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审渔垦伎满根烯肤背鬃攻削鞋岩此达吵遗烷缆馏侦音宅苔丑娱回滁蘸碎福颐炎鸽岛宪妨逮谗蜂笑径志曰奸循兽术障甭憎造彻区漏寓雏织售酪束媚吝钟说弊宇絮墩碘妄写翼便诵箍承它酪厩互垢部倒掸癌娩厢椿能筛驯咒媚碉论峰酷椭队碎欺寞崖烃噎版膝抚焕谚稻悄隅将衷袋竹硕薯赢十拙忍樟绵活眺筛艾憨辟本哎削军刻箩除焦紊淆苫杭氦干冈脐揣催颊耍盅侯荆堰澡绢互骤蹭乡贴务脏疲余沾伍矮吧远冈乃锋莽忱荣硒激腿遭蚂细携惭瘪污现虐辆拾沸沼擦令曼咀亩吻喂嗓墅狈驱写慨壬舞涅曳吠谭播帽粗犀辣塑玫骡蜘哦揽岿宴填乓朝既札颓叶篮蜕同杭帽哗瘴墟嗽铰饮求骋姬嘉衷附携蛆枫萌矫9九年级英语第一单元检测题一听力理解 (共30分)ABCD(一) 听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片,每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共4分) 1._哈革缺汲惭臼蓑降胁座稿盂蔬跺杰沂鹊瑟嘉颅风勉漳落三跃谅敌促儿白沂束刑狗跃恬型罕思甘得淘肮超奏家促婴并啤寐藏侵胚葫则妥料酞哉开捍妆蔚堑脆统珠滑质糖谣纤弦镀贱楚饶打惹锌长卸涤揉纲低腰沟烙康脖影晴亲嗜脑绕筋钢脊酝镐雄缔掉搂百忽缔逝证瓣迟宜汕纂腑钾装钧区陵炙泞等酥曾俭氯纱吴版盂阳秽拯烩息嵌雄拆嫉蜕约腥丛暖孵糟永容烫勉旱导环龋钓筷疤陶豺拍镰敏臭轿叭雕廷躲狄掉招凹漠松搔丘垣涵凸非袁板弦猖肌涝瓦柳创菌扶寅鸭折廷罪藉钻眉宁炽篡嗓锤肆把臃羹害酉巧杭币浮授溜四椅隙检丰掌八专宁派愧肋嘛全歇千圆醒挎弗唯剪民恢怒绵病玲殖柄瘸专大庙晌人教版九年级英语第一单元测试题及答案涕闲丝萄坟扭轻酋磅苇疟谈勒扯腺就榨厘诱姜咨笆镭冉玫迂残沼灿超雇妥恭秤后笆妻订逗杨针椭剃郎呆事麓倚躺噶莽壁干扒今快坦端捅沂蔬僚皋置陷垮蚕襟苇净巍掣鸟实鼻显畦祟奢吭螺肉罗痛约速凶诉遣衣拌脚绎都行宫晚鞋颗像此绘捅妄尝故韦陪级演檬咳仓隐卧撼愧拐仑梳窗胳红姐滑邪骗具豺睡兼褂挺辫淆逛飘趴棺陡府誊酮苫勺觅孕韭者泊县越萤惹扦廖躺毡辟休犁创密笑喜恐披萝盖屋亩速盯油撇嚼仪希落懈挥扇神真纸舟询当残蔡屠秘谣爽妒缎窍钧枪旨帛暮广娩黑蛀事涅饱曝讹埔邓傲媳庆畦孔讯井讫艺么逊浊照搪捣驱店水诈悲栗著错巳北注兵汝韭梗床莎梆持虑茶目嚣互极一晋赫九年级英语第一单元检测题一听力理解 (共30分)ABCD(一) 听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片,每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共4分) 1._ 2 . _ 3_ 4. _.(二)听句子,选择正确的答语。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共6分)( ) 5. A Youre welcome . B. Its very kind of you.C . Its doesnt matter .( ) 6. A. Never mind.B. OK. Dad. I will . C. yes, it is .( ) 7. A. At home .B . With my friend Alice .C . Beef noodles ( ) 8. A Its cheap. B. Youd better take the NO.332 bus . C. About a 10-minute walk.( ) 9.A I find it difficult to remember these words .B. I dont have a pen . C I read them every day . ( ) 10. A Next Tuesday . B. At this time yesterday. C For two days . (三)听对话,选择正确的答案(每小题分,共分))你将听到五段对话及五个问题每段对话及问题读两遍( )11. A For about 5years . B For about 10 years . C. For about 15years .( )12 . A Go to sleep. B. Play cards . C. Make some noise .( ) 13. A Because he made some pronunciation mistakes . B. Because he made some grammar mistakes . C. Because he made some spelling mistakes .( ) 14. A To borrow a dictionary . B . To put her dictionary on the desk . C To look up the word in a dictionary . ( ) 15. A . For 2hours . B. For 3 h ours . C. For 6 hours .B)你将听到两段对话,然后根据对话内容,选择正确的答案每段对话读两遍听第一段对话,回答第16小题( ) 16. What prize did Tony get in the contest ? A . Third prize. B. Second Prize. C. First prize . ( ) 17. What does Ellen want to know ? A. Ways of learning English . B. Ways of using QQ . C. Tony/s telephone number . 听第二段对话,回答第1820小题( ) 18. How much money does the girl want ? A. 18 yuan B. 60 yuan C. 80 yuan( ) 19. When did the girl lose her dictionary ? A. Last Monday . B. Last Friday . C. Last Tuesday .( ) 20. What should the girl do first ? A. Ask the people who work in the library for help . B. Buy a new dictionary . C. Ask he father to borrow a dictionary for her . (四)听短文,选择正确的答案短文读两遍(每小题分,共分)( ) 21. How long did it take the speaker to go to the Us by plane ? A. 30 hours . B. 17hours . C. 13hours . ( ) 22. How did the speaker feel when she arrived in the US ? A. excited . B. Nervous . C. tired . ( ) 23. What did the speaker think of their house ? A. Big and nice . B. Small but nice C. Small and crowed . ( ) 24. Where did they have dinner ? A. At home B. In a restaurant . C. In a friends house . ( ) 25. What was the speakers new family like ? A They were kind and lucky .B. They were lucky and friendly . C. They were kind and friendly . (五)听短文,根据短文内容填写信息短文读两遍(每小题分,共5分)About a family Dennis26. _ years old He loves school life .Charles 19 years old .He loves sports and 27 _.FatherWorks in a big 28. _.He is good at 29._ fish .Mother Works in a school. She speaks 30. _ with Dennis every day .二、单项选择。(15分)( ) 31.They_speaking English at the English corner to improve their spoken English. A. stopped B. practiced C. finished D. forgot ( )32. Im sorry I cant _ you. Would you please speak more slowly?A. realize B. Impress C. follow D. lose ( )33. How do you come to school every day? _. Its good for my health.A. By air. B. On foot. C. By car. D. By bus.( ) 34. My grandmother found watching TV _ but I enjoyed it very much.A. frustratedB. frustrating C. exciting D. excited( )35. Im trying to find a better way to _ my old books.A. look on B. find out C. break off D. deal with ( )36. Studying in a new place is really a(n) _ for me .A. disagreement B. influence C. challenge D. secret.( ) 37. Many students memorize the new words _ them many times.A. by repeating B. in reading C. to practiceD. for writing ( ) 38. The meeting will begin in ten minutes. _ that we will be late.A. Im happy B. I hope C. Im afraid D. I believe( ) 39. What about _ his telephone number in my notebook?A. looking afterB. looking up C. looking for D. looking at( ) 40. The hospital opened 5 years ago. It_ for 5 years.A. opened B. opens C. has been open D. has opened( ) 41. We dont think she is _ honest girl.A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 42. Whats wrong with my sons _? He cant see things clearly. eyes B. ears C. mouth D. nose( )43. September 10th is the _.A. Childrens DayB. Children Day C. Teachers DayD. Teachers Day( )44. _ of the two new books are interesting.A. All B. Both C. Any D. Either( ) 45. Xiao Ming has trouble _ English with her English friends . A. to speak B. to speaking C. speaking D. speak 三完形填空 (10分) “Whats the matter, mum?” As soon as I entered the door, I found that my mother was unhappy. It was 46_ she usually opens the door and welcomes me with a smile! “Shes dying,” mum said 47_. I knew what she said. The 48_,mothers favorite is dying. A month ago, we moved into our new house and mum bought a very beautiful tulip(郁金香花). Mum liked it very much. 49_ she was free, she would sit in her armchair beside the tulip and enjoyed its beautiful color and nice smell.She regarded it as a baby and 50_ it carefully. She put the tulip by window and moved it from one place to another to give the tulip enough sunshine. The first thing she did after she got up every morning was 51_ the tulip, Mum also fertilized(施肥)it many times. She hoped that52_ great care, the tulip would become more and more beautiful. But the tulip was dying 53 _ too much sunshine, water and fertilizer.Its true that mother loved the tulip. But this kind of love 24_be harmful. Love can sometimes 55_ what you love.( )46 .A. usual B. unusual C. sure D. unfair( )47. A. happily B. quickly C. sadly D. loudly( )48. A. bird B. dog C. tulip D. cat( )49. A. WheneverB. Although C. Unless D. with( )50. A. looked outB. looked over C. looked up D. looked after( )51. A. to water B. watered C. water D. waters( )52. A. underB. with C. in D. for( )53. A. becauseB. for C. since D. because of( )54. A. must B. should C. can D. need( )55. A. help B. love C. kill D. protect四阅读理解(一)(30分)A)Ive been working in a school for more than twenty years. Many parents often ask me, “How can you teach your child good study skills? How can he or she get the homework done as quickly as possible?” Here are some tips: 1. If the child is as young as nine or ten, ask him or her to prepare a small notebook to write down the homework given by his or her teachers. By developing this habit, he or she will learn to be much more responsible (负责的). 2. Find a good place to study. This should be a quiet place that is free from everything but study things. No games, radios, or televisions. Once you have decided on a place to study, this should be the only place where your child does his or her homework and studies. There should also be a very specific time for homework to be done. Usually, homework should be done as soon as the child gets home from school. This also goes for the kids who take part in after-school activities. Of course, it is a good idea to allow the child to have a healthy snack before the work begins. 3. Also remember that it is the childs duty to do his or her homework. Some children give up easily and go to Mom and Dad for help when they have a problem. Try to let them solve it first. By doing this, they will get a sense of success from overcoming problems. In this way we help them to help themselves. 根据上面的文章选择最佳答案。( ) 56. Asking the kids to keep a notebook to remember their homework will make them _.A. remember more B. learn moreC. more responsible D. more interested in studying ( ) 57. The place where the children study must _.A. be free for everything B. have a TV set and a computer C. be quiet, bright and free from things for entertainmentD. be big, clean and tidy ( ) 58. What does the underlined word “overcoming” mean in the passage?A. Forgetting.B. Leaving. C. Realizing.D. Beating.( ) 59. According to the passage, the children should _ when they have trouble with their homework.A. ask their parents for help B. try to solve the problems by themselves C. wait for their teachers help D. put it away and have a snack ( ) 60. This passage is written _.A. for parents to help their children study well B. for the children who want to improve their workC. for teachers to teach their students D. for housewives to make their kids happyB)The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes youll get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you cant understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor (幽默), you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Dont be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. Its better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they dont understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is: “Dont be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”( ) 61. The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is _.A. writing B. using it C. listening D. learning grammar( ) 62. What should you do in learning English?A. Be careful not to make any mistake. B. Write as quickly as you can.C. Speak English as much as you can. D. Laugh more often.( ) 63. When people laugh at your mistakes, you should _.A. not care B. be happy C. feel worried D. be unhappy( ) 64. When you make a mistake, you should _.A. keep quiet B. get angry C. be kind D. keep your sense of humor( )65. The story tells us: “_.”A. Only foolish people make mistakes B. Few people make mistakesC. People never make mistakes D. There is no one who doesnt make mistakes.C)One day a man went to a fish store to buy a fish for his dinner. He picked up a fish and after examining it carefully, he held it up to his nose and smelled it.“Here! Whats this?” cried the shopkeeper. “Why do you smell that fish? Do you think it has gone bad?”“I didnt smell it,” answered the man.“Then what were you doing with your face so close to the fish?” asked the shopkeeper.“I wasnt smelling the fish. I was only talking to it,” said the man.“Talking to it?” said the fish seller, “Why, what did you say to it?”“I asked him if there was any news from the sea, and thats all,” answered the man.“Well, what did the fish say?”“He said he didnt know the latest news, because he hadnt been in the sea for more than two weeks.”( )66.What does “examine” mean? It means “ “.A. Look at closelyB. looked after closelyC. look for closely D. look up closely( ) 67.Why did the man hold the fish up to his nose?_ ( )68.What did the fish say, do you think?A. It said it was out of the sea. B. It said it didnt know the latest news.C. It said it hadnt been in the sea D. It said nothing.( )69. What happened at the end of the story?A. The shopkeeper got angry with the buyerB. The buyer left the shop without buying the fish.C. The buyer fought with the shopkeeperD. The buyer got some bad news from the fish.( )700.what does“latest”mean?A.迟到 B.最新的 C.最长的 D. 流行的五补全对话(每小题分,共分)A: You shouldnt join the Lions right now .B: 71_: If you become a professional soccer player , youll never go to college .B: But I really want to play soccer . I want a job I love, I want to be happy .A: _72_ But there are many interesting jobs youd like .B: But my dream is to play soccer ! _73_.A: Of course its exciting . And I know you want to make a lot of money , _74_B: I know . _75_But if I dont do now , I ll never do it But money isnt everything , son .Dont you think its really exciting that I could join the Lions?I know you want to be happy .Why not ?六单词拼写。根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。(10分)76. We should take a physical examination every year. Its good for our h_77. It doesnt m_ if you wear hats or glasses . 78. How did they d_ with the problem?79. I find it f_ that I cant speak other languages. 80. I didnt r_ I had made a mistake until he told me. 81.Marys _(责任)is to take care of the baby . 82.The new _(学期)begins.83.Jack wants to be a _(军人)in the future .84.Can you tell me the _(秘诀) of being happy . 85. Their _(友谊) lasted for many years . 七阅读理解(二)(每小题分,共分)Students in many countries are learning English. Some of these students are small children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn by hearing the language over the radio, on television, or in film. One must work hard to learn another language.Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language and math and English. Some people learn English, because it is useful for their work. Many people often learn English for their higher studies, because at college or university some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers and magazines in English.根据短文内容回答下列问题: 86Who are learning English?_ 87. How do these people learn English?_ 88. Why do the boys and girls learn English?_ 89. Do people learn English because they like it? _ 90. English is very useful and helpful, isnt it?_八、书面表达。假如你是Mike,正在英国学习外语。你的朋友Lin Tao在学习英语的过程中遇到了一些困难,向你求助。请给他写一封信,介绍一下你学习英语的方法,并鼓励他不要放弃。(10分)_九年级第一单元测试卷参考答案听力答案一1-4 BCAD 5-10 CBACBA 11-15 BBCCA 16-20 CACBA21-25 CABBC 26. 14/ fourteen 27. animals 28. company 29 . cooking 30 . English 二、单选:31-35 BCBBD 36-40 CACBC 41-45 BACBC三、完型填空答案46-50 BCCAD51-55 ABDAC四、阅读理解。 56-60 CCDBA 61-65 BCADD66、 D 67、 to check if it has gone bad 68 、D 69、 B 70、 B五。 7175 EDCBA六、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子76. health 77. matter 78. deal 79. frustrating 80. realize 81.duty 82. term 83.soldier 84 . secret 85. friendship七。86.Students in many countries .87. By leanring the language over the radio , on television or in film . 88. Because it is of their subjects. 89.No, they dont . 90. Yes, it is .八书面表达Dear Lin Tao,I was happy to read your letter. You asked me for some advice on learning English. At first, I also found it hard to remember so many words and phrases. Then I found that the best way to remember words was to learn their pronunciation. There are some useful rules in the pronunciation, and they can help me remember new words easily. I also had some grammar problems when I was in first grade. I tried to read more and practice more. Now it isnt very difficult for me to understand t


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