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用心 爱心 专心1 高二英语人教版第二册上学期期末复习高二英语人教版第二册上学期期末复习 答题时间 120 分钟 满分 150 分 第一部分 英语知识运用 共三节 满分 50 分 第一节 语音知识 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分 从 A B C D 四个选项中 找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项 1 thus A trustB uniqueC cubicD ridiculous 2 trader A avenueB gatherC absorbD racial 3 chorus A chainB machineC chapterD chemistry 4 religion A budgetB greetingC bargainD league 5 entry A supplyB lifestyleC steadyD analyse 第二节 语法和词汇知识 共 15 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 15 分 6 Cycling is highly to people s health and the environment A fashionableB beneficial C changeableD suitable 7 Chinese quality watchdog 监督部门 on September 18 2008 cancelled all kinds of national exemptions 免检 given to food producers A preciselyB previously C presentlyD preciously 8 The engineers have rejected the employer s proposals to end the strike and the other workers have come out in A symptomB sympathyC returnD symphony 9 People should avoid staying overnight in the open air in places where mosquitoes and take protective measures A collectB spreadC gatherD stretch 10 is known to us all that the old scientist for life was hard in the past still works hard in his eighties A It whomB As whomC As whoseD What whom 11 It was snowing the little match selling girl sat down in the street corner drawing her feet close under her but she could not warm them A in useB in vainC in effectD in fact 12 about the economical crisis that he decided to look for more information about it A So curious he was B So curious was he C Such curious he wasD Such curious was he 13 There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that he gave 用心 爱心 专心2 up A eventuallyB unfortunately C generouslyD purposefully 14 Did you make sense of what the man said just now No his meaning didn t get Would you explain it for me A throughB offC acrossD out 15 In order to consumers it s extremely important to consider what information should be included in the advertisement A adapt toB apply to C contribute toD appeal to 16 With the food and water they ll have to ask the local government for help A run outB running out of C running outD to run out of 17 You didn t let me drive for a while If we in turn you so tired now A drove didn t get B drove wouldn t get C were driving wouldn t have been D had driven wouldn t be 18 When you hold a party in the open air you should the possibility that it might rain A allow forB allow ofC call forD permit of 19 The boss one of his employees of stealing the money at the court A blamedB complainedC chargedD accused 20 Now where is my purse We will be late for the party A Take your timeB Come on C Take it easyD Don t worry 第三节 完形填空 共 20 小题 每小题 1 5 分 满分 30 分 You can tell when people have a passion for something Their eyes light up when they talk about it They will spend hours doing what 21 them My friend Marilyn has a passion for 22 She has developed her talent over the years because of her 23 of music She would play at parties and church events 24 her passion with everyone Over the years many people 25 her and gave her the confidence that 26 her producing a CD with a selection of her favorite songs Marilyn was in her 60s when she produced her first CD Her 27 seemed to 用心 爱心 专心3 quiver 轻微颤动 as she told me 28 it You could hear her passion for music 29 she described the experience of recording the CD She had 30 been in recording studio 录音棚 in her life but now she was recording a CD in a professional studio Her passion brought her 31 What is your passion Have you found it Have you 32 it You should let your passion out and make it a reality Do something that you love to do and make it a reality As Eve Sawyer said Never look down upon the 33 of passion If you 34 have a passion for something you will 35 a way to achieve it Your passion will help you 36 the challenges as you start your journey If you are not 37 what your passion is think of what makes you jump out of your 38 in the morning What is the one thing that you love to do 39 it and do it Don t ask yourself what the world needs ask yourself what makes you come alive 40 what the world needs is people who have come alive 21 A upsetsB boresC comfortsD excites 22 A danceB musicC artD action 23 A loveB careC studyD choice 24 A offeringB providingC sharingD sending 25 A advisedB encouragedC praisedD moved 26 A led toB relied onC insisted onD brought up 27 A feelingB songC appearanceD voice 28 A aboutB inC atD for 29 A thoughB unlessC asD till 30 A alwaysB oftenC everD never 31 A successB luckC hopeD money 32 A hopedB developedC grewD used 33 A forceB ruleC powerD ability 34 A hardlyB barelyC brieflyD truly 35 A findB leaveC giveD make 36 A obeyB expressC faceD behave 37 A doubtfulB sureC willingD content 38 A roomB chairC bedD mind 39 A DiscussB PromiseC NoticeD Find 40 A beforeB becauseC whenD if 第二部分 阅读理解 共 25 小题 第一节每小题 2 分 第二节每小题 1 分 满分 45 分 第一节 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最佳选项 A China s ban on free plastic bags drew a mixed response from some shoppers and storeowners on Monday although some supermarkets across the country reported a 90 percent drop in bags consumed 消费 Under China s new antiplastic bag laws bags under 0 025 millimeters thick are banned and shopkeepers must charge for carrier bags Those found breaking the law face fines 用心 爱心 专心4 Ultra thin 超薄 bags are the main target of the ban because they are typically used once and then thrown away creating white pollution China consumes 37 million barrels of oil each year to produce more than one trillion plastic bags It is following in the footsteps of countries such as Ireland and Bangladesh to introduce a ban The problem is that a lot of people don t plan their supermarket trips beforehand so they do not remember to bring bags from home said a supermarket cashier in Beijing Supermarkets and large department stores across China have carried out the ban fairly well Many have handed out carrier bags made of recycled cloth to customers But the ban was largely ignored or unheard of among small time wet market vendors 小 贩 who said charging for the plastic bags would turn away many customers My tofu is only worth 50 cents a piece It will be very hard to sell if I have to charge 20 cents for the plastic bag said a vendor But according to an expert this situation won t last long 41 What s the best title of the passage A White Pollution A Global Problem B Plastic Bags Consumed Dropped 90 Percent C China s Plastic Bag Ban Caused Mixed Response D Ultra thin Bags Are The Main Target Of The Ban 42 Which of the following statements is NOT included in the ban A Bags under 0 025 millimeters thick are banned B Shopkeepers must charge for carrier bags C Those found breaking the law must be fined D Supermarkets must offer cloth bags to customers 43 Who would most probably take no notice of the ban A Law makers B Supermarket shoppers C Wet market vendors D Department store owners 44 We know from the passage that A plastic bags are made from oil B people usually plan their supermarket trips in advance C Ireland has banned using plastic bags following China D supermarkets won t charge thick plastic carrier bags 45 What do you think will probably happen in the future A All customers will use recycled cloth bags B Vendors will have to charge for plastic bags C The problem of white pollution will be easily solved D Thin bags will be used more than once before thrown away B 用心 爱心 专心5 BEIJING Reuters Some Beijing motorists are flushed with anger over new license plate numbers that contain the letter combination WC saying it gives them unpleasant images Along with OK hello and bye bye the abbreviation for the Victorian Water Closet or toilet has become one of the most well known English expressions in China Despite being on a jargon hitlist of Olympic organizers who plan to replace the WC with the more bog standard toilet it remains all too vivid for some of the 800 Beijing car owners issued with the initials on their license plates I will not make myself a laughing stock among my friends by adding such a weird abbreviation to my new car Xinhua quoted car owner Zhang as saying Authorities however were not sympathetic We will not change our policy a policeman in charge of issuing license plates said English initials on car plates have previously proved to be problematic in China where homonyms 同音异义 and abbreviations occasionally have unexpected associations in Mandarin 普通话 In Xinyang Henan Province SB was struck from license plates as the initials are regularly used in Internet chat rooms to denote Mandarin s arguably most vulgar profanity 亵渎 咒骂 Xinhua said Traffic authorities in Haikou capital of China s palm fringed province of Hainan removed the number four from number plates in August as it sounds similar to death when pronounced in Mandarin 46 Why were some Beijing motorists flushed with anger Because A the abbreviation for Water Closet has become one of the most well known English expressions in China B the Beijing authorities have no intention to alter their on going policies of issuing license plates C new license plate numbers contain the letter combination WC which will get laughed at by others D the weird abbreviation doesn t follow Chinese traditional culture and it will offend Chinese patriotic feelings 47 From the cases in the passage we may know A China is taking in more foreign traditions B the Chinese language has a great influence on the English language C languages take root in cultures D cultures derive from languages 48 How many cases are cited in the passage to illustrate the problem brought about cultural 用心 爱心 专心6 clashes A 2B 3C 4D 5 49 How does the author organize the passage to make the theme of the passage more convincing By A quoting what the clients said and citing 列举 examples B contrasting the great difference in language uses C doing some researches on some motorists D bragging the effect of the new policies of issuing license plates 50 What s the best title of the passage A Some Beijing motorists received some researches B Drivers kick up stink 抗议 about WC car plates C Different languages must bring about disturbance in different countries D An open minded person can accept all the alien things C Your parents are unhappy with your grades your teacher has decided to give you extra homework there is a big test next week What else can go wrong Oh now your best friend is mad at you because you ve been too busy to call her So many problems at the same time what to do Well my dear friend welcome to the world of pressure Pressure means that people are expecting a lot from you It also means that you sometimes have to do a lot of things in a short period of time Pressure seems to be a part of modern life everyone feels it People feel pressure of trying to please their friends and family Surprising as it may sound though pressure can be a good thing When you are under pressure it helps you to concentrate and think hard about the problems that have to be solved It forces you to organize your time to decide which problems are more important and which are less important And in the end when you have faced these problems you become a better stronger person There is a saying The only difference between a diamond and a piece of coal is that the diamond had a little more pressure put on it It means that the bigger the pressure is the better the result will be Of course pressure isn t always beneficial Too much pressure causes stress and it can harm your health It affects your heart your blood circulation and your nervous system People who suffer from too much pressure or stress have trouble sleeping and eating When this happens it s necessary to get help from a doctor The worst way to handle pressure is to keep silent it will only make things worse Your attitude has a lot to do with how you handle pressure When facing a problem you d better try to consider it as a challenge not an annoyance An American president Calvin Coolidge said If you see ten troubles coming down the road you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch 沟 before they reach you In other words don t worry about things that may not happen Life is filled with problems and pressure they are never going away so we have to face them and overcome them They make us better people and we finally can shine like diamonds 51 Which is the proper title for this article A What Is Pressure B Pressure Is Hard to Overcome 用心 爱心 专心7 C Without Pressure Life Will Be Better D Learn to Live with Pressure 52 What is the attitude of the author towards pressure in daily life A Pessimistic B Optimistic C Wait and see D Let it be 53 Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage A The bigger the pressure is the better the result will be B It is good for you to regard pressure as a challenge C No pressure no progress D Keeping silent is the worst way to handle pressure D Enjoying business On the first day of my school life in the United States I showed a great interest in my marketing class My teacher Mrs Tolman suggested I join a national marketing club called DECA which attracts many students with talent and interest in business So I did The first challenge was to raise money for marketing activities and competitions later in the year by selling Gold Canyon 峡谷 Candles Mrs Tolman said that the money was due 到期 in a week and that 40 percent of the income would go into my personal account At the beginning I tried to sell some candles to my host mom She said that if I could show confidence and do a wonderful sales presentation she would certainly buy some I started my presentation with a firm handshake Then I introduced all the different kinds of candles and the special sales I could offer and convinced her that our candles were the best choice for gifts and home decorations Finally she bought three candles Greatly encouraged I decided to sell my candles around the neighborhood On Saturday morning with great courage I knocked at the door of my first potential buyer I am a student at Skyline High School and we are raising money for the marketing club DECA I am trying to sell Not today sorry the man interrupted me and shut the door Embarrassed I walked away and encouraged myself that the worst thing that might happen was being refused like that again I could not even count how many times I was refused with reasons like Not today I don t have any extra money right now or I just bought some However I had to go on with the day Finally a woman kindly bought nearly 50 worth of candles I could not even hide my happiness and said Thank you very much to her with a bow After a week s hard work I turned in my 408 worth of sales of candles which gave me 163 in my own account I was surprised to find out that I was the second highest seller in all 用心 爱心 专心8 classes It was my first time working as a sales person This experience let me know that worrying about difficulties was only wasting time and a barrier 障碍 on my way to success 54 What does the passage mainly talk about A The author s first part time job in the USA B The author s experience of acting as a salesman C The author s experience after graduation D The author s skills in promoting different brands of candles 55 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage A The author sold the candles quite smoothly B It was difficult for the author to sell candles because she was very shy C The author succeeded despite so many difficulties she met when selling candles D The author failed because of the difficulties she had in selling candles 56 Selling candles to her host mom A involved quite a lot of preparation on her part B was good practice and built up her confidence C was really easy because they had got on really well D didn t take much persuasion because she happened to need some candles 57 The author felt about her future life according to the passage A pessimisticB optimistic C disappointedD anxious E Ten years of using a mobile phone results in no increased risk of a tumor 肿瘤 in the nerve connecting the car to the brain researchers said on Tuesday Reuters reported But among public concern about a possible link the scientists who conducted the largest study so far on the subject said they could not rule out a higher risk over a longer period The results of our study suggest there is no significant risk in the first decade after starting use said Anthony Swerdlow of the Institute of Cancer Research Whether there are longer term risks remains unknown reflecting the fact that this is a relatively recent technology The study published in the British Journal of Cancer focused on the risk of acoustic neuroma 听觉神经瘤 benign tumors which grow in the nerve connecting the ear and inner ear to the brain close to where handsets are held Research has also investigated the possible association of other kinds of brain tumor with 用心 爱心 专心9 mobile phones but scientists say acoustic neuroma would be a prime candidate to be affected Previous independent studies have found mobile phone radiation may have some effect on the human body such as heating up the brain and causing headaches and feeling of sickness But no study that could be independently repeated has proved mobile phones have permanent harmful effects and the mobile phone industry argues there is no conclusive evidence that electromagnetic radiation causes harm About 780 million mobile phones are expected to be sold this year and nearly 2 billion people around the world use one The institute s analysis pooled studies conducted in Britain Denmark Finland Norway and Sweden all countries where mobile phones were introduced early Cancer charities 慈善团体 welcomed the findings However its important researchers continue to monitor phone users over coming years as mobiles are still relatively new invention said Cancer Research UK s Julie Sharp 58 What are the public concerned about A Whether mobile phones do harm to their ear B Whether mobile phones do harm to their health C What kind of phone they should use D Why the new finding is opposite to the old one 59 The researchers have drawn a conclusion that A there


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