



大学英语(上)复习资料大学英语(上)复习资料(一) 英译汉;1、(P1) “Thats what you must learn to do again when you are learning a foreign language”.【译:这是你学外语时必须再次学会做的事。(在教师用书P182)】2、(P17 ) “There are parents who can afford t send their children to Europe or Disneyland, and the children turn out rotten.” 【译:有的父母花得起钱送孩子去欧洲或迪斯尼,而孩子们却是朽木不可雕。(在教师用书P184)】3、 (P30)“.out of question.” 【译:没问题、不可能】4、(P43 ) If you would at least discuss things with me maybe it would be a little easier for us. 【译:如果你至少跟我讨论下事情,也许我们谈起来就会容易一点。(教师用书P186)】5、The phone could also be programmed to respond to calls in different ways ,depending on what its owener is doing. 【译:手机也可以通过编程对来电做出不同反应,这要根据主人当时在做什么来决定。(教师用书P187)】6、(P70 ):“But sometimes in life its not the case.” 【译:情况并非如此。】7、(P71): “She bent down to see what it was ,and she became very excited.” 【译:她弯下腰来看是什么,结果她变得十分兴奋。(教师用书P188)】8、 (P85 ): “Alice was beginning to get very tried of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do.” 【译:爱丽丝陪着姐姐坐在河边没有事可做,她开始觉得很不耐烦。(教师用书P189)】9、(P29) As soon as the number left my mouth ,the whole class at Smallwood Elementary School in Norfolk ,Va.,started laughing .I felt like the stupidest person in the world. 【译:这个数字刚刚说出口,弗吉尼亚州诺福克市斯莫伍德小学里整个班级都大笑起来,当时我觉得自己是世界上最蠢得人。(教师用书P184)】 (二)汉译英:1、 无论你遇到什么困难,大家都会帮你渡过难关的。【译:No matter what difficulties you may come across,we will pull you through.(教师用书P165)】2、 (P38)校长经过面试,选择了几个优秀的大学毕业生从事教学工作。【译:After the interviews,the principal chose several outstanding university graduates to work as teachers. (教师用书P164)】3、(P81 ): 她收拾好她的东西然后悄悄地离开了家。【译:She gathered up her belongings and left home quietly.(教师用书P168) 】4、(P94 ): 中国是一个以瓷器众多而著称的国家,我曾经去过好几次,非常喜欢这个地方。【译:China is remarkable for its large number of porcelain, I have been there once or twice , and I like it very much. (教师用书P169) 】(三)填空:1、 (P17) “I know were supposed to avoid making racial distinctions these days.”2、(P29 ) “As soon as the number left my mouth, the whole class at Smallwood .”3、(P27 ).My little sister looked so disappointed when I told her I had to send the dog away.4、(P31)I had written a sentence full of grammatical errors on the blackboard.5、(P40)Your letters make me feel great ,no matter what kind of mood Im in.6、(P44)Her letters from college have been wonderful !7、(P40)I. I think Im very responsible and can learn to put makeup on in ways that both you and I would like .8、(P55)Some people belive the mobile phone to be the most important invention in the twentieth century second only to the computer.9、(P86)She passed ,but to her great disappointment it was empty. (四)选择:1、(P30) “.qualified me to be a teacher,.”(sb to do sth)2、(P57): It may take Schmandts technology years to reach the marketplace, but fortunately our phone are equipped with something similar. Its called an “off ” button.(it take sb/st/sm. to do sth)(五)句子重组:1、(P71): “Now, this particular hot dog vendor made it a practice to do at least one good deed every day.” 【译:这个热狗小贩立下规矩,每天至少做一件好事。(教师用书P188) 】2、(P86 ):“The sides of the well were filled with cupboards and bookshelves.” 【译:井的四周都是橱柜和书架。(教师用书P190) 】3、(P98 ): There seemed to be no use in waiting by the little door, so she went back to the table , half hoping she might find another key on it, or a book of rules for shutting people up like telescope


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