(江苏版)2016-2017学年高中英语 Unit 4 Law and orde单元综合测评 牛津译林版选修10.doc_第1页
(江苏版)2016-2017学年高中英语 Unit 4 Law and orde单元综合测评 牛津译林版选修10.doc_第2页
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unit 4 law and orde .单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1(2016南京高三检测)_with so many difficulties,they made up their minds to finish the task on time.afacingbfacedchaving faceddface【解析】句意:尽管面临这么多的困难,他们决心要按时完成任务。face本来就是一个及物动词,其后可直接接宾语表示“面对”或“面临”,但当跟有介词with时,就要用be faced with结构。在此句中后一部分是主句,前一部分就应是非谓语动词短语,因而要用faced。【答案】b2he and the smiths are connected_marriage.that is to say,he is related_the smiths.awith;tobby;tocwith;withdby;with【解析】句意:他和史密斯一家已联姻。也就是说,他和史密斯家有亲戚关系。connect a and b by.靠使a和b有联系;be related to和有亲属关系。【答案】b3we should like to offer our_for the delay to your flight today.aregardsbapologiescassistancedwelcome【解析】句意:我们要为今天航班误点而向你们道歉。regard关心;apology谅解,道歉;assistance援助;welcome欢迎,为动词或形容词。【答案】b4(2016江苏通州联考)the study of natural history is not something to be left to biologists.in fact, their capacity _ the time they can spend away from their offices is very limited.ain favour ofbin search ofcin terms ofdin view of【解析】in favor of支持;in search of寻找;in terms of就而言,依据;in view of鉴于。句意:自然史的研究是没有什么可以留给生物学家的。事实上,依据他们可以花的离开自己的办公室的时间,他们的能力是很有限的。【答案】c5just as i got to the school gate,i realized i_my book in the cafe.ahave leftbhad leftcwould leavedwas leaving【解析】本题考查时态。句意:就在我到达学校门口的时候,我意识到我把书忘在咖啡馆里了。realized是发生在过去的动作,而leave动作又发生在realized动作之前,是过去的过去,因此用过去完成时。【答案】b6the key to_our world a comfortable and clean place to live in is to_ industrial pollution.akeeping;controlbkeeping;controllingckeep;controldkeep;controlling【解析】the key to.意为“的关键”,其中to是介词,后接名词、代词或动词ing形式。to control.为动词不定式短语作表语。【答案】a7it was_of michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.acarelessbconsideratecpatientdgenerous【解析】本题考查语境选词。句意:michael通知我们他的延误以防我们担心,他真是_。careless粗心的;considerate考虑周全的;patient耐心的;generous慷慨的,大方的。从本句中michael的做法通知我们他的延误以防我们担心可看出michael考虑周全。故答案为b项。【答案】b8its very difficult to_the effects of the new legislation just yet.afindbjudgecassessdassist【解析】句意:现在还难以评价新法令的效果。assess评价,评定,符合句意。find找到;judge判断;assist帮助。【答案】c9(2016江苏东海二中月考)the ceo of the company is a position _ many abilities are required to deal with all types of problems.awhichbthatcwhendwhere【解析】先行词为position,代入定语从句后为:many abilities are required to deal with all types of problems in the position. 由此可见先行词与介词in一起作状语,排除a和b。position在本句中表示“模糊化的地点”,故答案为d项。【答案】d10excuse me,what is the _ of this room?fifty dollars a night.apaybuseccostdcharge【解析】前句句意:打扰了,请问这房子的价钱是多少?pay的意思是“报酬,工资”,指劳动后得到的金钱回报;use的意思是“用途”;cost的意思是“费用”,指商品的成本;charge的意思是“费用”,指接受商品或服务后应支付的钱。【答案】d11we are lucky to be among the generation of people who have_and experienced the great social changes in our country.areportedbappreciatedcimpresseddwitnessed【解析】report“报道”;appreciate“欣赏,感激”;impress“留下印象”,均不符合题意;witness“目击,证明”。【答案】d12_ hard you try,it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.awhicheverbwhateverchoweverdwhoever【解析】考查让步状语从句引导词however的用法。however引导让步状语从句时,应采用how引导的感叹句句式结构,也就是however 形容词/副词主语动词。故选c。【答案】c13its a pity you were late, otherwise you _ the film star rain from south korea.awould have seenbmust have seencmay have seendcan have seen【解析】句意:很遗憾你迟到了,否则你就会见到从韩国来的电影明星rain了。语境是过去时,otherwise否则,但句中的“你”没有见到那位明星是客观事实,故此处是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故用“would have 过去分词”结构。【答案】a14why not take a ship for a change this time?sounds great.it deserves_aconsideredbto considercconsideringdbeing considered【解析】deserve既可指某物因具有某些特点而“值得”,其宾语通常是表示关注、研究、考虑的词,又可指某人因行为、品行、才干而“应受,应得”,其宾语通常是奖赏、批评、惩罚等词。若句子主语与句子宾语之间是被动关系,应使用deserve doing或deserve to be done的形式。it deserves considering.它值得考虑。此处deserve后接v.ing形式表示被动含义。若句子主语与句子宾语之间是主动关系,应用deserve to do。【答案】c15sorry, liz. i think i was a bit rude to you._, but dont do that again!ago aheadbforget itcit dependsdwith pleasure【解析】本题考查情景交际。句意:“对不起,莉兹。我想我对你有点儿粗鲁了。”“_,但是不要再那么做了!”go ahead(鼓励用语)干吧,做吧;forget it没关系,别在意;it depends那得看情况;with pleasure(客气地接受或同意)当然了,很愿意。根据空格后的but可知,前后语意为转折关系,由此判断,第二个说话者(莉兹)原谅了第一个说话者,故用forget it。【答案】b.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)(2016孝感七校联考)a man and his girlfriend were married. it was a large _16_. all of their friends and family came to see the lovely ceremony and to _17_ the festivities and celebrations. all had a wonderful time. the bride was gorgeous in her white wedding gown and the groom was very dashing in his black tuxedo._18_ could tell that the love they had for each other was _19_a few months later, the wife came to the husband with a(n) _20_, “i read in a magazine, a while ago, about how we can strengthen our _21_,” she offered. “each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit _22_ with the other person. then, we can talk about how we can fixthem together and make our lives happier together.” the husband _23_. so each of them went to a(n) _24_ room in the house and thought of the things that annoyed them about the other. they thought about this question for the rest of the day and _25_ what they came up with.the next morning, at the breakfast table, they decided that they would go over their lists. “ill start,” offered the wife. she took out her _26_. it had many items on it, enough to fill 3 pages. _27_, as she started reading the list of the little annoyances, she noticed that tears were starting to appear in her husbands eyes.“whats wrong?” she asked. “_28_,” the husband replied, “keep reading your list.” the wife continued to read until she had read all three pages to her husband. she neatly placed her list on the table and folded her hands over the top of it. “now, you read your list and then well talk about the things on _29_ of our lists,” she said happily. quietly the husband stated, “i dont have anything on my list. i think that you are _30_ the way that you are. i dont want you to _31_ anything for me. you are lovely and wonderful and i wouldnt want to try and change anything about you.” the wife, touched by his honesty and the _32_ of his love for her and his acceptance of her, turned her head and wept.in life, there are enough times when we are disappointed, _33_ and annoyed. we dont really have to go _34_ them. we have a wonderful world that is full of beauty, light and _35_. why waste time in this world looking for the bad, disappointing or annoying when we can look around us, and see the wondrous things before us?【语篇解读】生活是美好的,我们要去努力发掘那些阳光的、有希望的事情,而不要老是想着一些令人失望的、沮丧的事情。16a.anniversarybcelebrationccongratulationdgettogether【解析】结婚仪式或典礼用celebration表示庆祝,congratulation表示祝贺。【答案】b17a.take part inbjoincparticipatedattend to【解析】take part in表示参加具体的活动;join表示加入团体或组织;attend表出席时是及物动词;而participate是不及物动词,要与介词in搭配使用。【答案】a18a.someonebnobodyceveryonedno one【解析】根据上下文可知,大家都可以看出这对夫妻对彼此的真爱。【答案】c19a.realboldcnewdtrue【解析】true love表示“真爱”。【答案】d20a.agreementbannouncementcdeclarationdproposal【解析】妻子向丈夫提出了一个“建议”。【答案】d21a.weddingbmarriagecpartydhome【解析】上文已知他们已经结婚了,就应该是使婚姻关系更加牢固,而不是婚礼。【答案】b22a.annoyingbannoyedcpleasantdpleased【解析】根据后文第三段中“as she started reading the list of the little annoyances”,可知这里应该是“我们大家都列出彼此认为对方让自己讨厌的事情”。annoyed修饰人,这里是用annoying修饰things。【答案】a23a.disagreedbsmiledclaugheddagreed【解析】从后文可知丈夫是同意了。【答案】d24a.livingbowncindividualdseparate【解析】根据上下文两人应该是分别在单独的房间里写清单。【答案】d25a.put forwardbwrote downctalked aboutdthought out【解析】根据下文中的list,此处应该填“写下”write down。【答案】b26a.waybthoughtscthingsdlist【解析】妻子拿出了她的清单,复现上文出现过的词。【答案】d27a.in factbthereforecbesidesdthus【解析】根据下文中“she noticed that tears were starting to appear in her husbands eyes.”以及上下文的逻辑关系可知是“事实上”。【答案】a28a.nonebsomethingcanythingdnothing【解析】根据上下文问答,尤其是其后的“keep reading your list.”可知应该填“nothing”。【答案】d29a.allbbothcneitherdeither【解析】两人的清单。【答案】b30a.rightbcorrectcaccuratedperfect【解析】根据上文中“i dont have anything on my list.”可知丈夫认为妻子是完美的,无需改变。【答案】d31a.acceptbfitctakedchange【解析】同上。【答案】d32a.widthbdepthclengthdheight【解析】表示深爱的程度。【答案】b33a.depressedbenjoyablecencouragedddelighted【解析】通过and可知都是表示负面情感的词汇。【答案】a34a.looking upblooking aheadclooking fordlooking into【解析】根据上句话,可知我们没有必要去自找麻烦。【答案】c35a.changebmarriageclifedpromise【解析】通过and可知都是表示积极意义的词汇。【答案】d.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)a(2016盐城中学月考)listening to music while you drive can improve your speed and ability to get away from accidents, according to australian psychologists. but turning your car radio up to full volume could probably make you end up in an accident. the performance of difficult tasks can be affected if people are subjected to loud noise. the experience of pulling up at traffic lights alongside cars with loud music made some psychologists in the university of sydney look into whether loud music has something to do with driving.the psychologists invited 60 men and women aged between 20 and 28 as subjects and tested them on almost the same driving tasks under three noise conditions: silence, rock music played at a gentle 55 decibels(分贝), and the same music at 85 decibels.for 10 minutes the subjects sat in front of a screen operating a simple machine like a car. they had to track a moving disk on screen, respond to traffic signals changing color, and brake in response to arrows that appeared without warning.on the tracking task, there was no difference in performance under the three noise conditions. but under both the loud and quiet music conditions, the performers “braked” at a red light about 50 milliseconds sooner than they did when there was no rock music at all. that could mean a reduction in braking distance of a couple of meters actually, the difference between life and death for a pedestrian.when it came to the arrows that appeared across the visual field, the psychologists found that when the music was quiet,people responded faster to objects in their central field of sight by about 50 milliseconds. for the people listening at 85 decibels, response time dropped by a further 50 millisecondsa whole tenth of second faster than those “driving” with no music.“but theres a tradeoff,” the psychologists told the european congress of psychology. “they lose the ability to look around the whole situation effectively.” in responding to objects that suddenly appeared, people subjected to 85decibel rock music were around 100 milliseconds slower than both the other groups. since some accidentssuch as children running into the roadtake place without any notice, drivers listening to loud music must be less safe as a result.【语篇解读】文章讲述了澳大利亚心理学家通过对60个男女司机在不放音乐、放55分贝音乐和85分贝音乐的情况下,看看音乐分贝的大小对司机会产生怎样的影响。36which of the following is the best way to make driving safer?aloud music.bquiet music.csilence.dheavy metal music.【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段前两句listening to music while you drive can improve your speed and ability to get away from accidents, according to australian psychologists. but turning your car radio up to full volume could probably make you end up in an accident. 澳大利亚心理学家说你开车时听音乐可以提高你的速度和远离交通事故的能力。但是车里的收音机声音被调到最大时可能会使你发生交通事故。【答案】b37where did the researchers do the experiment?aat crossroads.bat a police traffic station.cin a crowded street.dunder the same conditions as those of the streets.【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第一句tested them on almost the same driving tasks under three noise conditions可知。【答案】d38which of the following didnt help the performers to “brake” sooner at red lights?asilence.bloud music.cquiet music.drock music.【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段第二句but under both the loud and quiet music conditions, the performers “braked” at a red light about 50 milliseconds sooner than they did when there was no rock music at all. 但在大声的和安静的音乐条件下,表演者看到红灯时刹车时间要比在没有摇滚音乐的情况下约快50毫秒。由此可知the loud and quiet music,rock music这三种音乐可以帮助他们在红灯时早点踩刹车。【答案】a39which of the following is not true of loud music?ait helped the performers to brake sooner at red lights.bit helped the performers to be more careful.cit helped the performers to respond faster to objects suddenly stepping in the way.dit can do more good than harm to drivers.【解析】推理判断题。根据文章最后一句since some accidentssuch as children running into the roadtake place without any notice, drivers listening to loud music must be less safe as a result.有一些交通事故,比如孩子突然跑到马路上没有注意到就发生了。关键词less safe,说明这种情况下司机的反应慢。【答案】cbriding a london subway, a person from china will notice one major difference: in london, people do not look at each other. in fact, eye contact is avoided at all times. thats not rudenesspeople are just too busy to bother looking.busy doing what, you ask? well, theyre certainly not using the time for a moment of quiet reflection, nor are they reading a book. new technology has replaced quiet habits. today the only acceptable form of book on the london underground is an ebook.apple must earn a fortune from london commuters(乘车上下班的人). since the launch of the iphone in 2007, over 40,000yes, thats 40,000“apps” (programs downloaded for the iphone) have been designed.commuters love them because they are the perfect timekillers. one “app”, called ishoot, is a game that features tanks. another one, tube exits, tells passengers where to sit on the train to be closest to the exit of their destination. isteam clouds the iphone screen when you breathe into the microphone. you can then write in the “steam” on your phone screen.for those without an iphone, another apple product, the ipod, may be another choice. its not just teenagers who “plug in” to their musicipods are a popular way to pass the time for all ages.and if games, ebooks and music arent enough to keep you engaged,_then perhaps you would prefer a film. the development of palm dvd technology means many commuters watch their favorite tv show or film on the way to work. with all these entertainments, its amazing that people still remember to get off the train.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述的是在伦敦坐地铁的人总是忙于使用自己的手机、ipad等来看书、听音乐、玩游戏等。以此来告诉我们新的技术正在改变人们在车上度过时间的方法。 40people in london do not make eye contact on the subway because they are busy _aplaying games, reading ebooks, listening tomusic or watching filmsbgoing to workcreading booksdthinking about private things【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段的today the only acceptable form of book on the london underground is an ebook.和第五段的for those without an iphone, another apple product, the ipod, may be another choice. its not just teenagers who “plug in” to their music和最后一段的the development of palm dvd technology means many commuters watch their favorite tv show or film及第四段内容可知a项中的四件事是伦敦地铁上的人经常做的事情。故a正确。【答案】a41those who like war games can download _ to their iphones.atube exitsbishootcisteamdipod【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段的one “app”, called ishoot, is a game that features tanks.可知ishoot是一款战斗游戏。故喜欢游戏战斗的人应该喜欢这个app。故b正确。【答案】b42the underlined word “engaged” in the last paragraph probably means “_”adelightedbbusyccontrolleddamused【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段的and if games, ebooks and music arent enough to keep you engaged,then.a film.可知如果游戏、音乐以及电子书都不能让你忙碌,那么看电影也许会适合你。因为这些娱乐的方式能够让我们忙碌得很充实。故b正确。【答案】b43the article tells us that _alondon commuters are unfriendly to strangersbapple has earned a lot of money from selling 40,000 iphonescwith all the new timekillers, london commuters often forget to get off the train dtechnology is changing the way london commuters spend their traveling time.【解析】主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的是在伦敦坐地铁的人总是忙于使用自己的手机、ipad等。以此来告诉我们新的技术正在改变人们在车上度过时间的方法。故d正确。【答案】dc【导学号:29560049】theyre wild animalsby ernstulrich franzenmarch 11, 2010 (3) commentsthe story about the woman who lost some fingers while feeding a bear at a zoo in manitowoc, after she ignored warnings and barriers(栅栏), reminded me of the story i heard about a couple who put their baby on the back of a wild horse in south dakota to get a really cute picture. we all do silly things at times no one is immune but treating wild animals as lovely pets has to fall into a special category. teddy bears and disney movies arent actually representative of real bears.comments (3) view comments 3 commentspost_a_comment1tosaleft mar 11, 2010 10:46amdont you think that maybe, just maybe some alcohol was involved? 2tk421 mar 11, 2010 11:09 amit was already approved that alcohol was involved. stories that begin with a drunk person saying “hey, i got an idea, watch this!” rarely end well. 3tristan kloss mar 11, 2010 11:41 amalcohol certainly isnt involved when people decide to keep “pets” like chimpanzees, baby tigers, etc. stupidity, definitely. dogs are pets because of thousands of years of domestication. even farm animals, which have been kept by humans for thousands of years as well, arent let in the house. so why keep animals that treat human contact with, at best, indifference(冷淡、不在乎) and, at worst, violence? 【语篇解读】本文主要讲述的是一些人因为看了动画片,而和真实的动物接触,因此受到了伤害甚至丢失了自己的生命,据此展开了讨论44in ernstulrich franzens opinion, the woman lost her fingers because _athe zoo keepers didnt warn her of the dangerbshe didnt know the bear was a wild animalcshe was somehow influenced by cartoon charactersdshe climbed over the barriers and angered thebear【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话teddy bears and disney movies arent actually representative of real bears.可知这位女士受了动画片的影响,把现实中的动物当作动画片中的角色,才导致了悲剧的发生。【答案】c45tosaleft thinks the wounded woman _amay have been drunkbmay be a little stupidcwas addicted to winedfed wine to the bear【解析】细节理解题。根据他说的话dont you think that maybe, just maybe some alcohol was involved?可知关键词是alcohol。【答案】a46tk421 means a drunk person _ashould be forbidden to ent


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