已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




第一讲:外币兑换(Foreign Currency Exchange)词汇:英文中文翻译account 账户passport护照money钞票exchange for 交换Check 支票mind doing sth介意做某事fill out 填写bill 钞票,清单,票据identification身份证明常见用法:1. Can I cash a check here?*Do you have an account at this bank?*Do you have some identification?*How much is the check you want to cash?*If you have money in this bank,you can write checks.2. How do you want your money?*Do you want large bills or small bills?*Give me five 20s and the rest in smallest bills.*I have $100 in my account at the bank.*I want to change my money for American money.3. When you go to a new country, you must change your money.*I dont usually take much money,I use checks.*I cashed my check at the store.*We can buy travelers checks at the bank.4. Do you have your passport with you?*You need a passport to travel to another country.*A passport is very good ID.5. Whats the basic unit of money in the U.S?*What s the basic unit of money in your country?*Whats the name of the coin?*There are six kinds of coins in U.S money.*One-dollar bill are common.*One-hundred-dollar bills are not common.*The most common U.S coin is the penny.模拟情景对话:A:Do you have some identification?B:Yes,I have my passport.I also have this identification card.A:How do you want your money?B:Im sorry. I dont understand.A:Do you want large bills or small bills?B:Give me five 20s and the rest in smallest bills.B:Can I buy buy travelers checks here?A:Yes,you can.At the next window.B:Can I change that for American money here?A:Yes,you can.Theyll change it for you at the window where you get the traveler checks.A:Do you have a bank account here?B:I have $100 in my account at the bank.A:How large bill do you have?B:I have a $20 bill.(I only have 35cents change.)B:Will you cash my check?A:You can check cash it at the bank.A:Are travelers checks safe to carry with you?B:Yes,only the owner can cash a travelers checks.A:Where can I cash a check?B:You can cash check at the bank.A:Where can I change my money for U.S money?B:You can change your money at the bank. 第二讲:护照丢失词汇:单词中文翻译passport护照fill填写pickup取回embassy大使馆expiration终结;期满faint头晕的;虚弱的consulate领事馆常见用法:a. When you lost your passport?你什么时候把你的护照丢了。* I lost my passport.*Id like to have it reissued.(我想重新申请一个)*I need to fill out the form.*When it will be ready?*Can I pick it up next month?b. Shoot,I cant find my purse.(糟糕,我把包给丢了。)*What happened?*I forgot at the restaurant I went to for lunch.*Is there anything important in the purse?*My passport! Thats the most important thing.*Have you reported it to the police?c. I need apply for a new passport.我需要补办护照。*I have to go to the embassy and apply for a new one.Its a lot of trouble.*You also need to apply for a new visa.*I feel faint.情景对话:A:Oh,sir,I lost my passport.B:Do you remember when and where you last saw it?A:I remember I saw when I was dining in the Xidan Restaurant.When I paid the bill,I saw it in my handbag.B:Could you please tell me your passport number?A:xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxB:And whats the expiration date on your passport?A:Five months later.B:I see.Please fill out the form.And you need contact your embassy or consulate to report it as soon as possible.A:Thank you! 第三讲 迷路词汇单词中文翻译highway高速公路direction方向常见用法:a. Well,Im glad youre finally back.(很高兴你终于回来了)相关回答*I feel kind of stupid.(我觉得我好笨。)*We got lost coming back.(我们回来时迷路了。)*I guess I dont really know this town yet.(我对这个城镇还不太熟悉。)b. You got lost.Youre kidding.(你迷路了,开玩笑吧!)相关回答*We took wrong turn somewhere.(我们在某个地方转错了弯。)*Joseph doesnt know this town at all.So I started giving him directions.(约瑟夫对这个城镇一点都不熟悉,所以我开始指路。)*I didnt know where we were.So we got seriously lost.(我实在不知道我们在哪,所以当真就迷路了)c. Youve been gone for two hours.How could you get lost for so long?(你们出去两个小时了,怎么会迷路这么久?)相关回答:*Guess where we ended up.(你猜我们到哪里了)*Thats a completely different town! How could you drive to a completely town?(那是一个完全不同的城镇!你们怎么会开到完全不同的城镇?)*The person we asked had given us directions to the highway to get back here.(我们问的那个人要我们走高速公路回到这里来。)情景对话A:Are you hungry?B:No,Why?A:Weve been driving for a long time.I think wed better find some place to eat soon.B:No,Im OK.Were late so wed better not stop.A:Weve passed that same store three times already.I think were lost.We should ask someone for directions.B:Were not lost.A:Ive never gone this way before.Do you know where you are going?B:Yes,this road goes through town.Its faster than the highway.A:OK.Would you mind driving a little slower please?B:Sure,no problem.A:Did you see that sign back there? I think this is a one way street.B:No,I didnt see it.Im going to turn around.A:You cant turn around here.I think you should let me drive.B:I think youre right.Im getting tired!第四讲 车故障词汇单词中文翻译tow-truck拖车suburb市郊,郊区downtown在市区battery电池emergency紧急情况,突发事件常见用法a. Whats the matter?(怎么了?)相关回答*My car isnt working.(我的车启动不了)*Im waiting for a tow-truck.(我在等一辆拖车)b. Do you live near here?(你住在附近吗?)相关回答*We live in the suburbs.(我住在郊区)*I live downtown,with my parents.(我和父母一起住在市区)c. Do you have a car?相关回答*I dont need a car. I walk to work.(我不需要汽车,我不行去上班)情景对话:A:Hi,there.May I help you?B:Oh,Im sorry to bother you,but my car wont start.Can you help me?A:Ah,well,lets take a look,Shall we? Let me give it a try.(A few minutes later) I found the problem; It seems to be the battery. This sounds fine now. You let the car drive around a little bit and itll charge the battery up.B:OK.Thank you so much for your help. Here,let me give you this for your trouble.A:No,no.What are neighbors for if not to help out in an emergency?第五讲 医护站词汇单词中文翻译indigestion消化不良tablet药片paracetamol扑热息痛(一种解热正镇痛药)bottled瓶装的sips一小口couple一打plenty许多,大量worn out精疲力尽的terribly非常all right病好了常见用法a. Ive never been to a doctor here. (我在这里从没有看过医生)类似的说法*I havent been sick much.(我不常生病的)*I dont get sick easily.(我不易生病的)*I dont like to feel sick.(我不喜欢生病)b. I had to wait a long time in the waiting room.(我必须在候诊室等很久)医生看病的说话*The doctor was very busy with a lot of patients.(医生非常忙碌的为许多人看病)*He said I had the flu.(他说我得了流行性感冒)*He give me a shot and said to go to bed for a few days.(他给我打了针并吩咐我躺着休息几天)*He gave me a prescription.(他开给我一张药方)*He is examining the patients now.(他现在正在检查病人。)c. I took some medicine and went to bed at once.(我服了药就上床休息)关于生病的说法*The next morning,I already felt better.(第二天早上,我已经好多了)*I just want to sleep.(我只想睡觉)*Her headache is worse.(她头痛的厉害)*He has a bad cold and a sore throat.(他患了重感冒,而且喉咙发炎)*I havent felt very well today.(我今天感到不舒服)*I still have a bad cold and a headache.(我一直患有重感冒和头痛)*shes feeling better now.(她现在感觉好多了)情景对话A:Are you drinking plenty of water?B: Ive had a few sips of water when I felt terribly thirsty.(我特别渴时喝了几口)A: Have you taken anything? Did you bring anything with you from home? (你服用过什么药吗?从家里带了什么药过来?)B: Ive only got these indigestion tablets.(我只有这些消化不良的药)A:Can I see the packet?(我可以看一下包装吗?)B:Here they are,look.A:Have you taken anything for the headache?B:Ive taken a couple of paracetamols for the headache.Thats all.A:Do you feel tired?B:Worn out.I can hardly keep my eyes open.A:Well, I think youve probably just eaten something a bit rich for you. You know-you are not used to it. Im sure youll be all right in a couple of days with what Im going to give you.第六讲 警察局词汇allegation lge()n断言;申诉;辩解;主张proof证据;物证Identity adentt确认;识别;鉴定;验明jurisdiction ,drsdk()n管辖范围;权限signature sgnt签名;签署;画押convincing 令人信服的;assault slt攻击;袭击claim要求;声称;指控;suspect 嫌疑犯;怀疑file提出;锉;琢磨;把归档precinct 选区;管理区;管辖区appreciate priet欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别常见用法:a. My client has made some very convincing allegation of police brutality.我的当事人对警察的暴力行为提出了一些令人信服的指控。He claims that your officers assaulted him.(他声称你的警官殴打了他)b. Do you have any proof of these claims?针对这些指控你有什么证据吗?Can you identity the suspect? (你能认出嫌疑犯吗?)Are you sure the suspect fired more than once?(你确信嫌疑犯放火不止一次?)c. I need to file a missing persons report.我需要报案有人失踪了。Arrests have declined this month.(这个月逮捕的人数减少了。)He resisted arrest violently.(他疯狂的拒捕。)I want to call my lawyer.d. That area is out of our jurisdiction.(那个区域不在我们的管辖范围内)This is the busiest precinct in the city.(这是这个城市最繁忙的管辖区)情景对话:A:Hello, sir, Can I help you?B:Yes, I want to meet the police chief.A:He is not in the office. Do you have an appointment?B:No,I want to thank you for getting my car back. I really appreciate it.A:No need for thanks, its our duty.第七讲 邮电局词汇stuff物品;东西package包裹;包stamp邮票supervisor监督人;监管人;指导者registered mail挂号信overweight超重pay extra for something额外付费surcharge超重费;追加的罚款recipient接收人;收件人receipt回执单;收据常见用法:a. Ive got to mail this stuff for my boss. (我必须帮我老板把这些东西邮寄了) *Its just a letter to my mother.(只是一封给我妈妈的信。)*I need to have this package air mailed.(我必须航空邮寄这包裹。)*Its not very exciting to wait in line at the post office.(在邮局排着队等候可不是什么好玩的事情)b. How much does express mail cost? (特快专递要花多少钱?)*Can I get insurance on this package?(这包裹能保险吗?)*Can I get a postcard here?(这儿有明信片吗?)*Can I apply for a passport here?(我能在这里申请护照吗?)*How much for a book of stamp?*Is there a supervisor that I can speak with?(我能找一位主管谈谈吗?)c. I need to change my mailing address.(我需要更改我的邮政地址。) *Ive been expecting a package that should have been here two weeks ago?我在等一个包裹,这个包裹两个星期前就应该到了。*This package weigh 11 ounces. 这件包裹重11盎司。Thats the box of out of town mail. 那是外地信件邮箱。情景对话:A:Excuse me! I want to send them by registered mail.B:Well, sir. Youd have to pack them up firstly.And then Ill weigh the packing.A: All right, thanks.Here you are.B: Sorry,sir. Im afraid that wont do. You have to repack it.A: Oh,thank you.B: Well,Its a bit overweight, sir. You must pay extra for it.A: How much?B: We demand a surcharge of 80 cents for it.(我要80美分的附加费)A: Okay,Ill pay for that. By the way,what if the recipient doesnt receive it?B: You could check it here with this receipt within 6 months.第八讲 在书店词汇specific spsfk独有的;特有的Classic klsk杰作;名著;文豪Review rvju批评;评论atlas tls地图集;图解集Psychology sakld心理学Edition d()n版本;(某版)发行数常见用法a. Is there a specific book youre looking for? (你在找某本书吗?)* How do I find my book? 我怎么去找我要的书?* One sec.Let me take a look.(稍等,我查一下。)b. Im just looking for your travel section. (我在找你们书店旅游方面的书。)找书时候,类似的说法:* I wanted to see what books you had about that? (关于哪方面你有什么书我想看看。)*Hi,do you here have Blue Ocean Strategy ? (你好,请问你们这里有蓝海战略吗?)* Do you have any road atlases? (你们这里有没有道路交通图册?)* Do you have the first edition of this book? (你们有没有这本书的第一版?)* I want to order two hundred copies. (我想订200本。)* Can you gift-wrap this book? (你能把这本书包装一下吗?)c. Excuse me,you are out of a book that I need.(对不起,有一本我要的书你们卖完了。)相关说法:* When will you have this book in store? (多久能到货?)* Please reserve me a copy and call me when it arrives.(请给我预定一本,书来时打电话通知我。)d. About a week.相关说法:* We will call you when it arrives.(它一到我们就给你打电话。)* Well call you when your book comes in. (你的书到了,我们就给你打电话。)*May I have your name,phone number and address?* We will deliver it to you tomorrow afternoon. (我们明天下午给你送货。)情景对话:A:I want to buy some books in Books Plaza.(我想去图书大厦买几本书。)B: Thats too much trouble. You can buy them on the internet and theyll be cheaper.A: Is it reliable to buy things online?B:Theyll deliver the books to your home for free and if there is any problem you can return them.A: Really? Come and teach me how to buy books online.B: Lets use my account. Open this homepage of this website,search for the title of the book and then you can see the search results.A: Id like to buy this two books.B: OK,just click the “buy” buttons below them.Now Ill place the order.A: Alright. Ill register an account for myself and next time buy using my own account.第九讲 在理发店词汇trim trm修减;修整;整理shampoo mpu洗发;洗头shave ev刮脸perm pm烫发comb km用梳子梳理dye da染;把染上颜色mustache mst胡子常见用法a. I think I just need a trim. (我想我需要修剪一下头发)其他说法:*Just trim a little off the back,cut my sideburns even,part my hair on the left,and trim a little of my mustache too.(只修后面一点,剪齐两鬓。向左边分发,稍稍修修胡须。)*Id like a shampoo and set,please. (把头发洗洗,再吹一吹。)*I want to have my hair cut short.(我想把头


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