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TheAttributiveClause 定语从句 Ilikethecatwhich that Ilikethegirlwho that 1 Ilikethegirlwhoiswearingahatandsmiling 一 定语从句概念 2 Inmysparetime IcandoanythingIlike 修饰一个名词或代词的从句被称为定语从句 先行词 关系词 定语从句 关系代词 关系副词 which who whom whose that Where when why Ilikethegirlwhoiswearingahatandsmiling 二 几个重要的专有名词 1 Thestudents whodon tstudyhard willnotpasstheexam Thestudentswillnotpasstheexam 2 Thewoman whomyousawinthepark isourEnglishteacher 主句 ThewomanisourEnglishteacher 定语从句一般紧跟在先行词的后面 三 关于定语从句注意事项 主句 先行词 定语从句 1 位置 1 Ilovethesingerthatisbeautiful 2 Ilikeasandwichthatisreallydelicious 3 Iprefermoviesthatarescary 4 HeisoneofthemostpopularsingerswhocomefromTaiwan 定语从句中谓语动词的人称与数应与先行词保持一致 2 定语从句谓语动词的确定 1 如果先行词是人 关系代词可用who whom whose that 它们的用法区别 1 who that作定语从句的主语或宾语 whom只能作宾语 Themanwho thatisspeakingatthemeetingisaworker Thewomanwho thatmyfatheristalkingwithisMr Zhang 四 关系代词用法的区别 2 Whom作定从的宾语 介词提前 只能用whom ThewomanwithwhommyfatheristalkingisMrZhang whom 难用的关系词whose TheteacherpraisedthestudentwhoseEnglishisthebestinourclass whose thestudent s Thehousewhosewindowisbrokenismine whose thehouse s Whose的先行词可以是人或物 whose实际上是先行词的所有格 在定从中作定语 如果先行词指物 关系代词可用 或 that which 在定语从句中作主语和宾语 Ilikethedogwhich thatcanwatchdoors Thecarwhich thatmyfatherboughtlastmonthisverybeautiful 1 Aplaneisamachine canfly 2 Thecar myuncleboughtlastweekwasstolen 3 Thestudents don tstudyhardwillnotpasstheexam 4 Thewoman yousawintheparkisourEnglishteacher 5 Hetalkedhappilyaboutthemenandbook interestedhimgreatlyintheschool which that which that who that whom that that 练习1 填上适当的关系代词 1 先行词是one ones anyone someone those时 关系词使用who Theoneswhostudyhardwillprobablygetgoodgrades ThosewhowanttogototheGreatWallareourfriends Isthereanyonewhowantstogothere 2 在therebe句型中 先行词指人 关系词用whoThereisanoldmanwhowantstoseeyou Therearemanyyoungmenwhoareagainsthim 3 who that在指人时 可以通用 但下列宜用who 不用that Allthethingsthatwecandoistogiveyousomeadvice 1 先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时 用that Thisisthemostinterestingstory that Ihaveeverheard Thefirstmeeting that wewilltakepartinwillbeheldintheafternoon 2 先行词是all little few much some none everything something nothing anything等时 用that Hereissomething that Iwilltellyou 3 先行词被all some any few much little thevery theonly thesame修饰时 用that 用that而不用which的情况 4 先行词既有人也有物时 只能用that Icanrememberthepersonsandsomepictures that Isee Thisisthedogwhich thatshouldbetakengoodcareof 注意 介词提前时只能用which而不能用that 由动词和介词构成的词组 介词通常不提前 注意 介词提前时只能用which而不能用that 由动词和介词构成的词组 介词通常不提前 fromthat fromwhich Thisisthedogwhich thatshouldbetakengoodcareof 练习2 用关系代词填空1 Theterribletyphoonkilledthepeopleandcattle wereinthefields 2 Thewindblewdownthetallesttree isinfrontofourschoolgate 3 Thisistheverything Iwaslookingfor 4 Thisisthesecondnovel Ihaveeverread 8 Isthisthelibraryfromyouborrowbooks that that that that which 定语从句中的关系副词 when where why 关系副词和先行词的关系 IstillrememberthedaywhenIcamehere ThisisthehousewhereIlivedlastyear Therearemanyreasonswhypeopleliketraveling ontheday when inthehouse where forthereasons why 关系副词实际上是介词 先行词 关系副词 时间名词 地点名词 when at in on which 时间状语 地点状语 where at in on which 原因名词 why for which 原因状语 1 I llneverforgetthedays weworkedtogether 2 I llneverforgetthedays wespenttogether 1 IwenttotheplaceIworkedtenyearsago 2 Iwenttotheplace Ivisitedtenyearsago 1 Thisisthereason hewaslate 2 Thisisthereason hegave when which where which why that which 几种易混的情况 及物动词 及物动词 及物动词 不及物动词 归纳 关系副词when指时间 关系副词where指地点 关系副词why指原因 在定语从句中作状语 即使先行词是时间 地点 原因 若作从句中的宾语 只能用关系代词that which why 练习3 填上适当的关系词 2 Istillremembertheday IfirstcametoBeijing 3 Thefactory wewillvisitislarge 4 Thefactory hisfatherworksislarge 5 I llneverforgetthetime weworkonthefarm 6 Thisisthehouse welivedlastyear that which when onwhich that which where when atwhich where inwhich 六summary 确定定语从句关系词的一般步骤 1 找出主句 从句和先行词 先行词一般是空格前的单词或词组 2 将先行词代入定从 还原从句为完整句子 3 根据先行词在还原句中的成分确定关系词 I llneverforgetthedayIjoinedtheleague 1 Ijoinedtheleaguetheday 2 Ijoinedtheleagueontheday F T Thankyouverymuch 练习4 单项选择1 Thereisnothing Icando A thatB whichC whoD what2 Doyouknowtheman iswearingglasses A whoB whichC whatD where3 Theboy isplayingfootballismybrother A whichB whoC whatD where4 I llneverforgettheday Ifirstmether A whatB whoC whichD when5 Ican tfindthebook mymotherboughtA whoB whenC whichD what A A B D C 练习4 6 Thefilm Isawyesterdaywasveryinteresting A whoB whenC whatD that7 Isthereanything Icanhelpyou A thatB whichC whoD what8 All isneededisafewhandstohelpwiththework A whatB thatC whichD things9 Isthisthefactory youwishtovisit A thatB whereC whenD what D A B A 10 Heistheveryoneofthestudents goodatEnglish A whodoesB thatisC whomdoD whichare11 Thesecondbook IwanttoreadisHarryPotter A whichB thatC whatD as12 Thedays Ispentinthecountrysideinmychildhoodwasthehappiesttime Ihadeverhadinmylife A when whenB when thatC that whichD that that B B D Thehousethattheybuiltitin1987stayedupintheearthquake Iwillneverforgetthepoorboywhohavenoarms Wehavedoneeverythingwhichcanbedone 4 HeistheonlymanwhoIknowinthecity 练习5改错 it have改成has which改成that who改成that 5 Ihavebeentotheparkwhichtherearealotofflowers 6 TheparkwheretheoldpeopleusuallygotoiscalledZhongshanPark 7 Look ThetreewhereJackisclimbingisquitetall which改成that to去掉 where改成which where改成which that 练习6 用关系代词填空 Theboy isplayingping pongismyclassmate Thee mail Ireceivedyesterdaywasfrommysister Ihatepeople talkmuchbutdolittle Thecar myfatherboughtlastmonthisverybeautiful who that which that who that which that 5 Theman hairiswhiteishisgrandfather 6 Isthereastudent fatherisabusinessman 7 Thisisthehousein wehavelivedfor10years 8 Thisisthehouse wehavelivedfor10years 9 I veneverheardofthepeopleandthings youtalkedaboutjustnow whose whose which that where 10 Myfatherandhisteachertalkedalotaboutthepersonsandthings theycouldn tremember 11 Sayall youknow 12 Isthereanything Icandofory


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