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Starter Units 1 3 单元测试卷 时间 120 分钟 满分 120 分 题号 总分 得分 听 力 部 分 20 分 听句子 选出与所听内容相符的图片 5 分 听力材料 1 It s M 1 听力材料 2 Lin Shuhao is in NBA 2 听力材料 3 It s a UFO A 3 听力材料 4 Grace my cup is purple B 4 听力材料 5 It s a pencil A 5 听句子 选出正确的答语 5 分 听力材料 6 Spell it please C 6 A It s a key B It s red C K E Y 听力材料 7 What color is it A 7 A It s white B It s a ruler C I m Alice 听力材料 8 How are you A 8 A I m fine thanks B Good morning C Hello 听力材料 9 What s that in English B 9 A It s green B It s a pen C I m OK 听力材料 10 Good morning Eric A 10 A Good morning Cindy B How are you C I m fine thanks 听对话 选出正确的答案 5 分 听力材料 11 W Bob the jacket is blue M No it s black Kate A 11 The jacket is A black B blue C red 听力材料 12 M What s this in English W It s a map C 12 What s this A A pen B A key C A map 听力材料 13 M What color is the ruler W It s white A 13 What color is the ruler A White B Yellow C Green 听力材料 14 W Is the cup green M No it s yellow B 14 The is yellow A map B cup C ruler 听力材料 15 M Spell it please W P E N A 15 How does the girl spell it A P E N B K E Y C R U L E R 听长对话 选出正确的答案 5 分 听第一段对话 回答第 16 17 两个小题 听力材料 M What s this in English W It s a jacket M What color is it W It s black and green A 16 What s this A B C B 17 What color is it A It s black and white B It s black and green C It s red 听第二段对话 回答第 18 20 三个小题 听力材料 M What s this in English W It s a quilt M Spell it please W Q U I L T M What color is it W It s white M What s that in English W It s a ruler It s a yellow ruler C 18 What s this in English A It s a pen B It s a map C It s a quilt B 19 What color is the quilt A Red B White C Yellow A 20 What color is the ruler A Yellow B Green C Purple 笔 试 部 分 100 分 单项选择 15 分 B 21 下列选项中全是元音字母的一项是 A B E G B A I O C Q E U A 22 下列选项中字母大小写形式相同的是 A V B Y C N B 23 下列字母中含有 aI 读音的是 A W B Y C N C 24 下列小写字母都占三格的是 A a q B f l C f j A 25 下列字母含有相同元音音素的一组是 A F M S B A K G C U W R B 26 This is key That is orange A an an B a an C a a A 27 I Helen A am B is C are A 28 is a boy 男孩 A Frank B Grace C Cindy C 29 珍妮想给自己买一件大号的毛衣 她应该选择 号 A S B M C L B 30 中国中央电视台 的英文缩写是 A NBA B CCTV C BBC C 31 a good jacket A What s B I m C It s C 32 Good morning A It s OK B Thanks C Good morning B 33 It s a pencil A How are you B What s this C How is it A 34 How are you Tony A I m OK thanks B How are you Alice C It s fine thanks C 35 K E Y A What s this B What color is it C Spell it please 完形填空 10 分 Alice Good 36 Frank Frank Good morning Alice Alice 37 are you Frank Fine 38 Alice What s this 39 English Frank It s a n 40 Alice Please 41 it Frank O R A N G E orange Alice 42 is it Frank It s green Alice Oh no It is 43 And what s that in 44 Frank It 45 a jacket C 36 A evening B afternoon C morning B 37 A What B How C Where A 38 A thanks B yes C no B 39 A at B in C to C 40 A ruler B jacket C orange A 41 A spell B see C like C 42 A What s B How C What color C 43 A purple B white C orange A 44 A English B english C China C 45 A are B am C is 阅读理解 30 分 A Good morning everyone I m Grace I m a girl I m 14 years old Look This is my quilt It s a nice quilt What color is it It s yellow and red And what s this in English It s a jacket It s a black jacket That s a ruler The ruler is blue A 46 Grace is a A girl B boy C teacher C 47 Grace is years old A 12 B 13 C 14 A 48 The color of the quilt is A yellow and red B yellow C yellow and blue C 49 The jacket is A yellow B red C black A 50 The is blue A ruler B pen C key B Smith Good morning class Students Good morning Mr Smith Smith Look at the picture please What s this in English Bob Bob Sorry I don t know Smith Frank what s this Frank It s a key Jenny No it s a ruler Smith Can you spell it Jenny Jenny R U L E R ruler Smith Very good A 51 It s now A morning B afternoon C evening C 52 is a teacher A Bob B Frank C Smith B 53 画线单词 know 的汉语意思为 A 听讲 B 知道 C 喜欢 C 54 Frank thinks 认为 it is a A ruler B pen C key B 55 下面哪项陈述是正确的 A They aren t in the classroom B Jenny can spell the word 单词 C Bob has 有 a ruler C NameThingColor Dalejacketblue Helenpengreen Cindyrulerblack Bobcupyellow A 56 Dale has 有 a A jacket B ruler C pen C 57 has a green pen A Bob B Cindy C Helen C 58 What color is Cindy s 辛迪的 ruler A Green B Blue C Black B 59 Bob has a yellow A jacket B cup C pen B 60 Thing 的意思是 A 食品 B 物品 C 地点 词汇运用 10 分 A 根据句意及图片或汉语提示写单词 61 What s this It s a cup 62 Is this your key 63 The pen is green 64 What color is the jacket It s yellow 黄色的 65 How are you I m OK Thanks 谢谢 B 从方框中选择合适的单词完成句子 what purple fine my spell 66 How are you I m fine thanks 67 What is that It s a quilt 68 Can you spell it Yes M A P 69 What color is it It s purple 70 This is my ruler That is Bob s 写出下列字母的左邻右舍 5 分 71 I i Jj 72 Ww X x Yy 73 E e Ff Gg 74 Pp Qq R r 75 Bb C c Dd 句子 20 分 A 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词 76 那个用英语怎么说 What s that in English 77 那是一支红色的钢笔 That is a red pen 78 请拼写它 Spell it please 79 那把尺子是绿色的 That ruler is green 80 你的杯子是什么颜色的 What color is your cup B 按要求完成句子 每空一词 81 How are you 根据答句写问句 I am fine thanks 82 is in that what English 连词成句 What is that in English 83 My jacket is white 对画线部分提问 What color is your jacket 84 This is my a pen 改错 去掉 a 去掉 my 85 The pen is black 改为同义句 This is a black pen 书面表达 10 分 午饭后 格雷斯 Grace 和海伦 Helen 相遇了 两人互相问好后 就各自所拿的东西进 行对话 请你根据所给的提示词语编写一段对话 注意 1 词数 30 左右 2 单词可重复使用 提示词 good afternoon how are you fine thanks OK what it this in English ru


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