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叮叮小文库1 许多国家和地区工农业生产的巨大增长Tremendous growth in many countries and regions, industrial and agricultural production2 导致工业国对食品和原料的需求迅速增长Resulting in industrial countries, the rapidly growing demand for food and raw materials3 增至十五倍的工业品进口量Increased to fifteen times the amount of industrial imports4 对发展中国家农业出口产品需求的剧烈增长Intense growth of agricultural exports in developing countries needs5 对棉花和天然橡胶等天然原料需求的减少Cotton and natural rubber and other natural raw materials needs to reduce6 合成代用品生产的发展及其产量的增加The development of synthetic substitutes production and increase in production7 有助于发展中国家的工业发展和经济增长Help developing countries industrial development and economic growth8 国际贸易对各国经济发展重要的有益作用The beneficial effects of the economic development of countries in international trade9 有助于欠发达国家制造业和制成品生产的发展To help less developed countries, manufacturing and finished goods production10 刺激和促进发达与发展中国家间资本的流动Stimulate and promote capital flows between developed and developing countries11 新技术和新的管理技能的传送手段Means of transmission of new technologies and new management skills12 从国际贸易获得巨大好处的欠发达国家Huge benefits from international trade in less developed countries13 国际贸易与长期经济发展之间的关系The relationship between international trade and long-term economic development14 以更快的速度从发达国家吸收先进技术To absorb advanced technology from developed countries at a faster rate1 国际贸易的产生和发展,促进了各国再生产过程的正常运行和不断扩大,提高了生产力水平,并促进了生产国际化和资本国际化,其他方面的经济发展。(reproduction再生产,productive forces生产力,promote促进,contribute to有助于)The emergence and development of international trade, promote the normal operation of the national process of reproduction, and continues to expand, improve level of productive forces, and to promote the internationalization of production and the internationalization of capital and other aspects of economic development.2 凯恩斯及其追随者着重于出口对就业和收入的作用,他们认为贸易顺差可以扩大支付手段,压低利率,刺激物价上涨,增加投资,从而有助于国内危机的缓和与就业的扩大。(focus on专注于,means of payment支付手段,alleviation缓和)Keynes and his followers focused on the role of exports on employment and income, they think that the trade surplus can expand the means of payment, low interest rates to stimulate the rising prices, increased investment and thus contribute to the easing of domestic crisis and the expansion of employment.3 另一些经济学家认为,国际贸易的兴起和发展,会使商品的市场扩大,从而推动技术进步和生产过程的改善,促进产量增加,并使投资结构发生变化,从而促进整个国民经济的发展。(process of production生产过程,supr较高的,national economy国民经济)Some economists argue that the rise and development of international trade, make the commodities market to expand, so as to promote technological progress and the improvement of the production process, to promote increased production and investment changes in the structure, thus contributing to the development of the national economy as a whole.4 发展中国家发展对外贸易导致外汇收人增加和外国先进技术的引进,它在弥补这些国家资本短缺、促进它们的技术进步中起着重要的作用。(bring about实现,play a role in 发挥作用)Development of foreign trade in developing countries led to the increase in foreign exchange income and the introduction of foreign advanced technology, it make up for the shortage of capital of these countries to promote their technical progress plays an important role.5 多年来,在吸收外资的同时,中国全力发展对外贸易,大量进口精密的机械设备和尖端技术,大量出口各种工农业产品,有力地促进了经济发展和杜会主义现代化的实现。(along with随着,sophisticated复杂的,contribute to有助于,achievement成就)Over the years, while foreign investment, Chinas effort to develop foreign trade, import large quantities of sophisticated machinery and equipment and cutting-edge technology, a large number of exporting a variety of industrial and agricultural products, to promote economic development and social modernization.1.相比之下,在十年前,它还只有一千美元左右In contrast, a decade ago, it is only about $ 1,0002.除了建造基础设施,改善投资环境以外In addition to building infrastructure, improving the investment environment3.着重于失业问题Focus on the problem of unemployment4.将在中国经济建设中起重要的作用Will play an important role in Chinas economic construction5.导致国际市场石油价格上涨和产油国收入激增Result in the international market oil prices and oil-producing countries saw its revenue increase6.将有助于长江流域以及全国的经济发展Will contribute to the Yangtze River basin and the countrys economic development7.由于缺乏经济建设所需资金Due to the lack of economic and financial resources required8.使旅客能够更快地在两地之间旅行Visitors to be able to quickly travel between the two places9.目的在于扩大出口和增加外汇收入Seeks to expand exports and increase foreign exchange earnings10.会阻碍外国公司对该国产业进行投资Will discourage foreign companies from the country industry to invest11.在没有政府干预和调节的情况下In the absence of government intervention and regulation12.将对国内企业的生产和经营产生很大的刺激作用A lot of stimulation for the production and operation of the will of domestic enterprises13.政府决心采用强有力的步骤终止不良的经济局面The Government is determined using the powerful steps to end the bad economic situation14.在平等互利的基础上On the basis of equality and mutual benefit15.使发展中国家的不少商品和服务难以向那些国家出口Many goods and services in developing countries is difficult to export to those countries1 ,这些公司不断增加的无形资产销售额Intangible assets, increasing sales of these companies2 拥有专利、商标和工序所有权的本国制造商Domestic manufacturers have patents, trademarks, and process ownership3 拥有该公司授予的技术诀窍的独家使用权The technical know-how has the company granted the exclusive right to use4 许可人与被许可人之间签订的许可证协议License agreement signed between the licensor and the licensee5 提供一种可借以出售专利技术的机制Provide mechanisms for a can in order to sell the patented technology6 采取资本参与形式偿付购买财产权的款项Take the form of capital participation to pay the money to buy property7 购得该公司多数股权的技术诀窍的供应商Bought a majority stake in the companys technical know-how of suppliers8 ,由许可证贸易提供的成本低、风险小的进入市场的方式Provided by the licensing trade, low cost, and a small risk of entering the market9 准许被许可人使用该公司的商标名称Permit the licensee uses the trade name of the companys10 ,重视许可人质量和可靠性方面的声誉Emphasis on quality and reliability of the licensees reputation11 签署外国公司提供的特殊服务的技术援助协议Technical assistance agreement signed special services provided by foreign companies12 工业化国家跨国公司提供的质量检查人员和生产经理Industrialized countries, multinational companies to provide quality inspectors and production managers13 使先进的技术和技术诀窍体现在本公司的产品中Advanced technology and technical know-how is reflected in the Companys products14 日趋重要的通过企业管理合同进行的技术诀窍销售The growing importance of business management contract sales of technical know-how1 国际技术贸易对技术进口国有利,因为技术进口有利于加速本国国民经济部门的技术改造和经济发展、缩短研制时间和节省研制费用,以及提高产品质量和加强竟争能力。(be beneficial to有利于,contribute to有助于)International trade on the technology importing country benefit because technology imports to accelerate the technological transformation and economic development of the domestic sector of national economy, shorten development time and development cost savings, and improve product quality and strengthen the competitive ability. 2 许可证贸易是当前国际技术贸易中最主要的方式,许可证贸易就是许可人同被许可人签订技术转让许可证协议,通过该协议,准许被许可人获得使用权。(be permitted to获准)License trade is the most important in the current international technology trade license trade is a licensee with the licensee signed a technology transfer license agreement, the agreement, to allow the licensee the right to use.3 在实际的技术贸易中,往往把无形的技术知识同有关的机器、设备结合起来,如果交易只限于机器、设备而无技术知识的转让,就不能看做技术贸易。(combine with结合,be limited to限于)The actual trade, often invisible technical knowledge with relevant machinery, equipment combined, if the transaction is limited to the transfer of machinery, equipment without technical knowledge, it can not be seen as a technical trade.4 许可证主要有独占性许可证排他性许可证和普通许可证,在实际许可证贸易中采用哪一种许可证,主要取决于潜在市场的容量、技术的性质以及贸易双方的意图。(exclusive独家,sole唯一,simple简单)Main Permit exclusive license exclusive license and general license, which permits the actual license trade, depends on the intention of the parties of the potential market capacity, the nature of technology and trade.5 独占性许可证协议是指在规定地区内,被许可方在协议的有效期内对该项技术享有独占的使用权,许可方不得在该地区内使用该项技术制造和销售产品,也不得把同样技术授予该地区内的任何第三方。(specified指定,period of validity有效期,nor也不)Exclusive license agreement is within the specified region, the licensor of the technology within the validity period of the agreement have an exclusive right to use, the licensor shall not be used within the region of the manufacture and sale of products, nor shall the sametechnology grant to any third party in the region.1 . 包括各种无形商品的服务在国际贸易中占更大份领The services include a variety of intangible goods in international trade accounted for a greater copies collar2 . 国际服务贸易在主要发达国家的经济中日趋重要International trade in services is increasingly important in the major developed economies3 . 美国整个对外贸易中服务出口对商品出口的比例The proportion of the entire foreign trade of the United States service exports to merchandise exports4 . 80年代中期美国服务出口总额估计超过2000亿美元Mid-1980s, total exports of services is estimated at more than $ 200 billion5 国际商务在全球的扩展导致国际服务市场的形成International business in the global expansion led to the formation of the international services market6 向外国投资者和企业提供广泛的咨询服务Provide a wide range of consulting services to foreign investors and enterprises7 跨国公司在国际服务市场面临的保护主义、竞争等问题Protectionism, competition and other issues faced by multinational companies in the international services market8 对国际服务贸易所实施的直接和间接贸易壁垒Direct and indirect trade barriers on international trade in services9 迫使外国公司接受东道国政府机构对其电脑档案的检查Forcing foreign companies to accept the host country government agencies to check their computer files10 ,美国政府的出口管制程序是服务出口最大的国内壁垒The U.S. governments export control program is the largest domestic barriers for exports of services11 ,电信业等增长最快、竞争最剧烈的服务部门Telecommunications industry the fastest growing, the most intense competition in the service sector12 ,商标等易于复制和难以保护的知识产权Trademarks, etc. are easy to copy and difficult to protect intellectual property rights13 作为服务行业重大问题的知识产权的保护Protection of intellectual property as a major problem for the service sector14 服务部门的产值在国民生产总值中所占份额的激增The output value of the service sector in the GNP share of the surge1 随着科技的迅速发展,国际服务贸易的范围已大大扩展,除运输、通讯、金融、保险、旅游等传统项目以外,还包括软件设计、科技咨询、信息服务、技术贸易等。(with同,other than以外)With the rapid development of science and technology, the scope of international trade in services has been greatly expanded, in addition to the transport, communications, finance, insurance, tourism and other traditional items, including software design, technology consulting, information services, technical trade.2 目前一些主要服务输出国都设立了一些专门机构,负责与外国政府和私人雇主签署服务合同,根据合同需要在国内征集服务。(be involved in参与)Some of the major service-exporting countries have set up a number of specialized agencies, responsible for the service contracts signed with foreign governments and private employers in the country, according to the contract solicitation services.3 这家历史悠久、实力雄厚的美国咨询公司在全世界经营咨询业务,几年来它的营业额扩大了约一倍。(conduct进行,double翻番)This has a long history, the strength of the U.S. consulting firm management consulting business in the world, the past few years about doubled its turnover to expand.4 美国不少承包咨询公司凭借先进的技术和优秀的科技人才为客户提供多种信息资料,帮助业主制定决策和工作方案。(on the basis of的基础上)With advanced technology and excellent scientific and technological personnel, many contracting consulting firm to provide customers with a variety of information to help owners to make decisions and work programs.5 . 1979 年至1982 年,中国组建了27家从事对外承包工程和劳务合作的公司,营业总额超过11亿美元。(in excess of在超过)1979 to 1982, China set up 27 companies engaged in overseas contracted projects and labor cooperation, the total turnover of over 1.1 billion U.S. dollars.1.1978年以来出口量每隔5年翻一番Exports since 1978 to double every five years2.大大超过出口量的半数是由制成品构成的Significantly more than half of the exports from manufactures3.出口工业和出口贸易成为经济增长的主要引擎 Export industries and export trade has become the main engine of economic growth4.出口额与国内生产总值的比率上升到30% Exports to GDP ratio rose to 30%5.旨在促进外资企业发展的各项政策和优惠措施Designed to promote foreign-funded enterprises development policies and preferential measures6.外资企业在扩大出口中所引起的引人注目的作用Striking effect caused by foreign-funded enterprises to expand exports7.港台企业家在中国出口业绩中所起的重大作用Hong Kong and Taiwan entrepreneurs played a major role in Chinas export performance8.外资企业中国东南部的出口工业享有主导地位Foreign-funded enterprises southeastern part of Chinas export industry and enjoy a dominant position9.该地区在中国出口总额中所占份额稳步增长The regions share in Chinas total exports to grow steadily10.那年该地区的出口增长在过去10年中首次减慢That year, the regions export growth for the first time slow down in the past 10 years11.20世纪90年代中国出口商品构成不断改变Chinese exports in the 1990s constitute a constantly changing12.该10年中中国对日本出口的份额逐步增长Gradually increase the share of Chinese exports to Japan in the 10-year13.20世纪80年代中期起美国是中国出口的主要目的地Since the mid-1980s the United States is the main destinations of Chinese exports14.对21世纪中国出口贸易的前景持十分乐观态度Very optimistic about the 21st century, Chinas export trade prospects1.20世纪80年代,中国对日本出口的商品主要包括石油、煤炭、服装和五金矿产,而中国对美国出口的商品主要包括纺织品、农产品及其加工品和原油。(be made up of组成)In the 1980s, Chinese exports to Japan include oil, coal, clothing, and Metals and Minerals, Chinas exports to the U.S. goods including textiles, agricultural products and processed products and crude oil.2.1979年建立的经济特区和1985年确定的沿海开放城市不仅在吸引外资和外国先进技术方面,而且在扩大出口方面起着重大作用。(play a role in发挥作用, not only but also不仅也)Special Economic Zone was established in 1979 and 1985 to determine the open coastal cities not only in attracting foreign investment and foreign advanced technology, but also plays a significant role in the expansion of exports.3.从20世纪80年代初开始,中国大陆利用香港的地理位置及其广泛的对外经济联系将相当大份额的出口商品通过香港销往各国及台湾省。(take advantage of利用, via通过)Since the early 1980s, the Chinese mainland to Hong Kongs geographical location and its extensive foreign economic ties with a large share of exports of goods sold to various countries via Hong Kong and Taiwan Province.4.由于在华外资企业技术和管理先进,产品的国际竞争力强,因而从1992年起,源自外资企业的产品的出口额逐年扩大,在中国出口总额中的比重不断上升。(due to由于, originate in起源于)Exports in advanced technology and management of foreign companies in China, products internationally competitive, and thus since 1992, from foreign-funded enterprises of products has expanded each year, the proportion of Chinas total exports on the rise.5.1978年起实行改革开放以后,中国对外贸易获得很大发展,中国已同世界上140多个国家和地区建立了对外贸易关系,其结果,1987年中国进出口总额为838亿美元,与之相比,1978年仅206亿美元,中国进出口总额居世界贸易额的位次由1982年的第19位上升到第12位。(with the result that其结果是,total总, rank排名) Reform and opening up since 1978, Chinas foreign trade, China has external trade relations with more than 140 countries and regions in the world, As a result, the Chinese import and export volume in 1987 was $ 83.8 billion, corresponding, 1978 only $ 20.6 billion, the ranking of Chinas total import and export of world trade rose from 19 in 1982 to 12.1 以在国外赚取较高收益为目的的国际投资To earn a higher income in a foreign country for the purpose of international investment2 ,利用国外证券较高的收益赚取更多的钱The higher returns of foreign securities to earn more money3 期望收益最大限度增加的外国证券购买者Expect earnings to maximize foreign securities purchasers4 考虑到外国证券市场价值的巨大可变性The great variability taking into account the value of foreign securities markets5 ,由外国证券市价暴跌引起的收益的骤减The sudden drop of income caused by the foreign securities market prices plummeted6 估量对外国股票和债券进行投资的风险Assess the risk on investment in foreign stocks and bonds7 由国外较高增长率造成的直接投资较高的收益Direct investment by foreign high growth rate higher income8 保留对独恃的生产知识的直接控制Retain the direct control of the independence relies on the production of knowledge9 不愿给外国生产企业发许可证的大公司A permit to foreign manufacturers do not want to big companies10 逃避对进口货征收的关税及其他限制措施To evade customs duties and other restrictive measures imposed on imported goods11 ,对外国制造业所进行的大规模直接投资Large-scale direct investment in foreign manufacturing12 获得进入新的国外市场的必要融资Necessary financing to gain access to new foreign markets13 对全世界子公司的经营活动进行直接控制Direct control of the business activities of subsidiaries around the world14 促进和鼓励跨国公司在国外的直接投资Promote and encou


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