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新托福写作经典范文新托福写作经典范文 新托福写作经典范文1 Do youagree ordisagree thatprogress is always good Use specificreasons andexamples tosupport youranswer Who woulddisagree withthe statement progress isgood Without progress there would be nochange Without progress there wouldbe nochange inour economy our standard of living or ourhealth Progress isrequired to keep theeconomy movingforward New productsneed to be developed new servicesneed to be created Without progress our economywould standstill There wouldbe nochange Without progress there wouldbe nosupermarkets withfress producebrought infrom all over the world Progress isrequired toimprove our standardof living Our homestoday are more efficientand useless naturalresources thanks to improvementin homeconstruction techniques Our clothesare warmerand saferthanksto developments intextile manufacturing Our educationalsystem isbetter thanksto theuse of the putersand the Inter Progress isrequired toimprove theheath of the worldpopulation Without progress there wouldbe novaines againstdeadly diseaseslike smallpox Without progress there wouldbe increasedinfant mortality Thanks toprogress our livesare longerand healthier Progress is a naturalstate Without it we wouldnot evolve Without it our economy ourstandardofliving and ourhealth woulddeteriorate Who coulddeny thenecessity ofprogress 2 Your city has decided to build a statueor monumentto honor a famous person inyour country Who would you choose Use reasons and specificexamples tosupport yourchoice If mycityhasdecidedtobuildastatue to honor a famouspersonin mycountry I wouldchoose alate singer Teresa Teng She wasborn in1950s and diedof asevere asthmaattack atage41in May1995while holidayingin ChiangMai Thailand triggering anoutpouring ofgrief amongher legionsof fansin Asiaand elsewhere During herbrilliant stagecareer favored byfans all over Asia she movedmillions ofpeople Her famoussongs include sweet story ofsmall town and the moonrepresents myheart etc It wassaid thatit washer whointroduced severalgenerations in China to a certainfield ofpopular music Her songshave aompaniedthe growthand developmentof manypeople in China In the home of these generations soul her sweetvoice hasbee immortalbeauty andmemory Although she s gone her soundof singinghas nevervanished She isconstantly memorated from Beijingto Taipei Hong Kongto Singapore her ubiquitousfans observeher memorationfrom time to time cherishing herincredible beauty and hervoice thatsounds toe fromheaven Her sweetsongs madeher alegend and arestill regularlyheard onradio and continueto havea followingin Chinesemunities allover the world She should be rememberednot onlybecause ofher beautyand voice but also because ofher greatcharity She founded Teresa Teng Foundation during herlifetime The purposeof thefoundation is to cultivateand supportgifted artists and at the same time thefoundation includesa trustto distributescholarship tomake surethat artstudents haveopportunities to aomplish what they actuallycan Every year The TeresaTengFoundation also senda greatamount ofmoney as a charityto helphomeless children And theseactivities aresupported byher fansalloverthe world 3 Describe acustom fromyour countrythat youwould likepeople fromother countries to adopt Explain yourchoice using specificreasons andexamples My favoritecustom fromChinese culturethat Iwish thatother countrieswould adoptis Respect theOld Love theYoung These twoideas havebeen part of traditionalChinese culturefor thousandsof years but they are more important than ever incontemporary Chinese culture If adoptedby Westerncountries these twotraditional attitudescould helpthem solvesome of their socialproblems One majorproblem in many Westerncountries iswhat todo withold peoplewhen they can nolonger take careof themselves A Chinesefamily willoften havethree generationsof onefamily livingunder the same roof They loveand respectthe oldergeneration and considerthem wise Western peoplebelieve thatliving withone s ownparents isinconvenient andembarrassing Instead of respecting oldpeople some thinkthat they are stupidand ugly When Westernfamilies parents getold they wouldrather sendthem intonursing homesand retirementhomes thanlive togetherwith them Only oldand sickpeople live in theseplaces and they areconsidered depressing in theworst casesthey mightseem likea prisonto theirinhabitants Old peoplein the West wouldbe muchhappier if they adoptedthese traditionalChinese attitudes Juvenile delinquencyis anotherserious socialproblem inWestern cultures Its causescan alsobe tracedback to a lackofrespectfor oldpeople and love foryoung people Children are not taughtto respectthe wishesof theirparents andinstead valuetheir relationshipswith theirfriends more Because inmany Westernfamilies bothparents havejobs outsideof thehome children oftenlack adequatesupervision Chinese families by contrast often haveat leastone parent oragrandparent athome totakecareof and love the children Children withoutproper guidanceandlovefrom a young agemight startto smoke drink use drugs and mitcrimes This oursmuch lessfrequently in China becausepeople paymore attentionto their children andhave thechildren s grandparentsnearby tohelp raisethem The Westputs the Individual before the Family Traditional Chineseculture putsthe interestsof theFamily first and theIndividual second Chinese mothersand fathersplace highervalue on their child s development than on theirchild s independence Children placea highervalue on then parents happiness thanon theirown convenience While there are manyexcellent lessonsthat Chinesepeople can learn fromtheWest Western peoplewould dowell tolearn fromthese essentialChinese traditions 4 Do youagree ordisagree withthe followingstatement Advertising cantell youa lotabout a country Use specificreasons andexamples tosupport youranswer Advertising does not meanto educateor illustrate Primarily it is avehicle forbusiness and it aimsto sellproducts As a result the informationwe cangather fromlooking atadvertisings isquite limited However the culturalideas used to sellmodities reveala society s valuesystem and fromthe natureof theadvertising and the productit aimsto sellwe candraw conclusionsas towhich socialdemography might be the most affluent In orderto bemost effectivean advertisingcampaign will make use of thecultural valuesof acountry Obviously panies willbe able to sell more productsif a great manypeople relateto thegoods andthe imagesusedtosell them For example in acountry likethe UnitedStates wherea greatpercentage of the populationis religious advertisers useexpressions such as heavenly divine or revelation because thesehave connotationsthat prospectivecustomers willlikely identifywith Similarly advertisers willtry toemploy fashionmodels whoembody a culture s idealsof personalbeauty because attractivemen andwomen willsellmoreproducts thanunattractive ones Companies identifysocial demographicsor partsof societythat aremost likely to buytheir productsand designtheir advertisingsaordingly For example teenage girlsaremore likelyto buy mobilephones thanretired factoryworkers Thus panieswillmakeuseoffashion trendsin theirads andprobably payafamouspop singera bigchunk ofmoney toendorse theirproduct If themajority of all advertisingsin acountry aregeared towardsa specifictarget marketor audience then thispartof the populationprobably has the mostfinancial resourcesat theirdisposal Although wecanlearnsome thingsabout acountry bylooking atits advertisingwe have to rememberthat thisknowledge islimited After all advertising isonly directedat people who havethe meanstobuyconsumer goods Thus advertisingdoes nottell usanything aboutthe overallprosperity orlikes anddislikes of acountry Also advertising not only reflectsbut alsotriestoshape andchange culturalvalues Therefore it doesnot auratelyreflect theexact stateof acountry s culture 5 A foreign visitor has only one day to spend inyour country Where shouldthis visitorgo onthat day Why Use specificreasons anddetails tosupport yourchoice China is an enormouscountry with an intenselyvaried landscape If aforeignvisitorwere ingfor just one dayto seeour country it wouldbe difficultto choosejustoneplace tospend the day However I positthat the best placein Chinato visit wouldbeBeijing As thecapital city Beijing offersa diverselook atChina I wouldsuggest that the mainsites to see wouldbe theForbidden City the Great Wall and Tiananmen Square The ForbiddenCity offersthe visitora lookat whatit waslike tolivein historical China The ForbiddenCity islocated in the heartof Beijing and is the biggestpalace plexin the world This particularsite wouldbe ofinterest toa touristbecause it was oncethehomeof manyemperors One cansee theactual roomsfrom whencethe ancientChina wasruled bythe emperors When thevisitor walksthrough thepalace confines he she willsee manyexamples of classic Chinesearchitecture A walkthrough thegardens isparticularly peacefulwith jasmirees abound The GreatWall is also amust see inChina The peopleof Chinahold the GreatWallas havingparticular significanceto theirculture because of itslong history The wall built ofdirt stone andbrick was usedas adefense barrieragainst invadingnomads andwandering tribes This is the largestengineering andbuilding projectever carriedout byhumans Its historicand strategicimportance ismatched onlyby itsarchitectural significance Finally Tiananmen Squareshouldbeon thelist ofthings tosee whilevisiting Beijing This squareis one of thelargest inChina and possiblyin Asia At thissquare one canvisit theChairman MaoMemorial Hall one of the greatestleaders everinChina The ChineseRevolutionary MuseumandtheChinese HistoryMuseum standto theeast ofthe square theGreatHall ofthe Peopleto thewest andthe magnificentTiananmen Towerto thenorth As thevisitor willsee there arenumerous interestingexhibits atTiananmenSquarethat offerup a variety ofChinese heritage Of course it is very difficultto nameone cityinChinaover allothers as the place to visit China is the host to such a widevariety ofbeautiful places and avisitor reallyshould spendmuch moretime exploringthem all However with onlyoneday I believethat Beijingisthebest placeto visit 6 Do youagree ordisagree withthe followingstatement Dancing playsan importantrole in aculture Use specificreasons andexamples tosupport youranswer There area number of qualitiesthat havealways beenpresent incultures recent or ancient These qualitiescan be anything fromart formsto culturallygained knowledge These qualitiesmake the culture unique and allowthecultureto offersomething interestingto theworld Throughout history dancing hasalways playedsuch arole incultures This is because danceallows us to expressemotion preserve heritage and entertain Dancing hasalways helda highposition inculture as it is an excellent wayof expressingemotion Much likethe painterusing colorto conveyemotion dancers canuse theirbody asa toolto showthe onlookertheir happiness sadness pain etc Dancing is also an excellent methodof retainingand preservingculture Many cultureshave danceas partof theirceremonies whether theceremony isreligious orpatriotic inform For example it is a widelypracticed normto havepeople danceout aglorious momentin battle In religion it ismon forpeople todance toappease theGod orGods Because of this dancing is an excellentway tomaintain culture and ensurethat importantmoments ofthe pastarenotforgotten In moderndays it ismuch moremon fordancing to be seenasaform ofentertainment Dancing hasbee somewhatof asport insome countries for example ballroom dancingis verypopular inthe UnitedStates There arehundreds ofbars anddisco clubsalloverChina whichfocus ondancing They providedisc jockeys more monlyreferred toas D J s and playloud repetitive musicwhich encouragesthe young people todance There aremany different styles ofdance but allbring thedancer tohave fun and geta goodworkout atthe sametime 7 Do youagree ordisagree withthe followingstatement People behave differently when they wear different clothes Do youagree that different clothesinfluence theway peoplebehave Use specificexamples tosupport youranswer It seemsthat peopledo sometimesbehave differentlywhen theywear differentclothes For example a well dressed manseldom spitsat random a womanin gloriousdresses ismorelikelyto talkin agentle tone and aclean dressedchild seemsquiet thanothers It mightbe explainedthat differentdresses givepeople differentself images and mostpeople subconsciouslybehave aording to theirown self images Equally sensibleis anotherfactor that is all toooften peopleregard a person differentlyaordingtohis her dresses Therefore people mightbehavedifferentlywhen theyweardifferentclothes becausethey aretreated differently Also appropriate dressesdo help a lotin certaincircumstances It is not difficultto imagihat adoctor witha casualsuit insteadof his her formalone willcertainly makehis her patientsnervous for doctorsin workinghours are always supposedto bein whitesuits An applicantinhis her firstinterview willbe naturallyaompanied withgreat mentaltension If he she was well dressed by well we do not mean expensively orgloriously we mean neatly he she wouldappear moreself confident andor evenbe self confident indeed However merely asuit initself can contribute little In fact people s behaviorsinevitably reflecttheir verynature A poorgentleman dressedin ragsis stilla gentleman He knowsthe essentialprinciples that a civilizedindividual mustobserve he knowsfundamental moraldisciplines which an educatedindividual mustfollow A parvenuon theother hand will finallyfind outthe fact that hisexorbitantly deardresses isof nouse tomake himselfa gentleman and heeven eventuallyfail tomake himlook likea gentleman Maybe thoseare rightwho saidit takesat leastthree generationsto cultivatea gentleman In aword I donot believethat clothescan essentiallymake peopledifferent even thoughthey mightsometimes seeminglydo 8 What do you considerto be the most important room in ahouse Why isthis roommoreimportant to youthan any other room Use specificreasons andexamples tosupport youropinion Whereas othersmight feelridiculous I reckon the bathroomas the most importantroomin my house even thoughother roomssuch asthe readingroom or the sittingroom areprobably equallyimportant First of all the bathroom isthe mostimportant because itis highlyvisible toguests We maybe able to closeoff thebedroom toindicate thatthe roomis off limits but we cannot denyour visitorsaess to the bathroom The mostoverlooked ingeneral thoughit mightbe the bathroomisaroom whichdemands attention as muchas possible For example itisabsolutely anugly designifthe toilet isplaced directlyopposite the door all toooften theembarrassment happenswhenthedoor isaidentally unlocked And itisthehosttoblame ifthe bathroomis dirty smelly or evenscattered aboutin amess The bathroomisvery importantbecauseevery familymember willinevitably usethat room in whichthe mostimportant partof familysanitations islocated Personal healthof familymember is no doubtsuperior toanyotherconcerns It shouldbe spacious bright tidy and aboveall hygienic and deservefrequent cleaning in fact the roomwecannotclean toomuch specifically thetoiletseat Moreover more thanone bathroomare virtuallyneeded if possible It isnot onlyembarrassing orinconvenient butwould alsobe absurdand irritatingif someoneknocks atthedoorwhen we are usingthe lavatory Another reasonI putspecial emphasisupon bathroomcame frommy experiences Aording tomy conception bathroomisnotonlyfor toileting washing and showering but forreading aswell Don tbesurprised I havea veryspacious andbright bathroominmyhouse in which an armaway fromthe stoolisasmall bookshelf a littlebit highlylocated onthe wallto preventbooks andnewspapers fromgetting wet I havealready discoveredthat Ihave tospend morethan30minutes aday inthe bathroom and thatmoment isso ideallyquiet andeasy toconcentrate Believe itor not I learnta puterprogramming language Delphi while I was sittingonthestool 9 A gift such asa camera a soerball or ananimal cancontributetoa child s development What giftwouldyougive tohelpa child develop Why Use reasons and specificexamples tosupport yourchoice Child s developmentis oftensupplemented bythe giftsthey receivefrom importantadults intheir life It isimportanttochoose thesegifts carefully and fostergrowth inthe rightareas If Iwere togive a gift toa child it wouldbethe game ofchess Chess offersa numberof advantagestoachild Chess buildssocial skills it encouragesthechildtodevelopthe higherfunctions ofthe brain and itisagood hobby As withmost games chess encouragesachildto besocial with others As chess isatwo person game any timechildren playthegamethey willbe interactingwithothers As chess isapetitive gamewithawinner anda loser children willhavetolearn howto losegracefully ifthey hopetokeeptheir chesspartners Building socialskills when one isyoung isvery importantfor futuresuesses throughoutone s life Playing chessis alsoan excellentway toincrease one s thinkingabilities Chess isa gameof strategy When playingchess achildwill buildimportant skillssuch aspattern recognition strategic thinking and analyticalthinking All of these skillsare veryimportant especially whengoing throughschool Many subjectsa youngperson musttake inschool utilizeall of these skills and working on themearly inlife can be nothingbut beneficial Finally chessis an excellenthobby for a youngperson Playing chess or anyother time intensive game keeps childrenout oftrouble If they are spendingtheir timeworkingonbuilding theirchess strategies theyarenot outonthestreets causingtrouble Many childrendevelop behavioralproblems becauseof simpleboredom Chess isan excellentremedy forthis as itis funtospendone s freetime Thus I thinkchessisanexcellentpresent togive toayoungchild Chess encouragesboth personalityand mentaldevelopment which areveryimportantin achild s earlyyears While manygifts willencourage thematurity of one ofthese types of development therearefew giftsthat fosterthe developmentof both 10 People rememberspecial giftsor p


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