



精品文档 1欢迎下载 看音标写单词 专项练习 1 Here s a p pl w lit 2 please be k ful with your things from now on 3 They leave things on planes and in t ksiz 4 That s why there are lost and found offices at p t nd stations 5 h ndr dz of people come here every day 6 They are looking for k m r any other things 7 We usually have about one auz nd cameras 8 Are you looking for fifteen kilos of s sid z 9 I choose the table tenis Club 10 Don t w ri about Chinese 11 we re choosing our new m nit 12 I m always redi to help others 13 I like a clean and taidi house 14 Choose me as your class monitor and I pr mis to help YOU 15 I m sure evrib di would like a clean classroom just like home 16 Choose me and we can make our classroom bju tif l 17 Lingling and I are going to have a piknik 18 I m going to help with the ha sw k 19 Don t be sili 20 I m looking f w d to the football match tomorrow 精品文档 2欢迎下载 21 W re going to cheer the ple z 22 I m going to enjoy mai self during the May Day holiday 23 We re going to take a walk in the k ntri or go swimming 24W re going to collect lit in the park 25 I m going to stay with an strel n family 26 We re also going saitsi and going to have a picnic on the beach 27 I m going to get up li and then read a book 28 What will life be like in the fju t 29 In twenty years time meibi there won t be any schools 30 The sea lev l will rise as well 31 Maybe there ll be tr f k jams in the air 32Mchines and robots will do all the hevi jobs 33 the str b riz look fresh 34 They can t see the pr d kt or try the clothes on 35 Online shopping has sev r l advantages 36 p zit you can see the London Eye 37 We re standing opposite the National Gallery a feim s museum with lots of famous peinti z 38 And this is where we ll fini our tour 39 Ms Yao was very fren d l 40 Becky was very good in class but Adam was quite d f k lt 精品文档 3欢迎下载 41 I was born in a small v l d in Shanxi Province 42 It was nice and k mf t b l 43 She di saidid to go for a walk after class 44 They didn t n tis Goldilocks at first 45 She fini t all the food in it 46 Goldilocks was very h gri 47 William Shakespeare was a famous English writer of plays and p mz 48 He m r d in 1582 and had three children 49 You can still see his plays in English and in many other l gw d z 50 We re going to have some r n teachers at school tomorrow 51 We Chinese often shake hands and smile when we meet v z t 52 Our new f r n students are going to arrive very soon 53 Give them more p s n l space 54 Listen to those drums It s so n z 55 In the 18th sent r a lot of musicians came to study in Vienna 56 Mozart Many people still think Mozart s music is p f kt 57 We re going to k lekt litter in the park near my friend s house 58 I d like to join the Music Club because I can play the pi n 精品文档 4欢迎下载 59 This i reiz is mine 60 It s going to be a f n t stik weekend 61 You re going to like the future because m i n will do all the heavy jobs 62 You can also k m pe the prices of the same product 63 We re standing opposite the National Gallery a famous mju zi m 64 Go l the street and you ll see an underground station 65 Go kr s Dong Chang an Jie 66 ik skju s me Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie 67 I was born in Quincy twelve years g 68 They ri t nd after work 69 Goldilocks hurried out of the house wi a t her basket 70 Very soon she was sli p in it 71 Then she noticed a little house so she hurried t w dz it 72 William Shakespeare was rich and s k sesf l 73 I don t know the g z kt date 74 Mark Twain b keim very famous in the 1860s 75 I was so k sa t d 76 Jenny and I ra vd by plane the day before yesterday 77 We were tired so we r l ksd at home 78 India people put their hands t ge and nod their heads 精品文档 5欢迎下载 79 In some places it isn t p la t to look at people when they talk 80 Can you hear the va l n and the piano 81 You don t like rock music I don t


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