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四年级英语下册测试卷听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(播一遍)10%( )1. A. this B. these C. that D. those( )2. A. man B. postman C. policeman D. woman( )3. A. where B. what C. how D. who( )4. A. thin B. think C. three D. thank( )5. A. woman B. walkman C. worker D. window( )6. A. teachers B. peaches C. students D. sweaters( )7. A. with B. which C. white D. where( )8. A. all right B. thats right C. youre right D. thats all right( )9. A. in the park B. in the tree C. in the book D. in the bus ( ) 10. A. come in B. come here C. come down D. come on二、听录音,选择正确应答。(播两遍)10%( )1. A. Theyre farmers. B. Theyre rulers. C. Theyre sixty.( )2. A. Im a waiter. B. Shes a cook. C. Hes a driver.( )3. A. Hes Mr Black. B. Shes Mrs Black. C. Hes Miss li.( )4. A. Thank you . B. Some pears , please . C. Yes , please( )5. A. Ten yuan , please . B. Here you are . C. Three kilos , please .三、听录音,选出你所听句子的中文意思。(播两遍)10%( )1. A. 你几岁了? B. 他几岁了? C. 她几岁了?( )2. A. 那些是桃子。 B. 这些是菠萝。 C. 这些是桃子。( )3. A. 我想要些苹果。 B. 我想要些香蕉。 C. 我想要些橘子。( )4. A. 她的职业是什么?B. 她们的职业是什么?C. 她们是护士吗?( )5. A.她是一个教师吗?B.那个女孩是一位教师吗?C.那个女孩是一位教师。四、听录音,补全对话。(播两遍)10%A:Is that your ? B: Which one? A: The one in the . B: Yes, is.A: How old is ? B: thirty. A: Whats ? B: A .笔试部分(60分)一、判断下列各组单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。5%1. apple cat ( ) 2. sister white ( )3. what who ( ) 4. some student ( )5. black clock ( ) 二、找出不同类的单词。5%( )1. A . teacher B. nurse C. boy D. student( )2. A . he B. I C . she D . they( )3. A. where B. what C. this D. who( )4. A . clock B. jacket C . sock D. dress( )5. A. orange B. grape C. peach D. fruit三、翻译词组。10%1. 下来 2.一个新学生 3. 几岁 4. 大眼睛的女孩 5. 一些桃子 6.the boy in the tree 7. a bus driver 8. be late for school 9how many kilos 10their jobs 四、选择填空。15%( ) 1. There is _orange on _tree. A. an, a B. the, a C. an, the ( ) 2. I _a boy. My name _ Jack. A. is, is, B. am, is, C. is, am, ( ) 3. Tom, what are_? A. that B. this C. these ( ) 4.Whats _ job? Shes a nurse. A. his B. she C. her ( ) 5. Is that your father? _ A. Yes, he is. B. No, she isnt. C. Yes, I am. ( ) 6. Look _ that old woman. A. in B. at C. for ( ) 7. _ the woman? Shes a teacher. A. Whos B. Whats C. Wheres ( ) 8. _ climb trees again. A. Do B. Dont C. Arent ( ) 9. Can I help you?_ A. No, Im not. B. Id like some grapes. C. No, I am free. ( ) 10. Were late for the party._ A. Its six oclock. B. Were in the car. C. Yes. Lets hurry. 五、从栏中选出与栏相对应的答句。7% ( )1. How old are you ? A. Its eleven .( ) 2. What do you want to be ? B. No ,theyre peaches ( ) 3. Are they pineapples ? C. Theyre Helens.( ) 4. Whats eight plus three ? D. Thank you .( ) 5. Welcome to our school . E. A teacher.( ) 6. Dont climb trees again. F. Im five.( ) 7. Whose bananas are they ? G. Yes, sir.六、连词成句。 8%1. me, a, you, excuse, are, teacher, (?) _ 2. eyes, whos, big, boy, with, the, (? )_3. a, doctor, father, his, is, (. )_4. for , we , school , are , late (.) _ 七、阅读短文,判断对错。对的打“”,错的打“”。10%Mike is my friend. Hes thirteen. He is English. We are in the same(同一个) school. We are not in the same class. His father Mr Black is a driver. He is forty. His mother is not a driver. She is a nurse. She is fortythree. Mike has (有) a sister. Her name is Alice. She is twentytwo. She is a new teacher at our school.( )1. Mike is thirteen.( )2. Mike and I are in the same class.( )3. Mr Black is a worker.( )4. Mikes mother is a driver.( )5. Alice is English.三 根据中文写单词。1 That _(女人)is his mother.2 He wants to be a_.(警察)3Id like some_, please.(苹果)4 My brother is a _.(厨师)5Theyre_,I think.(香蕉) 6 His _ is very old. (奶奶)四 选择填空( )1.The boy _ a big nose is new here. A. with B. in C.on ( )2.Are you a teacher? No, _ _. A. I am B. Im not C. Im ()3. I can see the girl _ the tree. A. in B.with C. on ( )4. _ that girl? Shes Yang Ling. A. Whos B. Whose C Whats( )5.The girl is_ the red sweater. A. on B. in C. with ( )6. Its nine oclock. Its late _ the party A. to B. for C. in ( )7.He is your mothers father. Hes your . A father B:grandfather C: sister( )8. -Can I help you? -Some , please. A:pears B: pear C: a pear( )9. _is your sister Helen. A. He B. You C. She ( )10.-Its cold today, it? A: is B: isnt C: arent五 从B栏中选出A栏中句子的答案AA. Nice to meet you, too.B. They are applesC. Hes one.D. Yes. Lets hurry.E. My name is David.F. Shes a waitress.G. Hes Mike.H Good evening.( )1.Whats your name?( ) 2. Nice to meet you. ( )3. Were late for the party. ( )4.Whats her job ?( )5.What are these?( )6.How old is he?( )7. Good evening. ( )8. Whos that boy? 六 把下列单词连成句子1you, are , a , nurse (?) 2. are, how, you, old (?) 3. your, boy, brother, is, that (?) 4. job, whats, your (?) 5. trees, dont, again, climb (.) 七 阅读理解A:Lets go to Nancys birthday(生日) party,Mike .B:OK,Ben,Whos the boy with big ears?A:Hes my brother, David.B:Oh,look at the girl in the white skirt.Is she Su Yang?A:Yes,she is. .And the short boy is Wang Bing.He is twelve.B:Oh,I see.A:Now its six oclock.Lets go.B:OK,lets.根据短文内容,判断正()误()。( )1.David is the boy with big ears.( )2 Su Yang is in the white sweater.( )3.Wang Bing is short.( )4.Mike is twelve.3B期末词汇复习卷班级_ 姓名_一、单词中译英1、老虎 2、熊猫 3、斑马 4、苹果 5、梨 6、桃子 7、芒果 8、外套,上衣 9、短裙 10、(男式)衬衫 11、T恤衫 12、蛋糕,饼 13、鸡蛋 14、茶 15、牛奶 16、果汁 17、白色的 18、蓝色的 19、书 20、钢笔 21、铅笔 22、圆珠笔 23、文具盒 24、书包 25、故事书 26、抄写本 27、修正带 28、小刀 29、小汽车 30、自行车 31、公共汽车 32、动物园 33、男孩 34、女孩 35、父亲 36、母亲 37、阿姨,姑姑 38、叔叔,舅舅 39、儿子 40、水龙头 41、钥匙 42、收音机 43、床 44、桌子 45、钟 46、椅子 47、沙发 48、灯 49、门 50、盒子 51、电视机 52、胖的 53、长的 54、新的 55、一 56、八 57、十四 58、十六 59、十七 60、十九 61、卧室 62、书房 63、浴室 64、热狗 65、米饭 66、面包 67、馅饼 68、帽子(有边的) 69、鸭舌帽 70、背心 71、领带 72、鞋子 73、短袜 74、皮带 75、足球 76、棒球 77、钢琴 78、小提琴 79、吉它 80、游泳 81、钓鱼 82、跑步 83、慢跑 84、攀登 85、溜冰 86、滑雪 87、划船 二、单词英译中1.monkey 2.elephant 3.orange 4.banana_5.pineapple_ 6.watermelon_7.blouse_8.jacket_ 9.sweater_10.hamburger_11.ice-cream_ 12.coffee_13.yellow_14.pencil-sharpener_15.rubber_16.cinema_ 17.supermarket_ 18.the Great Wall_19.fridge_20.bookcase_21.window_22.crayon_23.stapler_ 24.camera_25.grandfather_26.brother_ 27.sister_28.daughter_29.friend_ 30.thirteen_31.dinning-room_32.kitchen_33.sitting-room_34.sandwich_35.soft-drink_36.trousers_37.volleyball_38.basketball_39.accordion_40.hungry 41.thirsty 三、词组中译英1、 一只黑色的猫_ 2、一条棕色的狗_3、一支白色的钢笔_ 4、一件红色的连衣裙_5、一张绿色的课桌_6、一扇蓝色的门_7、一位高个男子_ 8、一位矮个妇女_9、一个胖男孩_ 10、一个瘦女孩_11、一架小飞机_ 12、一个大公园_13、一把长的尺_ 14、一支短铅笔_15、一辆玩具火车 16、四只鸟 17、六只书柜 18、十八辆公共汽车 19、我的自行车_ 20、你的短裙_21、他的床_ 22、她的新外套_23、一杯茶_ 24、一杯牛奶_25、七点钟 26、二点零五分 27、九点十分 28、三点十五分 29、看电视 30、在卧室里 31、在浴室里 32、一些面包 33、一些鸡蛋 34、十五元 35、踢足球 36、打棒球 37、弹吉它 38、拉小提琴 39、红色的那一个 四、词组英译中1.get up_ 2.go to school_3.go home_ 4.go to bed_5.go to the cinema_6.go to the supermarket_7.have lunch_ 8.come in 9.a glass of orange juice_10.a cup of coffee_11.an English girl_12.an English book_13.a Chinese boy_ 14. a nice telephone 15.some cakes_ 16.from London_17.big eyes_ 18. long hair_19.family photo 20. family members 21.open the basket 22.close your bookcase _23. turn on the Walkman 24.turn off the computer 25. eight plus eleven 26.twenty minus twelve 27. on the chair 28.in my school bag 29.cant find Mum 30.in the kitchen 31.what colour 32.twenty yuan 33.how much 34.play volleyball 35.play the accordion 36.like basketball 37.go and play football 38.like swimming 39.like skiing 40.like skating 41.go fishing 42.go rowing 43.go climbing 44.a good idea 45.a bar of chocolate 46.a carton of milk 牛津小学英语4B期中试卷 班级 _ 姓名_ 成绩 _ 听力部分(30%)一 听录音,找出你所听到的单词。(两遍)10%1 ( ) A teacher B doctor C worker D farmer2 ( ) A this B that C these D those3 ( ) A thin B think C thank D thanks4 ( ) A fourteen B forty C fifty D fifteen5 ( ) A policeman B man C policewoman D please6 ( ) A sock B clock C black D worker 7 ( ) A he B his C she D her8 ( ) A kilo B key C kite D kitchen9 ( ) A peach B please C pear D pen10( ) A nurse B nose C know D no二 听录音,判断所听内容与图意是否相符,用J或L表示。(两遍)5%三 听录音,选择正确的应答。(两遍)5%1 ( ) A Hes my brother. B Shes my sister. C Theyre my friends.2 ( ) A Yes, Im a doctor. B Im a doctor. C Yes, youre a doctor.3( ) A Yes, he is. B Yes, she is. C Shes a policeman.4( ) A Its two. B Two kilos, please. C Two yuan, please.5 ( ) A The one with a big nose. B Shes Yang Ling. C Yes, she is.四、听录音,补全对话。(听三遍)10%A:Is that your ? B: Which one? A: The one in the . B: Yes, is.A: How old is ? B: thirty. A: Whats ? B: A .笔试部分(70%)五、判断划线部分读音是否相同,打“”或“”。12% 1. tree dress ( ) 2. black jacket ( ) 3. three there ( ) 4. worker woman ( ) 5. cook book ( ) 6. dog brother ( )六、根据中文写单词。(10%)1.买一些葡萄 2.这些学生 3.她的朋友 4.穿一件白色毛衣 5.他们的职业 6.come down 7.how many kilos 8. which one 9.lets hurry 10.the woman with long hair 七、选择填空。(10%)( )1.The boy _ a big nose is new here. A. with B. in C. on ( )2.Are you a teacher? No, _ _. A. I am B. Im not C. Im ( )3. I can see the girl _ the tree. A. in B. with C. on ( )4. _ that girl? Shes Yang Ling. A. Whos B. Whose C Whats( )5.The girl is_ the red sweater.A. on B. in C. with ( )6. Its nine oclock. Its late _ the party A. to B. for C. in ( ) 7.He is your mothers father. Hes your . A father B grandfather C sister( ) 8. -Can I help you? -Some , please. A pears B: pear C: a pear( ) 9. _ is your sister Helen. A. He B. You C. She ( ) 10.-Its cold today, it? A is B isnt C arent八、按要求改写句子 (5%)1. This is a green apple. (改一般疑问句)_ 2. These are some peaches. (对划线部分提问) 3. Helen is twelve. (对划线部分提问) _ 4. They are drivers. (改一般疑问句) _ 5. That is an English teacher. (改成复数) _BA. Nice to meet you, too.B. They are applesC. Hes one.D. Yes. Lets hurry.E. My name is David.F. Shes a waitress.G. Hes Mike.HGood evening.九、 从B栏中选出A栏中句子的答案。(8%)21A( ) 1.Whats your name? ( ) 2. Nice to meet you.( ) 3. Were late for the party.( ) 4.Whats her job?( )5. What are these?( ) 6.How old is he?( ) 7. Good evening.( ) 8.Whos that boy? 十、把下列单词连成句子。(5%)1you, are , a , nurse (?)_2. are, how, you, old (?)_3. your, boy, brother, is, that (?)_4. job, whats, your (?)_5. trees, dont, again, climb (.)_十一、看图完成对话。(10%)1. A: Is she a _ ? B: Yes , she is . A: _ _ is she ? B: _ thirty .2. A: Can I _ you ?B: Id _ some _ ,please . A: _ _ kilos ?B: _ kilos .十二、阅读理解.(10%)Ben: Lets go to Nancys birthday(生日) party, Mike .Mike: OK, Ben. Whos the boy with big ears?Ben: Hes Nancy brother, David.Mike: Oh, look at the girl in the white skirt. Is she Su Yang?Ben: Yes, she is. .And the short boy is Wang Bing. He is twelve.Mike: Oh, I see.Ben: Now, its six oclock. Lets go.Mike: OK.根据短文内容,判断正()误()。( )1.David is the boy with big ears.( )2 Su Yang is in the white sweater.( )3.Wang Bing is short.( )4.Mike is twelve.( )5. Its seven oclock.牛津小学英语3B期末试卷班级 姓名 得分 听力部分 60分一、听录音,将所听到的内容序号填写在题前的括号里。(10分)1. ( ) A. swimming B. jogging C. climbing D. rowing2. ( ) A. volleyball B. baseball C. basketball D. football3. ( ) A. bedroom B. bathroom C. sitting-room D. kitchen4. ( ) A. plane B. plus C. please D. pretty5. ( ) A. mother B. father C. grandmother D. grandfather6. ( ) A. tape B. stapler C. crayon D. copybook7. ( ) A. camera B. computer C. radio D. key8. ( ) A. 11 B. 17 C. 7


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