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第 1 页 共 18 页 人教版英语七年级下册人教版英语七年级下册 UnitUnit 2 2 WhatWhat timetime dodo youyou gogo toto school school 单元测试卷 不含单元测试卷 不含 听力音频 听力音频 I I 卷 卷 一 一 听句子听句子 选择正确的应答语 每个句子听一遍 选择正确的应答语 每个句子听一遍 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1010 分分 1 2 分 2018 滨州 听句子 选出相应的答语 A Sorry I won t B Yes please C Never mind 2 2 分 听句子 选择最佳应答语 A In the park B Last Sunday C Looking after the children 3 2 分 2018 七上 惠东期中 听句子 选择最佳答案 A 13 B Liz C Tianjin 4 2 分 2017 七下 合浦期中 选择恰当的答语 选择正确答案 A No I can t B Yes I am C No he doesn t 5 2 分 选择最佳应答语 A It s in the classroom B A baseball 第 2 页 共 18 页 C It s purple 二 二 听对话听对话 选择正确的答案 每段对话听两遍 选择正确的答案 每段对话听两遍 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1616 分分 6 8 分 2017 八下 宝安期中 听下面一段独白 请根据所听内容回答四个问题 1 Why did Nancy have no friends in the past A Because she didn t like making friends B Because no one liked her at school C Because she was too shy to talk with others 2 What did Nancy do when she started junior high school A She moved to another city with her family B She bought a beautiful skirt C She got the highest score in the exam 3 What was David like A Funny B Serious C Helpful 4 What did Nancy and Betty often do together A They often went skating B They often went fishing 第 3 页 共 18 页 C They often went skating 7 2 分 Who doesn t like chicken A Helen s father B Alice s father C Helen s mother 8 2 分 2017 枣庄 The language purposes of this conversation are to A introduce oneself and ask for telephone numbers B Greet people and give telephone numbers C Introduce oneself and greet people 9 2 分 2017 八上 天府期中 Why didn t Tom go to watch the football match A Because he had to look after the dog B Because he had to do the homework C Because he didn t like it 10 2 分 2020 八上 滨州期末 What did Bob find A A notebook B A wallet C A scarf 三 三 听短文听短文 补全表格信息 每空不超过三个单词 短文听两遍 补全表格信息 每空不超过三个单词 短文听两遍 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 11 10 分 听短文 选择正确答案 1 When did Paul go to the zoo A Last Sunday B Last Saturday 第 4 页 共 18 页 C Last Friday 2 What s Paul s favorite animal A The panda B The elephant C The tiger 3 Did Paul see an elephant A Yes he did B No he didn t C We don t know 4 Where is the elephant A Next to the lion B In front of the lion C Behind the tiger 5 How many kinds of animals did Paul see in the z00 A Six B Seven C Eight 四 四 单项选择 单项选择 共共 1010 题 共题 共 2020 分分 12 2 分 I ve never to the Great Wall A been B gone C seen 第 5 页 共 18 页 D come 13 2 分 She likes eggs bananas and apples breakfast A in B on C of D for 14 2 分 It s said that the film Red Sorghum will be a TV play A made into B made from C made of D made out of 15 2 分 2019 丰台模拟 Today sports watch is really popular It to record your steps A uses B used C is used D was used 16 2 分 We all look forward to you again soon A see B seeing C seen D saw 第 6 页 共 18 页 17 2 分 do you like it Sounds good A What B How C When D Which 18 2 分 2016 七下 平南月考 It s 9 50 right Yes it s A ten past nine B ten to nine C ten past ten D ten to ten 19 2 分 2017 七上 杭州月考 When is your birthday It s on January A twelve B twenty C ninth D nineth 20 2 分 Now people like to write articles computers not paper A on on B at on C in in D with with 第 7 页 共 18 页 21 2 分 The mother with her son at home that snowy night A were at B was at C were on D was on 五 五 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 22 10 分 完形填空 The difference between life in one country and that in another is quiet often1the difference between city life and village life in2country In an English village everybody3 everybody else they know what time you get up what time you go to bed and what you usually have4dinner If you want any help you will always get it and be glad to help anyone else in return In a large city5London there are many things and places for people to sec and to go to But people often don t know each other6 It sometimes happens that you have7seen your next door neighbour 邻居 and don t know his name or anything about him People living in London are often very8 especially 尤其 9 Many of them usually spend evenings weekends and holidays in the country If you walk through a street in London on a Sunday it is almost like 10town 1 A not so big as B so big as C not big as D as big as 2 A same B the same 第 8 页 共 18 页 C different D a different 3 A needs B knows C helps D calls 4 A at B in C for D with 5 A like B as C of D in 6 A good B better C best D well 第 9 页 共 18 页 7 A ever B already C never D no 8 A lonely B alone C happy D tired 9 A before work B at work C after work D by work 10 A a noisy B a quiet C a small D an empty 六 六 阅读理解 阅读理解 共共 2 2 题 共题 共 1515 分分 23 10 分 2019 八上 宝山期末 Choose the best answer 根据短文内容 选择最恰当的答案 用 第 10 页 共 18 页 A B C 或 D 表示 Once there was a boy who was afraid of the dark He thought that when it was dark his bedroom was full of monsters But there came a time when he was too old to be allowed to keep sleeping with the light on The first night he was so frightened that he couldn t fall asleep because he kept thinking about the monsters in his room So he got up and went over to his wardrobe to get a torch But when he opened the wardrobe door he came face to face with a monster and he let out the loudest scream 尖叫 in the world However the monster didn t jump out to eat him as the boy had always imagined To the boy s surprise the monster took a few steps backward grabbed 抓挠 its hair and started crying The monster cried for so long that the boy s shock and fear slowly went away He calmed the monster down as much as he could and started talking to him asking him why he was crying and what he was doing there The monster told him he lived in the wardrobe but almost never went out because he was afraid of the boy When the boy asked him why the monster told him the boy s face with two eyes ears and a nose seemed to him the strangest thing he d ever seen The boy felt exactly the same way about the monster who had a huge head with many mouths and a lot of hair The two of them talked so much that they became quite friendly and they realized that both of them had bee afraid of the same thing t he unknown To lose their fear they had to get to know each other 1 The boy was afraid of sleeping A with monsters B in the dark C with the light on D by himself 2 When the boy opened the wardrobe he saw inside 第 11 页 共 18 页 A a torch B a friend C a monster D a thief 3 Picture may best describe what the monster looks like A B C D 4 Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the story A The monster was so frightened and ran away B The boy kept crying because of fear C The monster invited the boy to live in the wardrobe D The boy and the monster finally became friends 5 The story tells us that A there are no monsters in the world B all the children are afraid of the dark C it s the unknown thing that fears people D we should stay calm when seeing a monster 第 12 页 共 18 页 24 5 分 2018 烟台 任务型阅读 Marco Polo was born in Italy in 1254 When he was 17 he travelled along the Silk Road with his father who wanted to trade with the Chinese Finally they arrived in Beijing They were guests at the Emperor s Palace Marco was very clever and could speak four languages The Emperor was impressed by him and they became friends He asked Marco to serve in his court 宫殿 and sent him to do many important jobs all over the country Marco was amazed by how beautiful China was He was impressed by Beijing and the Emperor s Palace especial the Summer Palace which was described as The greatest palace that I ve ever seen The walls were covered with gold and silver and the hall was so big that it could easily hold 6 000 people for dinner Marco was also attracted 吸引 by the inventions and developments in China which couldn t be found in Europe at that time Marco was surprised to see Chinese people using paper money in the markets In Europe people paid for goods 货物 with gold and silver He could not understand how people paid for food and valuable things with paper He was also puzzled by the black stones people used to burn to produce heat The black stones were coal but Marco had never seen coal before After he served the Emperor for 17 years in 1291 Marco returned to Italy He was a very wealthy man then A writer wrote down all the stories that Marco told him in a book called The Description of the World which became one of the best selling books in Europe People enjoyed the book but many of them thought that Marcos stories about China were too fantastic to be true However Marco always stood by his tales Just before he died aged 70 Marco was asked the question Was it all true And this was his answer I have only told a half what I saw 请根据短文内容 完成下列表格 第 13 页 共 18 页 Marco Polo and China Before arriving in China In 1254 he was born in Italy At the age of 17 he travelled along the with his father to trade with the Chinese He made friends with the Emperor and served in the court He did many around China The beauty of China impressed him During his living in China The in China attracted Marco Paper money was used to buy goods in the markets Chinese people used to produce heat After returning to Italy He became wealthy A book written about his traveling experiences around the world sold well in Europe The underlined sentence tells us that 七 七 用所给词的适当形式填空 用所给词的适当形式填空 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 25 1 分 It often takes girls too much time go shopping 26 1 分 2017 九上 北海期末 Monday is the two day of a week 27 1 分 2017 七下 长春月考 Ronny caught three big fish this afternoon 28 1 分 2017 乌鲁木齐模拟 We will go to senior high school in two month time 29 1 分 2016 七上 宿迁月考 We often play football after school keep fit 第 14 页 共 18 页 八 八 根据汉语意思完成句子 根据汉语意思完成句子 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 2121 分分 30 5 分 我可以为杰夫捎个口信吗 没问题 Can I Jeff No 31 8 分 短文翻译 提供帮助 处理好关系 向 解释 与 争吵 担心 在某人看来 等公共汽车 醒来 32 3 分 这家工厂里有七十名工人 workers in the factory 33 1 分 电脑已经在许多方面改变了我们的生活 in many ways 34 4 分 就我所知 再没有其他像它这么大的人造物体了 I know there are other man made objects as big as this 九 九 补全对话 补全对话 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 35 5 分 2019 八上 牡丹江月考 补全对话 A B I went to New York City A B It was sunny and hot 第 15 页 共 18 页 A B Yes I went with my friends A I just stayed at home B A I just read 十 十 书面表达 书面表达 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 36 5 分 2019 九上 绍兴月考 To
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