江苏省永丰县初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colour Comic Strip Reading练习 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
江苏省永丰县初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colour Comic Strip Reading练习 (新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
江苏省永丰县初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colour Comic Strip Reading练习 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页




unit two 练习一(comic strip-reading )一、词汇:a)根据句意及英文释义或中文提示填写单词:1. his death brought his family great _(unhappiness).2.i think we all love _(和平) and hate wars.3.colours can _(影响) us in many different ways.4. when i saw the old picture, it _(help remember )me of my childhood.5. when you look out at the beautiful sea, youll feel _(calm and not worried).6. do you think weather can affect our _(the way we feel)?b) 用所给单词的适当形式填空:wise decide sleep relax difficult 1. he always has great trouble in making _.2. she learned driving without any _.3. all of us think david is a boy of _.4. -why are you so sleepy today? -there was a lot of noise outside, so i couldnt fall _ very late night last night .5. when you are stressed , you can listen to music. it can make you _.worry well hot strong interest 6. is there anything _ in todays newspaper?7. she has no _ to walk upstairs.8. which colour do you like _ of all?9. these flowers cant grow well without light and _. 10. he lost his computer and hasnt found it yet. he looks _ all day.c) 用所给动词的适当时态填空: not be paint share see prefer1. they _ just_ a rainbow in the sky. how beautiful it is! 2. if simon _ free tomorrow, he will not have a picnic with us.3. my mother _ to read newspapers in the evening when she was young.4. -its raining heavily outside. how can i go home? -dont worry. i _ my umbrella with you.5. tom with his friends _ the wall when we left the library.二、单项选择:( )1. i often _ a sweater in the house, but i always _ my coat before going out. a. put on, wear b. wear, wear c. wear, put on d. dress, put on ( )2. jeans dont look good _you, but you look good _ suits. a. on, on b. in, in c. on, in d. in, on( )3. -why isnt andy here today? -because there is _ with his eyes. a. nothing wrong b. something wrong c. anything wrong d. wrong something ( )4. here are many toys. _ would you like, dear? a. what b. which c. whose . d. where( )5. how many colours can you see _ a rainbow_ the sky? a. on, on b. in, in c. on, in d. in, on( )6. im thirsty. what about _ to drink? a. everything b. anything c. nothing d. something( )7. -im thinking of the english competition next week. im afraid i cant do very well. -_. im sure youll make it. a. all right b. good luck c. well done d. cheer up( )8. again and again the doctor _ the crying girl, but he couldnt find out what was wrong with her . a. looked over b. looked after c. looked for d. looked out( )9. -how do you like the song two butterflies? -great! i _ such a beautiful song before. a. dont hear b. never hear c. have never heard d. has never heard( )10. -its too hot . would you mind _ the door? -_. please do it now. a. to open, ok b. opening, certainly not c. opening, of course d. to open, good idea三、句型转换:(将下列句子改为同义句)1. he prefers jogging to running in his spare time. he _jogging _ _ running in his spare time.2. they liked watching a film than playing football when they were at this school. they _ watching a film _ playing football when they were at this school.3. you look good in blue. blue _ good _ you.4. his words made me think of the days in the country. his words _ me _ the days in the country.5. he is in a bad mood, but we dont know how to make him happier. he is in a bad mood, but we dont know how to _ him _.四、短文填空(本题共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)why do people wear clothes? the answer will probably be “to (1) m_ me warm and to cover my body”. thats why people wear clothes, but people (2) a_ want to look beautiful and appear successful to others.if people only wore clothes for warmth and to cover their bodies, most clothes would be simple and (3) c_. in many countries, however, clothes are sometimes very expensive. the main (4) r_ for this is not the cost of the materials or the cost of making clothes. the clothes are expensive because of fashion.successful businessmen, for example, often wear very expensive suits, shirts and ties. so they pay thousands of dollars (5) f_ a suit and hundreds of dollars for a tie. its still just a suit and a tie but they pay these prices(6) b_ of the fashionable designer. fashion is constantly (持续不断的) (7) c_. it means that people who want to be fashionable have to buy new clothes every few months, (8) e_ if last months clothes have only been worn once or twice. some people have boxes (9) f_ of clothes, but some of these clothes have never been worn. these clothes are no (10) l_ in fashion though they are still new.1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_练习一一:a. sadness peace influenceaffect reminded relaxedb.1-5 feeling(s)mood(s) decisions difficulty wisdom asleep relaxe


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