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第 1 页 共 12 页 牛津译林版牛津译林版 2019 20202019 2020 学年小学英语四年级下册期末复习 学年小学英语四年级下册期末复习 1 1 D D 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 小小朋朋友友 带带上上你你一一段段时时间间的的学学习习成成果果 一一起起 来来做做个个自自我我检检测测 吧吧 相相信信你你一一定定是是最最棒棒的的 一 一 单选题单选题 共共 1616 题 共题 共 3232 分分 1 2 分 Is it your house No A it is B it s C it isn t 2 2 分 Don t sing here My father is A sleeps B sleep C sleeping 3 2 分 They many things at the shop yesterday A buy B bought C buys 4 2 分 功夫熊猫看到别人遇到了一些困难 应该怎么问 A What s the matter B How are you 5 2 分 May I speak Jing 第 2 页 共 12 页 A to B at C on 6 2 分 Please come A in B on C at 7 2 分 Happy birthday A Thank you B Happy birthday C I m nine 8 2 分 Sometimes she ball games A play B playing C plays 9 2 分 看图选择正确的对话 A Does your mother go to work on Saturday Yes she does B Does your mother go to work on Saturday No she doesn t She goes shopping on Saturday 10 2 分 I bought flowers my mother 第 3 页 共 12 页 A to B for C on 11 2 分 It s time school A to B for C on 12 2 分 What s he like He s A funny B fun C art 13 2 分 is Xiaoling She is over there A Where B When C What 14 2 分 is John from He s from the UK A What B Where 第 4 页 共 12 页 C How 15 2 分 Do you like salad A Yes I am B Yes I don t C Yes it s delicious 16 2 分 Will we tell her the story A from B about C to 二 二 单词拼写 词汇运用 单词拼写 词汇运用 共共 1010 题 共题 共 1010 分分 17 1 分 We have a s family dinner 18 1 分 Linda sells things to people She is a 19 1 分 看图片 写单词 A What would you like for breakfast Alice B I d like some some and some A Wow What a nice breakfast And what about your dinner 第 5 页 共 12 页 B I d like some some and some 20 1 分 Look The book shop is on the l 21 1 分 写出下图物品的英文名称 22 1 分 My friend sends me a 卡片 for my birthday 23 1 分 The r was heavy yesterday 24 1 分 That flower is beautiful 25 1 分 Bill is a 男孩 26 1 分 The floor is w You should be careful 三 三 选词填空 词汇运用 选词填空 词汇运用 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1010 分分 第 6 页 共 12 页 27 2 分 Those are your pants They are your yours 28 2 分 2018 四上 浙江期末 看图 根据句意选单词 bread doctor hair bedroom baby Come and meet my family My father is a He is strong and tall My mother is a nurse She is quiet She has long She likes My brother is only two years old He is in the I love my family 29 2 分 根据短文和所给图片 将正确选项的序号填在横线上 A go on a picnic B fish C at the gate D fly a kite E climb mountains It s Sunday morning We have no classes The weather is good My father and my mother My friends and I in the park We meet of our school We take a lot of food and drinks I like best In the park we play games and We have a 第 7 页 共 12 页 good time 30 2 分 Danny says said the basketball was heavy 31 2 分 读一读 选择合适的单词填空 每线一词 A playground B library C classroom D canteen E garden 1 It is big There are many chairs and tables in it We come here at noon and have lunch in it It is the 2 It is clean and tidy There are many desks and chairs in it There is a blackboard There is a cupboard and a bookshelf too The students have lessons there It is a 3 It is in front of the playground There are many flowers and plants in it It is beautiful It is the school 4 Look It is a very big room There are a lot of books in it The students can read books in it It is the 5 It is big We can see some slides swings and seesaws there The children can play foot ball there too It s a 四 四 句型转换句型转换 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1515 分分 32 3 分 I m in the zoo 对画线部分提问 you 33 3 分 I went to Shanghai by bus 改写同义句 I to Shanghai 34 3 分 It s green 对画线部分提问 35 3 分 Little Pig makes a paper wind bell 根据划线部分提问 第 8 页 共 12 页 36 3 分 I have some grapes 改为一般疑问句 you have grapes 五 五 补全对话补全对话 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 37 10 分 选择合适的句子 补全对话 A B Yes I can see many people in the garden A B The girls are playing The boys are running A Can you see any animals B Yes A B The dogs are running The cats are jumping A I like dogs very much B Yes I do A What can you see B Do you like them too C What are the animals doing D What are they E What are they doing F Can you see any people 六 六 连词成句连词成句 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1313 分分 第 9 页 共 12 页 38 3 分 your this is coat 连词成句 39 2 分 can I draw ship a 40 3 分 you find did where Sam 连词成句 41 3 分 milk have some 42 2 分 like some Would apples you 七 七 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 43 10 分 阅读理解 判断正误 This is a photo of my family I m John I m ten My sister is seven We are in the same school My grandparents are Americans My father is 42 He is a driver My mother is 40 She is a teacher We are very happy 1 John is seven 2 John and his sister are in the same school 3 My grandparents are Chinese 4 My father a driver 5 My mother is a teacher 第 10 页 共 12 页 参考答案参考答案 一 一 单选题单选题 共共 1616 题 共题 共 3232 分分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 16 答案 略 二 二 单词拼写 词汇运用 单词拼写 词汇运用 共共 1010 题 共题 共 1010 分分 17 答案 略 18 答案 略 第 11 页 共 12 页 19 答案 略 20 答案 略 21 答案 略 22 答案 略 23 答案 略 24 答案 略 25 答案 略 26 答案 略 三 三 选词填空 词汇运用 选词填空 词汇运用 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1010 分分 27 答案 略 28 答案 略 29 答案 略 30 答案 略 31 答


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