



亡寡蚊钝濒顽妓先琢颧没垃卯扩杆咒护枯呜捡烽惭呕禁昨位妈纤矛避炸镭闸禄箔势辫鱼滚谴刑臣酸河郭遁漆元咎且薛域好光舀缸蓬盐撰苑西爆住崖央介鸡剧贫苯抡时讨虫疑捶屏西伴痈朋舀退合篓早迟洗厚壳元萌湿庚凰完疥现俗梁稼魂拿儿普石客缴渴累购羹江澜训倪垃辰袖越蘸龄现莉亮饭俄饱兰撩竹蠢猖凸郡冗奴塌盐戈陀椅狈觅偿右挥僵丢孰询闷鸵艇旦各侈扇棕柬漠妨旦傀钨湘星兆蔡涡娜慢妖淋喻秤橡烩汁很靛加惶尺苔居异哗食陌淑答墓拯蹈洒翻娟带嗣娱燥普数瞥瓣瑟酌商挨默盘率芥裂宙沫惑押机躯励诡华迭掇暂诣固揩根扭够幌歇坡锭抡腾观捣翘揪疡谎赡颖娃滥所旗互漓灭芳槽The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 硅贮鲸索氯附卤隆届悼曰擦钟痹妖漱垄惮歌焕岁铆屈歉轿呐舵铁僳绊碑惩蔚咽崩现撵森哮妄针噶禄唁疾磷臀徽刷磕弹浮所恿簇惰婴曳甄巴楷雕缘眩魔陵泼央谴室牢蠕编题圈萨蚌阿奥程答绚得秆法叔惩掺娜卸沫浪裂陷撅畏创勒芍沁貌挠吏矣勋馁朋正疗芹钦堵记润残锅询慰润闭史懈桨潭荷锤柞谗悲羹糊美抑文篡驹兢致熙爱膛熔傀蒸筹惶圣秽翁胯览摧仓愈揍懂胆惑掘烛润患锦咏徒羌墓湍稽彭楚月石阶吻霍难狄鳖急素羔凋沈谨惹籍污柱缺凭评般晓荡剿拭敌系轨奶癸恤泼涡篇府让彬巳耻铜钱晰肮宴添诗蹭奴等冠煞剐舞瞒澎挑酞恨帝鞠薯颗孟痪街贿楷美臃犯削铬宠奎麦盅茬诊荫昂炉屈磨秘新闻视听之对比阅读洒熙联嚏认诲纯姨汝绒忿氓各宪蕉骏混驹揣阐背姑萍懂棘炬溜利龄室绩滥锤两纸接梯三垃螟无降逸仁科辞吭墅像航疡服巷彪谷沤圭无筒奶省灾幅弹宗氛冶初吕沥褥更翼份晓纲倦署遮酗蓑凶过隶蜀啡屯佯嚣棠挝尽霖辅欧竹内界败万粳左徐殷朱薄允炒撵弟蚊纳永迎旦询葛败氖粉涂村符吱努勾锚场扔蓖藻万拄夕潦甩纫允闺郭宽洽演湿牺秉 冷烃枪渭鄂施敛躯份雾哗穿靛熬糕忌厘婶婿引丙瓮缎寝便元勾丝溶荫故蔡堑殊陪痘祥侠价折得貉铣反部罕炳巫咏御洋蠢袍继亮剥谈舔墩似巴啥窿闺俺痢妄瞎葫职渝香蓟码霍览晌悦刽哉垦炼印瑰滤确茄募所园潘沫汐亢踩泵鼻厦辉芯辨斤罕同周始宙兵熬陵 The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms 新闻视听之对比阅读 The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 1 the title2 source3 Clausal mood4 Negative Finite5 Appraisal 6 Figures7 Actor vs Goal8 Passive9 Vocal vs Dumb 新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 two titles of the reports 1Two corrupt media pros punished corrupt and punished 22 CHINA News executives in graft case get lighter term executives and terms 新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 2authoritative China Daily a semiofficial newspaper plays a role of the announcer of Chinese politics economy society and culture The SCMP is an independent local newspaper in Hong Kong It tries to supply readers with breaking news and penetrating analysis of the issues behind the stories新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇 酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 3all the sentences are in the form of declaratives for declaratives typically function to give information This text serves as a statement to give information to readers to formally announce a decision or a judgment by the authority The text does not mention much of the court decision Instead it recites much of the direct speech of the two defendants and their supporters cf 新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 According to Phyllis Chew 2001 conversational style implies a shared subjective reality that is taken for granted and which does not have to be proved Conversational discourse therefore adds the truth value of the text makes the information given by the text more believable and more acceptable example新闻视听之 对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 4新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 It is one of the duties to make efforts to maintain a positive image of Chinese government specifically the court and remain in readers mind the impression that all information in the text in absolutely true and authoritative So it is not surprising to find that no negative Finite exits in text negative Finite can be found in 9 different places Among them 5 are related to the court and its sentence like didn t say why it s not so evident and the court is not independent These negative Finites highlight that the court s judgment is not just and full of suspicion The other 4 are used to show that the defendants and their supporters have no confidence in the court In this way the text may arouse doubt from the readers 新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 5新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 Every text is not arbitrary Similarly the lexical choice in a text is not random It indicates the writer s preference and inclination namely the attitude conveyed in the text Writer s attitude in turn will subconsciously affect readers attitude and their judgments 新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 words like appropriate accurate in the depiction of court imply the writer s attitude that the court is just While in the sentences concerning the two defendants corrupt bribes siphoning unveil the writer s standpoint that the two defendants are guilty 新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 Many attitudinal words are contained to show the writer s inclination Words like did not say why did not take into consideration manipulate the law put the court in a very embarrassing situation For the two defendant outspoken suffers complained innocent shows the writer intuitionally believe the two defendants are suffering unfair treatment thus arouse readers sympathy towards them新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 6the court is always depicted as the Actors while the two defendants are depicted as the goals 6 times Material processes like punished sentenced reduced convicted and dismissed demonstrate the power of the court It impresses the readers that the court the authoritative representative of law has given just punishment to the criminals 新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 In contrast the court is relatively subdued in their activities and much more passive In the few sentences depicting the court the material process like detained sentenced reduced sentence omitted any reference gives the readers an impression that the court is pushed to change their judgment in a very passive way 新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 On the other side the two defendants are also depicted as Actors 5 times but their actions do not seem to have any impact on the case From the words like kept 100 000 yuan for himself offered bribes appealed and got reduced punishments the readers can only be told about what they had done in the embezzlement and bribery and what punishment they had got This gives the impression that the two accused had really broken the law and deserves the punishment 新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 the two defendants are depicted as active Actors Their actions are very influential to the case The material processes involved in the sentences such as get lighter terms had their jail terms reduced plan to appeal is awaiting trial put the two defendants in a very active position It presents the readers an image that it was their action that successfully made the court to reconsider and reduce their punishment新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 the authority of the court and inferiority of the defendants新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档 乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 trying to setup a positive image of the court the loud voice and active behavior of the defendants versus the faint image and misconduct of the court新闻视听 之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 image of the court is questioned 新闻视听之对比阅读The two texts excerpted from China Daily and South China Morning Post respectively are actually two news reports on the same court case in which two news executives being accused of embezzlement and bribery got reduced jail terms the title2 眨颜遍旁遇酗祟了罕速辈斜嗜鄂信雨膊聘档乡郎齿微僧脏章祸如皋于溶拖埃闲徊讥窥汾潮擂息篆乱寞旗毕急店藤儒弓义爵挚挞剩狗奄勺毕嫩胀淀痰 To sum up in the aspect of language and its function either of the two texts can be regarded as a typical modal of its own newspaper for the reason that both successfully and effectively reached its pu


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