句子选出恰当的应答语 每个句子听两遍 根据所听到的句子选出恰当的应答语 每个句子听两遍 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1010 分分 6 2 分 选择最佳应答语 A It s long B It s thirty yuan C It s a painting 7 2 分 2019 七上 融安期中 听句子 选择恰当的答语 A Good morning B Nice to meet you C See you 8 2 分 据所听到的内容选择正确答语 A I totally agree B It s not easy C It s not a big deal 第 4 页 共 23 页 9 2 分 2018 八下 黄石期末 听句子 选择适当的答语 A On the street B At 3 00 p m C I was reading 10 2 分 2020 八上 滨州期末 听录音 选答语 A One spoon B Add some water C In the future 三 三 听对话 选出能回答问题的正确选项 每段对话听两遍 听对话 选出能回答问题的正确选项 每段对话听两遍 共共 2 2 题 共题 共 1010 分分 11 6 分 2019 聊城 听下面一段对话 回答问题 1 What s on TV A A tennis match B A basketball match C A football match 2 Which team scored a minute ago A Japan B Spain C England 3 Why was the match of last week boring A No one scored B No one cheered C Spain was beaten 第 5 页 共 23 页 12 4 分 2018 八上 浙江期中 听下面一段较长的对话 回答问题 1 How does the girl feel now A bored B tired C sad 2 What does she need to do A She needs to do some sports B She needs to eat something C She needs to have a rest 四 四 听短文 完成下列信息表格 短文听两遍 听短文 完成下列信息表格 短文听两遍 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 13 5 分 听短文 写出所缺部分 每空不超过三个单词 Mr Hunt lives in a small village but he works in a big City He works a week He goes to work by train every morning and comes back the same way One morning when Mr Hunt was on the train a man sitting behind him said Hey young man You are living a boring life aren t you You get on the same train at every morning and you always sit in the same seat Mr Hunt felt really surprised He turned around and said to the man How do you know all that about me Because I am always the man answered 五 五 单项填空单项填空 共共 1515 题 共题 共 3030 分分 14 2 分 Last month I travelled across the Sahara Desert by camel with some locals What amazing experience A the an 第 6 页 共 23 页 B a C the D an 15 2 分 2017 七上 徐州期中 He has much time the piano A play B plays C playing D to play 16 2 分 2017 七下 广州期末 Do you know the boy He likes playing football very much He must be excellent football player A a an B an the C an 17 2 分 Mr Wang didn t tell me the time he arrived so I don t know to meet him A where B when C why D who 18 2 分 students took part in planting trees on March 12 this year Yes It is said that the students is 300 A The number of a number of 第 7 页 共 23 页 B A number of the number of C The number of the number of D A number of a number of 19 2 分 2017 七下 枣阳期中 What do you think of pandas They are cute but animals A shy B smart C friendly D interesting 20 2 分 2017 八下 高阳期中 Would you like to have coffee No thanks I don t want drinks now A any any B any some C some some D some any 21 2 分 the population of Sichuan 90 million people A How s B How much is C What are D What s 22 2 分 2015 九上 启东开学考 Where are the children 第 8 页 共 23 页 They to Beijing A have been B have gone C have left D have arrived 23 2 分 The more you smile the you will feel A happy B happier C happily D more happily 24 2 分 2017 八下 钦州期中 When did Uncle John Aunt Alice At the end of the year 2004 They for nearly ten years A marry have married B marry with have married C marry have been married D marry with have been married 25 2 分 Who has done that again you ask Little Tom of course A Must B Can C Would D Need 第 9 页 共 23 页 26 2 分 2019 七上 广饶期中 Did your father tell you it was important go near a snake A to not B not to C don t D doesn t 27 2 分 it got dark they worked hard there A Though B If C Since D Because 28 2 分 2017 七下 泰兴期末 I think History too hard for me I can t learn it well I am afraid Don t say no before you really try A No problem B That s all right C Come on D It s nothing 六 六 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 29 10 分 2017 九下 临淄期中 完形填空 I started to learn English when I was six My dad gave me1advice on listening to the Beatles I listened to them every day for the next seven years At the beginning I could understand2of what they sang But soon I started to understand some of the3 第 10 页 共 23 页 4 I got a book with the words of all the songs And when I had time I would read it I learned many songs5this book I6the songs to myself Still I understood very7of the meaning To learn English well became my8 and I wanted to learn the9of the Beatles songs That is how I started to learn English Today I can understand the Beatles very10 Each time I hear a Beatles song I am happy and proud because my dream of learning English well has come true 1 A pieces B piece of C a piece D a piece of 2 A something B anything C everything D nothing 3 A words B grammar C spelling D programs 4 A While 第 11 页 共 23 页 B Later C After D If 5 A by B of C to D from 6 A sang B read C played D did 7 A few B a few C little D a little 8 A idea B dream C sleep 第 12 页 共 23 页 D work 9 A meaning B translation C speaking D pronunciation 10 A quickly B mostly C hardly D clearly 七 七 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 4 4 题 共题 共 2929 分分 30 6 分 2018 南京模拟 阅读理解 Kirsten Have you read the book The Travel I just finished it yesterday Renee No but I ve wanted to Is it good Kirsten It is But it s quite grim Renee How so Kirsten In the story a mother and her son were on a trip when they were caught by a group of crazy people They were kept in a small dark room and treated terribly It really broke my heart to read that the mother chose to stay and fight with the bad guys She was almost killed when trying to help her son run away Renee So it s this grim from the first page to the end Kirsten Yes but there s still a bright side in it You get to see how strong parents can be 第 13 页 共 23 页 when they want to keep their children from being hurt Renee I see I m surely going to borrow it from the library Kirsten Then you must hurry When I borrowed it last Friday they told me that many people were waiting to read it 1 What happened in The Travel A A mother did her best to save her child B A mother took a trip to look for her son C A mother was treated terribly by her family D A mother was killed by a group of crazy people 2 What do we know from the conversation A Kirsten will lend Renee The Travel B The Travel is a popular library book C Kirsten did not enjoy reading The Travel D Renee has not heard of The Travel before 3 Why does Kirsten think the book is grim A Because it happens on a dark night B Because it makes the readers feel sad C Because there are many difficult words in it D Because readers have different ideas about it 31 8 分 2019 七下 广州期中 阅读理解 Humans and animals need oxygen to exist Without it most living things will die But where does oxygen come from Trees Trees can take in much carbon dioxide which may be bad for our environment and produce oxygen for us to breathe 第 14 页 共 23 页 All people know that trees are important to us Scientists believe humans cannot live if there are no trees on the Earth Trees are a major source 来源 of food Apples oranges lemons all come from trees Humans and animals knew how to get food from trees many years ago In fact many kinds of important medicine come from trees too Some special things on trees can be used to produce medicine Also trees can make the world beautiful and relaxing They help protect the soil 1 What is the passage about A Humans B Animals C Trees D Fruit 2 Which of the following may damage our environment A Oxygen B Medicine C Food D Carbon dioxide 3 What CANNOT people use trees to do A To produce oxygen B To make food C To create medicine D To destroy the soil 4 The passage mainly wants to tell us 第 15 页 共 23 页 A trees are not important to animals B animals need oxygen to breathe C there are few trees in the world now D trees can help humans and animals in many ways 32 10 分 2017 九上 三台月考 阅读理解 C Google and Toyota have worked together to create a new smart car It can run on the road without a driver It drives itself The self driving car hasn t been on sale to the public so we don t know how much it costs Another thing most people want to know is whether it will be safe enough to run on the road The self driving car uses electricity 电 as its power and it can t drive very quickly the top speed would be 25 miles per hour It is actually controlled by a computer system on the car The system keeps on collecting information by some video cameras inside the car and a LIDAR sensor 激光达传器 on top of it A computer processes the information and decides what to do The self driving car has only buttons 按钮 for go and stop so it s very easy to use an engineer of Google says And what s more it will make car accidents fewer and make the world a safer place The self driving car has driven hundreds of thousands of miles in California and it has only gotten into two accidents by human mistake According to CNN self driving cars will also help to reduce the number of cars in big cities Self driving cars would be able to send you to the workplace and then pick up another person instead of stopping in a parking lot 1 We don t know the price of the self driving car because A it is on sale only in America B it isn t made for sale C people can get it for free D it hasn t been on sale to the public 第 16 页 共 23 页 2 The self driving car can collect information using video cameras a computer a LIDAR sensor a computer system A B C D 3 According to CNN self driving cars will A send us more quickly to the workplace B lead to heavier traffic C improve traffic condition in big cities D carry more people than a normal car 4 We can learn from the passage that the self driving car would A be good for our environment B be very cheap C not follow humans order D be on sale quickly 5 Which is the best title for the passage A The best car in the world B A new self driving car C How a self driving car works D A car invented by an American company 33 5 分 2018 七下 株洲期末 请仔细阅读下面的文章 根据所提供的信息完成下列表格 第 17 页 共 23 页 Dear Jack My town is very small Only a few hundred people live here It has a river with an old bridge across it There is a church and a school along the river They are next to each other Across from our school is a park It was built last year I always go there to have fun with my friends On Main Street there is a hotel a supermarket a gas station a bakery a butcher s shop and a grocery store We don t have a hospital or a police station but we do have a doctor and a police officer They live on opposite sides of the river We don t have a movie theater If we want to go to a movie we have to go to the next town It is a 30 minute bus ride away The bus stop is outside my house I usually go to the movies with my mom every Saturday Please write soon and tell me something about your place Best wishes Bruce The name of the writer The number of people who live in the town The location 位置 of the park Do they have to go to the next town when they need to see a doctor How long does she spend on the bus ride to the movie theater 八 八 根据句意 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 根据句意 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 2323 分分 34 1 分 Nick have fun with us in the park last Sunday 35 1 分 2017 八上 徐州期中 He cut out pieces of beautiful roses and stick them on the card 第 18 页 共 23 页 36 10 分 2017 九上 杭州月考 阅读下面材料 在空白处填入一个适当的内容 1 个单词 或括号内 单词的正确形式 It can be hard to stay focused 专注的 all day at school But luck the subjects change so you don t need to focus on the same subject all day long Each subject last for a limited time you just need to focus for limited periods of time There is usually a short break as you change books and other things for new subject At school if your mind wanders 漫游 while you re listening or doing work at your seat you d better change the way you re sitting In that way you will become more comfort Take a deep breath so you can better listen to is being said To keep your mind on the work talk to yourself about it Ask yourself questions about what you need to do then answer the questions and do the things you need to do Do one thing at a time till you get it completely do If the work is hard don t just give Give it a try or ask for help put it off won t help you do it and that won t make the work any easier Give you brain a challenge it s good exercise 37 1 分 Don t worry I have already feed the animals 38 10 分 2017 沙洋模拟 语法填空 Let s talk about Sherlock You know who I mean Sherlock Holmes of curse I have very quickly learnt he is not just popular back in the UK but is huge around the world In my first lesson I asked the students tell me what they already knew about the UK my surprise most classes put Sherlock Holmes first And I even have a student English name is Sherlock But who is Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes is a character create by British doctor and writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle He first appeared in print in 1887 and be a part of popular culture for over a century He has become know for his early use of deductive reasoning 演绎推理 In total Holmes appears in four novels and fifty six short stories Most of these write from the view of his friend Dr Watson 第 19 页 共 23 页 Although at first a character in novels and short stories Sherlock Holmes has become popular on the big and small screen In fact he has the honor of hold the Guinness World Record for the Most Portrayed Movie Character More than seventy act have played the role in over two hundred films 九 九 将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语 注意使用适当的形式 将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语 注意使用适当的形式 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1111 分分 39 1 分 2018 荆州 It a mo


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