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2020年初中英语仁爱科普版七年级下册期末模拟复习卷(1)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Mr. Black showed us your school _ the morning of March 10 th A . across;inB . across;onC . around;inD . around;on2. (2分)Listen, the boys _ with each other over there. Please go and see what has happened.A . are arguingB . are arguedC . argue3. (2分)His parents were worried that he_ too much time chatting on line.A . spentB . costC . paidD . had4. (2分)- Shall we hang out in Great Bazzar (大巴扎) tomorrow?- Im afraid not. _ the final game of the World Cup on TV.A . There isB . There will beC . There will haveD . There is going to have5. (2分) Are those Tinas parents?A . Yes, those are.B . Yes, they are.C . No, they are.D . No, those arent.6. (2分)Could you help me with the math problem?_. Im too busy now.A . Yes, pleaseB . No, sureC . Yes, you couldD . Sorry, I cant7. (2分)When she heard about the air crash, she knew nothing about the world. A . carried outB . took outC . passed out8. (2分)Why do you look so tired?The noise upstairs made me the whole night.A . to makeB . wakeC . wakingD . awake9. (2分)Must I finish the homework tonight? No, you.You can finish it tomorrow.A . mustntB . needntC . needD . must10. (2分)Its our duty _ our classroom clean and tidy.A . keepB . to keepC . keepingD . kept11. (2分)What can I do my English?You can read English newspapers.A . improveB . improvingC . improvedD . to improve12. (2分)The table is _ iron and paper is _ wood. A . made of; made fromB . made from; made fromC . made from; made ofD . made of; made of13. (2分)Can a plane fly_ the Atlantic Ocean?Yes, but it needs to go_ the clouds for hours.A . across, throughB . through, acrossC . across, acrossD . through, through14. (2分)Grandma Susan wants around the country because she enjoys new places.A . to travel; seeingB . traveling; seeingC . to travel; to see15. (2分)My best friend,Zhang Lei is interested A . at playing the basketballB . in playing the basketballC . at play basketballD . in playing basketball二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空My name is Liu Fang. Im a Chinese girl(中国女孩). This is an English girl.1name is Mary Green. She2my friend. She is twelve. She is from 3. Shes a new student (新学生) here. Im in Grade Seven. Mary is in Grade 4, too. We(我们) are not in5same class, but we are good friends.(1)A . She B . Her C . He D . His (2)A . be B . are C . am D . is (3)A . China B . the U S A C . England D . Canada (4)A . Six B . Seven C . Eight D . Nine (5)A . the B . / C . a D . an 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)根据短文内容选择正确答案。ABetty and I are best friends. Our birthdays are on the same day, so every year we have a birthday party together. But this year, we had a costume party instead.While we were writing the invitations, my mum came in and asked, Why not invite John? John had been in our class for only a few months, but he was already getting better grades in Maths than anyone else in class. I wrinkled (皱起) my nose, “Mum, he wears the same pants to school every day. How could he even afford a costume? Mum said nothing. The next day, mum gave me an envelope with a shopping certificate (凭证) in it. I thought it would be nice for you to give this to John Mum said. But how? We didnt want to make John embarrassed. We discussed it for a long time. Finally, Betty and I had a good idea.On the day of our party, kids arrived, dressed differently. John arrived, in an old sheet (床单), but still in the same brown pants as usual. We danced, ate snacks and played games in groups. Before eating the birthday cake, Betty said in a loud voice, “Now it is time for the great prize game. It is the following riddle. It was a maths game. None of us was surprised when John came up with the right answer first and walked off with the envelope.Everything went on well as we planned. John wore a new pair of pants and a new shirt the next week. He felt happy. So did we.When we help others, we need to find a proper way, or we may hurt them in another way.(1)The two girls and John were in the same _.A . groupB . familyC . teamD . class(2)Johns family may be very _ according to the passage.A . farB . poorC . richD . small(3)How did John get the prize during the party?A . By helping others.B . By asking for help.C . By getting good grades in study.D . By winning the maths game.(4)John _ with the shopping certificate after the party.A . watched a basketball matchB . saw a movieC . bought something to wearD . made a phone call(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . John wasnt good at Maths.B . The two girls helped John in a proper way.C . The two girls felt angry when John won the great prize.D . John wore a new pair of pants and a new shirt to the party.18. (10分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。There were three big fish in the lake. One of them, Demo, was wise; another one, Jimmy, was half-wise; Martin, the third one, was stupid.Some fishermen came to the bank of the lake with their nets. The three fish saw them.Demo decided at once to leave, to make the long and difficult trip to the ocean. He thought, I wont discuss with these two about this. They love this place so much that they call it home and will stay on. How silly they are! They still havent realized we are in great danger now. Their ignorance will cost them their lives.Seeing the wise fish had left, Jimmy thought, My guide has gone and now Ive lost my chance to escape. He felt sorry for it and then thought, What can I do to save myself from these men and their nets? Perhaps I should pretend(假装)to be already dead, giving myself totally to the water. So he did that. He went up and down with the water, helpless, within arms reach of the fishermen.Look at this! The best and biggest fish is dead. One of the men lifted him by the tail, and threw him up on the ground. He rolled(滚动)over and over and moved secretly toward the water, and then, back in.The third fish was aimlessly jumping about, trying to escape with his speed and cleverness. The net, of course, finally closed around him, and as he lay in the hot frying-pan bed, he thought, If I get out of this, Ill never live again in the limits of the lake. Next time, the ocean! Ill make it my home.(1)Demo thought that he could escape from the fishermen by _.A . staying in the lakeB . pretending to be deadC . jumping here and thereD . traveling to the ocean(2)The underlined sentence “Their ignorance will cost them their lives.” in the passage means _. A . They will get away from the danger because of their carefulness.B . Some bad things will happen to their daily lives.C . They will die if they arent intelligent and smart enough.D . Because of their ignorance, they will have happy lives.(3)Who was caught by the fishermen at last?A . DemoB . JimmyC . MartinD . Mario(4)We can read this passage in _ A . a letterB . a story bookC . a science bookD . a poster(5)What can we learn from the passage?A . It is important to make proper changes in time.B . Good chances are always given to the honest.C . The stupid can also succeed with great efforts.D . Where there is a will, there is a way.19. (10分) An astronauts work may sound exciting, but living in space isnt as fun as you think. The website lists the disadvantages of living in space. Here are some of them.When astronauts work outside the station during spacewalks, they have to wear special gloves. The gloves are very tight. They can hurt the astronauts fingernails(手指甲) and even make them fall off.In space, you dont have many choices in what you eat. Its hard to get fresh fruits and vegetables. It is not OK to eat bread because it leaves crumbs(碎屑). Crumbs could fly around everywhere.In space, it is impossible to have a good shower because water can fly all over the ship and break the machines. Astronauts have to use a special water-shooting(喷水) gun and a washcloth.Astronauts lose their bone strength quickly during their stay in space. So far, there is no way to solve this problem. They do exercise while theyre in space to try to keep their bones strong as long as possible.Perhaps the hardest part of life in space is the feeling of loneliness. Astronauts sometimes have to spend weeks and even months away from Earth. They miss their friends and families.(1)People often think the life in space is .A . terribleB . lonelyC . hardD . fun(2)What may hurt astronauts fingernails while working in space?A . WashclothB . The special gloves.C . The water-shooting gun.D . Crumbs.(3)How do the astronauts have a good shower in space?A . By eating bread.B . By breaking the machines.C . By using a special water-shooting gun and a washcloth.D . By wearing gloves.(4)How do the astronauts keep their bones strong in space?A . By taking medicine.B . By doing exercise.C . By taking a good rest.D . By walking in space.(5)Whats the hardest part of life for astronauts in space?A . They feel very lonely.B . They have to stay alone in space.C . They have no friends.D . They have no families.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)补全对话Tom:Hello,86679032Sally:Hi,this is Sally speaking_Tom:Hi,SallyIts TomIve heard you will go to ChinaSally:YesIm looking for information about China nowI know you have a pen friend in BeijingWhat does she think of China?Tom:_Sally:Im very excited_Tom:She suggested visiting the Forbidden City,the Great Wall,and the Summer PalaceSally:Its greatBy the way,what about Chinese people?Tom:_Sally:GoodThanks a lotTom:_AWhich places should I visit in Bering?BMay I speak to Tom?CShe said they are very friendlyD. You are welcomeEOh,she thinks its very great五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共5题;共5分)21. (1分)根据短文内容和中文提示,填写单词。(每空一词)Hello! My name is John. I have a good friend. _(他的) name is Eric. He is 14 years old. He is an English _(男孩). He and I are in the _(相同的) school. But I am in Class One, and he is in Class Two. He _(喜欢) basketb


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