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1 2011 2012 学年第学年第 一一 学期期中考试学期期中考试 高二英语高二英语 试卷试卷 出卷人 洪 辉 I 词词汇和语法汇和语法 共 20 题 每小题 1 分 满分 20 分 1 Have you asked the teacher on how to study English A for advise B about advice C for advice D from advices 2 for me with my geography A Thank helping B Thanks helping C Thank help D Thanks help 3 Before he comes back he is accustomed calling me advance A to in B to to C to in Din to 4 Not only a writer but also here A an actor was wanted B was an actor wanted C an actor were wanted D were an actor wanted 5 You know that you were driving at 100 kms an hour don t you No officer I This car can t do more than 80 A couldn t have been B may not have been C mustn t have been D shouldn t have been 6 The problem at the meeting now is serious to us A to be discussed B being discussed C discussed D discussing 8 It was the second time our country succeeded A whichB where C that D at which 9 Too much smoking and drinking him greatly which meant bad living habits had great on his health A affects effects B affected effect C affected effects D affect effects 10 Mary s pale face suggested that she ill and her parents suggested she a doctor A should be should see B was see C be seeing D was would see 11 To our joy the meeting has certainly the public realize the importance of protecting our earth A failed to make B tried to make C managed to making D succeeded in making 12 He is a good teacher with and he has A enough experience many interesting experiences B many experience good experiences C experiences experienced D many experiences much experiences 13 My father smoke heavily but now he doesn t smoke any more A use to B was used to C used to D was used 14 Rather than the games he always prefers them A watch to join in B to watch to join in C watching joining in D watch join in 15 When you a new word while reading don t always turn to the dictionary 学生姓名 学号 专业年级 考试教室 密密 封封 线线 内内 不不 要要 答答 题题 2 A come across B come up C come over D come through 16 These books are worth A being read B to be read C reading D being reading 17 We last night but we went to the concert instead A must have studied B might study C should have studied D would study 18 One ought for what one hasn t done A not to be punished B to not be punished C to not punished D not be punished 19 Why didn t you call me an hour ago he said A He asked me why I didn t call him an hour ago B He said why I hadn t called him an hour before C He asked why hadn t I called him an hour before D He asked why I hadn t called him an hour before 20 He often says I shall tell you about them He often tells me that will tell about A I you them B he me them C he you us D I me you II 完型填空完型填空 共 20 小题 每小题 0 5 分 满分 10 分 A Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school You will probably 21 they go to learn languages geography history science and all 22 subjects That is quite 23 but 24 do they learn these things We send our children to school to 25 them for their future work and life Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use 26 their life but is that the 27 reason they go to school There is 28 in education than just learning facts We go to school above all 29 how to learn so that when we have left school we can go on learning If a man really knows 30 he will always be successful because whenever he has to do something new he will quickly teach himself how to do it in the best way The uneducated person on the other hand is either unable to do it or does it badly so the purpse of school is not just to teach languages geography science etc but to teach pupils the way to learn 21 A speak B say C talk D tell 22 A the B other C the other D other the 23 A true B real C fact D wrong 24 A how B where C why D what 25 A stop B ask C ready D prepare 26 A at B in C on D with 27 A best B only C just D first 28 A many B much C more D most 29 A learn B to learn C learning D learned 30 A how to learn B why to learn C how does he learn D why does he learn B Fire can help people in many ways But it can also be very harmful 有害的 Fire can 3 keep your house 31 give light and cook food But fire can burn things 32 Big fire can burn trees houses animals or people Nobody knows how people began to use fire But there are 33 interesting old stories about how a man or woman started a fire One is 34 a man The man 35 a very long time ago He went up the sun and 36 fire down Today people know how to make a fire with matches 火柴 Children sometimes 37 to play with them But matches can be very dangerous One match can burn a piece of paper and 38 it could burn a house A small fire can turn a big fire very quickly So you 39 be careful with matches Be careful with fire and it will 40 you But if you aren t careful with fire and it may hurt you 31 A warm B warmer C cool D cooler 32 A also B too C either D neither 33 A many B much C little D no 34 A over B about C a little D no 35 A worked B studied C learned D lived 36 A bring B take C brought D took 37 A enjoy B like C don t like D become 38 A after B late C yet D then 39 A can B man C will D must 40 A help B do C tell D hope III 阅读理解 阅读理解 共 20 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 40 分 A Two strangers were sitting together in a plane They were on a long journey One of the man was a teacher the other was a farmer They sat without talking for a while then the farmer said Let s do something to pass the time What do you want to do the teacher asked We can ask each other riddles 谜 语 the farmer said You start Let s make the rules first the teacher said And to make the game more interesting let s play it for money If we don t know the answer to a riddle we have to pay a dollar The farmer thought about this for a while then he said That s not fair 公平 You are a teacher an educated man You know more things than I do I am just a farmer That s true the teacher said What do you think we should do the farmer said If you don t know the answer to a riddle you pay me 100 dollars If I don t know the answer to a riddle I ll pay you 50 dollars The teacher thought for a while then he said OK That s fair Who ll go first I will the farmer said Here is my riddle What has three legs when it walks but only two legs when it flies The teacher thought and thought What has three legs when it walks but only two when it flies Then he said That is a good one I don t know the answer He gave the farmer 100 dollars and said Tell me the answer What is it I don t know either The farmer said and gave him 50 dollars 41 At first the two men sat there without talking because A the farmer didn t like the teacher B the teacher didn t like the farmer C the farmer like to tell jokes 4 D they didn t know each other 42 The farmer wanted to A make the journey interesting B see if the teacher was lucky C know if the teacher was clever D make friends with the teacher 43 The teacher thought at first that the farmer A would fail the game B knew more than he C could answer any riddles D would win the game 44 From this short story we know that A the teacher was cleverer than the farmer B an educated man is not always clever C both of the two men could know the answer D neither of the two men was clever 45 The best title of this story is A How to Answer Riddles B A rich Teacher C A Way of Getting Money D A Clever Farmer B Hotlines have become common in China Some radio broadcasting stations use hotlines to encourage the listeners to take part in the talk show Are you interested in hotline That s a good idea Yet the fact is some people do nothing but break the whole program Some people know little about the topic under discussion Sometimes they even do not know what the host is talking about So the host has to tell the caller what the show is about Usually the caller will ask a few questions which express his hope and show his ignorance Then the host has to answer and explain how silly this is It wastes a lot of time It seems that some people phone the hotlines for fun They just want to let the listeners hear them They do not care about what the topic is whether they themselves are interested in or how silly they appear to be I am really bored by those people It is necessary for the radio station to improve the hotline program In my opinion if a caller does not know what is going on the operator should not let the caller take part in it Some young children phone the hotline in order to take part in games Some radio or TV stations hold the hotline in order to get more money from the children So if your phone fee goes up quickly suddenly maybe your son or daughter often phone hotline There is another hotline Everyone likes it very much It is the hotline for our life such as Mayor Hotline in your city 46 The sentence some people do nothing but break the whole program mainly tells us A radio stations use hotlines in a wrong way B it is a fact C some people have unclear thoughts D it is a good idea 5 47 Which of the following is not true A Some people know little about the topic under discussion B Some people do not know what the host is talking about C Some people do not know what the show is about D The author tells us that the host is silly 48 The host has to answer and explain A because he works hard B because of the caller s ignorance C because he likes talking to the caller D because of a lot of questions raised by the caller 49 The passage does not tell us the idea A that some listeners phone the hotline for fun B that some people just want to be heard by others C that some people don t care how they appear to be silly D what the hotline programs are 50 The Chinese meaning of the underline word operator probably is A 导播 B 听众 C 医生 D 主持人 C A young man was going to join the army and had to take a medical examination The doctor was sitting at a desk when he went in He said to the man Take your coat and shirt off and sit on the chair The young man did so The doctor looked at him for a moment without getting up from his chair and then said All right Put on your clothes again But you haven t examined me at all the young man said in surprise There is no need to do so the doctor said with a smile When I told you to take your coat and shirt off you heard me all right so there is nothing wrong with your ears You saw the chair so your eyes are good You could take your clothes off and sit on the chair so you must be in good health And you understand what I told you to do and did it without a mistake so you must be clever enough for the army 51 The young man went to the doctor because A he wanted to take part in the examination B he wanted to have a medical check up C he did not want to join the army 6 D he did not feel well 52 The doctor told the young man to take his coat and shirt off in order to A test his listening ability B see whether his eyes were wrong with him C see what was wrong with him D examine him 53 The young man was surprised because the doctor A looked at him with a smile B did not know how to examine him C did not think it necessary to examine him D asked him several questions 54 The doctor thought that A the young man would not be a good soldier B the young man must not join the army C The Youngman would not do something wrong in the army D the young man could join the army 55 At first the young man A did not understand what the doctor mean B did not do as he was told to do C realized why the doctor told him to do something D understood what the doctor meant D The United States has many different kinds of climates On the west coast the temperature changes very little between summer and winter but the north central states have a very different kind of climate in those states people wear light clothes during the summer and heavy clothes in the winter In the southwest the climate is pleasantly warm during the winter but the summer is very hot In the eastern part of the United States summer temperatures are very different from winter temperatures Summers are usually hot and winters are always cold springs are comfortably warm and autumns are pleasantly cool Years ago people in the cold parts of the United States did not often get fresh vegetables and fresh fruits during the winter Today trucks and train carry fruits and vegetables very quickly to all parts of the United States In this way Americans send their climate to people in other states 56 he climate is in different parts of the United States A the same B different C pleasant D terrible 57 In the of the United States the temperature doesn t change much between summer and winter A southeast B north central states C west D east 7 58 In the part of the United States the summer is terribly hot A northeast B southeast C northwest D southwest 59 In some parts of America people couldn t eat fresh fruits or vegetables in winter because A the temperature is cold there B people didn t know how to keep the balance of nature C people didn t grow them then D the temperature is too hot there 60 In the last sen


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