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SKELETAL SYSTEM,FunctionsClassificationTypes of bones, tissues and cellsBone structure (anatomy)Divisions of the skeletonJoints (classification and anatomy of joints)Diseases of the skeletal system,Bones of the Skeleton,carpalsclaviclecoccyxfemurfibulahumerusmandiblemetacarpalsmetatarsalspatellaphalanges,pelvisradiusribssacrumscapulaskullsternumtarsalstibiaulnavertebrae,21,22,20,15,19,14,17,18,13,1,4,3,2,7,6,5,9,8,10,16,11,12,Long Bones- metacarples, metatarsals, phalanges, humerus, ulna, radius, tibia, fibulaShort Bones- carpals, tarsalsFlat Bones- rib, scapula, skull, sternumIrregular Bones- vertebrae, some facial bonesSesamoid- patella,Distalepiphysis,Proximal epiphysis,diaphysis,yellow marrow,epiphyseal line,periosteum,compact bone,spongy bone,Endosteum,hyaline cartilage,Sharpeys fibers,Axial Skeleton,SkullVertebral columnRib cage (ribs + sternum),Skull,Skull Bones,* The Skull consists of 8 CRANIAL BONES + 14 FACIAL BONES* The Ears consists of 6 BONES and* Floating in the throat is 1 HYOID BONE,Inner Ear,Rib Cage,Also called the Thoracic Cage12 pairs of RIBS7 true ribs5 false ribs(2 floating ribs) 1 STERNUM (breastbone),Vertebral Column(spinal column/ backbone),7 CERVICAL (NECK) VERTEBRAE,12 THORACIC5 LUMBAR,5 FUSED VERTEBRAE INTO 1 SACRUM, 4 SMALL FUSED VERTEBRAE INTO 1 COCCYX (YOUR TAIL BONE),Shoulder Girdles and Arms,The Shoulder girdle is also called the pectoral girdle Consists of 4 bonesUpper limbs consist of 60 bones (the hands and wrist contain 54 separate bones).,Hip Girdles and Legs,The hip girdle is also called the pelvic girdle Consists of 2 bones Lower limbs consist of 60 bones (the anklesand feet contain 52 separate bones),Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape,Slide 5.52a,Copyright 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings,Figure 5.29ac,Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape,Slide 5.52b,Copyright 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings,Figure 5.29df,Anatomy of a Joint,2 or more bonesJoint capsuleCartilageSynovial membraneSynovial fluidFatLigamentsBursaMeniscusTendons,Structures of a freely movable joint,Osteoporosis- bone reabsorption outpaces bone deposit; bones become lighter and fracture easierRickets- vitamin D deficiencyOsteomalacia- soft bones, inadequate mineralization in bones, lack of vitamin DPagets Disease- spotty weakening in t


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