



CHECKING CORNER Part 1 Warming Up Pre reading Reading and Comprehending I 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示 写出所缺单词的正确形 式 1 It is well known that all men are 平等的 in the eyes of the law 2 It is not 合法的 for boys of that young age to drink alcohol 3 We are proud of our achievements and 有希望的 for the future 4 Helen was 攻击 while walking home late at night 5 Vera is studying law because she wants to become a l 6 Under our teacher s g we finished the work smoothly 7 As everybody knows Switzerland is a 爱好和平的 country 8 This company is more concerned with q than with quantity 9 It is true that we should follow the 原则 of seeking truth 10 The doctor s 酬金 was fifty dollars for a physical examination II 每空填一词 使上下两句的意思相同或相近 1 Whenever Bob has difficulties he will ask me for help Whenever Bob he will me for help 2 If you need my help I am ready to help you If you need my help I help you 3 Bob lost his job three years ago and hasn t found one by now Bob for three years 4 In fact I was the one who broke the window I was the one who broke the window 5 Jim has been in prison for three years for breaking the law Jim has been in prison for three years because he III 根据汉语提示 将下列句子补充完整 1 In order to win we will have to 同困难作斗争 2 There were thousands of passengers in the train when it 爆炸 3 John became a citizen of that country gaining 选举的权利 4 We are deeply 感谢你的支持 Otherwise we would not have succeeded 5 We were put into a position 我们不得不立刻做出决定 IV 翻译下列句子 1 那对年轻夫妇把全部时间都用在工作上了 2 一个人只有失去了健康 才懂得它的珍贵 3 我前天确实见到了那位明星 Part 2 Learning about Language I 用适当的关系词填空 1 Tom now works in the factory his father once worked 2 That s the reason the boy explained to us just now 3 This is the way my classmate spoke to others 4 The day I met the famous pop star was one of the greatest of my life 5 The days are gone we suffered a lot 6 Can you think of a situation this word can be used 7 That s the reason the naughty boy left home 8 Do you know any shops nearby I can buy flowers II 下列各句均有一处错误 请找出并改正 1 Mr Black works in a factory where makes radio parts 2 Their bad behavior has reached a point when both their parents are to be called in 3 Do you still remember the days when we spent together at school 4 That was the way in that Susan worked the problem out 5 This is the hall where the medical conference will be held in Part 3 Using Language I 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示 写出所缺单词的正确形 式 1 It is unfair that he gets very little 报酬 for his hard work 2 The ground was covered by a thick 毯子 of snow 3 To hit a weaker person is a sign of 残忍 4 He was invited to become p of the local camera club 5 Ann froze with t as the door opened silently at midnight II 根据汉语提示 将下列句子补充完整 1 To my surprise David managed to 从那场大火里逃出来 2 On hearing that he d got cancer Tom felt as if 他已经被判了 死刑 3 It is reported that the new president 开始执政 last month 4 I think you should 树立一个好榜样 to your brothers 5 You 本应该把此事报告给警察 but now it s too late 6 Why not 阻止他们污染河流 We suffer from pollution too much 7 Every day they went to the road nearby and 站在那儿乞讨 8 You are kind and 做你的朋友我感到骄傲 III 根据汉语提示 完成下面对话 Teacher Jim after learning about Nelson Mandela a modern hero 1 你怎样评价纳尔逊 曼德拉 Student 2 在我看来 he is a great man Teacher For what quality do you respect him most Student He is brave determined ambitious 有雄心的 and hardworking He 3 把自己的一生投入到为黑人争取平等权利上 Teacher 4 在这一点上我同意你的看法 and anything else Student In my mind he is a freedom fighter and a modern hero Although he was in prison for many years he didn t give in Teacher Are you going to become a great person like Nelson Mandela Student Of course But now I should fight for my study 5 只有当我受到较好的教育之后 can I achieve my dream in the future Teacher Well done Thank you Keys Part 1 I 1 equal 2 legal 3 hopeful 4 attacked 5 lawyer 6 guidance 7 peaceful 8 quality 9 principle 10 fee II 1 is in trouble turn to 2 am willing to 3 has been out of work 4 As a matter of fact 5 broke the law III 1 fight against difficulties 2 blew up 3 the right to vote 4 grateful for your support 5 where we had to make a decision immediately IV 1 The young couple devoted all their time to their work 2 Only when one loses his health does he know its value 3 I did see that famous star the day before yesterday Part 2 I 1 where in which 2 that which 3 that in which 4 when on which 5 when 6 where in which 7 why for which 8 where in which II 1 where that which 2 when where 3 when which that 或去掉 when 4 that which 或去掉 in 5 where that which 或去掉 in 或去掉 where Part 3 I 1 reward 2 blanket 3 cruelty 4 president 5 terror II 1 escape from that big fire 2 he had been sentenced to death 3 came to power 4 set a good example 5 should have reported it to the police 6 stop them from pollu


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